Casey thanked Cindy for calling 911 after first call

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Something that bugs me sometimes: Why do some posters feel they must state that they haven't even bothered to read a thread before posting on it?

On to the case: When I first heard that George and Cindy "searched their yard" I felt they BOTH strongly suspected the baby was dead.

I have always been unclear about when this search took place. Was it the day after the car was found but before police arrived to arrest KC?
This post is one of the most logical ones I have read! Yes ~ the first thing most people would do when a car smells like a dead body has been in it and there are several personal items belonging to your daughter & granddaughter left in it ~ is call 911 and do not drive the car home or anywhere! However, what I believe happened here is CA knew Casey was ok, having trailed her on myspace and cell phone calls, so that reinforces my opinion that during the heated argument of 6/15, Casey might have told her mother something like "you'll never see her again". CA had to find Casey before getting LE involved and probably thought when she finally called them that Casey might tell her just where Caylee was, but she didn't. MOO

ITA, I think that when they first got to the car at the tow yard even though it reeked of death, CA had been in contact with KC. She knew she was ok. She actually thought she was up in (I want to say, not 100% sure tho) Jacksonville with JH.
Like CA said, her warped mind even thought "Maybe someone put a body in the trunk after it was at the tow yard"
Something that bugs me sometimes: Why do some posters feel they must state that they haven't even bothered to read a thread before posting on it?

On to the case: When I first heard that George and Cindy "searched their yard" I felt they BOTH strongly suspected the baby was dead.

I have always been unclear about when this search took place. Was it the day after the car was found but before police arrived to arrest KC?

I hear ya!
Same with the posters who give the mods "permission" to move their posts/threads ..

As for George and Cindy, they searched their yard for a reason .. :behindbar

And yes, it was before LE came to the house ..
Something that bugs me sometimes: Why do some posters feel they must state that they haven't even bothered to read a thread before posting on it?

On to the case: When I first heard that George and Cindy "searched their yard" I felt they BOTH strongly suspected the baby was dead.

I have always been unclear about when this search took place. Was it the day after the car was found but before police arrived to arrest KC?

IIRC it was when they brought the car home...remember they had removed the battery of the car as well---opened all the car windows and such....they had suspicions----
Think about this..

Why didn't the Anthony's call 911 directly from the Tow Yard?

The car smells of death & Casey's purse is sitting in it..?

Why wasn't there any panic? Where are Caylee & Casey? Why is the Car here?

There is absolutley no reasonable explanation in the world for George to get in that Car & drive it back to the Anthony home...

The Car "Reeked of Death" -

George said to himself.."Please don't let my granddaughter be in the trunk"

I don't think the 911 call was part of any plan...Thats not what I'm saying

What I am saying is that I think it's awfully strange that Cindy had to "Find Casey" first before calling 911.

Why did she need to talk to Casey first?

To come up with a Plan...?

It's all BS & the Anthony's are in it up to their eyeballs....!!

Any normal person would have been on the phone with LE the minute they arrived at the Towyard

Exactly. Why also did George have to have the towyard guy check the trunk with him? Was it because George knew that the body had already been moved, or that the body was in the wheel well where it couldn't be seen? The towyard guy acted as a witness that there was no body in the trunk at that time. Why also did Cindy and George both go to work? Was it decided that after the car had been thoroughly cleaned (and other evidence removed) that they should act as if nothing too extraordinary had occurred. Too many questions not answered. Are Cindy and George not only protecting KC, but themselves as well.
Exactly. Why also did George have to have the towyard guy check the trunk with him? Was it because George knew that the body had already been moved, or that the body was in the wheel well where it couldn't be seen? The towyard guy acted as a witness that there was no body in the trunk at that time. Why also did Cindy and George both go to work? Was it decided that after the car had been thoroughly cleaned (and other evidence removed) that they should act as if nothing too extraordinary had occurred. Too many questions not answered. Are Cindy and George not only protecting KC, but themselves as well.

I thought George asked the tow-yard guy to check the trunk with him because he DID think there might be a dead body in there ..

George was relieved that the trunk was basically empty ..
Then he merrily jumped into the drivers seat and drove it home, in the rain, windows wide open so that he could breath ..
(snipped for space/bolded by me)

Interesting ~ and something I hadn't even thought of in all these months as to why CA called 911. I always thought it was because they were upset with having to bail out the car from the tow yard and they didn't have any idea what had happened to Caylee. But, with what they've said & done since then, it's very possible this is exactly what happened. I think they did have a good idea what happened when the car was recovered, but GA essentially "blew it" when he made the comments at the tow yard and looked inside the trunk. From that moment on it was all about covering it up. MOO

From the beging of this case I always thought that the only time Cindy was "Honest" was when she made the last 911 call..."Something's wrong.."

Now, I'm not so sure......I'm wondering if the call was staged.

I've decided to take a "fresh look" at the case & use this approach...I'm going to assume everything the Anthony's have said is a Lie.

I just really have this nagging feeling that something is being overlooked

I have no Idea what it is but I thought at this point in the investigation we would have a better idea on what happened to Caylee than we do.

We still don't know where she was murdered, when she was murdered or how she was murdered & Why didn't casey leave more evidence behind?

Is she that smart or did somebody help her clean things up?
From the beging of this case I always thought that the only time Cindy was "Honest" was when she made the last 911 call..."Something's wrong.."

Now, I'm not so sure......I'm wondering if the call was staged.

I've decided to take a "fresh look" at the case & use this approach...I'm going to assume everything the Anthony's have said is a Lie.

I just really have this nagging feeling that something is being overlooked

I have no Idea what it is but I thought at this point in the investigation we would have a better idea on what happened to Caylee than we do.

We still don't know where she was murdered, when she was murdered or how she was murdered & Why didn't casey leave more evidence behind?

Is she that smart or did somebody help her clean things up?

I believe the 911 call may have been staged; I thought so from the first time I heard it. CA seems worried, almost hysterical, UNTIL she says (paraphrase) "I'm reporting it now, m'am" in a VERY controlled voice.

Secondly, when she says she found out her grandaughter is missing, she says, "I (get the "I") have to find her". What in 'ell does that mean? Find the body? Find Caylee alive? Find out what "whomever" did with the body? To me, this is very suspicious. I always felt there was a lot MORE to this case than most people are willing to admit.

My opinion only
I believe the 911 call may have been staged; I thought so from the first time I heard it. CA seems worried, almost hysterical, UNTIL she says (paraphrase) "I'm reporting it now, m'am" in a VERY controlled voice.

Secondly, when she says she found out her grandaughter is missing, she says, "I (get the "I") have to find her". What in 'ell does that mean? Find the body? Find Caylee alive? Find out what "whomever" did with the body? To me, this is very suspicious. I always felt there was a lot MORE to this case than most people are willing to admit.

My opinion only

Going back to what I posted here yesterday, I thought I was the only cynic who thought nothing added up about Cindy's behavior from the very beginning and that the coverup possibly went back a lot farther. I'm glad I'm not the only one.

That's an excellent point about the reporting it now comment, Blackwatch. It is pretty jarring the context of the call.

I had sort of assumed the Anthonys dragged their feet about responding to the letter about the towed car because they likely didn't have the money to pay it off. But it sure would fit in with an attempt to put off calling the police for as long as possible to make the evidence as old as possible.
blackwatch said:
I believe the 911 call may have been staged; I thought so from the first time I heard it. CA seems worried, almost hysterical, UNTIL she says (paraphrase) "I'm reporting it now, m'am" in a VERY controlled voice.

I think it was "staged" in the sense that she was doing what a therapist may have told her to do and how a therapist told her to do it. She actually did a pretty good job until she realized what she was possible dealing with and the severity what was happening.

I draw this conclusion from the initial jail conversations between KC and CA.

I got the very distinct impression from Cindy's initial jail conversations with KC that she was "scripted" in the sense that a therapist had given her some stock responses and that she should stick to them when KC tried to manipulate CA.. Cindy was careful in that initial call to not accept any of the blame that KC was directing towards her and at THAT time she was putting the blame squarely back on KC's shoulders.Real text book responses to this kind of personality. IMO, CA was finally trying to stop the manipulation, but it was too little and far too late.

Once all heck broke loose, i think CA decided the way she was being told to handle KC had completely backfired and if she had continued to deal with KC the way she always had then Caylee would still be alive. IMO and IMO only, I think this was the springboard for CA to swing the pendulum all the way back the other way and support KC's nonsense at all costs which she continues to do.
Exactly. Why also did George have to have the towyard guy check the trunk with him? Was it because George knew that the body had already been moved, or that the body was in the wheel well where it couldn't be seen? The towyard guy acted as a witness that there was no body in the trunk at that time. Why also did Cindy and George both go to work? Was it decided that after the car had been thoroughly cleaned (and other evidence removed) that they should act as if nothing too extraordinary had occurred. Too many questions not answered. Are Cindy and George not only protecting KC, but themselves as well.

Right...Why isn't there "more" evidence in the trunk?

How does a Car end up smelling that bad without "Something" being left behind..?

A couple of "Hairs" did not cause that smell..

I'm also wondering if the 911 call would have been made at all if the Tow Yard Manager hadn't been there to smell the decomp
Right...Why isn't there "more" evidence in the trunk?

How does a Car end up smelling that bad without "Something" being left behind..?

A couple of "Hairs" did not cause that smell..

I'm also wondering if the 911 call would have been made at all if the Tow Yard Manager hadn't been there to smell the decomp

I think that GA may have cleaned the car when they got back with it. He knew the smell and him and CA have been covering for KC ever since.
Right...Why isn't there "more" evidence in the trunk?

How does a Car end up smelling that bad without "Something" being left behind..?

A couple of "Hairs" did not cause that smell..

I'm also wondering if the 911 call would have been made at all if the Tow Yard Manager hadn't been there to smell the decomp

Bolding mine.

You are krect! To have such an odor, something more than a couple of hairs had to be left behind. I remember there was a stain, a rather large stain, basketball-size stain, IIRC. Decomposition fluid in that amount would stink to high heaven. I believe this is where the stain came from and, IIRC, so did the talking heads and forensic people. Once that carpeting got doused with decomp the ball game was all over except for finding the body.

My opinion only
I believe the 911 call may have been staged; I thought so from the first time I heard it. CA seems worried, almost hysterical, UNTIL she says (paraphrase) "I'm reporting it now, m'am" in a VERY controlled voice.

Secondly, when she says she found out her grandaughter is missing, she says, "I (get the "I") have to find her". What in 'ell does that mean? Find the body? Find Caylee alive? Find out what "whomever" did with the body? To me, this is very suspicious. I always felt there was a lot MORE to this case than most people are willing to admit.

My opinion only

Your right.......Something is "Off" with that call

Now that I've seen what Cindy is capable of I've been looking at everything she's done & said from a different angle...George too

What would have prompted Cindy to call 911 on July 15th & say that the car "smells like a dead body"..?

Could it be that she was afraid that the Tow Yard Manager was going to report them to LE?

Were they expecting LE to knock at the door at any moment?

"Find Casey & tell her that we HAVE TO REPORT CAYLEE MISSING BEFORE THE TOW YARD MANAGER CALLS LE..... And clean the trunk too"

Also, What is the purpose of the "Gas can story & the Police report"?

If you get a chance....Watch the very first Interview that Cindy & George did with Greta Van S.....The one were Greta is at their home & George tells the "Gas can story"

I'm convinced that they are lying......But why?

What purpose does it serve...?
Bolding mine.

You are krect! To have such an odor, something more than a couple of hairs had to be left behind. I remember there was a stain, a rather large stain, basketball-size stain, IIRC. Decomposition fluid in that amount would stink to high heaven. I believe this is where the stain came from and, IIRC, so did the talking heads and forensic people. Once that carpeting got doused with decomp the ball game was all over except for finding the body.

My opinion only

Yes...Your right I do remember the stain but why wasn't LE able to identify what it was?

It had to be cleaned & cleaned well.

I suppose Casey could have cleaned it but I'm leaning towards somebody else.

Somebody who would know exactly what to use to destroy any & all traces of Blood & DNA evidence....

Who would know these things...??

An ex-cop,,,,,,A Nurse maybe...?

If Casey wanted to know what to use she would have looked it up on the Internet like everything else.

Sorry JBEAN.....I'm getting way off topic
I think it was "staged" in the sense that she was doing what a therapist may have told her to do and how a therapist told her to do it. She actually did a pretty good job until she realized what she was possible dealing with and the severity what was happening.

I draw this conclusion from the initial jail conversations between KC and CA.

I got the very distinct impression from Cindy's initial jail conversations with KC that she was "scripted" in the sense that a therapist had given her some stock responses and that she should stick to them when KC tried to manipulate CA.. Cindy was careful in that initial call to not accept any of the blame that KC was directing towards her and at THAT time she was putting the blame squarely back on KC's shoulders.Real text book responses to this kind of personality. IMO, CA was finally trying to stop the manipulation, but it was too little and far too late.

Once all heck broke loose, i think CA decided the way she was being told to handle KC had completely backfired and if she had continued to deal with KC the way she always had then Caylee would still be alive. IMO and IMO only, I think this was the springboard for CA to swing the pendulum all the way back the other way and support KC's nonsense at all costs which she continues to do.

Interesting concept, one that I hadn't thought of before. You could be 100% correct, Cindy WAS going by what the therapist told her. However, having smelt the decomp, I wonder about that. CA isn't one to go by what ANYONE, therapist, lawyer, PR person, whatever, tells her, especially after the first few minutes.

The one thing I do know, from hard experience, is this: A parent who has sociopathic tendancies does not differentiate between "right" and "wrong" behavior. Life is a "game", one long, convoluted, one-upmanship GAME.

My opinion only
A reputable therapist will NEVER tell a client what to do. A therapist will only ask the client what they want to do and then ask them to explain the reasons for it. A therapist needs to keep a distance between conducting the client and counseling the client.

I do not believe the therapist ever told Cindy to begin proceedings to take Caylee. IF there was a therapist, the therapist would be bound to merely get Cindy to talk about why she needs to do that and what are her plans for carrying it out.

Is the only source for a therapist through SP?
Interesting concept, one that I hadn't thought of before. You could be 100% correct, Cindy WAS going by what the therapist told her. However, having smelt the decomp, I wonder about that. CA isn't one to go by what ANYONE, therapist, lawyer, PR person, whatever, tells her, especially after the first few minutes.

The one thing I do know, from hard experience, is this: A parent who has sociopathic tendancies does not differentiate between "right" and "wrong" behavior. Life is a "game", one long, convoluted, one-upmanship GAME.

My opinion only
Before we found out all this information on this family and we heard the 911 and jail calls, I remember thinking how refreshing it was to have a parent that was actually going to call their child on the carpet and not be manipulated into believing their lies. But I also remember thinking, this lady is not doing this alone, this is clearly with theguidance and help of a professional, because she is staying calm and saying all the right things and stock answers. I was impressed with CA for the first few initial reports.

Then there was a distinct about face in attitude in CA and that has been ongoing topic in this forum ever since.

So, my explanation has always been that CA was trying to finally change the way she responded to KC with the help of a professional. I assume that professional told her to let KC go, kick her out,don't fight, don't do any of the things she had been doing, don't bail her out, don't argue with her, don't support her, etc. Undoubtedly she was told it would be hard, but KC would have to hit rock bottom, but CA had to stop enabling her. No matter what anyone says, kicking out your own dysfunctional child ( oe letting then leave under these conditions) has got to be incredbily difficult ESPECIALLY when they are a parent of a small child and I think it was the hardest thing CA had to do. Way, way, way out of her comfort zone.

So CA takes a shot at it. I wouldn't be surprised if a therapist suggested that CA not to even try and contact KC, but there is no way CA will be able to do that. She lets her go, she doesn't go overboard trying to find Caylee, because she does not think for one minute that Caylee has been murdered. I will never believe in a million years that CA knew Caylee was dead. I think CA was trying to apply her new approach to KC. But after a month and no contact from Caylee, CA just can't do it anymore and we know what happens after that.

But this is the kicker. CA finally does what she should, stops enabling her daughter and her worst fear comes true.
Her conclusion? She should have never stopped enabling her because what she got for her new attitude was a daughter in jail and dead granddaughter. hence, it is from there that CA has been operating for the rest of this saga. Enable, support, and deny because in her mind the alternative was a bust.
She is completely missing the bigger picture.

as always this is all my opinion.
Theres something to be said about a good opinion JBean and yours seems to hit the nail on the head.

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