Casey's Behavior Toward Parents and Vice-Versa In Court Apperances

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Exactly what I am thinking! Why would Conway feel the need to announce PUBLICLY that Baez has a policy to give all letters to KC, himself? Why wouldn't the Anthonys just start mailing their letters to KC directly and shut up about it? I think Conway was trying to do damage control for his clients because they have obviously been committing a FELONY by allowing Baez to take their letters to KC.

Bar Clears Baez Of Ethics Claims
POSTED: 4:30 pm EDT September 1, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The Orange County Jail said Tuesday that its re-emphasis on the ban for lawyers bringing personal letters into the jail has nothing to do with Casey Anthony's attorney.
Administrators have posted a sign strongly reminding lawyers visiting the facility that it is a felony to bring in contraband items, including personal letters.

So he brings his laptop in there and she sends them an email. :confused:
If I hadn't seen the whole thing I probably wouldn't have believed it. The bailiff didn't care what she aid, he just made sure under no circumstances should she try and address the defendant ever again.
I saw others removed from the court for waving or blowing kisses. Obviously these weren't murder trials,but they were not serious cases by any means.
All courts may be different but this particular court required formal behavior and it was no nonsense that's for sure.

It's true in Texas. When I went for my daughter we were all given about a 3 minute speech that "anyone" who made even a jesture to any of the inmates would be thrown out of the court. There would be no warning!
Conway said that AL said that the parents should have a video visit with their daughter (a lot of hearsay), which is what we have suspected all along had been going on, but ...
What is the difference between bringing letters or bringing a computer in to "visit"?

Conway has been spouting the same blah blah blah about the parents wanting to visit their daughter in jail, but they can't because of the media crush, since the Memorial. Remember Conway and Cindy's clash on this subject on LKL - Conway said he saw no problem with them visiting KC - so WHY haven't they??? Nothing is stopping them from going to the jail and having a normal "video visit" like they have done in the past .... nothing except KC refusing to see them (probably on instructions of Baez, but KC willingly complies with this instruction).
It's no big deal that Lyon agrees that the parents should go do a video visit - everybody says that.
I would think that Baez allowing KC to view emails on his laptop would be just as unacceptable as the felony of bringing in personal letters to her.
Why haven't the parents filed a Bar Complaint against Baez for violating jail rules and committing a FELONY by insisting that they give their letters for KC to him instead of mailing them?
So he brings his laptop in there and she sends them an email. :confused:

I don't believe that KC has any desire to communicate with her parents by US mail or by email or in person/video jail visit. I guess she could if she wanted to use JB's laptop though - they get away with breaking the rules all the time!
Conway has been spouting the same blah blah blah about the parents wanting to visit their daughter in jail, but they can't because of the media crush, since the Memorial. Remember Conway and Cindy's clash on this subject on LKL - Conway said he saw no problem with them visiting KC - so WHY haven't they??? Nothing is stopping them from going to the jail and having a normal "video visit" like they have done in the past .... nothing except KC refusing to see them (probably on instructions of Baez, but KC willingly complies with this instruction).
It's no big deal that Lyon agrees that the parents should go do a video visit - everybody says that.
I would think that Baez allowing KC to view emails on his laptop would be just as unacceptable as the felony of bringing in personal letters to her.
Why haven't the parents filed a Bar Complaint against Baez for violating jail rules and committing a FELONY by insisting that they give their letters for KC to him instead of mailing them?


Because it benefits THEM....:furious:

Anything the A's can get away with will be viewed as a victory for them, IMO. I think this enabling of KC by her parents have now shifted to her defense attorney. KC still has yet to take responsiblity for anything related to her wrong's always someone else's fault...

CA is the type of personality that you do not tell her what to do and frankly I'm a little surprised she hasn't gone to visit KC, which is against Baez' orders. She doesn't have to speak about anything Caylee but her purpose of going to visit KC would be just that. She needs to know what happened to Caylee from the mouth of her lying child. She knows she is untruthful but....:bang: Both she and GA have said this many times, we do not know what happened to Caylee and if they think they will get the truth out of KC they should know better...what they need to do is read the documents. They will get a sense of truth, only thing is, they can't handle the truth, IMHO...:furious:

I want GA to attend every court date with that huge photo of Caylee as he did for the motion on the autopsy results...not just that little button of Caylee on his shirt...oh wait, I'll bet the prosecutors have a larger than life photo of Caylee, they don't need GA...
It sounds to me like there may be some infighting in the defense ranks. Maybe begun by the jail. Conway coming forward about Baez 'controlling' the A's letters to KC. AL saying that KC should have a video visit with the A's. And Baez doesn't seem to be responding to it. I think we are looking at in-fighting.

First it was jewelry, now letters. Wonder what JB will carry in to KC next? Maybe she would like a pizza???

Yeah, the jail may deny it. But I suspect that they found evidence of contraband being brought in by the attorney and have chosen to first give a warning by making a general notice to all attorneys. I wonder if the contacted the A's to see if they admitted to the letter passing and giving them a personal warning?

BTW.... If Baez has been breaking jail policy by bringing in contraband letters from her parents, would that be an ethics violation? It definately is another sign of something weird with Baez's relationship to his client.

What about the inapropriate behavior? :eek
As I understood it, JB wasn't allowed to bring in letters from the family, so if he has been, he has been breaking the law. So, this could either be a genuine effort on the A's part to have some contact with KC, or a very thought out plan to divert attention away from the fact that JB may have been secretly delivering mail to KC from CA & GA all along, breaking the rules. You know! A "cover my a&&" tactic? KWIM?
Why cant he bring letters from her family and let them screen it before giving it to her??? As they would any letter that would come in the post ???????
There is something more behind this that I am not clear on....
I am confused about the policy on letters. In one of the early jail visits, LA kind of intimates to KC that she may not be able to trust her attorney to carry her correspondence to the family and vice versa - isn't that around the point of the conversation that he also warns her that her lawyer comes first, KC comes second, and Caylee is third?

If that's the state's policy that is one thing, but if that is JB's (maybe he told her he didn't want any jail personnel opening them and reading them, etc.) then that is a lot of hoola. It is so hard to separate what might be JB's sneakiness with KC's snarkiness.
Exactly what I am thinking! Why would Conway feel the need to announce PUBLICLY that Baez has a policy to give all letters to KC, himself? Why wouldn't the Anthonys just start mailing their letters to KC directly and shut up about it? I think Conway was trying to do damage control for his clients because they have obviously been committing a FELONY by allowing Baez to take their letters to KC.

Bar Clears Baez Of Ethics Claims
POSTED: 4:30 pm EDT September 1, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The Orange County Jail said Tuesday that its re-emphasis on the ban for lawyers bringing personal letters into the jail has nothing to do with Casey Anthony's attorney.
Administrators have posted a sign strongly reminding lawyers visiting the facility that it is a felony to bring in contraband items, including personal letters.

ITA...If they wanted to communicate with KC they can use the post office.
As far as visits to Jail...the last one did document CA saying to KC "You did not tell them" I think the "A"s fear what else may slip out and be documented. I also do not think they just want to look at each other because they have to be really angry, hurt, upset with that "B" and since they cant speak with her there is no point to go there. JMHO

I think it is part of a plan...To throw the the Anthony's so that KC will get sympathy.
I sure hope that sick plan does not work.
Why cant he bring letters from her family and let them screen it before giving it to her??? As they would any letter that would come in the post ???????
There is something more behind this that I am not clear on....

I'm going to guess because the people who scan the letters can't make special exceptions. They have what I'm sure is somewhat of an assembly line and it isn't fair to place Casey's letters before other prisoners whose families are using USPS mail to communicate. I kinda see it like someone cutting in line. No way the prison is going to give KC that kind of special treatment. She can follow the rules and wait in line just like every other inmate.

ETA: If they do this for Casey, then they have to possibly deal with an influx of attorneys bringing in letters for their clients. Considering all they have to deal with in a day, I'm sure they don't want to have a line of lawyers with letters to be reviewed.
I'm going to guess because the people who scan the letters can't make special exceptions. They have what I'm sure is somewhat of an assembly line and it isn't fair to place Casey's letters before other prisoners whose families are using USPS mail to communicate. I kinda see it like someone cutting in line. No way the prison is going to give KC that kind of special treatment. She can follow the rules and wait in line just like every other inmate.

ETA: If they do this for Casey, then they have to possibly deal with an influx of attorneys bringing in letters for their clients. Considering all they have to deal with in a day, I'm sure they don't want to have a line of lawyers with letters to be reviewed.
Does not have to be put before anyone's mail. NO ACCEPTIONS. It just can be screened by the jail's Admin....
And it can also be sent by post...
MY assessment is there is more to this then we know.
Why cant he bring letters from her family and let them screen it before giving it to her??? As they would any letter that would come in the post ???????
There is something more behind this that I am not clear on....

I think he probably could bring in letters and give them to the jail, but they probably wouldn't process them right then and there for him to deliver to "his girl". He would just have to leave them with the jail personell and let them go through appropriate channels, which takes who knows how long. Once he handed them to the jail personell, it would be out of his hands as to when she would get them or if she would get them. The restriction states that an attorney is prohibited from bringing in anything from the outside, so who knows how the jail would feel about one circumventing the normal mailing routine. Many of us on here have speculated about JB sneaking letters and his computer into the jail since the release of the jail video of KC and LA speaking where he is informing her that JB works for her and if she told him to give a letter to the family, he had to do it.
Does not have to be put before anyone's mail. NO ACCEPTIONS. It just can be screened by the jail's Admin....
And it can also be sent by post...
MY assessment is there is more to this then we know.

I think it just boils down to the prison not wanting to deal with hand delivered letters from attorneys. Not just from Baez, but for all inmates. Personal communication to inmates has always been done through the USPS. This is not because of Baez, it's the way it's always been done. Baez knows this, he just didn't care and did what he wanted.

ETA: What concerns Baez is he wants to be able to read these letters. This is the only reason he insisted on hand delivering communication to Casey.
ITA...If they wanted to communicate with KC they can use the post office.
As far as visits to Jail...the last one did document CA saying to KC "You did not tell them" I think the "A"s fear what else may slip out and be documented. I also do not think they just want to look at each other because they have to be really angry, hurt, upset with that "B" and since they cant speak with her there is no point to go there. JMHO

I think it is part of a plan...To throw the the Anthony's so that KC will get sympathy.
I sure hope that sick plan does not work.

ITA! I think you are right on! Maybe they don't want their mail inspected by the jail personell because of the content of the mail? If CA can't control herself in a courtroom setting, I seriously doubt that she will choose her words carefully in a letter. And you just know that JB wants to read anything that the A's have to say to Gorgeous first. He isn't about to just step aside and let the A's unravel everything he has worked toward since the beginning. JMO.
I think it just boils down to the prison not wanting to deal with hand delivered letters from attorneys. Not just from Baez, but for all inmates. Personal communication to inmates has always been done through the USPS. This is not because of Baez, it's the way it's always been done. Baez knows this, he just didn't care and did what he wanted.

ETA: What concerns Baez is he wants to be able to read these letters. This is the only reason he insisted on hand delivering communication to Casey.

You bet they don't! I'm sure they have a system in place that works just fine for them. But, I don't think JB and the A's want to play by their rules, kwim? I really think that JB has been sneaking letters into KC from early on. Whether he has been caught at it or suspected of it by the jail, we may never know. But, I think it is too coincidental that they are bringing it up in the media and saying it's not because of JB, it's just policy. Why say that at all?
You bet they don't! I'm sure they have a system in place that works just fine for them. But, I don't think JB and the A's want to play by their rules, kwim? I really think that JB has been sneaking letters into KC from early on. Whether he has been caught at it or suspected of it by the jail, we may never know. But, I think it is too coincidental that they are bringing it up in the media and saying it's not because of JB, it's just policy. Why say that at all?

ITA. The A's have done little to conform to rules and policies of seemingly everything since little Caylee went missing. I'm not surprised by this at all. All I can feel is complete and utter sadness for Caylee. She was the ultimate victim. None of the A's are just because they can't have private meetings and letters.
ITA. The A's have done little to conform to rules and policies of seemingly everything since little Caylee went missing. I'm not surprised by this at all. All I can feel is complete and utter sadness for Caylee. She was the ultimate victim. None of the A's are just because they can't have private meetings and letters.

Agree! I think once their brains processed what that smell was along with KC's attitude, they knew something horrible had happened to Caylee and went into cover-up mode. They forgot all about Caylee from day 32 and were only interested in protecting Her Highness CEO. Absolute shame! But, LDB, YM, JA and NS will make sure that justice is served.
I don't think they are allowed to acknowledge each other are they? Here in CA they can't in the lower level courts anyway.

Here a defendant is not allowed to look at,address, make gestures or otherwise engage anyone in the courtroom. I went with my gf to her son's case and she mouthed that she loved him when they brought him in.The bailiff was all over her and warned her that if she did that again she would be removed from the courtroom. If I hadn't seen it i would have assumed she did something really bad. But she didn't. There was a big sign, at least there was here , that says something to the effect that you better not signal or gesture to the defendants.
This goes both ways as the defendant cannot look at or address anyone in the courtroom.
I would think for a murder case this would be the same. But I don't know anything about FL courtrooms.

I thought I'd heard NG say a few times that she made some allowances for families when they come to court--that she will allow them to speak for a moment or two (probably depended on the severity of the crime too). But then again she hasn't been in an actual courtroom for how many? years now, I bet things have become more strict. Also I bet it depends on the location. I bet small towns allow a little contact etc. Not that I doubt you, I don't, at all.

I think KC is furious at her parents and couldn't care less about them anymore......... until the day she needs something from them of course. MOO
Why cant he bring letters from her family and let them screen it before giving it to her??? As they would any letter that would come in the post ???????
There is something more behind this that I am not clear on....

Letters to most inmates or VERY important to the inmate. A letter received by loved one's is what most of them live for and makes their day a little less dreadful. Thousands and Thousands of letters are sent daily. The officers not only have to review them for content (no sexual meanings & etcs), but I once got a letter back because I had used tape to a picture of my Grandaughter's artwork together. That was a big no no! Sometimes people will attempt to send drugs in by via mail-very creative ways to do it also. They have to scan letters w/lights for any suspicious looking areas that may contain the hidden drugs. If attorney's could bring in mail could you imagine what would happen? The jails/prisons have rules about the mail and these rules have to be followed because of past incedents. I think once IIRC a lawyer brought in a gun to an imate who shot several people. :mad:
All of this info about who wants/doesn't want a visit and the status of communications seems very sketchy and confusing to me. Interesting to me but not a real surprise. After all, they all helped make the bed . . . so let them lie.

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