Casey To Serve One Year Probation

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I wish I could get excited about this, but I can't. One year of probation on other charges doesn't begin to pay for the murder of an innocent child. Unless Casey is totally crazy, she's still probably elated that she won't be spending her life in prison. I see nothing to celebrate.
OK here is a what if:

OCSD arrest Casey for lets say drunk and disorderly or theft.. you can bet your sweet butt that her attorney's will file charge of the OCSD for harassment. Another Circus to where the OCSD/DA will not want anything to do with that.

..i doubt that, OSCO won't arrest her on "a fuc*ing whim", it will be something solid.

..also-------at the check trial that landed her this probation in the 1st place------baez said he wanted her to be treated just like anyone else.

January 25/2010----"We simply ask that she receive equal justice under the law."

Baez went on to explain the circumstances and made arguments about the type of sentence any other person in this situation, with no prior convictions, would get and then stated what he was seeking.

“Because of Ms. Anthony's status, her situation and her unpopularity we find ourselves in a muck,” Baez sad. “We ask the court to withhold adjudication on the counts, issue time served and, due to statutory requirements, give a short probationary period of approximately one year."


Ty TY Our turn to celebrate !! :woohoo: :rocker:
PS It's been over two hours since I heard and I'm still celebrating lol
Sorry if the answer is obvious, but since it has been found that she did not serve probation while incarcerated, then how does her contact with other convicts in jail have any bearing on probation violation?

LOL....It was a point of sarcasm to support HHJP's recognition of Baez wanting life to ONLY go in the FELON's way!

Now that the "teflon Don aka John Gotti" is deceased it seems that Baez wants Casey Marie Anthony to be known as the "teflon felon", as in NOTHING STICKS! :floorlaugh:
Interesting - if you pulled that stunt in Canada in the province I live in - you'd have your vehicle seized plus a whacking great fine and a demerit against your license and your insurance costs...doubt you'd do it four times...

LOL I had my car towed (though it was in my mothers name and she was an enabler and would pay to get it out of lock up and give it right back to me), had 2 years added to my probation and I was unable to get my license back until 4 years ago, it cost thousands of dollars to get back and came with 8 points (10 points and your license is revoked) and I have to have SR-22 insurance.

That's the point I was trying to make about the criminal mind-set.. I simply didn't care..
Yes, but unless she takes the bus or a cab she will need a car. Wait, she has a car at her disposal.

But she needs to inform the DMV that she has been having seizures while in jail - that will stop her driving for at least 6months after the most recent one - while she was on trial IIRC....
Maybe JB worked a deal with a book company, and part of the deal requires JB and KC to keep their mouth shut publicly, at the very least about the book deal.

Would the probation office consider KC employed if she were co-writing a book, or have a book offer where she tells her story and someone writes the book?

It will be difficult for her to find a regular type of job, not impossible, but definately difficult. On second thought, maybe in Orlando it would be impossible for her, consider any potential employers thoughts:

Known felon
Most hated woman in America
Possible chaos at place of business when some crazy finds out she works there.
Possible boycott of business for hiring of KC.
Possible media harrassment of business, just look at anything that even has been remotely associated with KC.

Realistically, for her to pay the state what they are asking of her, and for her to pay back TES, and to pay the IRS her back taxes, working at a minimum wage job, she will never be able to pay off those kinds of debts, ever.

I don't care if she never has to pay the golddigging Zenaida Gonzales a penny, or if she does have to pay her the original 15,000$ M&M filed the suit for, that would be doable at a minimum wage job. Or LP or his diver.

But, to repay the state (taxpayers), and to repay TES, and her taxes, well, I really wouldn't be too upset if a book or movie deal was made that allowed her to get those particular debts taken care of. Not for her, but for the taxpayers, and TES. I don't care if she is in debt for the rest of her life, but for those 3 things to be taken care of soon, I just feel that would be a good thing.

As far as her story still having marketability, it does, for one very simple reason. Everyone wants to know what really happened. We, likely will never know the truth. Still, we want to hear what lies she will tell, as to what her version of the truth about what really happened is.

What we really want is closure. We can't have it. We want to know what happened. The sad part is, even if she does come out with a book, how can anyone believe a convicted liar. Yet, even though we all think we know what really happened, we don't. We can use the states speculation that failed in a court of law, and convince ourselves that the jury got it wrong, and maybe some can find solace in that, but we still want to know what really happened. Was JB's OS the real truth, doubtful, but no more doubtful than the speculative tale the state wants us to believe.

It will be very interesting to see how OC handles this probation, after all, they have to know the whole world is watching.

If anyone truly believes it would be justice for Caylee, if KC was murdered by some nutjob while trying to fulfill her probation, then our country is in worse condition than I ever imagined.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.
I don't know if there was any holding back of this order... unless BP wrote it days ago and added in the reference to the August 11 "most hated person in America" poll. Besides, why would he want to assist KC/JB in any way?
Maybe he was sick of being rushed and took his precious time within the confines of his already overloaded schedule.
Allowing that crew to wait it out before being knocked down to size was yet another bonus.
Jvm spouting she doesn't think this is so fair. This woman is getting on my last nerve. Jvm is now worried that they may scrutinize her too closely...GMAB! Give it up JVM. This woman deserves anything she gets...grrrr.
Yeah but the point is, as a responsible adult who was trying to serve probation I should have found other means.. should have followed the rules, kwim?

Yep, I was on only probation for six months many moons ago and lost my driver license for that same amount of time plus lived in the boonies. Never lost my regular job over it though.
I had various friends on schedule to ferry me to/from work (50 miles away).
One time when I stopped at a seven eleven and walk inside, my chauffeur stayed in my car. The local cop(who arrested me) was also in the store.
He made a beeline out of the store to check who was driving my car:floorlaugh:
You just have to make arrangements, no matter how bothersome, accept the current situation and get on with your life without violating the probation.
Somehow I can not see KC doing such things. After all , she thinks she is untouchable and lie her way out of anything.
One of the attorneys will give her a job (..hmm) to keep tabs on her and protect her probation. She thinks she's a paralegal anyway.

Afterall Baez had her in his office for months prior to her jailing.
Posted to her account
caseyomarie at 1:39pm
knew yesterday about it , solution in works already

I started a thread on this but it's awaiting mod approval.

I keep signing her guestbook, but they keep getting deleted. Gee, wonder why? LOL... she is the only one in her guest book :floorlaugh:

I love it, she's allowing us to tell her how we feel. yesterday it was carlsbad, ca and today she's in texas with her arrogant attitute that she won't have to serve probation. I hope they stick it to that ugly horse faced monster
I am real happy that FCA has to FINALLY serve some punishment so I am having a "happy dance" I always believed she should come back and serve her probation. And am glad His Honour P made his judgement.

I have been real angry this week, that she is hiding in a "mansion" (not confirmed). Must be nice to have such a Bella Vita!!

My husband keeps telling me to let it go; I can't. We are surviving here on dimes and nickels, bills to pay, mortgage to pay. She, lays in the sun, has a helipad, nice pool, bodyguards, ect.

She has always gotten away with stealing and was never held accountable. The banks knew it and did NOTHING!! Her parents knew it and did NOTHING!!! She has gotten away with everything including MURDER of a little precious girl, named Caylee, that I will never, ever forget.

And to those jurors: maybe one of you will take her in, since you seem to think she was a good mother. :banghead:

It's about time she is held accountable!!

Maybe she can be a NANNY to one of the juror's kids or grandkids. :floorlaugh:
bob kealing
#perry also takes #baez to task for failing to report error in probation order. #CaseyAnthony.

I just read the Probation Order and I think that part was my favourite!!!
Rule 4.4.3 Rules Regulating the Florida Bar, "Candor towards the Tribunal" Judge Perry adds "Perhaps counsel will find guidance in this section of the Rules"
One can hope Chief Judge Perry one can hope
Jvm spouting she doesn't think this is so fair. This woman is getting on my last nerve. Jvm is now worried that they may scrutinize her too closely...GMAB! Give it up JVM. This woman deserves anything she gets...grrrr.

Exactly...such as an all expense paid trip to Saudi Arabia with a stay in a hotel next to a rock quarry.
I just read the Probation Order and I think that part was my favourite!!!
Rule 4.4.3 Rules Regulating the Florida Bar, "Candor towards the Tribunal" Judge Perry adds "Perhaps counsel will find guidance in this section of the Rules"
One can hope Chief Judge Perry one can hope

HHJP has a way of shoving it up one's a$$ so eloquently... :boohoo:
see....I knew that if I threatened to leave for some much needed sleep that something would happen...LOL

I left to go see the final Harry Potter movie and then I come back to find this thread....OH HAPPY DAY!!!
I don't count on the probation department enforcing the order on her working. There is no way anyone will hire her now.

I can see her washing dishes in the back of some filthy dingy restraunt, no one will see here there.
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