Casey Interview Recordings Released Discussion

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I'm shocked to hear her crying. Seems like all I've heard is she never shows emotion. I dont' know if it's real or not but she was definitely crying. I was also surprised to hear her say Cindy had been right about getting on her to be more responsible.
When I listen to Casey on the tapes, she is an exact replica of her mother Cindy! Same non reaction, same twists, same no emotions.

After hearing recently about the 30 day script, and Jay Blanchard Park etc., and now knowing the Anthony's refused to take the polygraph test, I feel that 30 day script is a script the Anthony's wrote themselves.

Patty G. I was about to say the SAME exact thing. She is a spitting image of Cindy, her mom. They talk the same way, very slow, twisted words, no emotion, and they also use a lot of *filler words* which tells me they are making stuff up.

IMO, Cindy def. has a lot more to do with this than we actually think as far as the cover up goes. I feel ill.
After listening to those tapes I'm convinced that she "dropped" Caylee at Sawgrass in a dumpster and sat on the stairs for a while to observe things. That's how she came across Zenaida...she was there looking at the apt. at the same time KC was "dropping" the body. This is why she can honestly say that that's the last place she saw her and she doesn't know where she is now.

I agree because she states repeatedly, "the last time I saw Caylee was at those stairs when I left her with Zenaida". To us that interprets differently but to HER....that's the "Truth".
After listening to those tapes I'm convinced that she "dropped" Caylee at Sawgrass in a dumpster and sat on the stairs for a while to observe things. That's how she came across Zenaida...she was there looking at the apt. at the same time KC was "dropping" the body. This is why she can honestly say that that's the last place she saw her and she doesn't know where she is now.

Possible. I still think she buried her in the backyard when the smell got too bad. She borrowed the shovel and did her deed. Then after the 911 call and the subsequent search by cadaver dogs something came out of the backyard. The family worked on the story of the 9th, etc, right after that.

I see two possibilities on the car abandonment.

1. She was hoping it would get stolen by leaving the purse in there or at least broken into. This would give her plausible deniability. The tow service got it before someone stole it.
2. She was hoping to leave with Tony and the car would be found so that people would think something happened to both Caylee and her. Time ran out on that option.
If the detectives would've just shut up and asked more questions and allowed her time to complete her answers they would've gotten so much more information!

They continually cut her off mid-sentence. What kind of interview tactic is that?
If you listen to the second tape, you'll hear that 2 opposing tactics were used. At first, the detectives used intimidation and anger and scorn.

Later, two of them left the room, leaving the "nice" cop behind with Casey - note that he asked about turning off the tape, implying that the interview was being interrupted, but of course it was left on.

Her responses to his more encouraging questioning were a lot longer, but ultimately neither approach was successful in getting any semblance of the truth.
Casey has been able to manipulate everyone around her including THREE veteran LE officials; I'd say she is pretty darn smart!

No, it is not smart to give your child to just anyone, but there are parents who use a local babysitter to come and watch their children all the time. And then there are the adult babysitters who have a good background check only to find out they are hurting the children they care for.

There are many girls and women who get pregnant and are not ready to be a mother. And there are women who want to have children only to find out they are not cut out to be a mother.

Indeed. She was able to fool her friends, maybe parents for some time. Eventually she got caught. Cindy and George believe only what they want to believe. LE officials had their own tactics, they wanted to make her to tell the truth, and certainly didn't believe her lies.

Now she is trapped in her own net of lies, however, she probably doesn't feel that way.

I agree there are many other young women who get pregnant 'by accident' but it is not a wise thing to do. I do have an impression that Casey has low IQ. Casey certainly is an underachiever.
Yes it was at the bond hearing that it was brought to Cindy's attention by prosecution that she had Caylee at the nursing home on the 15th (father's day)

Wow..I know Im not a detail oriented person but I dont know how I missed that. Now Im really convinced G and A will need that defense attorney. I hope they spend every penny they have collected (wherever it came from) on thier defense.
I'm shocked to hear her crying. Seems like all I've heard is she never shows emotion. I dont' know if it's real or not but she was definitely crying. I was also surprised to hear her say Cindy had been right about getting on her to be more responsible.

She cried about her perceived persecution imo, but never cried about her daughter.
I mean I hope they are ABSOLOUTELY indigent over this. It seems they care more about money than thier grand daughter.
It's so telling to hear those words "dropped her" and "left her" with Zanny. I can actually picture her sitting on the stairs thinking about what she had just done when she had to move off of the stairs so Zanny could get by to view apt.210. So in KC's mind she is absolutely telling the truth here. She can also "honestly" say she never saw Caylee after that. Heck she may have even returned to Sawgrass that evening to see if the trash had been picked up and make sure "Caylee was gone". Many elements of her story are true.
The best parts of the tapes are when the police say something to the effect of . . .

'"You haven't seen your daughter for 30 days -- she calls you -- and all you do is just talk about a book she is reading . . ."

The police made a great point . . . in one instance, Casey wants you to believe that someone stole the child.

Then why would they allow the Caylee to call mommy?

I'm sick of having my intelligence questioned in this case. It's so freaking obvious that Caylee is dead. Yes it's turned into this. Just like the police said the in the tape . . . Casey is going to drag this freaking thing out . . . hurting her parents . . . hurting the entire world for that matter.

I mean she must have told 100+ lies in those two recording without even blinking an eye?

Pure evil.
Yep.... She knew this day was coming and rehearsed this story over and over until she got all of the details down.

"I just want my daughter back" sounded so hollow.............

If this was Casey's planned explanation, with about a month's lead time of planning, then Casey is a moron in addition to everything else.
One thing BUGS me about the line of questioning....

She insists she dropped Caylee off on her way to WORK.

They know she is LYING about where she works.

They NEVER ask her, "If you JUST ADMITTED that you were LYING about WHERE where you work, do you have another job, and if not, WHY did you require the services of the "NANNY"?????"


She would have to come up with a whole new set of lies that she wasn't expecting....she may have slipped, may have broken. Now we'll never know the full true story.

Exactly! :banghead:
I was actually yelling at the audio to ask those questions!
After listening to the tapes she appears to show no emotion about Caylee missing. She sounded frustrated to me that they were questioning her beyond dropping Caylee off. She sounds pretty confident, almost in a cocky way at times.

A couple parts that really got me was when she said if she didn't want Caylee anymore she would have just given her to her mom. No way would she do that. Caylee was KC's leverage against her parents and KC would still not be number 1 with them. The other when she was telling LE that she was glad to see her mom. Well, we know that was a lie too. Nate said she didn't want to leave with her mom.

The only truth that has come from her mouth is she hasn't seen Caylee. I will give props to the LE for being able to still be nice to her. Of course this is just my opinion.
But what led up to that?

I see what you're saying.

I'll paraphrase a bit:
She says "I will lie, I will steal, and do whatever I can to find my daughter"
They say they want to find her and she's not a monster and you have pressure.
She says my mom pressures. LE sympathizes. She says she won't live up to her mother's expectations. She says "there's no way i would let any harm come to that child, she's the one thing in this world that I love more than anything". Then LE says I see the tears and she's crying.

This actually occurred when they took the pressure off and started talking about her relationship with Cindy and how Cindy was wanting her to be a better mother. She then says Cindy was right.

I'm not drawing any conclusions about it. I was just shocked.
Exactly! :banghead:
I was actually yelling at the audio to ask those questions!

I feel that was a major missed opportunity. Baez will find a way to fill that hole in. I don't know if there were any other interviews, but they have nothing to hold her to on that issue from this release.
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