Casey to serve one year probation #2

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Let her serve her time just as others would.

As far as her "Safety" goes, for one thing, if her team of liars would stay out of the public eyes, quit parading her around "in secret" and then selling those "busted out" photo's, they wouldn't have to worry.

I mean come on, yeah, the public is outraged at the verdict, her, her team, her family, ect, but honestly, how many people would really take an opportunity to take a shot at her???

Her life is NOT worth going to jail over, and be assured, if someone did, they sure as he// would not end up with a jury like she had.

Her defense team needs to come up for air, and stop their whining.

The money is gone.
Cut their losses and get on with their lifes.
Stop with the press releases and interviews.

Stop babysitting her ~ Your obligation to her is OVER.

Let her work a midnight shift somewhere, where people are less likely to take notice of her.
Make her pay rent on a small apartment or motel by the week place.
Set bounderies for her and make her stick to them.

The biggest kick to her ego would be for her to see that
NO ONE CARES what she does.

No one cares ~
Not seeing her name and picture on the front of every newspaper or magazine, or, the first name mentioned at the start of any newscast is more than she can probably stand. I bet she does those little "fisties" all the time.

Her defense team worked their charm on the jury.
They are responsible for her getting her free pass and her freedom.

Let her reap what they have sowed, and lets see if she can abide by the rules set forth for any other person that is walking into their probation officers office on any given day.

Let's see if she can do it.

IMO this opens up a can of worms for the State of FL. Probationers are going to come up with one reason after another why they need special consideration. Casey is not the only criminal that has people angry with her . She's certainly not the only criminal to be hated or threatened.
The reason Casey has received so much attention is because of her mother and her attorney ,leading to a very odd cast of characters.
Casey is nothing special. Sadly ,there are mothers who kill their children.She should not receive any special treatment. JMO
Hey LG..I have been checking TV stations for any programs and am happy to report the only thing I've seen besides Dr. P is the bio channel ran something a couple months ago for about a week. As far as Florida doing their part to protect the felon I can see their point in wanting to also protect innocent people from her drama. As has been reported many times on HLN the special conditions are to protect the officers/public that could very well be injured if some nut does decide to take the law into their own hands. I can see alot of benefit to keeping certain things quiet to avoid anyone else being added to the list of victims.

Thanks MsMacGyver - of course I am in Canada and get some of the same TV stations - I haven't seen anything at all - but gotta admit it's been awhile since I turned on Nancy Grace and only watched JVM by default once or twice.

It is like some kind of eerie calm has hit the TV stations - I'd guess we aren't the only ones emailing the stations expressing our "thoughts" about their continue coverage of the Anthony debacle.

I don't even know if there was anything on yesterday on HLN after the probation decision came down - did see a quick flash on the NYT headlines but it disappeared very quickly.
Completely agree.


FCA continues to be enabled and offered concessions because of some propaganda on death threats. Sure, maybe some folks would confront her, call her out, etc but does that warrant special treatment and deals? Really?

FCA can appease the public by going on TV and telling some story of the accident, how she is sorry, regrets how she acted ... present herself as somewhat honest and sympathetic.

The public typically want to forgive and forget ... sure many will never forgive her crimes ... most will though. FCA can defuse the situ ... it is under her control.

Instead ... FCA seeks to make big money from her appearances, she wants to negotiate deals ... that attitude together with fighting probation rather than conceding she needs it serve to fan the flames.

Sure ... FCA needs 'protection' because her defiance continues and she wants to cash in big time ... she brings it on and then wants special treatment. When will she ever change or ever learn?


Where in our constitution/laws does it say you have a right to confront and heckle someone? How can you guarantee some nutjob wont take matters into their own hands to carry out 'their' justice?

If you can guarantee that, then yes, she doesn't deserve to have special treatment.

When Judge Perry made the initial ruling which upheld Judge Strickland, he made certain authorizations as a part of his ruling.

After deciding that the probation order stands,
He authorized DOC to keep the normally public info private.

He also authorized that nonpublished arrangements could be made for Casey to report to probation , arrangements for time and location.

He ordered that be done 72 hours in advance.

He did this after discussing the hate factor. He also addressed creepiness.

The Appellate Court affirmed Judge Perry's order.

That's where this is coming from. It's from Judge Perry's Order affirming the probation which was again upheld on appeal.

Most people don't think Lindsay Lohan killed a child. I'm not getting the correlation.

According to recent statistics - 47 pre-school children are killed by a parent or parents per year in the USA and that number is steadily rising.

I'm wondering if those parents are given preferential treatment? In jail - protective custody I assume. But for probation - do we hear about it?
Completely agree.


FCA continues to be enabled and offered concessions because of some propaganda on death threats. Sure, maybe some folks would confront her, call her out, etc but does that warrant special treatment and deals? Really?

FCA can appease the public by going on TV and telling some story of the accident, how she is sorry, regrets how she acted ... present herself as somewhat honest and sympathetic.

The public typically want to forgive and forget ... sure many will never forgive her crimes ... most will though. FCA can defuse the situ ... it is under her control.

Instead ... FCA seeks to make big money from her appearances, she wants to negotiate deals ... that attitude together with fighting probation rather than conceding she needs it serve to fan the flames.

Sure ... FCA needs 'protection' because her defiance continues and she wants to cash in big time ... she brings it on and then wants special treatment. When will she ever change or ever learn?

BBM. I'm not so certain that she does want to negotiate deals. If she did, she could have done it long before now, before the interest (and therefore the $) died down. She can't talk to the media for the same reason she couldn't testify in court -- she doesn't want to have to answer the tough questions, she can't lie about what happened because no one would believe her, and she can't tell the truth. So what's left? Plus any money she makes would be confiscated to pay the state of Florida. There is no upside to her doing any interviews that I can see.

Where in our constitution/laws does it say you have a right to confront and heckle someone? How can you guarantee some nutjob wont take matters into their own hands to carry out 'their' justice?

If you can guarantee that, then yes, she doesn't deserve to have special treatment.

While I sort of understand your sentiments/comments towards FCA, the average citizen doesn't have that kind of protection - that is those of us who have done nothing illegal.

I have no guarantee when I get behind the wheel of my car that I won't be attacked and/or killed by someone in a road rage. Yet it seems to happen everyday. Even with a bodyguard, if that were to happen to FCA it won't be prevented. FCA cannot spend the rest of her life in a bubble. Why not have her confirming to regular probation rules while she attempts to integrate back into society. The chance of anything happening is certainly less under the watchful eyes of the DOC than when her probation is completed. Then what is she going to do?

Where in our constitution/laws does it say you have a right to confront and heckle someone? How can you guarantee some nutjob wont take matters into their own hands to carry out 'their' justice?

If you can guarantee that, then yes, she doesn't deserve to have special treatment.

Not sure if I agree with you or not. Aren't we all in danger of some nutjob going on a random killing spree? Is our safety guaranteed at all times? It's not the state of Florida's fault that Casey chose to repeatedly break the law. Why should she get special protection that law abiding citizens don't get? Who is more deserving?

On the other hand, I think it's foolish to downplay the peril she may be in. If some wacko can shoot a peaceful man like John Lennon just for the notoriety, who's to say that Casey, the most hated person in America, is not in danger?
Most people don't think Lindsay Lohan killed a child. I'm not getting the correlation.

I think you bring up a few points worth analyzing.The law doesn't consider her a violent criminal ,so she gets concessions / the law gives her concessions because she is believed to be a baby killer. Sounds like the law is twisting itself in knots at both ends for Miz Anthony. Makes me want to start advocating on behalf of the other probationers in Orange County.

Who wanted to sue the jail for making other prisoners wait while Casey was released? Maybe this special treatment for Ms. Anthony will get them thinkin' about some court action.
While I sort of understand your sentiments/comments towards FCA, the average citizen doesn't have that kind of protection - that is those of us who have done nothing illegal.

I have no guarantee when I get behind the wheel of my car that I won't be attacked and/or killed by someone in a road rage. Yet it seems to happen everyday. Even with a bodyguard, if that were to happen to FCA it won't be prevented. FCA cannot spend the rest of her life in a bubble. Why not have her confirming to regular probation rules while she attempts to integrate back into society. The chance of anything happening is certainly less under the watchful eyes of the DOC than when her probation is completed. Then what is she going to do?

Must you say everything I say just before I say it? :floorlaugh:
I think you bring up a few points worth analyzing.The law doesn't consider her a violent criminal ,so she gets concessions / the law gives her concessions because she is believed to be a baby killer. Sounds like the law is twisting itself in knots at both ends for Miz Anthony. Makes me want to start advocating on behalf of the other probationers in Orange County.

Who wanted to sue the jail for making other prisoners wait while Casey was released? Maybe this special treatment for Ms. Anthony will get them thinkin' about some court action.

Just jumping off your post MissJames

And whose bright idea was it to have inmates put up the "public blocking" walls for Miz Anthony? Could have hired a few men or a contracting company to do it. I'd say that made some inmates a bit upset...

Where in our constitution/laws does it say you have a right to confront and heckle someone? How can you guarantee some nutjob wont take matters into their own hands to carry out 'their' justice?

If you can guarantee that, then yes, she doesn't deserve to have special treatment.

I guess heckling would fall under the freedom of speech. Although not be done in a court room:innocent:
A nut job who takes matters into his/her own hands, well many folks are always in danger on such an individual. It is just a matter of time for such a nut case, especially if such an act is committed to gain notoriety. All you need is a famous/infamous name.
Must you say everything I say just before I say it? :floorlaugh:

I can be like that sometimes - too funny!!!:banghead: We actually had a terrible road rage incident here in town last Sunday - the guy needed 71 stitches and he still can't figure out what he did that made the other guy so mad. So it's been on my mind. Particularly since I'm a believer in driving at the best of my ability and no more than that.
BBM. I'm not so certain that she does want to negotiate deals...she can't talk to the media for the same reason she couldn't testify in court -- she doesn't want to have to answer the tough questions, she can't lie about what happened because no one would believe her, and she can't tell the truth. So what's left?

Even if you believe Casey was falsely accused, from the day of her release she was destined to live a far more miserable life compared to the time she shared on Earth with Caylee.

I'm not certain that eternal punishment exists, but for Casey, it's going to feel as if it does.

She's stuck in reverse, with no rear view mirror to warn her of obstacles in her path that she has no way of anticipating.
According to recent statistics - 47 pre-school children are killed by a parent or parents per year in the USA and that number is steadily rising.

I'm wondering if those parents are given preferential treatment? In jail - protective custody I assume. But for probation - do we hear about it?

Was she ? :shakehead:


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I guess heckling would fall under the freedom of speech. Although not be done in a court room:innocent:
A nut job who takes matters into his/her own hands, well many folks are always in danger on such an individual. It is just a matter of time for such a nut case, especially if such an act is committed to gain notoriety. All you need is a famous/infamous name.

Yep, just ask that whacko church that protests military funerals. They can do it all they want. The Supreme Court said so. Sorry, Casey, you put yourself into this mess, so deal with it. She should not get special treatment because she's hated so much. She shouldn't have done what she did and dragged it out for three years. She caused this mess, now she needs to lie in it. Safety should be her issue, not everyone else's.
I guess heckling would fall under the freedom of speech. Although not be done in a court room:innocent:
A nut job who takes matters into his/her own hands, well many folks are always in danger on such an individual. It is just a matter of time for such a nut case, especially if such an act is committed to gain notoriety. All you need is a famous/infamous name.

There were protestors and webcams in front of the Anthony home for weeks. People were ANGRY. The few times it got out of control LE contained it.
I didn't like the protestors doing what they were doing,but they had the right and were allowed to ,unless they threatened harm.
Casey went to and from her lawyers office and whoever she had to check in with while out on bail. People hated her then . FAIK there may have been death threats.

Woman who are leaving an abusive husband or boyfriend can go to court and get a piece of paper to protect them. A PIECE OF PAPER! and statistics show that is when they are in the most peril. Why does Casey Anthony deserve more than these women who have done nothing wrong?
Not sure if I agree with you or not. Aren't we all in danger of some nutjob going on a random killing spree? Is our safety guaranteed at all times? It's not the state of Florida's fault that Casey chose to repeatedly break the law. Why should she get special protection that law abiding citizens don't get? Who is more deserving?

On the other hand, I think it's foolish to downplay the peril she may be in. If some wacko can shoot a peaceful man like John Lennon just for the notoriety, who's to say that Casey, the most hated person in America, is not in danger?

How many criminals being released ,paroled or placed on probation ,have anger directed at them,are hated and feel threatened? Maybe they've been threatened?
Other defendants have gone free,though the community or victims family believes they are guilty.Do you think they get special concessions? What about those listed in the sexual predator registry? How hated are they? They are living in a community that has access to their pictures ,names and addresses. Who's protecting them from a death threat?

Believe me, we can debate it all day,but Casey's special treatment during probation is going to cause many more issues for the State of FL. Can they really afford all the hearings bound to crop up? Can they afford to treat EVERY probationer the same way? because they are opening a door with special considerations for Casey Anthony.
ITA - it's time FCA started taking care of herself including her safety and security.

I agree. But I am not convinced yet that Casey will be required to get a job. There will be the expected hoopla about her safety and blah....blah.....blah.....

But, in reality, Casey should be required to get a job. It would be good for her. Also, her PO should actively encourage her to get her GED. A job and that GED would be steps in the right direction toward Casey becoming self-supporting, the way people are expected to be when they get to be around her age. And what better use of this year under supervision than to help Casey get on the right track in life, assuming that is possible.

It would really be a disservice to the citizens of Florida, to Caylee, and to Casey herself if her probation turns out to be one on paper only, with some or all of the rules set aside just because of who she is. IMO.

(I'm curious: Am I the only one on this board who really does not care if Casey's home address is not made public?)
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