Casey To Serve One Year Probation

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The quirky lil' thing is, that the DOC doesn't have the last word nor the most Lawful word.

Judge Strickland & Judge Perry have that honor. ;)

The DT arguing this nonsense based on "principle" is lame & ludicrous. The "principle" they're arguing is a clerical error and nobody, but nobody circumvents the Law based on clerical error. Not even Casey Anthony.

Ain't life grand? :seeya:

In addition, the DT admitted JB knew the judge's orders were not being followed but failed to notify the court, resulting in a big slap down by HHBP.


I'll bet if anyone sees her out drinking it up, they might just drop a dime on her, right after buying her another round.

A lot of folks would see it as karma for Caylee to set FCA up for a violation and call it in. Be careful who you trust ... The target is on your back.
The community colleges in NY have GED programs in place. A student can complete courses and take the GED, but must pass the test before beginning college courses.
I don't know about FL.

also, i would bet you that when strickland talked about a one year probation AFTER release that she was thinking "o lord of the sneezes, if i get out of this, i WILL GLADLY do my one year probation!!!" but ten minute thinker here has changed her tune...of course.
I'm inclined to agree with you. I will add to that the one who offers FICA the "assistant" or cushy job in their office will, after a time begin to realize that a 40 hour work week alongside FICA is not an enjoyable experience and that 1 year is going to be a rrrealllly long one.JMO.

Can you imagine working with someone you can't trust with anything?
I know how uncomfortable I get when I'm around a known thief & liar.
I take the closest exit & don't look back - then I check my purse for anything missing.

I'll bet if anyone sees her out drinking it up, they might just drop a dime on her, right after buying her another round.

Casey will be the only one drinking at the bar out of a sippy cup with a very tight lid.
i probably would never be able to read this whole thread but i can bet you baez will get her out of a job by saying she's unable to work due to what he may call her "delicate and unstable psyche from the devastating loss of her daughter that she is now barely able to deal with, along with the abuse she had to endure all her life". she'll still drink and hang around anyone she wants.

You have a good point there. Baez can say she has a verifiable disability.Hey,she doesn't have to go to work.
Here I sit *cough* "toasting the Constitution", complete with bird flipping.
Brevard County. And recent enough it is still exactly the same way.

I have never known anyone who followed all the probation rules (to this day) that has had to report in person for more than the first nine of twelve months.

I never had to wait more than 20 minutes to meet with my PO, and once the meeting started, it never lasted more than 15 minutes.

According to her probation rules, Pay $20 per month toward the cost of supervision, plus a four per cent surcharge not the amounts you listed.

Being as this was not a drug related case, I find it highly unlikely she will ever randomally be drug tested.

It was my experience, other than my scheduled meeting time, my PO officer had no desire or interest to check on me.

Her terms of probation do not require her to have a phone, either cell or land.

As I stated before, I was NEVER denied a travel permit.

From my experience, probation in Florida IS a walk in the park.

When Casey Anthony returns to Orlando she will be bound by the rules of her probation for one year, for a cheque-fraud charge she pleaded guilty to in 2010.

Court documents reveal that the she must:
Meet with a probation officer on the fifth day of every month.
Pay $20 per month toward the cost of supervision, plus a four per cent surcharge.
Not change her residence or employment or leave the county without first getting consent from her probation officer .
Neither possess, carry or own any weapons or firearm without first getting consent from her probation officer
Not 'use intoxicants to excess'.
She cannot visit places where intoxicants, drugs or other dangerous substances are unlawfully sold, dispensed or used.
'Work diligently at a lawful occupation and support any dependants to the best of your ability' .
Answer her probation officer's questions promptly.
Not possess marijuana or other controlled substances.
Submit to reasonable searches without a warrant of her person, effects, residence or business premises or vehicle for alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, weapons or firearms.
Submit to chemical tests (breath, urine, blood) upon request to determine the presence and quantity of alcohol or controlled substance in blood.
Not knowingly associate with others engaged in criminal acts.

Read more:

Not quite sure which part of Florida you served your probation in or in what year but I can tell you that it's not the way you are describing any longer. She will have to report for her full 12 months. She will wait in the probation office's waiting room for as long as they want to make her wait every month, she will become gainfully employed irregardless of whether she's in school or not, she will pay up to $50 a month since she had her own attorney ($35-40 if she had a public defender), she will be subjected to random drug testing at any given time, she will have her probation officer check in with her at random times without notice, she will be required to have a working phone whether cell or landline because they can and will call her at any given hour that they so choose. These are just a few of the requirements that she will have to meet courtesy of the Florida Department of Corrections. She will have to ask permission from her probation officer to leave the county and provided she has made her monthly payment, they can allow her to go. If she hasn't made her payment for the month, she will not be allowed to go unless the probation officer's supervisor agrees to it. If she wishes to move, it has to be approved by not only her probation officer but the supervisor of that office in addition to the approval of the probation officer and supervisor in the other county. They can and will violate you if you fail to follow their rules. If she thinks she's going in there and it's going to be a walk in the park, she's got another thing coming. They have seen it and heard it all, and you can bet they can and will make your life miserable if they choose too.

(former correctional employee here)

also, i would bet you that when strickland talked about a one year probation AFTER release that she was thinking "o lord of the sneezes, if i get out of this, i WILL GLADLY do my one year probation!!!" but ten minute thinker here has changed her tune...of course.

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: SNORT :floorlaugh:
She doesn't have to take GED classes. All she has to do is take the GED test. IMO taking, and passing, the test for some one that is just missing only half a credit wouldn't be a problem.

Where I live all the GED students are in the Adult education classes ( after regular working hours).
i think i would rather work with a normal thief and liar as opposed to one who doesn't ever st*u, constantly laughs at nothing and won't sit still.
She doesn't have to take GED classes. All she has to do is take the GED test. IMO taking, and passing, the test for some one that is just missing only half a credit wouldn't be a problem.

I don't know. How long has she been out of school.Maybe a little study time is needed?
Who? BS?? I could have sworn he said just the opposite. Boy! I'll be happy to be wrong on this!! :great:

Yes, he thinks the appeal process would be dead in the water - my paraphrasing - that it would be a no go.

Who :waitasec: puts a "stay" on probation FGS! I mean c'mon! Maybe Jose would rather she served out time for the other seven counts of fraud this probation is in place of?

I'd laugh so hard if the appeals process sure - let's put a stay on her appeal and yes, you win your appeal. Now back to jail to serve out those seven counts...bwaaahhhaaaa - be careful what you ask for Jose!
Brevard County. And recent enough it is still exactly the same way.

I have never known anyone who followed all the probation rules (to this day) that has had to report in person for more than the first nine of twelve months.

I never had to wait more than 20 minutes to meet with my PO, and once the meeting started, it never lasted more than 15 minutes.

According to her probation rules, Pay $20 per month toward the cost of supervision, plus a four per cent surcharge not the amounts you listed.

Being as this was not a drug related case, I find it highly unlikely she will ever randomally be drug tested.

It was my experience, other than my scheduled meeting time, my PO officer had no desire or interest to check on me.

Her terms of probation do not require her to have a phone, either cell or land.

As I stated before, I was NEVER denied a travel permit.

From my experience, probation in Florida IS a walk in the park.

When Casey Anthony returns to Orlando she will be bound by the rules of her probation for one year, for a cheque-fraud charge she pleaded guilty to in 2010.

Court documents reveal that the she must:
Meet with a probation officer on the fifth day of every month.
Pay $20 per month toward the cost of supervision, plus a four per cent surcharge.
Not change her residence or employment or leave the county without first getting consent from her probation officer .
Neither possess, carry or own any weapons or firearm without first getting consent from her probation officer
Not 'use intoxicants to excess'.
She cannot visit places where intoxicants, drugs or other dangerous substances are unlawfully sold, dispensed or used.
'Work diligently at a lawful occupation and support any dependants to the best of your ability' .
Answer her probation officer's questions promptly.
Not possess marijuana or other controlled substances.
Submit to reasonable searches without a warrant of her person, effects, residence or business premises or vehicle for alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, weapons or firearms.
Submit to chemical tests (breath, urine, blood) upon request to determine the presence and quantity of alcohol or controlled substance in blood.
Not knowingly associate with others engaged in criminal acts.

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I have no idea, which is why I am asking - is a DUI a felony in the States? Maybe if you had 13 DUI's they would have been tougher on you???
Brevard County. And recent enough it is still exactly the same way.

I have never known anyone who followed all the probation rules (to this day) that has had to report in person for more than the first nine of twelve months.

I never had to wait more than 20 minutes to meet with my PO, and once the meeting started, it never lasted more than 15 minutes.

According to her probation rules, Pay $20 per month toward the cost of supervision, plus a four per cent surcharge not the amounts you listed.

Being as this was not a drug related case, I find it highly unlikely she will ever randomally be drug tested.

It was my experience, other than my scheduled meeting time, my PO officer had no desire or interest to check on me.

Her terms of probation do not require her to have a phone, either cell or land.

As I stated before, I was NEVER denied a travel permit.

From my experience, probation in Florida IS a walk in the park.

When Casey Anthony returns to Orlando she will be bound by the rules of her probation for one year, for a cheque-fraud charge she pleaded guilty to in 2010.

Court documents reveal that the she must:
Meet with a probation officer on the fifth day of every month.
Pay $20 per month toward the cost of supervision, plus a four per cent surcharge.
Not change her residence or employment or leave the county without first getting consent from her probation officer .
Neither possess, carry or own any weapons or firearm without first getting consent from her probation officer
Not 'use intoxicants to excess'.
She cannot visit places where intoxicants, drugs or other dangerous substances are unlawfully sold, dispensed or used.
'Work diligently at a lawful occupation and support any dependants to the best of your ability' .
Answer her probation officer's questions promptly.
Not possess marijuana or other controlled substances.
Submit to reasonable searches without a warrant of her person, effects, residence or business premises or vehicle for alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, weapons or firearms.
Submit to chemical tests (breath, urine, blood) upon request to determine the presence and quantity of alcohol or controlled substance in blood.
Not knowingly associate with others engaged in criminal acts.

Read more:

I think I'll give a call to my former boss who is now the bureau chief for DOC with the Office of the Inspector General in Tallahassee and see perhaps if the Florida Department of Corrections Parole and Probation Office in Brevard County might need to be paid a little visit. I'm sure they would really like to know that the probation/parole services in that county are lacking and that there are officers there who are allowing inmates to skip out on their last 3 months of probation/parole in addition to the other things you have mentioned, i.e., the random drug testing, etc.
fyi FCA, you are no more special than any of the other Felons that have to report to a parole officer!

(to any other felons reading here, I just used the term "Felons" to make a point)

(needed to self edit - I think I went way over there somewhere and had to bring myself back)
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