Casey to be given new name & moved to secret location. Where is Casey?

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Everyone pretty much agrees that FCA is a narcissist, so tell me how do you think she is going to react to being tucked away in some "safe house". I do not think anyone will be able to control her for very long.
Sounds like Baez is already backing off a bit

ose Baez, Ms. Anthony’s criminal lawyer, said he was worried about her safety. But short of giving her some help just after her release, there is little he can do. He did confirm that she was not headed to Puerto Rico.

“I am trying to stay away from that whole thing,” Mr. Baez said about her post-release plans. “I’m her lawyer. I’m not a relative. I am assisting her to a certain extent. There is not much beyond that I can do. As a legal professional, you are always concerned about all of your clients. You want them to go on to live productive lives. I will say that when a person is acquitted in a court of law, that should mean something.”

Hmmm.. I have been wondering if he would continue to assist her after she is released. Doesn't sound like he is willing to go to great lengths. Perhaps it's time for him to start earning the big bucks now and move on? FCA was his meal ticket IMO
So, since KC has received all of 7, yes seven death threats according to the attorney for her at the ZFG hearing yesterday, do ya' think the threats were:

A) faxed
B) emailed
C) called in
D) candy grammed
E) notes left where the German Shepard pees

OMG, you guys are funny.


That would be E. :floorlaugh:
This is copy/pasted from Facebook, so take it for what it's worth :) But it IS a possibility:

Everyone is wondering where casey is going, I heard the defense attorney chaney mason has provided casey with a plane compliments of an ex client he has defended in the past ,casey will go directly to a private home with a private landing strip and taken to a private home in the Bahamas (likely Geraldo's beach home there), she will need no passport and be close... enough to Florida to return for court hearings, depositions and other legal matters including interviews she won't need a passport in a private plane and can not fly internationally because of being recognized, by the time the media and orange county announce her release, her feet will be on the sandy beaches in the Bahamas, thats why they're giving her 1/2 hour to forty minutes before hitting the media with the clever.....

Hmm. Wonder if CM has ever defended John Travolta? He lives near Orlando, has a private landing strip as well as his own plane - which he can fly - and bonus! A home in the bahamas.
Sounds like Baez is already backing off a bit

ose Baez, Ms. Anthony’s criminal lawyer, said he was worried about her safety. But short of giving her some help just after her release, there is little he can do. He did confirm that she was not headed to Puerto Rico.

“I am trying to stay away from that whole thing,” Mr. Baez said about her post-release plans. “I’m her lawyer. I’m not a relative. I am assisting her to a certain extent. There is not much beyond that I can do. As a legal professional, you are always concerned about all of your clients. You want them to go on to live productive lives. I will say that when a person is acquitted in a court of law, that should mean something.”

Hmmm.. I have been wondering if he would continue to assist her after she is released. Doesn't sound like he is willing to go to great lengths. Perhaps it's time for him to start earning the big bucks now and move on? FCA was his meal ticket IMO

She will be in a jail outside of real jail, which is some ways will be worse as she will forever be looking over her shoulder. The justice system may have spoken but the court of public opinion has not had it's say yet. This is going to be like releasing her to the wolves. No name change and change of hair color is going to be able to disguise Casey Anthony. I honestly don't see how she can last. Heck, already, a girl who looked like her got ran off the road in Oklahoma!!

Cheney Mason can yak all he wants in his condescending and sanctimonious way about everyone needing to respect the verdict and the Constitution, etc. but the truth is, and we all know it, the justice system failed, and it will not be so easy, nor should it be, for her to have that to fall back on.

She will not be able to go ANYWHERE in public. And this won't subside in a mere year. She will always be identified as someone who killed her own child!

There is a poster on here who's signature is "Where there is justice, there is Peace". The continuation of that is "Where there is no justice, there is no Peace". We're not talking about forgiving or moving beyond someone who robbed a convenience store - we're talking about the ultimate crime, made even worse by the fact that the victim was a 2 year old daughter. This is simply too difficult for many people to ignore.

Casey Anthony is in for a rude awakening.
Hmm. Wonder if CM has ever defended John Travolta? He lives near Orlando, has a private landing strip as well as his own plane - which he can fly - and bonus! A home in the bahamas.

point of interest here would be that DS office is quite near the airport that Travolta is on. We are on a private airport on the opposite side of Ocala and I was glad to hear it when Simms was distancing herself from the Felon so she wouldn’t be bringing her to Ocala.
I think KC will be staying put somewhere near Orlando on a network expense account.

Think about it......IF she gives a big $$ interview....wouldn't she need new "photo/ video footage" to sell in the form of licensing rights? What better photo / video footage than KC herself retracing her steps in those 31 days.

Just thinking out loud.
I think KC will be staying put somewhere near Orlando on a network expense account.

Think about it......IF she gives a big $$ interview....wouldn't she need new "photo/ video footage" to sell in the form of licensing rights? What better photo / video footage than KC herself retracing her steps in those 31 days.

Just thinking out loud.
I'm just sick, sick, sick about all this. :(
Is it me, or is Baez running...not walking...away from KC in that excerpt from the NYT?

Cynical view: Baez sniffed around and saw there isn't any money to be made; the media demand for KC might not be as great as some imagine. (Would you watch? Not I.)

More realistic view: Baez is savvy. He knows what KC is about and he knows what her family is about, and he is getting far, far away.

One other thing: He just made a big name for himself, but the more those jurors talk, and those jury forms are scrutinized, he knows he got about as lucky as a golfer hitting two consecutive holes-in-one. Time to cash in before people realize that he won the idiot-juror-lottery, and is not a legal superstar.

EDIT: look how weak baez's "defense" of her acquittal is. A officer of the Court, saying "it should mean something". Usually, to the legal profession, it means everything. And here's the head of her defense team all but pleading for respect of a verdict which merits none.

Probably all are somewhat true. My two cents anyway.
I'm not interested in anyone hurting her, or beating her up, or God forbid trying to kill her. That won't bother her. She will play victim.

What I think people need to do is simply ignore her, and not give her the time of day. Don't talk to her, don't look at her. She simply won't be able to live with herself if that could actually happen.

I would listen to her interview, if it meant I wasn't contributing to her financially, or another way, because I want to know what she thinks apparently happened. I don't think I will have to worry about that, because imo she will not talk about this case. She might write a book or something, that's just a bunch of lies about her family maybe, which is of no interest to me or too anyone else hopefully. I think she will pretend and continue to live like nothing can touch her, and laugh, and be "funny", because she thinks she's just so funny. Pretend like she was never part of a murder case, like she can just toss it out like she did Caylee. She's going to act exactly how she did in those letters.
I'm convinced that attorneys won't fork over a dime of their own money to put Casey anywhere unless the first check is going directly to them so they can take out the amount they spent. Some doctor may hide her out at a ritzy celebrity style rehab center for a little while or like another poster said, a network or some person who wants the story may put her up in seclusion until they get the story or interview. Casey will need money and that will have to done first, then they will be done with her. A doctor, clinic, or a network producer situation is most likely until she gets her money.
Is it me, or is Baez running...not walking...away from KC in that excerpt from the NYT?

Cynical view: Baez sniffed around and saw there isn't any money to be made; the media demand for KC might not be as great as some imagine. (Would you watch? Not I.)

More realistic view: Baez is savvy. He knows what KC is about and he knows what her family is about, and he is getting far, far away.

One other thing: He just made a big name for himself, but the more those jurors talk, and those jury forms are scrutinized, he knows he got about as lucky as a golfer hitting two consecutive holes-in-one. Time to cash in before people realize that he won the idiot-juror-lottery, and is not a legal superstar.

EDIT: look how weak baez's "defense" of her acquittal is. A officer of the Court, saying "it should mean something". Usually, to the legal profession, it means everything. And here's the head of her defense team all but pleading for respect of a verdict which merits none.

Probably all are somewhat true. My two cents anyway.

Hopefully HHJP has some unpleasant surprises in store for JB...
Is it me, or is Baez running...not walking...away from KC in that excerpt from the NYT?

Cynical view: Baez sniffed around and saw there isn't any money to be made; the media demand for KC might not be as great as some imagine. (Would you watch? Not I.)

More realistic view: Baez is savvy. He knows what KC is about and he knows what her family is about, and he is getting far, far away.

One other thing: He just made a big name for himself, but the more those jurors talk, and those jury forms are scrutinized, he knows he got about as lucky as a golfer hitting two consecutive holes-in-one. Time to cash in before people realize that he won the idiot-juror-lottery, and is not a legal superstar.

EDIT: look how weak baez's "defense" of her acquittal is. A officer of the Court, saying "it should mean something". Usually, to the legal profession, it means everything. And here's the head of her defense team all but pleading for respect of a verdict which merits none.

Probably all are somewhat true. My two cents anyway.

Hi and welcome!

I agree,if it's true,then he's making a good move for his future.
It's been reported that he wants to be a legal TH on the same network that employs his wife. Wouldn't look good if it appeared he had ANY KIND of relationship with Casey ,other than professional.
And really, isn't 3 years of Casey more than enough for anyone?
Can a felon be a lawyer?
No. No Bar Association would admit a felon, so even if she went to law school, unless the felonies came off her record for some reason, she couldn't practice, even if she managed to pass the Bar exam.
just think...she had to be in solitary confinement at the jail to protect her from other prisoners :waitasec: ...some would argue that the prisoners are the inept criminals that "get caught." Think about all the "mafia" types and "hit men" that would gladly take her out given the right incentive. I'm scared for her!...NOT!
Funny, I said that the day of her verdict- Where's Jared Loughner when you need him?:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Hmm. Wonder if CM has ever defended John Travolta? He lives near Orlando, has a private landing strip as well as his own plane - which he can fly - and bonus! A home in the bahamas.

FYI: John is a Scientoligist. And they are highly unapproving of people who commit ANY type of crime. And if he were to help out? I can reassure you *I live in the mecca heart of Scientology* that it would be for a price which would be a donation to the Church of Scientology.

Just saying cause I have lived in the midst of this *religion* for two years. Know alot of Scientologists.
I'm convinced that attorneys won't fork over a dime of their own money to put Casey anywhere unless the first check is going directly to them so they can take out the amount they spent. Some doctor may hide her out at a ritzy celebrity style rehab center for a little while or like another poster said, a network or some person who wants the story may put her up in seclusion until they get the story or interview. Casey will need money and that will have to done first, then they will be done with her. A doctor, clinic, or a network producer situation is most likely until she gets her money.

Dr. Drew sure jumped on the band wagon during the trial.It seemed to me that he really didn't know a lot of the details about the case,though.
Dr. Drew sure jumped on the band wagon during the trial.It seemed to me that he really didn't know a lot of the details about the case,though.

latecomers should have come here and read up on everything about this case. Several of the heads started believing and repeating their own mis-truths about this case.
What happens if no deals are forthcoming,no one wants to hand over a million $ and have their advertisers pull out due to consumer protests....?
I can't imagine that Geraldo can afford to lose every sponsor on his show, if he gives her air time to spout more lies.....
I feel sure Mommy CA will come to her rescue, so they can be BFF again, but just in case she has developed a backbone -
Can ICA just show up in another state and go on welfare if she ends up broke?
It sounds from JB's statement to NY Times that he is not going to be her sugar daddy... supposing you can believe anything he says !
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