Casey Now Referred To By LE As A Suspect! Discuss!

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is this the video at WESH? because that one the reporter says so is the sheriff's dept. at this point calling Casey a suspect and he responds with well she is the last one with Caylee . . . and granted she would be a suspect. There was no correct in his answer. Is there another video that I have missed?

This is the video I am referring to.

I just watched it again, and had my husband watch it w/o telling him what I thought he said. He thought that the sheriff answered "correct" as well.
From Wikipedia:

"Person of interest" is a phrase used by law enforcement when announcing the name of someone involved in a criminal investigation who has not yet been arrested or formally accused of a crime. It is often used as a euphemism for suspect, and can sometimes result in a trial by media. It was used at least as early as the 1996 Atlanta Olympics bombing in reference to Richard A. Jewell. Its initial uses aroused controversy, but it has since seen increasingly regular use.[1] While terms such as suspect, target, and material witness have clear and sometimes formal definitions, person of interest remains undefined by the U.S. Department of Justice."

Jim Kouri, a spokesman for the National Association of Chiefs of Police, says "person of interest" often is a euphemism for "suspect." If it's a suspect and you say 'person of interest,' you're using the euphemism to avoid problems down the line," says Kouri, a former New York housing police officer.

What problems?

Police sometimes "try to maintain that the person really isn't a suspect" in order to get him to agree to questioning without Miranda warnings, Kouri says. "You don't want the guy to lawyer up." Kouri says across the country, "it's the legal counsel telling police chiefs that they should instruct their officers and train them to use that term."
This could be true. But being called a suspect doesn't guarantee that charges will be filed. And a person doesn't need to be designated as a suspect in order for LE to file charges. The term is not a legal prerequisite to anything. LE does not acquire any greater rights by naming someone as a suspect. That's why, in the technical sense, the term means nothing.

I suppose that LE might be signalling that their case against Casey got stronger, and that this is one way to send that signal without necessarily revealing their actual hand. But the term itself has no legal effect whatsoever.

But police say the terms aren't always interchangeable.

Though persons of interest often graduate to suspects and are charged or getting ready to be charged with a crime, police may use the phrase because they're trying to find someone of a certain description who happened to be near the scene of a crime.

It could refer to a suspect's friend, they say. Sometimes a person of interest can be ruled out as a suspect after investigation.

Being labeled a "person of interest" can be harmful.

Just how the phrase became a staple of cop-speak is unknown.

"We have phrases that seem to come into popularity out of nowhere, such as 'perp walk' and 'person of interest,'

Most experts, though, point to the bombing during the Olympics in Atlanta in 1996 as the point when police began using "person of interest" in place of "suspect."

The FBI leaked the name of security guard Richard Jewell as a possible suspect in the bombing. He was later cleared and sued various news outlets over the damage to his reputation.

CNN agreed to pay an undisclosed amount to Jewell and his mother to forestall a lawsuit.

NBC also reached an out-of- court settlement with Jewell, paying him an amount The Wall Street Journal reported as more than $500,000.

Some attorneys and pundits believe investigative agencies became wary of using "suspect," turning to "person of interest" as a milder reference until charges are eminent.
According to my friend the Captain with the Sheriff's department, the difference is once a person is called a suspect they are planning to file charges at a later date. He said many people could be "a person of interest" in a case, but until charges were pending they would not be called a suspect.
thank you for posting this. am I the only one that read it?
But police say the terms aren't always interchangeable.

Though persons of interest often graduate to suspects and are charged or getting ready to be charged with a crime, police may use the phrase because they're trying to find someone of a certain description who happened to be near the scene of a crime.

It could refer to a suspect's friend, they say. Sometimes a person of interest can be ruled out as a suspect after investigation.

Being labeled a "person of interest" can be harmful.

Just how the phrase became a staple of cop-speak is unknown.

"We have phrases that seem to come into popularity out of nowhere, such as 'perp walk' and 'person of interest,'

Most experts, though, point to the bombing during the Olympics in Atlanta in 1996 as the point when police began using "person of interest" in place of "suspect."

The FBI leaked the name of security guard Richard Jewell as a possible suspect in the bombing. He was later cleared and sued various news outlets over the damage to his reputation.

CNN agreed to pay an undisclosed amount to Jewell and his mother to forestall a lawsuit.

NBC also reached an out-of- court settlement with Jewell, paying him an amount The Wall Street Journal reported as more than $500,000.

Some attorneys and pundits believe investigative agencies became wary of using "suspect," turning to "person of interest" as a milder reference until charges are eminent.

I thought POI came into regular use specifically from Richard Jewell?

Turbo I am a such a freak. I must have fallen asleep and not read the second half of your post. I only saw:

>> we don;t know Being labeled a "person of interest" can be harmful.

Just how the phrase became a staple of cop-speak is unknown.

"We have phrases that seem to come into popularity out of nowhere, such as 'perp walk' and 'person of interest,<<

That is when I posted. I am sorry because you said exactly that in your post :)
She was initially referred to (early on) as "suspect" re charges of child endangering, false statements, and check-related charges only. But this and the witness list confirm they are indeed finally preparing now to charge her with something far more serious--they are now calling KC a suspect in "her daughter's disappearance." What I'd like to know is, in the event they can't positively determine cause of death (w/out a body should circumstancial evidence alone not reveal whether it's drowning, asphyxiation etc) how DOES LE determine manner of death (accidental or otherwise) in order to know what charges to BRING (from negligent homicide and failure to render aid, to first, second degree etc) Seems to me you can KNOW with absolute certainty that this woman's child was deceased, and inside her trunk--and still NOT know an awful lot. (Especially if they believe as I do that chloroform was used afterwards for clean-up.) This challenge no doubt partly accounts for lengthy wait in charging her IMO.
Here's how I think I'd see it if I were Casey:

I'm a POI - LE suspects me but they haven't ruled out other possibilities. I may get away with this yet.

Chit! I'm a suspect - LE is looking at me and only me. They are no longer looking into any other possible scenarios, and are concentrating soley on nailing my hide to the wall. I'm doomed.
Here's how I think I'd see it if I were Casey:

I'm a POI - LE suspects me but they haven't ruled out other possibilities. I may get away with this yet.

Chit! I'm a suspect - LE is looking at me and only me. They are no longer looking into any other possible scenarios, and are concentrating soley on nailing my hide to the wall. I'm doomed.


I keep seeing a law enforcement officer flying through the air with a basketball and a clipboard.. ok, decomp and chloroform triple checked? A little closer to the basket.. it's like watching a slam dunk in slow motion!
Before, when we were all WWMFD, as opposed to now, where we are all appropriately WWYMD ( I say this on here cause it is like the Bat light to SS) I saw an interview with MF, he addresses this issue like so:

There are only 3 true "classifications" of people in an investigation.
They are:
1) The victim
2) The witness (s)
3) The Suspect

He said the POI designation was developed really as a media term, but has no basis per se in furthering the investigation differently.

As we know, LE naming her as a suspect has a variety of different circumstances it affects. I think we can assume that their is some forensics back, and possibly some new info from which they can now question her in the presence of her attorney, as an actual suspect.
Did someone send up my signal? LOL

Yes, I recall seeing this interview. The POI was borrowed from the media, but has become an option that LE has informally adopted to use prior to naming them as a suspect. Someone said earlier the difference isn't huge. I happen to disagree. When they address someone as a bonified "suspect" it does change the status of the person in the eyes of the law. They are then considered a "target" of an investigation where as before they were only someone LE were interested in ruling in or out. The focus shifts the investigation.

It was time they narrowed it into calling her a suspect. :woohoo:
Here's how I think I'd see it if I were Casey:

I'm a POI - LE suspects me but they haven't ruled out other possibilities. I may get away with this yet.

Chit! I'm a suspect - LE is looking at me and only me. They are no longer looking into any other possible scenarios, and are concentrating soley on nailing my hide to the wall. I'm doomed.
Remember when there was an announcement that law enforcement wasn't going to make any new charges in the foreseeable future? This is better :D They're letting her know her time is almost up, which is giving her enough leeway to get a reduced sentence by coming clean OR sitting there stonefaced and going to prison for a very, very long time. I personally hope they find the body and don't need her anymore, but that's just me and my wishful thinking! She may not even be that confident Caylee won't be found.. remember how she walked INTO Universal and down a hallway and almost got to a room before she told law enforcement she didn't have an office? What she doesn't realize is how much that burned her. If she would have had simpler lies instead of pretending to be something she's definitely not (successful, rich, with a good job), she might still be able to pull off the fact that she's a victim. Oh, pride.
Is it possible that they postponed Casey's arraignment until the 14th so that they can have a few more days to get that murder charge against her? Seems something is up since they changed her original arraignment 24 hours before it was to take place..
My thoughts are, the other charges will be dropped before the 14(child neglect), and murder charges will take its place!
Hi fromcanada,I think it does mean they have further results,possibly something connecting the results in the trunk I think they are on the brink of calling it a homocide and she will be suspect.I spent an evening last week reading up on "The Body Farm' its on the web.Very interesting readng on sooooo many subjects involved ~ they said they test two and even three times on evidence to be sure of it being right.I felt that was what was holding up many of their findings.I'm going back and reading more!! They found (I'm sure) reason to believe Caylee is dead and no doubt evidence of KC. being there but since it is her car I think they would have to find something to actually tie her into the crime itself.If I remember right they send some evidence to other labs for testing by them also that would take more time.Maybe they proved it !!!! Take care.Nore IMO

He's absolutely right. There is no difference. Those verbal designations LE uses to characterize individuals connected to a criminal investigation are meaningless.


Have to agree with Baez on this teeny weeny point. :ban me:
Was that the champagne pic? Yeah, a little big, sorry. Just happy that LE is one step closer. I can't wait for justice to be served. I will do a dance the day they arrest her and I do think it's coming.

OH lol, I couldnt make out what it was you were trying to say hehe.

The terms poi vs suspect have no meaning legally in what can or cannot be done relative to arresting Casey or anyone else. It triggers nothing for the prosecution and triggers nothing for the defense.

Criminal law is full of wildly unanticipated twists and turns. Sometimes, the "suspect" turns out to be the best witness the prosecution has , in ultimately convicting the real perpetrator, as investigations and trials unfold.

The term suspect will not change the pace at which Sheriff Beary and his force investigate this case, no how they do the investigation.

There will be no speaking to Casey no matter what she is called unless she and her lawyer decide to sit down and wheel and deal in exchange for something they want...such as no death penalty, no calling of a certain witness. We cannot know what defense wants nor can we know what to them is a worthwhile bargain till we are well into this case.

I honestly think the disagreements here are forming because certain Police Departments, Sheriff's offices, have their own lingo, as do certain Courthouses and certain Judges.

To some a POI has a drastically different meaning than suspect, but those meanings are for their jurisdiction only.

Therefore, Everybody is right!:)

But legally, it is not telling us anything we do not already know and it truly has no significance.

I have full faith that Casey will be charged for the death of her daughter when the timing is right.

I breathe a sigh of relief that this case is not being rushed.

Is it possible that they postponed Casey's arraignment until the 14th so that they can have a few more days to get that murder charge against her? Seems something is up since they changed her original arraignment 24 hours before it was to take place..
My thoughts are, the other charges will be dropped before the 14(child neglect), and murder charges will take its place!

There is no reason to drop felonies at this time. They would be filed away on a murder conviction because at that point: "who cares?"
But right now they are felonies carrying a bunch of jail time and the prosecution has no real reson to dump those charges. They are a tidy little bargaining chip, too.
Remember when there was an announcement that law enforcement wasn't going to make any new charges in the foreseeable future? This is better :D They're letting her know her time is almost up, which is giving her enough leeway to get a reduced sentence by coming clean OR sitting there stonefaced and going to prison for a very, very long time. I personally hope they find the body and don't need her anymore, but that's just me and my wishful thinking! She may not even be that confident Caylee won't be found.. remember how she walked INTO Universal and down a hallway and almost got to a room before she told law enforcement she didn't have an office? What she doesn't realize is how much that burned her. If she would have had simpler lies instead of pretending to be something she's definitely not (successful, rich, with a good job), she might still be able to pull off the fact that she's a victim. Oh, pride.

Such an interesting post. Here's a scenario, in my opinion only... Imagine if she had confessed immediately that she killed her daughter in a fit of anger and rage and hurt the evening that CA tried to choke her. She ran out of the house and just went insane for a couple of hours. Threw herself on the mercy of the court. I bet she would've gotten a few years max and that would be that. She'd be all of 25 when she got out of prison.

But she never ever did report her daughter missing. And when it became evident she just told ridiculous stories.

Such an interesting post. Here's a scenario, in my opinion only... Imagine if she had confessed immediately that she killed her daughter in a fit of anger and rage and hurt the evening that CA tried to choke her. She ran out of the house and just went insane for a couple of hours. Threw herself on the mercy of the court. I bet she would've gotten a few years max and that would be that. She'd be all of 25 when she got out of prison.

But she never ever did report her daughter missing. And when it became evident she just told ridiculous stories.


If it is something like that, it's way too bad she wasn't honest up front. No matter what happened, I think she was too afraid of losing her freedom to tell the truth. Now she has some of the finest officers FL has to offer making sure that justice is done.

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