Casey to be given new name & moved to secret location. Where is Casey?

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She's been in isolation for 3 years. Waiting. Thinking. Plotting. Or whatever it is she's been doing as is evident of her jailhouse letters. She has a lot to say. And she WILL say it. Eventually. She wants to talk about "her experience". How the justice system picked on her and she won. How America is picking on her. How her parents betrayed her. I've seen this over and over again with inmates who get released. They have a list of everything they want to do coming out. But for some reason their psyche and brain goes nuts!

It goes haywire. Just imagine being isolated away from everything. No internet. No tv. No nothing. And all of a sudden it's like a pinball machine. She has a list. She also has a big chip on her shoulder ON top of everything else that's been messing with her head over the last 3 years. Without a doubt she has been "traumatized" but she also caused herself to be in that position as well. No one to blame but herself. With whatever money she has in her pocket. No support system really. JB himself said "I'm her lawyer. Not a therapist".

She's not left Orlando. Yet. And the fact that she has a camera of her own *so has been said* means she is on a mission. I'd bet my bottom dollar on that! She's hiding in plain site. CM can say whatever he wants. Diversion. Pure and simple. She'll be in a vehicle. Amongst traffic. She'll be walking amongst everyone in all the same places she visited before. Leopards never change their spots. Never. Think of it like a soldier who has gone to war and then comes back home after a long period of being isolated away from "normal routine" at their homes.

She's making up for lost time. And the climax of all of this is still yet to come.
Do you really think if there was any REAL threat to Casey Baez wouldnt have not let her walk out the front door in a " HOT" pink polo? Notice the cops were wearing kevlor why not her? Tim McVey had one on cause there were real threats. I think no one made 1 single threat that was anything other than the usual rants on the net. Most people that despise her are like me, 50ish year old women, mothers and yes a few men, but for the most part I cannot see anyone actually hurting her unless she gets out in public and the word gets out.

Baez would like to create as much stink as possible thus boosting his potential for big bucks for HIM. if I were her mom or advisor i would caution her as her lawyer seems to be interested in making money off this situation and may not have her best interest at heart. ( not that I care about her best interest) LOL
A poster over at TMZ claims he's a pilot and looked up the N number on the airplane with the golfers that was heading to Ohio. He found connections between KC's uncle and the owner of this airplane. I don't know how valid his claims are put I'll post them/his profile link here for the heck of it and you can read through it:

Actually based on JB's comments that he is not family and TM's comment she's in good hands, I would guess she is with family. It could make sense.

If the TMZ poster is correct. I want to know where are the rest of the A's. Have they been spotted since FCA was released?
If the TMZ poster is correct. I want to know where are the rest of the A's. Have they been spotted since FCA was released?

I would also like to know where Cindy is. GMA was showing a video of that plane and it looked like the person they highlighted was Cindy . I could see the bracelets from the sky LOL It looked like her to me even they way she walked. i did not see casey though
I just bet good money she is in Ohio. Afterall who would take a chance with her other than family? And it would make sense if Cindy was with her. Has anyone seen Cindy in public since Casey was released?
Am I the only one that thinks that Jose and KC are, or will become FRIENDS with BENEFITS
I would also like to know where Cindy is. GMA was showing a video of that plane and it looked like the person they highlighted was Cindy . I could see the bracelets from the sky LOL It looked like her to me even they way she walked. i did not see casey though

Maybe they were decoys and Lippman is lying.
I would also like to know where Cindy is. GMA was showing a video of that plane and it looked like the person they highlighted was Cindy . I could see the bracelets from the sky LOL It looked like her to me even they way she walked. i did not see casey though

Maybe this entire line JB and CM have been spewing: "KC won't be going back to her family," KC refusing to see her mother in jail, GA's "KC is not welcome here" is a ploy to divert attention that they are really together - possibly in OH.
Just wondering ...when don't you need a passport to fly to the Bahamas? Private plane passengers go through customs too...

You have to have one. My boss has his own plane and has to show passport when they land. Even if the pilot takes someone else out of the country they too have to show passport coming and going. There is no way she is out of the country unless smuggled, or they got her passport for her prior to release, which I doubt because none of them thought she would ever get out.
I agree I also feel she is still in Orlando. Baez can not let her go yet. And if they did thrust her off somewhere shame on them. She is not right, her civil attorney said she is emotionally exhausted, and to just cast her off will only mean more trouble.

After hearing Geraldo's comment that her location is "not that dramatic", coupled with the expense of having her out of state, it stands to reason she would be close enough, for her team to be in contact with her for various offers, etc. Also, it would be less expense to have her holed up in a gated area with a babysitter from the defense team. The girl running to the hanger, and talk of various flights, were the real decoys. CM has other properties nearby, secure enough to hide her, and has many connections to offers made by his cronies.

I'm convinced she is still in the area.
If he can prove he was in Orlando between Nov. 12th and Nov. 27th 2004...I would momentarily consider believing him. But I'm more inclined to believe Caylee's father was someone closer to Casey's age.
Caylee was born on Aug. 9, 2005, normal pregnancy is 252-266 days...Casey would have conceived Caylee between Nov. 12th and Nov. 27th 2004. Thanksgiving in 2004 fell on the 25th.

You know FCA would have bragged about this so called rich guy to someone, one of her friends or whatever. There would have been some refrence to him some where along the way. If she really thought a rich guy was Caylee's dad she would have gone after him for $$ IMO. I can't believe those tabloids are allowed to print such stuff.
We all remember when FICA "lost" it that one day in court. She had played "sweet" long enough, her temper got the best of her and the true person came through. I still get chills thinking of the demonic look on her face. The minute JB turned around she straightened up and was looking scared..I think she was worried that he, finally, saw the REAL FICA.

The very next day they had 3 psychs evaluate her. FICA has lived in jail for 3 years, her only contact with JB has been behind bars. If he is staying with her 24/7, her true self is going to come out.

Mentally ill people, IMHO, are very good at fooling others. They even fool psychs, for goodness sakes.

She wants to do her own thing, she is free. JB is not getting the offers flowing in. Things will be TENSE, and she will blow. He won't know how to handle her.

FWIW, If he hasn't called CA, I predict he will. That whole family got good at handling her, they knew that she "goes off." Through embarrassment, whatever, they have covered for her, her whole life. That's what people in families with mentally ill people do, they either "put them away" or make excuses for them to friends, neighbors, ect.

I predict JB is going to see the real FICA and not want to deal with it. It's just a matter of time before this thing blows sky high. She may run away and call the police accusing JB of keeping her a prisioner, or God knows what.

I expect to see her back at Hopespring Drive, very, very soon. I, FWIW, thinks she is close, very close to there, also.
What can he do? Send her back to jail? No, this whole situation is a powder keg. JMHO
KC has probably had her parents forcefully removed from their home and then sent to Ohio and probably has a restraining order against Lee, and has moved into her parent's house!! Well, she's done whatever else she pleased and got away with it, right?

If he can prove he was in Orlando between Nov. 12th and Nov. 27th 2004...I would momentarily consider believing him. But I'm more inclined to believe Caylee's father was someone closer to Casey's age.
Caylee was born on Aug. 9, 2005, normal pregnancy is 252-266 days...Casey would have conceived Caylee between Nov. 12th and Nov. 27th 2004. Thanksgiving in 2004 fell on the 25th.

I've always had a feeling that Mark H is Caylee's Dad despite the fact he denied he slept with her. I wouldn't doubt Padilla being correct that she is with MH as we speak - possibly trying to create another little Caylee. Sick thought I know.....But I wouldn't put it past her.
Am I the only one that thinks that Jose and KC are, or will become FRIENDS with BENEFITS

I've always thought so. I think she was friends with benefits before her first charge, always thought she knew his from a bar or some other activity. Never bought the story that fellow inmates told her to pick him, never bought the story he stayed on with a bad check, they knew each other before.
She's been in isolation for 3 years. Waiting. Thinking. Plotting. Or whatever it is she's been doing as is evident of her jailhouse letters. She has a lot to say. And she WILL say it. Eventually. She wants to talk about "her experience". How the justice system picked on her and she won. How America is picking on her. How her parents betrayed her. I've seen this over and over again with inmates who get released. They have a list of everything they want to do coming out. But for some reason their psyche and brain goes nuts!

It goes haywire. Just imagine being isolated away from everything. No internet. No tv. No nothing. And all of a sudden it's like a pinball machine. She has a list. She also has a big chip on her shoulder ON top of everything else that's been messing with her head over the last 3 years. Without a doubt she has been "traumatized" but she also caused herself to be in that position as well. No one to blame but herself. With whatever money she has in her pocket. No support system really. JB himself said "I'm her lawyer. Not a therapist".

She's not left Orlando. Yet. And the fact that she has a camera of her own *so has been said* means she is on a mission. I'd bet my bottom dollar on that! She's hiding in plain site. CM can say whatever he wants. Diversion. Pure and simple. She'll be in a vehicle. Amongst traffic. She'll be walking amongst everyone in all the same places she visited before. Leopards never change their spots. Never. Think of it like a soldier who has gone to war and then comes back home after a long period of being isolated away from "normal routine" at their homes.

She's making up for lost time. And the climax of all of this is still yet to come.

I have to agree.
In a previous post I said this is a hard thing to get away from.

Well I am on vacation this week so left early to have a blood test and have my car inspected.

In the gas station there is a little section where you can go in to pay and buy goodies lottery tickets etc. I went in there to wait as the air conditioner was blasting and it is soooo hot hazy and humid here. I hate it!

Anyway what comes on the Today show first thing? Ys you guessed it. There was not a soul that came in including the guy that worked there that did not have something to say. None of it was good. I swear with this heat and everyone talking about Casey if I were to look out my window and see palm trees I would think I was in Florida!!!!
Now I'm sure this guy is full of s#1t. His pic of a "Casey" getting into a limo looks like it's actually a Ford Explorer AND looks nothing like Casey. It's probably a googled pic or a friend. The the flight info, it just doesn't look legit. And he just started the twitter account to say that Casey was coming to Palm Springs.

Looks like some bored guy's social media experiment to see how much attention he can get without any legit info.
Wow, those plastic surgeons are really really fast! If they were able to transform her already to look nothing like she did this fast, I'm impressed! They must also be really good if they can make a limo look like a Ford Explorer!!
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