Casey on Piers Morgan

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Thank you once again, AZlawyer, for breaking it down to my level.

I'm left with the question of why she (and her team) are even making the effort. What will any one of them gain if she prevails? She's already done the time for this, right? No matter what the court finds, she will still be known as the infamous liar of all times as far as the public is concerned. Are they looking for money from the state or what? What is the point here?

Well, if her convictions are reversed, especially if they are reversed on a ground that means that retrial is unlikely, then she would have a clean slate to start her new life as a lawyer....WAIT, no, she wouldn't, because she has already been convicted of a bunch of felonies for stealing from Amy. :floorlaugh:

But she could get off probation early....WAIT, no she can't, because the probation was actually for the check fraud case, and besides she's almost done with it.

Well anyway, what else? I suppose that the State of Florida would have to return any money she paid toward those costs of prosecution she was ordered to pay...but did she ever pay those anyway? I doubt it.

I guess that's a good enough reason, though--to get rid of the Judgment in favor of the State of Florida.
Well, if her convictions are reversed, especially if they are reversed on a ground that means that retrial is unlikely, then she would have a clean slate to start her new life as a lawyer....WAIT, no, she wouldn't, because she has already been convicted of a bunch of felonies for stealing from Amy. :floorlaugh:

But she could get off probation early....WAIT, no she can't, because the probation was actually for the check fraud case, and besides she's almost done with it.

Well anyway, what else? I suppose that the State of Florida would have to return any money she paid toward those costs of prosecution she was ordered to pay...but did she ever pay those anyway? I doubt it.

I guess that's a good enough reason, though--to get rid of the Judgment in favor of the State of Florida.

Dudu du du dudu du du....
that's me humming the Twilight Zone theme music. In case ya'll couldn't tell. (I can't carry a tune in a tin bucket)
Oh, when her time spent in jail was computed was it for the checks only or for the checks and the 4 convictions and 4 sentences for the lies? TIA.
Lets see, CM said FKC is cleaning and cooking and staying inside not doing much else. I think I saw a show on TV the other night about staying at home cleaning and cooking for her man. It was called “My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding.” Sounds like it fits her, cooking, cleaning, jumping from place to place. Just Say'n
Oh, when her time spent in jail was computed was it for the checks only or for the checks and the 4 convictions and 4 sentences for the lies? TIA.

The time in jail was counted toward the check charges and also toward the lying charges.
Dudu du du dudu du du....
that's me humming the Twilight Zone theme music. In case ya'll couldn't tell. (I can't carry a tune in a tin bucket)

LOL I had to turn off the TV volume to focus on the Du Du's. Now I can't get the tune out of my head! :)
At first I didn't understand the legal term "Consciousness of Guilt." Now, not only because of Casey's actions before and during the trial, do I now get it...but even more so because of her and Team/Family's actions after the verdict. Everything they do screams GUILTY! way, no do you fix the lies? Can't be with more lies? do you fix this? (Cheney..get on this!)
So, I was thinking about Casey having another child and how I believe DCF will take the child from Casey right away. I was in fear that the child would then be left in the care of Cindy and George -- but totally forgot that Casey has accused George of some very vicious things. She has also accused Cindy, in her own handwriting, that Cindy called her a w**** when she told her that Lee was molesting her. Hmmm... could DCF take this into account if Casey does have another child? Could they refuse to allow a child to be in the care of Cindy and George based on Casey's own lies? That would be fantastic!
Well, if her convictions are reversed, especially if they are reversed on a ground that means that retrial is unlikely, then she would have a clean slate to start her new life as a lawyer....WAIT, no, she wouldn't, because she has already been convicted of a bunch of felonies for stealing from Amy. :floorlaugh:

But she could get off probation early....WAIT, no she can't, because the probation was actually for the check fraud case, and besides she's almost done with it.

Well anyway, what else? I suppose that the State of Florida would have to return any money she paid toward those costs of prosecution she was ordered to pay...but did she ever pay those anyway? I doubt it.

I guess that's a good enough reason, though--to get rid of the Judgment in favor of the State of Florida.
But even her own lawyer-Jose Baez admitted in court that she was a liar!:banghead:
Well, if her convictions are reversed, especially if they are reversed on a ground that means that retrial is unlikely, then she would have a clean slate to start her new life as a lawyer....WAIT, no, she wouldn't, because she has already been convicted of a bunch of felonies for stealing from Amy. :floorlaugh:

But she could get off probation early....WAIT, no she can't, because the probation was actually for the check fraud case, and besides she's almost done with it.

Well anyway, what else? I suppose that the State of Florida would have to return any money she paid toward those costs of prosecution she was ordered to pay...but did she ever pay those anyway? I doubt it.

I guess that's a good enough reason, though--to get rid of the Judgment in favor of the State of Florida.

Also, if she loses her appeal, she can take it the next step and avoid Mr. Morgan and ZFG questions and take the 5th in January, right?
snippet from :

MASON: But she's read Grisham books she likes. And she particularly likes books dealing with international travel.


MORGAN: I think the "Hunger Games" is about -- it is about -- kids killing each other.

MASON: Yes, yes.

MORGAN: Weird subject matter.

MASON: Apparently has taken on like the "Harry Potter" stuff, I guess. She's very interested in photography. Her -- she works out a lot. Her favorite shows, "I Love Lucy," "The Three Stooges." Old movies. Particularly ones in black and white. Travel. Those types of things that she some day would like to be able to do. And she will be able to do.

"The Three Stooges" :floorlaugh: ... she must be watching :

... or ...

:silly: :floorlaugh: :lol: :floorlaugh: :laughcry: :floorlaugh: Oh too good dog.gone.cute Love it!

:silenced: I, too, am one of those 19 people that watched... :doh: I really wished I hadn't, and just read you guys... :notgood: Reading the "Hunger Games"?? Notice how fast CM changed the subject on that book once he found out what it's about!?! :whoosh: God, I can't believe she really thinks people really believe what she's saying?! :what: How's that Bella Vita going for ya, FCA?!? :desert: I'm still waiting to hear a little bit of truth coming out of your mouth... :waiting:

Oh WOW! We got a new emoticon!!

Well, than I think he needs to go to the wizard and ask for a brain



I'm so glad I'm reading this thread tonight before going to bed! I'll have smile on my face and feel good!

:gthanks: I really needed the laughter!

Thank you once again, AZlawyer, for breaking it down to my level.

I'm left with the question of why she (and her team) are even making the effort. What will any one of them gain if she prevails? She's already done the time for this, right? No matter what the court finds, she will still be known as the infamous liar of all times as far as the public is concerned. Are they looking for money from the state or what? What is the point here?

They are doing this so Casey can stall out Morgan's/Zenaida legal pursuit of her. She has evaded every aspect of his lawsuit by saying she cannot possibly answer any questions of his because she has a case on appeal that centers around some of the aspects of his lawsuit. They want to keep this on appeal for eternity and it seems the State of Florida is more than willing to oblige Ms Anthony.
But even her own lawyer-Jose Baez admitted in court that she was a liar!:banghead:

Yes, but as I mentioned above, the appeal is not based on any claim that she wasn't lying. It's based on the theory that EVEN THOUGH she was lying, she can't be held legally responsible for those lies for various reasons that don't make much sense unless you've been through the brain-scrambling process of law school.

Also, if she loses her appeal, she can take it the next step and avoid Mr. Morgan and ZFG questions and take the 5th in January, right?

Yes, although the next court up doesn't have to take the case, so that step could be very short.
I haven't seen the interview, but did CM say that he handled all of FCA's mail and donations for her? Any money that she receives in the mail comes to her first as a person no matter who opens her mail before it gets deposited into her secret account or CM's account.

If so, I hope the Parole Office, the State, the Judge and others heard it and will follow up on this indigent person.

I'm pretty sure that you are correct that CM said that he handles her mail and donations.
I don't think that the Parole Board or any of the others are concerned with her money. I think that you're allowed so much as gifts before you have to declare it. I bet that they're happy as larks when her male admirer donors send cash gifts.
Well hmmmm...Mr Zimmerman just got into a tangle over donations, didnt he? Let's assume for a hot second that CM sets up a trust for Casey and her continued defense or her cable TV account...whatever.

How does that get tracked?

Let's say be has a POA for her and he deposits cash and checks received for her into his own account.

Isnt this worth pursuing by the IRS and or the State??
They are caught in a trap. JB painted her into a corner with that OS. She either needs to put up...or shut up. Casey, don't go away mad...just go away.

She can't "clear" her name because that OS was bull. OTHERWISE, she could give Barbara Walters and exclusive, tell-all. But she can't...because it's a lie.

The way I see it clearly now is that George gave the ok for that courtroom crapola to "save" his daughter from the electric chair. But that's all he gave his permission for. They all thought that with time, everybody would forget and that OS would save her. She could go on with her life. Everything had been excused because of the "molestation".

Not going to happen. Never going to happen. Buh-bye Casey. Good riddance.

I agree with pretty much everything you said. Here's a thought for you though. Baez couldn't have used that opening statement without her permission. She painted herself into that corner.
Yep, that's something that the entire family will have to live with for the rest of their life. They probably figured that it was a small price to pay to save her life. The only thing they didn't count on was her getting out of going to prison and the possibility that she may have another child in the future. They also didn't think how it would sit when Lee starts his own family, especially if he has any daughters. So, they are left with a daughter that's the most hated women in the USA. That in my opinion had them next on her offing list after Caylee. That I'm pretty sure that they don't trust and in truth perhaps a little fearful of. I would be if I were them. She REALLY wanted that house and her freedom. George will be forever thought of by many as a man that molested his daughter and helped to hide his dead granddaughter and cover her death. Cindy will always be thought of by many as crazy liar, enabler, who helped to free her daughter who killed her granddaughter and who stands behind the father that molested his daughter and helped cover the death of his granddaughter. Lee will always be thought of as the brother that molested his little sister and he'll have to worry the rest of his life how he is perceived by the public when he has children and they start to school and try to have their children's friends over. Cindy and George will always be looked as as the grandparents who try to make a buck off of their dead granddaughter any way they can. That's how alot of people see it. Yep, Mason is right about the circus but it was their show and their rules with Casey as the Ring Master and the rest of them as the clowns. That Casey Anthony must be something special. Bella Vita Casey. Look what you have accomplished thus far in your life. You managed to take your entire family down. I wonder if Casey ever thanked her parents for giving Caylee such a good life for the short time she spent on this earth?


I'm so glad I'm reading this thread tonight before going to bed! I'll have smile on my face and feel good!
:gthanks: I really needed the laughter!


:seeya: Me too ! I haven't had this good of a laugh on the forums in a while ! :woohoo:

:cheers: everyone !

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