Casey to be given new name & moved to secret location. Where is Casey?

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Surrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre she about that bridge I have for sale.
Hey guys. this is an interesting turn of events that does really call for some good discussion....

Do you think she will be successful at changing her identity? It is a tall order for someone like KC,imo.

Well, maybe 6inch stilettoes would make her look taller.
I say ABC is courting her...God knows, they have the rest of the family and jurors.

Well, I did read in the news thread that Katie Couric and Greta both want "the get" they call it. Pfffft
I still can't believe we are discussing where and how she will live out the rest of her life...thought for sure we would be discussing the rest of her beautiful life behind bars :(
LOL! BTW...I saw a news blurb that "mommy" Simms is going to be on Joy Behar tonight...wonder if she will again ask the country to 'find compassion' for the murderous one. :banghead:

Can just go on record and ask why we are always asked to be compassionate to folks who have done wicked and horrible things, but are scoffed at and deemed a rube when we are compassionate to those deserving or in need? &*^%G DCS and the horse she rode in on - and the whole lurid DT and their disgusting, pandering, duplicitous bull hockey. They are bigger gifters and social parasites than ICA. IMHO
:maddening:meh I really could not imagine her not wanting the attention. If she does she will at least pick her new found neighbors brain about what they think of that poor felon, Casey Anthony. Then again she could play the part if she wanted to.

I would imagine she would come up with a "hollywood(ish) name... something like the Juliette Lewis or Gabriella Wiheset... something that sounds like she is straight from hollywood. I kinda would think she'd go for the plastic surgery it would sound like a game to her.

I wonder how they are doing this though. Witness protection program is one thing. I would imagine you really have to pull some strings to get a new identity with a background, wouldn't you? AND.....

if she can do this who is to say that other felons can't? Whats keeping other inmates from getting a new identity? Oh ya-- thats right, she's not guilty.
Well, I did read in the news thread that Katie Couric and Greta both want "the get" they call it. Pfffft

What are they really expecting her to say??? It will be just one lie after the other.......there really isn't any story to tell! Will she say who did it? How it happened? Noooooooooooooooooooo!
ICA just said on tape (2 yrs ago) that she feels safer in jail...hmmm. If she was scared then, she must be terrified now...
If a bucktoothed woman in big sunglasses and a hat orders bologna and cheese sandwich's with a side order of coleslaw or a bowl of chili she will be outed.
Can just go on record and ask why we are always asked to be compassionate to folks who have done wicked and horrible things, but are scoffed at and deemed a rube when we are compassionate to those deserving or in need? &*^%G DCS and the horse she rode in on - and the whole lurid DT and their disgusting, pandering, duplicitous bull hockey. They are bigger gifters and social parasites than ICA. IMHO

Tell us how you really feel, BFMD!

LOL! You made me laugh outloud! Hugs!
Watching these old tapes of her, laughing and enjoying her visits w/mommy & daddy are really sickening. If I back this up with Momma Dimms, I 'm getting out the beer.
What are they really expecting her to say??? It will be just one lie after the other.......there really isn't any story to tell! Will she say who did it? How it happened? Noooooooooooooooooooo!

Agreed! And especially Ms. Softball Question Greta, after the interview she did with Juror #11. *rolleyes*
they would give her probably a new ssn? even so her fingerprints are in system, and unless she burns them/prints off...not seeing that. also the bella vita tattoo, ( and doesnt she have another one? shamrock? or was i mistaken?) shed be smart to remove the infamous tat..but that is painfull and costs $$$$$> interesting indeed...
They are def trying to make ICA into a poor old victim. Pls. She killed her baby. That's the real victim here.
If a bucktoothed woman in big sunglasses and a hat orders bologna and cheese sandwich's with a side order of coleslaw or a bowl of chili she will be outed.


"The defendant shall be deemed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law."

Casey has left us with this new sign in court.

"The proven guilty in a court of law shall be deemed innocent."

Casey always knew how to turn a truth into lie. So just go away already!!!
Believe me, ICA has never ever had an original thought. She mimics and repeats the words and thoughts of all she comes in contact with and sometimes spins it but it is never original. She doesn't have the brain power to put herself in other's shoes.

She does not have an adequate personality to get by on her own and never will.
Well, I did read in the news thread that Katie Couric and Greta both want "the get" they call it. Pfffft

Would be career suicide no matter who does it IMO also a good way to lose viewers.We do have the power,we purchase what they sell that can be how we can stop the big $$$$ from going to a murderer:loser::loser:r.OJ was going to do a PPV till the public spoke,just saying:innocent:

Yep, just when you thought things couldn't possibly get any worse. :floorlaugh:
The world has turned upside down and inside out.
Murderers go free, get the royal treatment and the bystanders are called nutcases.:waitasec:
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