Casey To Serve One Year Probation

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By the look of Ms. Fryer and what I saw as her need for correctness and approval in the courtroom, she will take this smackdown very personally - and so she should. Lawyers should learn early not be be just a mouthpiece to do the dirty work for a more experienced lawyer like Mason, who doesn't want to be caught doing it himself.

Completely agree. It's starting to look more and more like Baez and Co. took advantage of her skills, enthusiasm, and (apparent) naivete. Shame on them. JMO.

Just seems a shame to put that much energy, money, time, etc., etc., etc. into law school and then get hooked up with this band of lawyers whose scruples are questionable (at best). Her parents (assuming they paid for her education!) must be reeling. ;) Again, JMO.

Hope she sees the light........and soon.
Why do I think she will end up working for her parents' "foundation"...

Well, as the most hated person in America, it would be a quick way for all of them to be out of an income, imo.
Surprise, Surprise. Doing the happy dance. Don't worry FCA, maybe one of your 12 friends in Pinellas county will give you shelter and a job.

She wouldn't be welcome here. People would be pointing and screeching like Donald Sutherland in the "Body Snatchers". :floorlaugh:
I don't count on the probation department enforcing the order on her working. There is no way anyone will hire her now.
I'm waiting for the appearances now, touting all sorts of how wrong it is and we will fight it.

As far as jobs, keeping a job a secret might be a problem, but there are plenty she could do if someone hires her.

I say let JB hire her, he could pay her to do nothing at his office, as she would refuse to do any work, like answer phone, filing... snicker

Not to worry, JB has his "big name" best brother friend that helped (and still helps) create this media mess, CM has connections, they can find something for her.
Best of all, this will stop her from making lots of money. Who will want to interview her while she's on probation and living legally? What are they going to ask her, how's life on probation? LOL. She was worth more as a acquitted felon playing hide and seek! People will get bored with her, and NO MORE MONEYTRAIN!!!! Yes, that is what I like the best.

Also, people are now going to know where she is (in a general sense), and know that she has to get a job while serving probation. Yep, interest in Casey was just killed because how boring is that? NO MORE BLOOD MONEY!
Agreed, there will be no more staged pictures, lining the pockets of the Felon. Money making opportunities (without a legitimate job) will be a thing of the past. THAT is (along with the probation) what makes me very HAPPY today ! No more 5 Million Dollar California mansions, flying across the country, being treated like a celebrity...nope, she is now just another felon on felony probation. Any citizen, in Orlando, will be able to snap a picture of her, and she won't make a cent off of it !!!!!

I wonder why HHJP gave her so long to report? Two weeks....sheesh. Ah well, at least she has to report! :)

I think that was to give her a wide window to "sneak" back into Orlando. It's for her safety. That's why he says she can report early. It makes it harder for the press to catch her coming in. MOO

Ride the "Trial Rollercoaster".

See the JB look-a-like use his authentic JPad

Watch the CM character flip multiple birdies as you roll by in the safety of your very own White Pontiac Sunfire.

Don't forget to visit the gift shop where you can purchase floor-length wigs that come one size fits all.

And last, but definitely not least, get a tipsheet on exactly HOW TO FOOL 12 PEOPLE AT ONCE BY CALLING YOUR FATHER AND BROTHER A MOLESTOR. This will come in handy if you are ever in need of a reason to put forth in a court of law as to exactly why you did what you did, or didn't do what you were supposed to do, or.......for whatever reason you might need a BS excuse to get off.

*rant off now :banghead:


This is HILARIOUS ...

I agree with you, it is going to open up a can of worms. People serve provation in the jail all the time (in Texas) while in jail for another crime. But to be honest, there are a very high number of people that choose jail time, instead of provation, that way when they leave the jail they are free from probation and don't have to pay fines.
This is a very intresting sentance and I will be surprised if it isn't appealed.

Can you suggest any grounds for appeal? FKC wasn't serving a sentence, she was sentenced to time served, plus probation upon her release. She was in protective custody, held without bond, awaiting a trial on many other charges.
At what point do CM and JB tell her she's on her own. Good luck, have a great life? What is she to them. The trial is over. The other lawsuits are being handled by another attorney, aren't they? I just don't get why the DT continues to coddle her.
To have seen the FELONS face when she heard the news, would have been priceless !

How many people want to make a bet she refuses to go and remains in hiding? or jumps the plane and leaves the country?
Do you think she'll listen to the orders?

I will be shocked if she does as she is told.

Who will hire her? I can only think of seedy underworld types that want to hire her as an escort, stripper or for the *advertiser censored* industry. Is that considered acceptable gainfully employed? What if she is writing a book or in talks for movie deals? Do they accept that as gainfully employed?
I just can't see her abiding to these rules.
I bet they'll appeal to the Fifth District Court. :(

But today's ruling sure made me smile. Heck, I laughed out loud!

Check out the Order though... most of the cases sited in favor of her serving the probation came out of Florida and several of them were from the Fifth District. :great: IMO she won't get far appealing this order and she will have to serve while any appeal is pending.
I don't count on the probation department enforcing the order on her working. There is no way anyone will hire her now.
Even if no one, in OC, wants to hire her, she still has to go and fill out a certain number of applications, per week (and show these to her PO). This may be something that gets her in trouble. After a while, I can see Casey blowing off this mandated job search (and, I believe that is a violation).

There are some jobs she could perform, more anonymously, like telemarketing, stocking shelves at night, etc...

Also, just heard on IS that probation checks up on these employers, to verify that Casey has applied. Probation can also search her residence (ALL of it), anytime they want (without advance notice and without a search warrant), no matter who she's living with.
I think that was to give her a wide window to "sneak" back into Orlando. It's for her safety. That's why he says she can report early. It makes it harder for the press to catch her coming in. MOO

I wouldn't bet on it. Those pictures will be a real catch to the first media outlet who gets them. I suspect the probation officer she is meant to report to may arrange to meet her at an unknown office to report in and begin her probation.
What with her 95% disapproval rating and all.

How and when she reports, I don't care. That she reports and gets on with it - I do care about!

I don't want anything untoward happening. I want her to live out her miserable little life, knowing that the majority of North Americans believed she murdered her 2.5 year old daughter.
Have you read the order? Perry found a way to fit in KC's #1 ranking in "most hated people in America", including the word "creepy" to describe her. Masterful. Turned JB over and stuck it to him good.

He even suggests, in his order, that JB need not try to appeal it.

:gavel: You go BP! This is more than we had even dared to hope for! :toastred:
No, she was not convicted of any crimes against a child. :( I wish it could be added.

Even if no one, in OC, wants to hire her, she still has to go and fill out a certain number of applications, per week (and show these to her PO). This may be something that gets her in trouble. After a while, I can see Casey blowing off this mandated job search (and, I believe that is a violation).

She is going to have to do her own resumes now!!!! HA HA HA!!! So, the question is, will it be a truthful resume or will she make it up? LOL!
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