Casey To Serve One Year Probation

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Aside from making money and FKC being an investment for them, you have to wonder if there isn't something else going on here. One if not more of these worms in suits must have developed an extreme fondness for her. That's Amore'!

Perhaps it's the suit with a plane and infinity-pool house. It seems he now has a horse too.
Originally Posted by lorann
I hope a huge huge crowd is present when/if FCA shows up for a probation hearing - and the crowd is silent and all at the same time turn their backs on her and whomever is with her. They can then all join hands and sing "she was your sunshine, your only sunshine, and then you took that sunshine away". That is my preferred form of protest.

OMG this would be...I can't even think of a word for it.

Awesome. Beautiful.


Even if no one sees KC come in or knows when she's coming...if a large group could gather outside the probation building at a specified time on the 26th (or whenever she does show up, if that is known) and actually do! It would be...PERFECT. It would send the message loud and clear, and I would like to see JB try to call it a threat.

Not only would this be "awesome" and "beautiful", but it wouldn't even matter if it happened as FCA was arriving or while she was in the building. A show like this would definitely be picked up by local news outlets and would be national within an hour - complete with video. It would be on Nancy Grace and every other TH show available for viewing in the U.S. It would be online - again, complete with video. And we know FCA follows all the news about herself, as do her handlers. Whether she was there to witness this in person is a totally moot point. She WOULD see it. One way or another....

Reminds me of that song by Blondie back in the late 70's.....

"One way, or another,
I'm gonna get-cha
I'll get-cha
I'll, get-cha, get-cha, get-cha, getcha."

Yeah, people in Orlando REALLY need to do this. And they should all dress in purple. Purple t-shirts. And there should be a photo on the back of each and every shirt - a photo of Caylee's skull - just in case she DOES arrive while the group is there and she has to see that photo LOTS of times as she walks past the group.
I sure hope he's working on that letter to the Florida Bar Association. The next person that Baez bamboozles out of prison could be a serial murderer. Sociopaths seem to be his specialty ... if the rules of law don't apply to him.

( response---slightly O/T ).

..baez's next big case---1st degree murder & attempted murder....and aggravated battery w/ a deadly weapon.

..coming to the courtroom (after a couple of continuances in june and july) --september 2011.


..should be interesting...
Originally Posted by lorann
I hope a huge huge crowd is present when/if FCA shows up for a probation hearing - and the crowd is silent and all at the same time turn their backs on her and whomever is with her. They can then all join hands and sing "she was your sunshine, your only sunshine, and then you took that sunshine away". That is my preferred form of protest.

Not only would this be "awesome" and "beautiful", but it wouldn't even matter if it happened as FCA was arriving or while she was in the building. A show like this would definitely be picked up by local news outlets and would be national within an hour - complete with video. It would be on Nancy Grace and every other TH show available for viewing in the U.S. It would be online - again, complete with video. And we know FCA follows all the news about herself, as do her handlers. Whether she was there to witness this in person is a totally moot point. She WOULD see it. One way or another....

Reminds me of that song by Blondie back in the late 70's.....

"One way, or another,
I'm gonna get-cha
I'll get-cha
I'll, get-cha, get-cha, get-cha, getcha."

Yeah, people in Orlando REALLY need to do this. And they should all dress in purple. Purple t-shirts. And there should be a photo on the back of each and every shirt - a photo of Caylee's skull - just in case she DOES arrive while the group is there and she has to see that photo LOTS of times as she walks past the group.

It could also be all that is necessary for her to sing her way right out of Florida and into a hidden location ... where the threads about where she is will thrive and she'll be cashing in for years. I think it's better to ignore her. The information about where she is working in Florida will be available soon enough ... I don't see any reason to ambush the hearing.
( response---slightly O/T ).

..baez's next big case---1st degree murder & attempted murder....and aggravated battery w/ a deadly weapon.

..coming to the courtroom (after a couple of continuances in june and july) --september 2011.


..should be interesting...

Oh good ... he can flagrantly disregard the law, make a mockery of it, to defend an aggravagted battery with deadly weapon charge. Just the sort of person we want living with Ms Anthony ... assuming Baez arranges private planes and infinity pools for all his clients. If he's not arranging the same luxeries for all his clients, I think they should sue him for equal rights.
01/30/2011 - Affidavit of Insolvency/Indigency

Another basic non-payday for JB. And all the JB BS that goes with him. -

Oh I wish they would take his license away!

From the day the Judge asked why he was disorganized after complainng about not having storage space and being given storage space in the courthouse ... until the verdict, Baez was pulling stunts that violated the Florida Bar Association ... and he made a mockery of the law while disgracing the profession. If he is allowed to continue practicing, we can expect more of the same. If that happens, we can assume that the Florida Bar Association is some kind of joke.
Oh good ... he can flagrantly disregard the law, make a mockery of it, to defend an aggravagted battery with deadly weapon charge. Just the sort of person we want living with Ms Anthony ... assuming Baez arranges private planes and infinity pools for all his clients. If he's not arranging the same luxeries for all his clients, I think they should sue him for equal rights.

..the 2 cases are being tried together.

..he is up on 1st degree murder/&attempted murder.
..she has the CR-aggravated battery w/ a deadly weapon.
According to Jean C, InSessions, she spoke to Baez this morning and Baez plans on appealing the Judge's decision.
According to Jean C, InSessions, she spoke to Baez this morning and Baez plans on appealing the Judge's decision.

No! Really?
Baez! Really?
~collapses in a pretend faint~

Anyway those next clients of his should be even more worried , with their "attorney" ( and I am using that in the very loosest sense of the word possible) spending most of his waking hours pecking away at appeals for KTCA.

Or maybe that is preferred over his "planning" a next defense. Time will tell.
They will at least be successful having her probation moved. jmo
Has anyone heard about JP upholding or going forward with the sanctions against JB that occurred during the trial???
Has anyone heard about JP upholding or going forward with the sanctions against JB that occurred during the trial???

That has been put aside. As in nothing will be done. Well maybe JB will have to give Judge Perry a couple extra strokes handicap when they are golfing next.:banghead::banghead::banghead:
I suppose JB knows that in order to appeal her sentence of probation he must appeal the conviction which she & her DT accepted. Seems they just want this Felon to have an entirely cleaned record...maybe so after they make money off of "their" story this Felon can change her name and start a brand new life. They truly are despicable people.
According to Jean C, InSessions, she spoke to Baez this morning and Baez plans on appealing the Judge's decision.

I wonder how successful this can be? HHJP is basing his ruling in support of HHSS's ruling on a case in which JB and his client pled guilty. Hopefully, this appeal will fall flat. JMO.


A client has no right to appeal a plea of guilty or no contest, except when the judge allows him to reserve the right to appeal a particular point of law. A client who is convicted at trial and wants to appeal the conviction must file a notice of appeal within 30 days of being sentenced and must advise the appellate court of the exact errors in the trial. The client or the defense attorney must convince the appellate court that the trial judge’s errors affected the outcome of the case. Some common errors are that the judge did not follow the law or that the client was prevented from exercising his constitutional rights. In some cases, the judge may allow the client’s release on bail until a final decision by the appellate court. The judge will set a bond, pending the appeal, only if he believes the client has a good reason for appealing and that the client will re-appear in court. The client does not have an automatic right to bond during the appeal. It is possible that the client may serve the entire sentence during the appellate process.


Probation is an alternative to being sentenced to jail or prison..."

But now her lawyers tell TMZ they will appeal Friday's ruling. If they win, it would mean Casey would get a huge break -- her probation would already be completed -- because of a technical error.

Casey's lawyers say if they lose their appeal .... they want her to serve her probation in a state other than Florida.

I'd personally prefer she serve her probation on a planet other than earth, but hey, that's just me.:innocent:
snippets from :

Casey Anthony will appeal probation order, attorney says
By the CNN Wire StaffAugust 15, 2011 10:31 a.m. EDT

(CNN) -- Casey Anthony's attorneys will appeal the order that she must serve one year of supervised probation on a check-fraud conviction, her lead attorney confirmed Monday

The motion, filed by attorney J. Cheney Mason, calls the amended documents "a fraudulently filed product of a previously disqualified judge."


:waitasec: Cheney Mason has a lot of 'NERVE' ... "pot meet kettle" ...

:maddening: Mason should NEVER use the word "fraudulent" in reference to JS after the "fraudulent defense" him and JB pulled off at trial to get CFCA off a murder charge ...

MOO ...
Even if the defense appeals this probation order, could anything be done by the appellate court prior to the date KC has to report? A person being ordered to report for probation is not exactly something that would mandate an emergency hearing by an appeals court. I do not see how they will get a "stay" issued in time for KC to get out of reporting by the 26th.

But then, it's KC. One lucky break after another seems to be the norm for her.

ETA: OK, now I see on the lawyer's thread that the stay is automatic upon appeal being filed. So this will take a year or two to be decided by the appeals court and if KC' loses she will have to report then for probation. I still don't understand the "automatic stay" mandated by law though. I mean, people appeal a jail or prison sentence, and the sentence is not automatically stayed pending appeal. But...once again KC and her defense get what they want. These unsual people are just not going away anytime soon.
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