Casey Now Referred To By LE As A Suspect! Discuss!

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I also feel some level of sadness - however, I can only pray that this will bring Caylee closer to a proper burial that she so greatly deserves - sadly - I don't think KC will ever help at all with that......

BUT - at least there is hope that KC will be charged - and perhaps the family can gain some closure.
Baez trying to say that there is no difference between a "person of interest" and a "suspect". There is a huge difference and it sends a totally different message.

I wouldn't say it's a HUGE difference... but it does send a different message. I think they sometimes say "person of interest" until they get enough evidence, or until some other suspect turns up. But truthfully? They haven't really looked at anyone else because Casey didn't report her missing for a month, (and then Cindy did, not Casey) and then she did nothing but lie to them from the start. Sometimes... you just KNOW right off the bat!
I agree! I feel Casey will be charged this month for the death of Caylee.

Of interest.............Casey was to be arraigned tomorrow on some of the check fraud, but that arraignment has been rescheduled for October 14th.

In many cases, LE prefers to make an arrest on neutral territory. On October 14th, LE could arrest Casey as she leaves the courthouse on the new charges. That way the arrest is in a setting in which they have complete control.

This is dependent on if Casey's fraud case requires her appearance at the arraignment. Does anyone know if there's a "mandatory appearance" listed for her arraignment on the check fraud?

She submitted a written plea of "not guilty" so she does not have to attend the arrainment.
I guess certain people can pick apart quotes by LE when it's convenient to their stance, but when it comes to LE saying that Caylee was dead in her mom's car, LE is lying and we can't believe anything they say.
I have thought that many times, the only thing that holds me back from that thought is that just as she has made her parents believe in the Nanny, I think she thinks she would pull the same wool over a jury..
She loves herself too much to commit suicide, IMHO

Not to mention her worse case scenario....all those male guards that she can sway and shake in front of. I'm sure she'll be getting some uh hum...extra/special privileges...cough cough.
I agree! I feel Casey will be charged this month for the death of Caylee.

Of interest.............Casey was to be arraigned tomorrow on some of the check fraud, but that arraignment has been rescheduled for October 14th.

In many cases, LE prefers to make an arrest on neutral territory. On October 14th, LE could arrest Casey as she leaves the courthouse on the new charges. That way the arrest is in a setting in which they have complete control.

This is dependent on if Casey's fraud case requires her appearance at the arraignment. Does anyone know if there's a "mandatory appearance" listed for her arraignment on the check fraud?

Presence at arraignment can be waived. If I recall, Baez has entered other pleas without her being present.
FL rules of Crim Procedure allow for this.:) (Rule 3.180)
Hey Casey, if Baez can't distinguish between "person of interest" and "suspect", you should consider finding better councel.
oK maybe I am missing something. in the reporter's paraphrase it says IS.
When supplying the direct quote from Capt. he states that granted she WOULD BE. This is what is throwing me off. The direct quote from the Capt. says WOULD BE.
I am wondering if the reporter jumped to a conclusion to report IS.

I'm with you on this one friend. Sometimes we hear only what we want to hear and the media plays into that. Good catch!

Wonderful news! Hopes and prayers for the following:

:behindbar <------------- KC

:partyguy: <------------- Us!

:takeabow:<------------- LE
She submitted a written plea of "not guilty" so she does not have to attend the arrainment.

How can she say NOT guilty??? They have her on camera with her signature on the checks, right? This girl just blows my mind.
Attorney Jose Baez, Casey Anthony&#8217;s attorney, said it doesn&#8217;t make a difference whether investigators call her a &#8220;person of interest&#8221; or a &#8220;suspect.&#8221; He declined a request for a further interview

Okie Dokie JB.

Hey Shannon (nice avvi:crazy:)

Before, when we were all WWMFD, as opposed to now, where we are all appropriately WWYMD ( I say this on here cause it is like the Bat light to SS) I saw an interview with MF, he addresses this issue like so:

There are only 3 true "classifications" of people in an investigation.
They are:
1) The victim
2) The witness (s)
3) The Suspect

He said the POI designation was developed really as a media term, but has no basis per se in furthering the investigation differently.

As we know, LE naming her as a suspect has a variety of different circumstances it affects. I think we can assume that their is some forensics back, and possibly some new info from which they can now question her in the presence of her attorney, as an actual suspect.
WOW, this is great to hear. I know patience is finally paying off. I wonder though how quick they can proceed with arrest. If anyone is interested, they also have an update regarding Casey being referred to as a suspect on CNN Headline News.. it is coming up next.
I'm with you on this one friend. Sometimes we hear only what we want to hear and the media plays into that. Good catch!


Ok, how he said it is not correct grammar... he should have said IS both times. If I say something "would be" correct, I am saying it IS correct.
Or to put it in a different way. Someone comes in asks "who ate all the cookies?" and I say, "that would be me." That means it was me.
Do you see what I'm saying? He is confirming that Casey IS now officially a suspect.
How can she say NOT guilty??? They have her on camera with her signature on the checks, right? This girl just blows my mind.

Because she would be sentenced immediately and sent to jail if she pleaded guilty, this way she stays out for a while

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