Casey's Behavior Toward Parents and Vice-Versa In Court Apperances

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Cindy is only interested in saving KC's butt; I am sure she is beyond pizzed with her.
but if CA felt that Jose did help KC she would be pleased.
But I sense that they are in agreement to any strategy that will save her.

I imagine that it must be hard for them to have any conversation. the "A"s while trying their best to save her butt, have to be pizzed at her, she does know that...
I imagine since they cant talk because it all gets recorded, they are actually best off to stay away from her, they can not be less then furious with her.
I think it would do my heart good to know that they are furious with Casey, problem is we haven't really seen any of that. I don't pretend to know the psyche of this "family" (although I wish I did), one day I think Cindy would jump over three sets of court benches to be able to get close to her daughter, then I think about Jesse's recollection of Cindy belittling Casey and I go the opposite direction. Maybe the truth is they don't even know which side of the fence they are on because they are constantly jumping over it and then back to the other side.
He is the Producer for the Today Show - Jim Lichtenstein
He was the Booking Producer on the Dateline NBC show - "When Caylee Vanished" Dec. 12, 2008
Lichtenstein and reporter Kerry Sanders (Today show) come into town each time there is a Hearing....
I thought Cindy acted like she was on a high school date and got close up seats to a good baseball game, and had the cool stud sitting next to her. Disgusting behavior. She was giggling at his jokes.

A quote from Lichtenstein's website:
"One successful appearance on a talk show can change the lives and fortunes of these guests. ....we have former Talk Show producers on staff who will teach you how to be a great guest. Someone who will get called back on shows again and again."

Does the same parent company own the Today show as the parent company of their new alleged book deal? I KNOW MORGAN'S LAW OFFICE IS EATING THESE THINGS UP!!!!! It is a very cordial relationship, obviously, so even if the two companies are owned by different groups, it shows she conspires, befriends media groups on an ongoing basis, so the judge in the civil suit is not going to buy there are no media deals without a thorough investigation. You just can't make this stuff up! The damage they are doing to their daughters case would be tough to measure. You can bet all the money in their pockets they are ALL going to be asked about media deals when they testify in the criminal trial, and I do believe they are going to be compelled by the civil judge to return to the depos to complete questioning. One would think Brad would instruct them not to EVER sit on the same pew, and certainly not grin and whisper to any producers, ever to at least have the appearance of being unfamiliar. Lord, help me, Jesus!
I think it would do my heart good to know that they are furious with Casey, problem is we haven't really seen any of that. I don't pretend to know the psyche of this "family" (although I wish I did), one day I think Cindy would jump over three sets of court benches to be able to get close to her daughter, then I think about Jesse's recollection of Cindy belittling Casey and I go the opposite direction. Maybe the truth is they don't even know which side of the fence they are on because they are constantly jumping over it and then back to the other side.

I agree that it is hard to tell with them.

And KC not doing her little high school girl flirty thing with Baez, was extremely refreshing. I agree that Lyon has told her (and him) to knock that off! KC does not seem to have the same arrogant, defiant swagger she had previously either.

It was refreshing, but at the same time (i hate that phrase cause KC always uses it, ugh lol) I want the jury to see that when the trial comes around. I want them to see that she doesn't give a crap. I want them to see her inappropriate emotions, or lack thereof... not her crappy acting skills. It would make the decision that much easier for the jury. Although, I think they'll see right through the A's immediately, and see them for what they really are.

Can her actions in pre-trial be brought to the jury during trial? It would be nice if the jury could see the Courts talking about the remains of an innocent child, while the mother laughs and tosses pens at her attorney.

Stick a needle in her... she's done.
I think it would do my heart good to know that they are furious with Casey, problem is we haven't really seen any of that. I don't pretend to know the psyche of this "family" (although I wish I did), one day I think Cindy would jump over three sets of court benches to be able to get close to her daughter, then I think about Jesse's recollection of Cindy belittling Casey and I go the opposite direction. Maybe the truth is they don't even know which side of the fence they are on because they are constantly jumping over it and then back to the other side.

The only concern Cindy has over Casey is how it reflects on Cindy as a mother. If you don't believe me, ask the FBI agent who interviewed her. He shared with George Cindy's description in her written answers about Casey, having reported her to be "reliable, honest and responsible". I am paraphrasing now, but he said something to the effect that it was glaringly obvious that it was VERY important to Cindy to be perceived as a good mother. I think that sums it up.
This is JMO, but while watching the current truTV trial, I had the thought that JB is purposely keeping the A's away from KC. To pacify them, he is probably telling the A's that they don't want everything said between KC and the A's released to the media (which is true). But the real reason I believe he is keeping them apart is because I think he (or more likely, AL) is looking down the road to a possible DP sentencing phase...... and in trying to save KC from the DP, they will then use KC's family life (Cindy's domineering way of raising her, KC's alleged sexual advances by both GA & LA, etc.) as excuses to save her from the DP. That's when I think they will throw CA, GA, and maybe even LA, under the bus......
I think it would do my heart good to know that they are furious with Casey, problem is we haven't really seen any of that. I don't pretend to know the psyche of this "family" (although I wish I did), one day I think Cindy would jump over three sets of court benches to be able to get close to her daughter, then I think about Jesse's recollection of Cindy belittling Casey and I go the opposite direction. Maybe the truth is they don't even know which side of the fence they are on because they are constantly jumping over it and then back to the other side.

I think that in KC's eyes the only thing she ever did to please her mother was to have Caylee. So therefore, she triumphantly took Caylee from CA forever to punish her for making KC never feel like she was good enough.

And furthermore, deep down, CA knows this to be true. That is why she is so overcompensating as a mother now.
He is the Producer for the Today Show - Jim Lichtenstein
He was the Booking Producer on the Dateline NBC show - "When Caylee Vanished" Dec. 12, 2008
Lichtenstein and reporter Kerry Sanders (Today show) come into town each time there is a Hearing....
I thought Cindy acted like she was on a high school date and got close up seats to a good baseball game, and had the cool stud sitting next to her. Disgusting behavior. She was giggling at his jokes.

A quote from Lichtenstein's website:
"One successful appearance on a talk show can change the lives and fortunes of these guests. ....we have former Talk Show producers on staff who will teach you how to be a great guest. Someone who will get called back on shows again and again."

Thank you very much for your reply to my question. And for telling me who the guy was. I'm glad I wasn't the only one to notice her behavior.
This is JMO, but while watching the current truTV trial, I had the thought that JB is purposely keeping the A's away from KC. To pacify them, he is probably telling the A's that they don't want everything said between KC and the A's released to the media (which is true). But the real reason I believe he is keeping them apart is because I think he (or more likely, AL) is looking down the road to a possible DP sentencing phase...... and in trying to save KC from the DP, they will then use KC's family life (Cindy's domineering way of raising her, KC's alleged sexual advances by both GA & LA, etc.) as excuses to save her from the DP. That's when I think they will throw CA, GA, and maybe even LA, under the bus......

They could try.

But, juries are used to criminals claiming lousy backgrounds. It doesn't usually fly.

Many jurors have come from backgrounds just as bad or worse.

BTW-- KC never said GA made sexual advances, She just said GA abused her.

She said LA "tried to touch her, once, in middle school." But, then, the jurors also know she's a compulsive liar.

Then, there's the fact that she just passed two shrink evals. Also, she can't provide any medical or school records to indicate she was in any way "damaged."
They could try.

But, juries are used to criminals claiming lousy backgrounds. It doesn't usually fly.

Many jurors have come from backgrounds just as bad or worse.

BTW-- KC never said GA made sexual advances, She just said GA abused her.

She said LA "tried to touch her, once, in middle school." But, then, the jurors also know she's a compulsive liar.

Then, there's the fact that she just passed two shrink evals. Also, she can't provide any medical or school records to indicate she was in any way "damaged."

Brini, it is true juries are used to criminals claiming lousy backgrounds..... it doesn't stop defense attorneys from using it anyway in an attempt to prevent their client from receiving the DP. After all, let's face it... they don't have a lot to work with on this case. Blaming her family for all her ill deeds is about all they have....

I didn't say I think it will work.... I just think it might be one of their strategies......
I agree with both of you, the defense will use it and it won't work..but, I am sort of interested to see just how far the defense will go with the "parents from he**" routine. Wonder how Cindy and George will like that part of the trial ? Karma.
I don't think Casey cared that she was cremated. After all, her preferred method of burial was two trash bags, a hamper, duct tape, heart sticker, and a swampy overgrown piece of land full of snakes.

I think it was a strategic move from the defense to hold in their back pocket. They may want to prove some nonsensical theory and say, "if we had her bones to test, we would know for sure." Casey wanted her to be buried but her parents went against her wishes---it's all their fault. Now Casey can't get a fair trial.

Oh, I don't think KC gave a hoot about the cremation. I think it was a ploy on her part to make it appear that she really cared.
Oh, I don't think KC gave a hoot about the cremation. I think it was a ploy on her part to make it appear that she really cared.
Yeah the whole "I wanted a proper burial for Caylee so that I could visit her gravesite when I get out of jail" doesn't mesh with the duct tape over the face of her child, then storing her body in multiple trash bags and disposing of her in a swampy, snake infested area of heavily concealed woods. I'm not getting the connection.
I think Jose, Casey et al have a plan to throw the A's under the bus. The evidence shows that 'someone' who had access to KC's car and the Anthony household items is responsible for Caylee's death. The only real defense is claiming that it could be any one of the Anthonys. I figure the lack of affection demonstrated toward the A's is just setting in place the argument that one of them must have done the awful deed.

If they begin visiting Casey again, the A's will need a word-for-word script to stick to. There's no way the defense will trust them to just visit her without a written script - there's too much potential for them to say the wrong thing. I kinda wish the visits wouldn't be recorded - who wants to listen to an uncomfortable, recited dialog?

Their only bet will be to stick to I love you and how are you eating; so KC can tell them all the ways Cindy and GMa make such good gravy that she won't even eat the jail's it might take something away from her memory of Mom's cooking.

What in the world will they be able to talk about that won't hurt the case?

What's new? Nuth'in, what's new with you? Nuth'in. Caylee is still dead, nuth'in gonna change that.

Can the A's sing the praises of working for a non profit, looking for missing kids? Not really because the only reason they are doing it is because their GBaby was murdered... can't go there.

Lee? Not much to say there. He moved back home with mom and dad. Why? Because he's the only one of the 3 with an income because they couldn't work and look for Caylee too. (Back to the murderer.)

The weather? I wouldn't go there, Caylee was left in the back of the Pontiac in 80* plus heat, we know what resulted from that. The rain storms? Not so much. Their grand-baby was left out in the elements for 6 months. Under water, from the heavy rain storms for most of that time.

The Grandparents? That would be good, Grandma doesn't send her love, matter of fact she told Yuri to toss KC in GP so a couple of thugs could whoop some scared into KC. Grandpa? Yeah, not. Grandma said they had to increase grandpa's meds because of the stress. (Of his granddaughter murdering their great granddaughter.... )

What's left?? The A's telling her to get her together and tell the cops what really happened. To save all her friends and relatives from having to go to court and talk about all the lies, all the sex, all the thieving. All at the expense of Caylee's life.
I think it would do my heart good to know that they are furious with Casey, problem is we haven't really seen any of that. I don't pretend to know the psyche of this "family" (although I wish I did), one day I think Cindy would jump over three sets of court benches to be able to get close to her daughter, then I think about Jesse's recollection of Cindy belittling Casey and I go the opposite direction. Maybe the truth is they don't even know which side of the fence they are on because they are constantly jumping over it and then back to the other side.
Searchforttuth that is a great description. and you are right.

The Big picture is they cant throw her under a bus, and they probably wish they could. They are in way over their heads and in the process I can not imagine that they are not furious with her, but devoted to save her because of the severity of the punishment if she is found guilty. Wow...Just had a couple of glasses of wine- is this coherent?)
I imagine that if they thought she would get up to 3 years and out, they may have not gotten themselves tangled up. The concept of LWOP or worse put them in SAVE HER MODE. Cindy made that 911 call she was no fool when she did it, she was in her automatic panic mode...Pre "The Clean-up Plan" as I call it. I do not think they are model parents, BUT they are parents - I am always sure I would do things differently and yet I always THANK God that I do not know how I would do them.
I think they have a right to be angry at her, but as parents they want to save her first. IF they succeed?????IF; Then they may never want to talk to her.
Whatever else I think of the pack of liar, I also thank God that I will never know how to walk a mile in their shoes.
I can't imagine Casey caring one bit about her parents, in or out of court.
I think that she blames them for everything that has gone wrong in her life...from being pressured to act like a caring mother to be sitting in a jail cell awaiting a murder trial.
Seems Casey uses people and tosses them aside when they are no longer of use to her. Or if they cross her in anyway. She only cares about herself. Acknowledge her parents? Not if she can help it.
When she cried while George was on the stand, it was only because she knows it was his testimony before the grand jury which helped cement her fate. Those were tears for herself.
Let's not expect Casey to act or appear normal in any way.
I'm trying to look at the whole picture, 23 years of living with and dealing with Casey. While we don't know much about her life prior to Caylee's birth, we do know that Casey was allowed to lie on a whim and never be confronted with her lies and punished for lying. Casey evidently was never made to take responsibility. That's evident by her continued thieving from family and friends, not holding a job (and lying about it), and her lack being responsible for her child.

What we do know is that in the months leading up to June 15th, Casey stole from her grandmother, from friends, and from her mother. We know there were battles between Casey and Cindy over Casey's thefts and lack of responsibility. We know that Cindy consulted a psychologist and was advised to seek custody of Caylee. So, we know the relationship between Cindy and Casey was a constant battle.

Then, on June 15th, there's a major fight between Cindy and Casey, in which it's alleged that Cindy tried to choke Casey. After June 15th Caylee is never seen again. For the next month, Cindy doesn't lay eyes on Casey although they evidently talked on the phone frequently. Casey was avoiding her parents.

Finally, on July 15th, after receiving a notice from an impound yard, George and Cindy retrieve Casey's car, which reeks of having a dead body in it. Subsequent to finding the car, they track down Casey's friend, Amy, and through her finally find Casey. But, there's no Caylee. We know from Cindy's first two phone calls to 911 that she's very upset with Casey for not producing Caylee. And then finally, Casey puts forth the story that the nanny kidnapped Caylee, and Cindy's final 911 call. Within 24 hours Casey is under arrest and in jail.

For the next six weeks, the search for Caylee goes on, with Casey not talking. Then, a bail bondsman and bounty hunter from California post Casey's bond and she's allowed to come home. We know that George became very upset the very first day she came home, and demanded that Casey tell them what happened to Caylee.

From what the female body guard, Tracy, has told investigators, there was tension in the Anthony household, with George avoiding Casey. Casey refused to speak about Caylee, and didn't act like a grieving mother. Casey didn't want to be confined to her parents home and spent most of her days at her attorney's office as a means of escape.

On October 14th, George testified before a grand jury, who handed down an indictment for murder. Casey was arrested that afternoon. About a week later, Cindy told the media that they were not visiting Casey in jail because Casey made them promise to put the focus on Caylee. With the media following them to jailhouse visits, and questioning them afterward, it took the focus off the search for Caylee. Even after Caylee's remains were found, there were no jailhouse visits.

I've always felt that it was a case of Casey not wanting to see her parents. They are no longer any use to her. They can't get her out of jail or clean up this's out of their hands. And, she resents her father for testifying before the grand jury, which is part of the reason she was indicted.

But it's also the big picture. There's been years of tension, anger, and battles within the Anthony household, as they've moved from crisis to crisis. Cindy and Casey have been the chief combatants, but Casey resents her father too, especially now. after his grand jury testimony.

What we're seeing is the result of all that's happened in the past few years, and likely even the years before that.
I'm trying to look at the whole picture, 23 years of living with and dealing with Casey. While we don't know much about her life prior to Caylee's birth, we do know that Casey was allowed to lie on a whim and never be confronted with her lies and punished for lying. Casey evidently was never made to take responsibility. That's evident by her continued thieving from family and friends, not holding a job (and lying about it), and her lack being responsible for her child.

What we do know is that in the months leading up to June 15th, Casey stole from her grandmother, from friends, and from her mother. We know there were battles between Casey and Cindy over Casey's thefts and lack of responsibility. We know that Cindy consulted a psychologist and was advised to seek custody of Caylee. So, we know the relationship between Cindy and Casey was a constant battle.

Then, on June 15th, there's a major fight between Cindy and Casey, in which it's alleged that Cindy tried to choke Casey. After June 15th Caylee is never seen again. For the next month, Cindy doesn't lay eyes on Casey although they evidently talked on the phone frequently. Casey was avoiding her parents.

Finally, on July 15th, after receiving a notice from an impound yard, George and Cindy retrieve Casey's car, which reeks of having a dead body in it. Subsequent to finding the car, they track down Casey's friend, Amy, and through her finally find Casey. But, there's no Caylee. We know from Cindy's first two phone calls to 911 that she's very upset with Casey for not producing Caylee. And then finally, Casey puts forth the story that the nanny kidnapped Caylee, and Cindy's final 911 call. Within 24 hours Casey is under arrest and in jail.

For the next six weeks, the search for Caylee goes on, with Casey not talking. Then, a bail bondsman and bounty hunter from California post Casey's bond and she's allowed to come home. We know that George became very upset the very first day she came home, and demanded that Casey tell them what happened to Caylee.

From what the female body guard, Tracy, has told investigators, there was tension in the Anthony household, with George avoiding Casey. Casey refused to speak about Caylee, and didn't act like a grieving mother. Casey didn't want to be confined to her parents home and spent most of her days at her attorney's office as a means of escape.

On October 14th, George testified before a grand jury, who handed down an indictment for murder. Casey was arrested that afternoon. About a week later, Cindy told the media that they were not visiting Casey in jail because Casey made them promise to put the focus on Caylee. With the media following them to jailhouse visits, and questioning them afterward, it took the focus off the search for Caylee. Even after Caylee's remains were found, there were no jailhouse visits.

I've always felt that it was a case of Casey not wanting to see her parents. They are no longer any use to her. They can't get her out of jail or clean up this's out of their hands. And, she resents her father for testifying before the grand jury, which is part of the reason she was indicted.

But it's also the big picture. There's been years of tension, anger, and battles within the Anthony household, as they've moved from crisis to crisis. Cindy and Casey have been the chief combatants, but Casey resents her father too, especially now. after his grand jury testimony.

What we're seeing is the result of all that's happened in the past few years, and likely even the years before that.

I am pretty sure I read that AL said that she thought KC should visit with her parents even though JB had put a stop to that, which AL thought was wrong. I have always thought that JB was behind that change in KC's behavior. In fact, in the August 14 jail visitation tape KC complains that she was able to take the visitation from her parents even though JB had said she shouldn't talk with her parents. But she said that she did it anyway because JB was out of town.

Yes, I believe that KC was irresponsible, a liar, a thief, a manipulator, and ultimately a baby killer. But I do not think that turning her back on her parents was her idea. JB needed that control over KC, and cutting her off from her parents was one way to achieve that, with the big plus of ensuring that KC wouldn't say anything revealing, and CA, GA, and LA could ask no probing questions.

But I also think that JB's plan backfired in that it has painted KC, rightly or wrongly, as completely cold and unfeeling toward her family.

This is my opinion, based on what I have observed and read.

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