Casey to be given new name & moved to secret location. Where is Casey?

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they would give her probably a new ssn? even so her fingerprints are in system, and unless she burns them/prints off...not seeing that. also the bella vita tattoo, ( and doesnt she have another one? shamrock? or was i mistaken?) shed be smart to remove the infamous tat..but that is painfull and costs $$$$$> interesting indeed...

This "witness protection program" they are talking about is as valid ICAs job at Universal. Its total baloney - they've co-oped a known term to create interest and drama (who does that sound like?). She is not going to get anything like the "services" provided under witness protection - she has nothing of value to offer for that "service"
Watching Cindy be totally manipulated by! These two are quite the pair.

Two narcissists trying to pretend to relate to what the other is saying. Each stroking the other and getting their needs met. Any other parent would be screaming at their daughter and demanding to cut the B.S...not cindy, she revels in it!
Casey has a problem with stealing .
She stole when she didn't need anything -just for the thrill of it .
She didn't steal to eat
She must be itching to get back out there .
I don't know for sure but I am betting she is a kleptomaniac .
Sociopaths often commit crimes and why would she stop now ?
This "witness protection program" they are talking about is as valid ICAs job at Universal. Its total baloney - they've taken co-oped a known term to create interest and drama (who does that sound like?). She is not going to get anything like the "services" provided under witness protection - she has nothing of value to offer for that "service"

Unless they come up with the "Killer Protection Program" she is plum out of luck.
The term delusions of grandeur has floundered around in her head for a long time.
Watching Cindy be totally manipulated by! These two are quite the pair.

Two narcissists trying to pretend to relate to what the other is saying. Each stroking the other and getting their needs met. Any other parent would be screaming at their daughter and demanding to cut the B.S...not cindy, she revels in it!

My mother would have beat me to death if her granndaughter was missing and I was playing games. They'd be looking for two bodies if this were my family.
Where did this family get the term, "Reach out"? What a bunch of!

Casey has a problem with stealing .
She stole when she didn't need anything -just for the thrill of it .
She didn't steal to eat
She must be itching to get back out there .
I don't know for sure but I am betting she is a kleptomaniac .
Sociopaths often commit crimes and why would she stop now ?

I wonder if she really will be put in some type of facility for some serious therapy, although I doubt it would help. But, she does have some very nasty tendencies and it's only a matter of time before they rear their ugly head.
I still can't imagine her remaining anonymous for any length of time, what fun would that be? I'm sure the idea of being notorious is quite appealing to her.
I am watching NG's collection of jailhouse tapes. Some I have not seen in awhile.

I wish the state had shown an excerpt of George trying to get ICA to talk to the FBI alone. Would he do that if he were the guilty one?

And she is so transparently narcissistic in one of them. She said :

" Every single day, every morning, I wake up, and I hope and I pray that...."

[ Is she going to say that she hopes and prays that Caylee is found safe? umm.. no]

" Every single day, every morning, I wake up, and I hope and I pray that...
I can be home with you guys, and help you look for that little girl."

REALLY? That is her big daily wish? To get out of jail and join the search ?
They are def trying to make ICA into a poor old victim. Pls. She killed her baby. That's the real victim here.

Vinnie P. mentioned Caylees ashes tonight. He said (in my words) if KC. loved Caylee the first thing she should do is take Caylees ashes and visit Suburban Dr. where she was found. I have felt this way since the verdict came. I would want my babys ashes.I've not seen a word mentioned about this.Since she is not a killer, I should think they would be returned to her.
O/T I remember SP. being moved about 3~5 am..with insomnia I will be watching.:floorlaugh:
I wonder if she really will be put in some type of facility for some serious therapy, although I doubt it would help. But, she does have some very nasty tendencies and it's only a matter of time before they rear their ugly head.
I still can't imagine her remaining anonymous for any length of time, what fun would that be? I'm sure the idea of being notorious is quite appealing to her.

bbm - the really interesting question is on whose dime - and what recompense will be required...
Cindy, Lee and kc are all of the same mentality....weird!
Even if she could life a life of anonymity by changing her looks, I don't think she'd do it. She loves the attention, and will probably hire bodyguards to protect her. I see her doing that rather than trying to hide.

Besides, she could change her looks, but she can't change her character. The lying and thieving will continue. (Not to mention murder if anyone gets in her way the way Caylee did.) I say she'd out herself pretty quick w/ her rotten, evil personality.

I wonder if she really will be put in some type of facility for some serious therapy, although I doubt it would help. But, she does have some very nasty tendencies and it's only a matter of time before they rear their ugly head.
I still can't imagine her remaining anonymous for any length of time, what fun would that be? I'm sure the idea of being notorious is quite appealing to her.

You haven't lived till you spent time working in a facility that housed 14 Borderline women.

Of course she does not want cosmetic surgery.. she LIKES who she is !
The thing is Casey will not be able to live too long without friends of some type.. she thrives on being wanted, fitting into the norm for a 20ish crowd.. she will not be happy living with very few attorney friends.. she WANTS a social life.. that will in the end force her out of hiding.. she in her mind thinks that eventually everyone will just accept her and things will be ok.
She can change her hair, eye color, dress style.. but eventually someone will call her out on who she is.
I want her to disapear and never be heard from again AND her attorneys for that matter.
... ohh the jury too.. just all go away
I still remain shocked that she will be set free.

OMG, me too!!! I just can't believe this is the way it all turned out. Worse than most of us even imagined..... she's FREE!!! Still think I'm dreaming!:banghead:
None of those attorneys are going to have casey in their homes and they're not going to support her. She's going to have to get some sort of deal going for the story or else stay with relatives. The only job that might she might get is with some defense attorney someplace, someone who's in cahoots with mason and baez. She'll have to totally change her looks in order to not be recognized.
The DT are just trying to find ways to keep her away from their houses. 'It's not safe, they will be looking for you here. You must go far, far away and not call us or contact us.'

OMG, me too!!! I just can't believe this is the way it all turned out. Worse than most of us even imagined..... she's FREE!!! Still think I'm dreaming!:banghead:

You are not alone! :needdrink:
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