Casey on Piers Morgan

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Mason says he believes everything Casey says. He also said that he is too experienced and smart for her to ever pull the wool over his eyes. Idiot.

Will he believe her when she claims he, Mason ,came on to her or touched her inappropriately? At a low point of her life when she was just needing love, understanding and acceptance and he should of know better.

It's only a matter of time and money till she does.
Funny you should say that because as much as Baez was an annoying buffoon on his many media appearances throughout the three years - i was thinking last night I would much rather be forced to watch him rather than CM. He had some very good avoidance tactics and his mistakes were always hilarious rather than iornic..... and who can forget him and his flip charts...

I understand what you're saying, lg, but he was no buffoon at all when he delivered his opening statement.

IMO, he's working on the Colombo image, without Colombo's morals.

Personally, I dislike Mason and Baez equally. Like trying to choose between Judas Iscariot or Adolph Hitler.
If this is what CM said, the way he worded this my question to him would have been something like "IF FCA did not kill her child as she claims, then why would it be a "risk" to have another? Wouldn't the only risk be if she did indeed kill Caylee?"

Not a smart way to word something like this if she's telling the truth like you claim she is MrMason!

MORGAN: You think she'd like to be a mother again?

MASON: She probably would. It would take a long time for her to be accepted in a new world, a new life. But to take that risk, I think. She certainly was very committed to it and loved her daughter. Like this one letter said and all the photographs, there's tens of thousands of photographs. That child was a photographed child by the family. All of them with Casey in a very loving relationship and playing and so forth.
Yes - loved it - it's a classic textbook for psychopaths...I mean about psychopaths..

that book by Hare has been on my Amazon "wish list" for a bit, I will get it for my kindle and read it over the summer I think, fascinating subject. I have done some other reading on psychopaths recently solely as a result of FCA and this trial, cannot imagine the havoc FCA wreaked in that home, probably even as a young child, Frightening!! I even think she looked "odd" in that video of her as a youngster, about 5-6-7 yrs. or so she appears, she is at that birthday party and she says "my name is Casey Anthony" or something, even THAT freaked me out about her LOL. :what:

IMO, MOO, etc.
The next thing we'll hear is that the "seizures" she had were as a result of her pregnancy. You know...those seizures that made her lie, steal, murder (obviously not, according to Casey), etc. Cindy, of course, thinks that can explain away all of Casey's cr*pola!
If anyone is still on this late, I just want you to know:

I am not fat.
I am not a chemist.
Obviously, I did not kill my daughter.
I don't drink at all except sometimes like right now and most nights I have a glass of wine.
snippet from :

MASON: But she's read Grisham books she likes. And she particularly likes books dealing with international travel.


MORGAN: I think the "Hunger Games" is about -- it is about -- kids killing each other.

MASON: Yes, yes.

MORGAN: Weird subject matter.

MASON: Apparently has taken on like the "Harry Potter" stuff, I guess. She's very interested in photography. Her -- she works out a lot. Her favorite shows, "I Love Lucy," "The Three Stooges." Old movies. Particularly ones in black and white. Travel. Those types of things that she some day would like to be able to do. And she will be able to do.

"The Three Stooges" :floorlaugh: ... she must be watching :

... or ...

Oh! Those Stooges.


I love old movies and 'I love Lucy' has always been one of my favorite TV series, and I was getting worried until I read 'The Three Stooges'. I outgrew them decades ago. :what: The books she reads don't interest me at all. Alert me if she pulls out Agatha Christies and I'll have my head examined. At least in Agatha's books, the culprits get their just reward.
Whoah! wait a minute! Did I just hear FCA state last night that she lied to Police? Isn't CM i defending her and appealing the charges that she lied to police....

No wonder I drink...

Reading up thread...don't go soft on me now thinking JB has any merit. JB is no better than CM. These two are the reason I can't stand Criminal Defense Attorneys. Don't forget JB kept Caylee from being located. He protected the the entire time, refusing her to cooperate with LE. Nope, I will never let Baez off the hook. He is sneaky and lies just as much, if not more than CM. He should have been disbarred. Judge Perry failed us. He didn't even sanction him.
Reading up thread...don't go soft on me now thinking JB has any merit. JB is no better than CM. These two are the reason I can't stand Criminal Defense Attorneys. Don't forget JB kept Caylee from being located. He protected the the entire time, refusing her to cooperate with LE. Nope, I will never let Baez off the hook. He is sneaky and lies just as much, if not more than CM. He should have been disbarred. Judge Perry failed us. He didn't even sanction him.

Yup. Attorneys are not allowed to make up blatant lies. JB telling Cindy that the police were investigating GA for sexual molestation just makes me want to vomit. Any time someone feels bad for JB, just think about his opening statement how CA had to GA's penis in her mouth every day before school. He has no soul or conscious. CA & JB should skip down the road holding hands because they are just perfect for each other.
If anyone is still on this late, I just want you to know:

I am not fat.
I am not a chemist.
Obviously, I did not kill my daughter.
I don't drink at all except sometimes like right now and most nights I have a glass of wine.

I so love you!

I don't ever drink either except my nightly scotch.
so, did she call in or do we get to see how *fat* she has gotten (from the Tabloids she has put on enough weight that John Q. Public does not recognize her)

Tee Hee - old new to me but still funny

she's only 120 lbs... on the phone...:floorlaugh: I guess she thought we wouldn't be able to handle our jealousy if we actually saw her. :waitasec:
Gotta like JVMs editorial on KC's mock interview on PM

'All I hear from Casey is a pity party!'

Boo-hoo-hoo Casey Anthony.

Casey is holed up in some home somewhere having a big pity-party. Poor Casey. She is bemoaning the fact that she is in another prison. Only instead of an actual jail cell this time she is in a house. Well, Casey, if this is indeed another prison, nobody put you there but yourself. There is no one else to blame for your current situation.

Back to her comments to Piers Morgan. Casey had an occasional moment of clarity saying she was stupid. Great! I’m glad you are finally seeing yourself as others see you. But it doesn’t erase the facts of the case. You said you did not kill your daughter. Please, Casey, tell us what did happen to your daughter. Because no one believes your story about her drowning.

You owe it to your dad, who you squarely placed blame on, to tell the truth. You owe it to your mom, who you put through hell, to tell the truth. You owe it to your whole family to tell us what really happened that day.

As to your current effort to clear your name of lying to police… how dare you! The majority of people think you got away with something terrible and now you insult our intelligence by denying you lied to police.
That is the thing-she lied. She led them to Universal. She created a fake nanny. And on and on and on.

Good luck with that one. Moving on.
Reading up thread...don't go soft on me now thinking JB has any merit. JB is no better than CM. These two are the reason I can't stand Criminal Defense Attorneys. Don't forget JB kept Caylee from being located. He protected the the entire time, refusing her to cooperate with LE. Nope, I will never let Baez off the hook. He is sneaky and lies just as much, if not more than CM. He should have been disbarred. Judge Perry failed us. He didn't even sanction him.

Oh dear! One of us mistook the question about JB and CM. No doubt all those things you've said about JB are absolutely true, And at least as many could be said about Mason.

For me, the question was - whose delivery of the above carp and extreme bending of the law was easier to watch. I said JB because there is something about Mason that makes me want to put my fist through either my computer or my TV screen. That didn't mean at all that I gave JB a pass on what he said or what he did. I still hate him. But there were points before the trial that some of his media appearances were so ridiculous he made me laugh. Mason has never made me laugh.
well as for Baez I heard from a good source he is flat broke Big time broke LOL I loved hearing that. He lost both houses and moved to Miami. I dont know if it is true that his wife left him or not. My source said that Gary guy accused of killing the Robin Gardner Aruba lady did not pay him much, I guess that is why we dont see that case on the tube anymore and it appears to me representing Casey has back fired on him.

Would you want to hire him? I think when you see him you automatically think GUILTY. LOL so he would be the last lawyer I would want on my side if I were in trouble with the law. LOL
FCA "appearance" on PM was the 2nd top story on HLN just now at the top of the hour. JVM popped in to announce it would be one of the topics on her show tonight. JVM reminded that FCA is a convicted habitual liar and this facade she put on for PM is no doubt simply another example of that. One example she points out is FCA claiming on PM "I don't give a #%!* about the money" when in reality JVM says FCA team has been seeking out potential deals all this time. So there is one glaring inconsistency with what Casey says and the actual truth right there. One would likely question anything else she has to say after that one inconsistency right there.

JVM thinks FCA simply testing the waters for a big interview since her probation period is about to end. However, people remain angry one year later.

News anchor commented about the emotion that Caylee's picture brings to viewers and on FB page. Says the response is still enormous and people have not forgotten.

JVM asked if she thought there was potential for the anger to die down and loyalty to Caylee subside enough for FCA to potentially tell her story.

JVM response: Absolutely not.

It was also reported that the 'proceeds" from the interview the A's gave on Dr. Phil was split with FCA! Also, Caylees photos payed for some of the defense costs. So were to believe this garbage that there not doing this for profit, they are ALWAYS doing it for profit from day one.
Yup. Attorneys are not allowed to make up blatant lies. JB telling Cindy that the police were investigating GA for sexual molestation just makes me want to vomit. Any time someone feels bad for JB, just think about his opening statement how CA had to GA's penis in her mouth every day before school. He has no soul or conscious. CA & JB should skip down the road holding hands because they are just perfect for each other.

Not to mention that LE offered to look into that claim and proscute but jb and crew said no thanks.....
Yes, yes, yes. Sooooo...what kind of damage control can be done to rehab all those nasty, crazy people who believe Casey killed Caylee? Because those that chose to believe JB’s incredulous opening statement don't need their minds changed.. They are chump change in Casey’s pocket.

So, in my opinion, to change anybody else’s opinion this would have to happen:

1. Casey would have to go on television and tell the sordid lie about George. (Won’t happen because outside of that courtroom where she duped 12 idiots, she can be held responsible for her lies)
2. She would have to tell what happened after George held a dead Caylee in his arms. (I.e., explain how she was texting, on the computer, and shopping at Blockbuster with her boyfriend just hours after a very tragic incident occurred)
3. Cindy would have to leave George. (This won’t happen because Cindy has a whipping boy to use however her evil heart desires)
4. Casey would have to file charges against George. (Will never happen because she would have to testify in a court of law, and open herself up for cross. Yihaw wouldn’t that be fun)

You know, in otherwords, they would have to play the whole kabuki theatre scenario out in real life terms.

That is so's true, if she actually pressed charges against him and they turned out to be proven false, she would be back in deep trouble, even if she goes that route now and continues this story. A very good point made here and definitely the final last bit of proof that her story was a lie. Wonder if this will be in the movie???
If this is what CM said, the way he worded this my question to him would have been something like "IF FCA did not kill her child as she claims, then why would it be a "risk" to have another? Wouldn't the only risk be if she did indeed kill Caylee?"

Not a smart way to word something like this if she's telling the truth like you claim she is MrMason!

I'm sure a future baby of hers doesn't want her to risk it either.

I pray that she never conceives again, even if she didn't "risk" killing it, it would be one messed up child being raised by her. Can you imagine a child that was raised solely by an adult? *shivers* Society isn't ready for a 2.0 version.

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