Casey's Behavior Toward Parents and Vice-Versa In Court Apperances

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I think KC truly hates her parents.

The other night on NG it showed KC, over and OVER wiping her eyes with her specifically PLACED fingers white GA was testifying in court.... I mean, it was shown over and over.. I not only to go see what I thought I saw at the time, I got to see it a few more times just to make sure I didn't think i was seeing things..

BTW, I saw no tears...I guess she got the idea from when GA was giving the depo and accused the attorney of giving him the finger when he pushed up his glasses..

I saw this show and saw her "bird" a flyin'. I was wondering who or what she was listening to at that moment. Says alot. Thanks for the info.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Is the Answer Malignant Narcissism?

by Diane Fanning

If the question is Casey Anthony, it may very well be. Dr. Erich Fromm coined the phrase, but Dr. Otto Kernberg became the expert on it. He defines malignant narcissism as being in the middle of the spectrum ranging from Narcissistic Personality Disorder and full-blown psychopathology.

Much more at the link...Diane Fanning has her pegged, IMO...:behindbar
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Is the Answer Malignant Narcissism?

by Diane Fanning

If the question is Casey Anthony, it may very well be. Dr. Erich Fromm coined the phrase, but Dr. Otto Kernberg became the expert on it. He defines malignant narcissism as being in the middle of the spectrum ranging from Narcissistic Personality Disorder and full-blown psychopathology.

Much more at the link...Diane Fanning has her pegged, IMO...:behindbar

Very interesting information-KC has a giant void where her real self-worth belongs. Not the self-worth that her parents may have tried to instill, the self-worth that you gain when you spread those wings to fly into adulthood. When you accomplish goals, take pride in your work, raise a beautiful daughter, have deeply loving relationships with a man.

Problem is, building self-worth is not always instant gratification-You have to fail sometimes and take blows to the ego. KC's lifestyle was a means to avoid all of this and just go in for the instant high that superficial charms can garner.

I don't think that KC has examined her inner self at any degree of depth-When she has tried, she came away with the fear that she might need to be hospitalized. I think she put those feelings aside and decided never to go there with herself again. She thought she could exist in that superficial range of emotions-She clearly could not. Narcissism was like a little devil on her shoulder, urging her to do things that were good for her in the short term and help her move from day to day.
Very interesting information-KC has a giant void where her real self-worth belongs. Not the self-worth that her parents may have tried to instill, the self-worth that you gain when you spread those wings to fly into adulthood. When you accomplish goals, take pride in your work, raise a beautiful daughter, have deeply loving relationships with a man.

Problem is, building self-worth is not always instant gratification-You have to fail sometimes and take blows to the ego. KC's lifestyle was a means to avoid all of this and just go in for the instant high that superficial charms can garner.

I don't think that KC has examined her inner self at any degree of depth-When she has tried, she came away with the fear that she might need to be hospitalized. I think she put those feelings aside and decided never to go there with herself again. She thought she could exist in that superficial range of emotions-She clearly could not. Narcissism was like a little devil on her shoulder, urging her to do things that were good for her in the short term and help her move from day to day.

What a wonderful post- ITA!!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Is the Answer Malignant Narcissism?

by Diane Fanning

If the question is Casey Anthony, it may very well be. Dr. Erich Fromm coined the phrase, but Dr. Otto Kernberg became the expert on it. He defines malignant narcissism as being in the middle of the spectrum ranging from Narcissistic Personality Disorder and full-blown psychopathology.

Much more at the link...Diane Fanning has her pegged, IMO...:behindbar

Thanks for sharing! I like Diane so much!
Very interesting information-KC has a giant void where her real self-worth belongs. Not the self-worth that her parents may have tried to instill, the self-worth that you gain when you spread those wings to fly into adulthood. When you accomplish goals, take pride in your work, raise a beautiful daughter, have deeply loving relationships with a man.

Problem is, building self-worth is not always instant gratification-You have to fail sometimes and take blows to the ego. KC's lifestyle was a means to avoid all of this and just go in for the instant high that superficial charms can garner.

I don't think that KC has examined her inner self at any degree of depth-When she has tried, she came away with the fear that she might need to be hospitalized. I think she put those feelings aside and decided never to go there with herself again. She thought she could exist in that superficial range of emotions-She clearly could not. Narcissism was like a little devil on her shoulder, urging her to do things that were good for her in the short term and help her move from day to day.

With all due respect, I think that the perp is not capable of going anywhere near her self. In her eyes, she is so far above all other beings, that the thought would not occur.
With all due respect, I think that the perp is not capable of going anywhere near her self. In her eyes, she is so far above all other beings, that the thought would not occur.

I dunno, I think she might have tried to face reality once, after that fantasy life with BSnow, and she found herself repulsive. And she did not seek outside help to reconcile her thoughts.

She would "repair" herself by dressing up the outside and embracing total narcissism. No one could knock her down a peg if she didn't reveal her weaknesses. She was ADAMENT about maintaining this facade, which as you mentioned, meant she had to stay above it all.
I dunno, I think she might have tried to face reality once, after that fantasy life with BSnow, and she found herself repulsive. And she did not seek outside help to reconcile her thoughts.

She would "repair" herself by dressing up the outside and embracing total narcissism. No one could knock her down a peg if she didn't reveal her weaknesses. She was ADAMENT about maintaining this facade, which as you mentioned, meant she had to stay above it all.

Oooh how I agree! Where others see only narcissistic or anti-social behaviors in Casey I see many of those very behaviors as more borderline-like, self preservation. Some of her behaviors that others see as narcissism, I see as her way to cover up her self hatred and self doubt.. her feelings of being unworthy and un-loveable.. her anger covers up her sadness. We all have ways to handle our emotions- much of it comes from what we have been taught and seen in our parents. Many people raised in personality disordered homes become experts at not feeling , shutting that entire part of them down by the time they are teenagers.. they have to.

Casey never became a person, wasn't allowed to- she was Cindy's "mini-me". That isn't a good feeling.. knowing you are nothing inside. I see people talking here about how Casey is a narcissist and "loves herself too much" and it just makes me laugh because to me, it's clear she despises herself!

I think Jose, Casey et al have a plan to throw the A's under the bus. The evidence shows that 'someone' who had access to KC's car and the Anthony household items is responsible for Caylee's death. The only real defense is claiming that it could be any one of the Anthonys. I figure the lack of affection demonstrated toward the A's is just setting in place the argument that one of them must have done the awful deed.


I posted earlier on another thread this very same theory. The A's are the only SODDI defense that could possibly work for the reasons you mentioned. This would also go toward KC not acknowledging the A's in court, no jail visits, no proof of correspondence except what CA said on LKL (and she lies all the time). KC is not about to communicate with or give a smile or a nod to the perps who killed her baby. I wonder if the thought ever entered any of the A's minds that they are in danger of being set up? And then if we hear from DCasey that he was told where to search by Cindy, George, or Lee - Bingo, that's just the icing on the cake. Personally, I would thoroughly enjoy this defense as the A's would find out for chit sure "what goes around, comes around" means.
I dunno, I think she might have tried to face reality once, after that fantasy life with BSnow, and she found herself repulsive. And she did not seek outside help to reconcile her thoughts.
She would "repair" herself by dressing up the outside and embracing total narcissism. No one could knock her down a peg if she didn't reveal her weaknesses. She was ADAMENT about maintaining this facade, which as you mentioned, meant she had to stay above it all.

I respectfully offer that the above implies that Casey's behavior was reflective and had considerable depth. IMHO Casey's psycho-sociopathy is ABSENT that very quality -- and it's what differentiates Casey from the rest of us!

I respectfully offer that the above implies that Casey's behavior was reflective and had considerable depth. IMHO Casey's psycho-sociopathy is ABSENT that very quality -- and it's what differentiates Casey from the rest of us!

Her behavior was learned.. a life long habit. A coping mechanism so deeply ingrained that she herself probably has no idea why she is the way she is. Emotional numbing is a common theme in children brought up in personality disordered homes and is all but invisible to "outsiders". It happens over time.. all through childhood and into the adult years (If you have not yet seen it for what it is and have yet to got help). Because it begins at such a young age- part of you- the part that really feels and connects with others and your self with any true depth is never born.. You never have spontaneous emotions, good or bad. You expect people to at any minute lie to you and turn against you so you trust nothing that comes out of anyones mouth (Even your own- because you are lying and theiving too!). Some of these children, by the time they are adults, no longer even have the ability to truly get excited by life. Course they don't know that.. But the only time they ever really feel alive is when they are driving fast or going on shopping spree's or stealing or lying or having sex with strangers. Extreme things.

I agree with you that Casey isn't very reflective and has no depth. But that's the whole point- part of the make up of personality disorders is lack of insight! None of these behviors need insight to take place- they are habit!
I couldn't find a more appropriate thread for this, but if there is one, please feel free to move this ....

I noticed in another case that the suspect who is being held in jail, has been prescribed antidepressants and antianxiety meds that have been dispensed by the jail:

Nobles said Coe has been prescribed Lexapro and Atarax at the Harris County Sheriff&#8217;s Office Medical Clinic. Lexapro is used to treat depression and certain types of anxiety. Aratax is an antihistamine that is also used to treat anxiety.

Coe also has been prescribed Diazepam, used to treat anxiety. The prescription was issued from a Montgomery County pharmacy, Nobles said.


Is it common practice for jails to provide these type of drugs to inmates? This was just news to me.

If it's commonplace, then there's really little mystery to the changed (mellowed) behavior of inmates as they go thru the pre-trial and trial process, IMHO.

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