Casey on Piers Morgan

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That is so's true, if she actually pressed charges against him and they turned out to be proven false, she would be back in deep trouble, even if she goes that route now and continues this story. A very good point made here and definitely the final last bit of proof that her story was a lie. Wonder if this will be in the movie???

They are caught in a trap. JB painted her into a corner with that OS. She either needs to put up...or shut up. Casey, don't go away mad...just go away.

She can't "clear" her name because that OS was bull. OTHERWISE, she could give Barbara Walters and exclusive, tell-all. But she can't...because it's a lie.

The way I see it clearly now is that George gave the ok for that courtroom crapola to "save" his daughter from the electric chair. But that's all he gave his permission for. They all thought that with time, everybody would forget and that OS would save her. She could go on with her life. Everything had been excused because of the "molestation".

Not going to happen. Never going to happen. Buh-bye Casey. Good riddance.
I never heard that about the proceeds being split. Is there a link to that? TIA

I heard that too..or the quote was " she has enough to live on for 10 years" or something close to that. I was so hoping the feds/IRS or someone would look into this, but it seems as usual they are the Untouchables and that angers me!!
The only thing this case needs is an infusion of some behind the scenes TRUTH. I am surprised that here we are almost a year after the terrible awful no good verdict and not one "player" in this despicable scenario that supposedly knows the truth has come out and told it. Mason has hinted/bragged that he knows "it." Jose certainly does. GA/CA/LA do. Dottie? Mark NeJ? Private Eyes? Come on you guys. I wonder what Mrs Mason has to say? Rev and Mrs. Camp? The Camp parishoners? THE JURORS?!!! You know one at least one of them is dying to tell truth. Judge Perry? The guard FCA winked at as she left the jail? The pilot of the plane? Whoever cut her hair? Whoever bought her the computer, the phone, the Hunger Games trilogy? Her Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles? Why is all the emphasis placed on hearing from the liar herself? Phht. I don't care. I would rather hear from these people.

Come on your job. Stop going after the LIAR and get digging at the real truth. I am sure some of them have morals/integrity and will do the right thing, if not, I am sure money will still loosen the tongues for those who are afraid to tell the truth.

Worth reading twice. Thank you Pattymarie
There is no way that DCF would not get involved if Casey ever chooses to have another child. DCF found her responsible for Caylee's death. They will take the child! They will make Casey jump through hoop after hoop after hoop to get the child back. I don't think Casey would dedicate her time or put in any effort to get the child back as she is way too lazy and self centered to even try. My only fear is that DCF would give the child to Cindy and George. I don't think any child should ever be given to this family ever again.

I agree, that is if the child is born in Florida. If the child is born in Costa Rica or another's another story......
This is directed directly to FCA, who I suspect lurks here because she has no other life and never will.

FCA- The vast majority of folks in the US think you got away with murdering Caylee. Close to 100 percent of us understand that you are a pathological liar. A mutant whacked few think that you are sexy because you are a liar and murderer who escaped justice. Like attracts like.

You need to know that that there is no where you can go and nothing you can say that will alter the reality the rest of us know to be true. Dream on, large gal-- the more you do, the quicker karma will arrive on your doorstep.

I think she does also. So Casey, you're down to being fat and a maid? When will that good life kick in for you?

Don't go away mad...just go away.

Shep Smith Video .. for those who don't choose to watch.

BREAKING NEWS .. She has not gained weight!

This was super!

Remember CA with her skin tight shirt in the trial? It was the day she was going to show her figure. She knew JB was going to ask her to stand up. She stood straight and proud and her mother asked her to turn so she could see her. She turned to the side so her mother could assess her belly for fat. Her mother judges her looks to how she feels about the love is conditional and FCA knows it. Her figure is paramount ....and it is her Achilles heel.

If FCA loses her looks/figure, she loses cindy's love and in FCA's mind the world's.
Don't forget the FCA is vapid. She is a shell. She has never had an original thought. Any thing that comes out of her mouth was said by somebody before her.

The worst thing that could have been done for her since the murder was getting her psychological and religious counseling. It was mere fodder for she will throw out and twist terms they use for public consumption.
I wonder if Cindy had any 'input' for CA to call in to PM? It still is about her image as well. Her daughter was going to get the "Mother of the Year" award, remember?
Whoah! wait a minute! Did I just hear FCA state last night that she lied to Police? Isn't CM i defending her and appealing the charges that she lied to police....

No wonder I drink...


The appeal doesn't claim that she DIDN'T lie, just that she can't be held legally responsible for it.

Don't shoot the messenger. ;)
They are caught in a trap. JB painted her into a corner with that OS. She either needs to put up...or shut up. Casey, don't go away mad...just go away.

She can't "clear" her name because that OS was bull. OTHERWISE, she could give Barbara Walters and exclusive, tell-all. But she can't...because it's a lie.

The way I see it clearly now is that George gave the ok for that courtroom crapola to "save" his daughter from the electric chair. But that's all he gave his permission for. They all thought that with time, everybody would forget and that OS would save her. She could go on with her life. Everything had been excused because of the "molestation".

Not going to happen. Never going to happen. Buh-bye Casey. Good riddance.

Wow I just used that exact phrase.
I wonder if Cindy had any 'input' for CA to call in to PM? It still is about her image as well. Her daughter was going to get the "Mother of the Year" award, remember?

FCA, only got Most Hated Person, probably forever. I did have a 30 sec. thought that PM could have been talking with :waitasec: CA and not FCA. There's still so many mistruths going around, one big lie-a-thon. I also have thoughts this all plays into 'somebody's' book release, in an oddball sort of way.
The appeal doesn't claim that she DIDN'T lie, just that she can't be held legally responsible for it.

Don't shoot the messenger. ;)

Ah ha. What was I thinking? :blushing:

Clearly I missed something-why shouldnt she be held legally responsible for hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of resources being spent on her "non" missing daughter?
Ah ha. What was I thinking? :blushing:

Clearly I missed something-why shouldnt she be held legally responsible for hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of resources being spent on her "non" missing daughter?

Well, that's another issue entirely. But the lying appeal is not about money--it is just about whether or not she is a small-time criminal (misdemeanors for lying to LE). (We already know she's a big-time criminal (felonies for using Amy's checks).)
The appeal doesn't claim that she DIDN'T lie, just that she can't be held legally responsible for it.

Don't shoot the messenger. ;)

WTF? She can't be held legally responsible for lying to LE? Is this another "It depends on what the meaning of "is" is?
Killing and hiding babies is ok, apparently...according to the astute jury. The astute jury got it wrong though when they called her a liar.
WTF? She can't be held legally responsible for lying to LE? Is this another "It depends on what the meaning of "is" is?

No, it's just legal technicalities. The appeal assumes as true that she did, in fact, lie to LE about everything.

Oversimplifying a little but not much, the arguments on appeal are:

1. Maybe she did lie to LE, BUT she wasn't read her Miranda warnings so her statements couldn't be used in court.

2. Maybe she did lie to LE, BUT it was really only one big lie, not four little lies, so she shouldn't have been given 4 convictions and 4 sentences.

3. Maybe she did lie to LE, BUT it would be unconstitutional to hold people criminally responsible for lies that don't make any difference to LE (because LE didn't believe them for a second), and the judge didn't even let us make that argument to the jury.
No, it's just legal technicalities. The appeal assumes as true that she did, in fact, lie to LE about everything.

Oversimplifying a little but not much, the arguments on appeal are:

1. Maybe she did lie to LE, BUT she wasn't read her Miranda warnings so her statements couldn't be used in court.

2. Maybe she did lie to LE, BUT it was really only one big lie, not four little lies, so she shouldn't have been given 4 convictions and 4 sentences.

3. Maybe she did lie to LE, BUT it would be unconstitutional to hold people criminally responsible for lies that don't make any difference to LE (because LE didn't believe them for a second), and the judge didn't even let us make that argument to the jury.

Thank you once again, AZlawyer, for breaking it down to my level.

I'm left with the question of why she (and her team) are even making the effort. What will any one of them gain if she prevails? She's already done the time for this, right? No matter what the court finds, she will still be known as the infamous liar of all times as far as the public is concerned. Are they looking for money from the state or what? What is the point here?

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