Casey's Behavior Toward Parents and Vice-Versa In Court Apperances

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JMO...but I think in KC's eyes, her family has nothing to offer her and she has nothing to gain from them. They no longer serve any purpose, nor do they "support" her financially. She has no use for them.....thus, no reason to have a relationship with them. If someone can't offer KC something of value, then she has no use for them. Simple as that.

And KC not doing her little high school girl flirty thing with Baez, was extremely refreshing. I agree that Lyon has told her (and him) to knock that off! KC does not seem to have the same arrogant, defiant swagger she had previously either.

Methinks BOTH got booted in the butt REAL hard. In fact, she may have put her foot all the way up to KC and JB's tonsils.
You're right, she does control them in this manner by making them look for scraps of acknowledgment at the hearings. Could a deal have been struck between the As and KC as to how this would be reported and handled w/ LE? Maybe that was the "script". I don't know, I could be having a flight of fancy. The whole family acts in such a bizarre manner, that it leads my mind all sorts of places.

I don't think they're that together and organized.

But, it's true.. the case is SOOO bizarro-land that it's disorienting. It's almost a 70s acid trip.
JMO...but I think in KC's eyes, her family has nothing to offer her and she has nothing to gain from them. They no longer serve any purpose, nor do they "support" her financially. She has no use for them.....thus, no reason to have a relationship with them. If someone can't offer KC something of value, then she has no use for them. Simple as that.

I agree. KC has a bit of a pattern of behavior in all of this:

-Call mom's bluff, she will not call the police
-Even when she does call the police, seem unaffected
-Get pizzed at mom when they take her to jail, since mom is the one that called
-Act like court dates don't phase you
-Convince yourself that as things always have, this too will blow over/go away
-Beg dad to get you out of jail
-Get pizzed at mom for not getting you out of jail
-Rebuke mom and dad all together, move on with issue at hand, cause the case still hasn't "gone away"
-Now it doesn;t look like your getting out of it so easy, need to focus efforts on getting back to Fusian and forget mom & dad forever. It's their fault it got to this point.

You are correct-to her, they are absolutely useless.
If JB has not given Casey letters from her parents, then I bet Casey thinks she's being snubbed by them and, in turn, is then snubbing them when she sees them by not acknowledging them. JMHO.

KC doesn't care enough to be miffed.
I think that for JB, it takes all he has in him to keep himself from saying or doing something ridiculous - he has no time to devote to Casey's behavior. LOL!

Meanwhile, AL is busy teaching them BOTH how to behave,

And KC not doing her little high school girl flirty thing with Baez, was extremely refreshing. I agree that Lyon has told her (and him) to knock that off! KC does not seem to have the same arrogant, defiant swagger she had previously either.

I always wondered why watching those two at the defense table reminded me of study hall.
This latest view we saw of Casey in court reeks of AL's influence. I believe Andrea had a talk with her about ditching the cheerful and happy routine. Honestly I am surprised that she wasn't told this before now, but I guess when you have a lawyer like Jose certain minor details get missed. Casey's new look of depression may be somewhat genuine from her months in isolation and the thought that her future will take place in a state prison or worse death row. That's a scary thought for someone that loves themselves so unconditionally like Casey. At any rate it did my heart good to see the new Casey in court, I like her better unhappy and miserable.

ITA with you. It's also no accident that her hair was back in a ponytail. This prevented her arrogant, narcissistic affectation of flipping her hair every two seconds. That smacks of AL's influence as JB either didn't notice or isn't sophisticated enough defense-lawyer-wise to care.
Thank you everyone for answering this thread.
I'm a bit surprised with the way CA acted and acts that she hasn't said she did it just to get KC out of jail. However KC is a product of CA IE: ME,ME,ME. Sooooo with all my rambling I have to say as we've said all along GA, CA and LA know that KC did murder Caylee. They need to eat crow and admit it. They have dismissed Caylee from day 31 if not before just to cater to murdermom. Shameful. Just Shameful.

Lee believed everything his sister said until he got immunity. :clap: So this might be how everyone acts before they throw each other under the bus. :rolleyes:
Meanwhile, AL is busy teaching them BOTH how to behave,

ITA!! But, she's not only got to handle JB and KC! She's got to get CA and GA in line too!! I'm not sure how she is gonna manage that and teach too!!
And I wonder if AL will need to get together with Jim the Producer so they are both on the same page? Girl's got her work cut out for her-that's for sure!! I wonder if her students can get extra credit for helping to coordinate this 3 ring circus? I can just see AL now....
If they begin visiting Casey again, the A's will need a word-for-word script to stick to. There's no way the defense will trust them to just visit her without a written script - there's too much potential for them to say the wrong thing. I kinda wish the visits wouldn't be recorded - who wants to listen to an uncomfortable, recited dialog?

I don't think Casey has any desire to see her parents. But in regular Anthony fashion, they are choosing to blame someone else for their problems.
ITA!! But, she's not only got to handle JB and KC! She's got to get CA and GA in line too!! I'm not sure how she is gonna manage that and teach too!!
And I wonder if AL will need to get together with Jim the Producer so they are both on the same page? Girl's got her work cut out for her-that's for sure!! I wonder if her students can get extra credit for helping to coordinate this 3 ring circus? I can just see AL now....

Yeah, I must've skipped over the part in her article where it says the defendant's family should have a T.V. producer following them around to all the hearings!
Yeah, I must've skipped over the part in her article where it says the defendant's family should have a T.V. producer following them around to all the hearings!

Oh that's not in AL's pdf-Jim the Producer got hooked up with the A's back in 2008 when Dateline NBC did a story on the case. When you think of all the people who have attached themselves to this case-we're just a few clowns short of a circus!!
Oh that's not in AL's pdf-Jim the Producer got hooked up with the A's back in 2008 when Dateline NBC did a story on the case. When you think of all the people who have attached themselves to this case-we're just a few clowns short of a circus!!

I know, I was just being sarcastic. :)

ETA: Not sarcasm towards you, essies. Towards the case in general!
Methinks BOTH got booted in the butt REAL hard. In fact, she may have put her foot all the way up to KC and JB's tonsils.
I wonder if she had licorice on her foot when she pulled it out:python:
I don't think Casey has any desire to see her parents. But in regular Anthony fashion, they are choosing to blame someone else for their problems.
Wasn't it not so long ago that Cindy gave Jose a big hug in court ? Now he's guilty of keeping them apart from their daughter ? Please, if Casey wanted to see them she knows what to do and the A's know what to do as well. I'm not saying that Jose is not involved in helping out this seperation, but it's pretty obvious by court appearances that Casey wants no part of her parents.
Wasn't it not so long ago that Cindy gave Jose a big hug in court ? Now he's guilty of keeping them apart from their daughter ? Please, if Casey wanted to see them she knows what to do and the A's know what to do as well. I'm not saying that Jose is not involved in helping out this seperation, but it's pretty obvious by court appearances that Casey wants no part of her parents.

It always throws me off.
when parents put themselves in danger to cover her sorry butt, and then they get dissed...
My mind does not know how to wrap itself around that..
I am sorry but despite the fact that I know she is not well...It still blows me away.
I know it should not...But It amazes me how calloused, inhumane, cold blooded a person can be.
Bold is mine-

There is, they are called laws!

Everyone has the same laws to follow and everyone must follow them.. there are no exceptions for certain princesses. Jail is not supposed to be fun or fair-the guards are not on duty to go through what lawyers are bringing into the jails. Jails are overcrowded, prisoners and gangs within the jails are getting out of control. It is getting harder and harder to keep empolyees within the jails, they are overworked and underpaid. They have no time to go through peoples mail when their lawyers show up for visitation. Letters are to be sent via mail, it's the law!

BESIDE the Laws, it is CALLED strategy....
It seems that They may be planning a defense that is going to put the "A's at blame for KC's mental state.
I do not think KC can play any other game but the blame game. :(
Wasn't it not so long ago that Cindy gave Jose a big hug in court ? Now he's guilty of keeping them apart from their daughter ? Please, if Casey wanted to see them she knows what to do and the A's know what to do as well. I'm not saying that Jose is not involved in helping out this seperation, but it's pretty obvious by court appearances that Casey wants no part of her parents.

Cindy is only interested in saving KC's butt; I am sure she is beyond pizzed with her.
but if CA felt that Jose did help KC she would be pleased.
But I sense that they are in agreement to any strategy that will save her.

I imagine that it must be hard for them to have any conversation. the "A"s while trying their best to save her butt, have to be pizzed at her, she does know that...
I imagine since they cant talk because it all gets recorded, they are actually best off to stay away from her, they can not be less then furious with her.

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