Casey's Body Language and Reactionary Comments#3

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Jan 10, 2009
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During the latest hearing, on Dec 11th, a few questions were raised about Casey's body language in court. I am no expert on the matter, but did find a good website that explains different body positions and their possible significance to thoughts and feelings.

I would be very appreciative if anyone can weigh in on this topic.

Link to the website...

By the way, I searched for an existing body language thread, but it had been closed and I couldn't find another one. I hope it's OK to start this one. If not, Mods please feel free to move.
The website listed above is pretty complex and breaks down the body language techniques into anatomical regions, ie; arms, legs, hands, face, etc...You may have to do some reading to find one that corresponds with our "subject".

There is much more that others will pick up on, but the first thing that struck me, in regards to Casey's body positioning, in the hearing was this. It was taken from the above website.


Attack signals

"When somebody is about to attack, they give visual signal such as clenching of fists ready to strike and lowering and spreading of the body for stability. They are also likely to give anger signs such as redness of the face."

Obviously the clenching of the fists, exhibited by Casey, grabbed my attention.
I am sure there are others that I missed, like the holding of one arm with her fist. I am certain this must mean something, but I had a hard time finding it. Maybe some WS'ers will figure it out along the way.
Another tidbit I picked up from the website...


"Covering eyes, ears or mouth may say we do not want to see, hear or say something."

This is one more thing we witnessed during the hearing from Casey A.

While I don't pretend that all of these explanations are 100% correct, it may give us a possible clue into Casey's mind set.
There was mention of "preening" at that site as well. Something that has always fascinated me about Casey is the continual stroking of her hair, touching her face and picking at her clothes. I wonder if she has OCD?
There was mention of "preening" at that site as well. Something that has always fascinated me about Casey is the continual stroking of her hair, touching her face and picking at her clothes. I wonder if she has OCD?

I have no idea if she has OCD, would have to have more information on that. Heres the part about preening the hair (thats a term I have never heard before)

"Stroking the hair is a preening gesture, which can be deliberate checking that it is perfectly coiffed or an invitation to stroke also."

"Playing with the hair is particularly flirtatious and invites the other person to do this for you."

IMO, (completely unprofessional opinion) I believe excess touching of the hair can be a nervous habit OR it could be related to being incarcerated where hair grooming supplies are in short supply. When an inmate goes to court (and into the public) there is a great concern for how their hair looks...especially with females.
I was surprised NG or similar didnt find themselves a body language expert. hopefully someone does soon. I am fascinated with her reactions to JA's response to the defense and some things I think seem different to what other posters think.
I was surprised NG or similar didnt find themselves a body language expert. hopefully someone does soon. I am fascinated with her reactions to JA's response to the defense and some things I think seem different to what other posters think.
I would be willing to bet that one of the news organizations has a body language expert on within the next couple of days.
My take on what I saw with her was a protective stance when crying, covering her face with her hand and hair. What was even more interesting was CA & GA body language; at the very time she really needed to be "comforted", her parents left the room. It really is indicative of their relationship with her, and kind of how this whole case has gone along. Fire and Ice, black and white, you are with me or you are abandoning me.

KC's tears were all about her. She cried when they mentioned she was cut off from her support system because anything she might say to her family could be deadly for her. I imagine that KC is pretty lonely when she can't share what really happened, and there is no soft place to land for her. She responds in anger because that is an allowed response in this family (remember the videos in front of the house with the baseball bat?) It appears they can show anger to others but when KC starts showing anger, the parents do anything to avoid provoking her.
After watching the video several times with no sound and concentrating on just the body language I concluded that there really were no tears. All the other times she has cried- in the jail visit videos, when standing by Baez at a media announcement after she had been charged and the one time at the first bond hearing she did not cover her face. She cried openly and wiped at her tears with her finger tips. I think she hid her face this time because she did not want others to see her emotions were fake and play acted.

Watch the tape again carefully with no sound. Watch Casey carefully. She hides her face behind her hand and she is breathing heavily but there are no tears. As he speaks for a whole minute and a half she only lightly dabs at her eye once and then again at the end. If she was really crying as hard as her breathing indicates she would have had to wipe her eyes often. I think her reactions looked like a girl who had been caught in the act and was dramatically in denial.

My opinions only!!
Yep Casey recovered and was back to normal quickly. Yeppers...
After he finished speaking she crossed her arms and looked angry and defiant to me.

It's a little odd that she only "cries" when she hears something she doesn't
want to hear.
As soon as he stopped speaking she stopped crying.
If you are dealing with the tragedy of a child's death, once you get started crying it
goes on for quite a while.

I also know that when I cry I have to blow my nose quite a few times.
The harder I cry, the more I blow.
I have never seen her blow her nose when she "cries", therefore I can't really believe
it's genuine.
I couldn't believe it when I saw it posted on HLN's Prime News that KC cried "hysterically"!! I wanted to scream!!:doh:
Thank God the comments Mike read that were sent in and the psychologist all agreed that the tears were for herself!! Made me feel much better that people who did watch the hearing got it!! It was and has always been about KC- not Caylee!
I might be the only one, but I think her tears and reactions were genuine.

Genuine what, I don't know.

- What have I done?
- Everyone will know. My parents will know.
- Everyone will hate me.
- All of my friends are looking at this.
- I look like crap, my skin's gray, they won't gimme a flat iron, damn them.

I dunno. I think there's a chance she's thinking, "what have I done? I killed my precious baby. what have I done?"

When my granddaughter was 3 years old she accidentally killed my guinea pig (rest in peace Miss Fizzy) by dropping her. 2 days before Christmas. At night. In a blinding rain storm. When I was having a sleep over of ALL my grandchildren (5 children, all under the age of 8). The children could not sleep WITH THE CORPSE OF A GUINEA PIG in the house, so it was out in the rain to have a funeral in the woods where 4 of the children were terrorized, all BUT the 3 yr. old. I looked at her and she was having a blast. We got to go out in the rain!! At night! Too cool! But the next day, she was distraught, and she kept saying, "But I wanna play with Miss Fizzie! I loved Miss Fizzie! Bring me Miss Fizzie!"

Because she loved Miss Fizzie, in the way that a 3 yr. old loves a guinea pig. And she was quite capable of having a good old time at her funeral. And she was quite capable of being pizzed to the max because she no longer had a small, fuzzy being to play with, never mind that Miss Fizzy died at her hands.

And she cried real tears. And felt real sorrow.

Blaise (Before you fall to the ground, sobbing for Miss Fizzie, Miss F. was 6 yrs. old, which is 2000 in guinea pig years.)
I am no expert, but my gut reaction to watching her do this (and because she not only has done this at every hearing, and even when alone when the LE left the room for long lengths of time the day she was arrested for murder) it seems to be good old fashioned vanity.

****Respectfully snipped ***

I would be looking in those files left on the table. Sorry, I just like to be well informed, and if they leave me with their files . . . . well, that's their mistake.
After he finished speaking she crossed her arms and looked angry and defiant to me.

It's a little odd that she only "cries" when she hears something she doesn't
want to hear.
As soon as he stopped speaking she stopped crying.
If you are dealing with the tragedy of a child's death, once you get started crying it
goes on for quite a while.

I also know that when I cry I have to blow my nose quite a few times.
The harder I cry, the more I blow.
I have never seen her blow her nose when she "cries", therefore I can't really believe
it's genuine.

I think she wanted to be comforted when Andrea left the table. She has no one to comfort her but herself.
This is the 3rd thread on this topic. The others have been closed, but I have no problem taking another shot at this.

Thes threads have a way of turning into a "how many cheetohs did KC eat she is so fat" threads.

So, if you want to have a constructive discussion about her body language, that's a great topic.
But if it turns into a bashathon about hairdo's,body weight.acne,bacne making fun of clothes ,and/or general attractiveness of CA, KC and the defense team the thread won't last LOL.
Please stay on topic on this thread as well.

ETA: If this moves into a phycholgical profiling thread take it off here and onto the correct thread.

This thread is specifically about KC's body language .
My take on what I saw with her was a protective stance when crying, covering her face with her hand and hair. What was even more interesting was CA & GA body language; at the very time she really needed to be "comforted", her parents left the room. It really is indicative of their relationship with her, and kind of how this whole case has gone along. Fire and Ice, black and white, you are with me or you are abandoning me.

KC's tears were all about her. She cried when they mentioned she was cut off from her support system because anything she might say to her family could be deadly for her. I imagine that KC is pretty lonely when she can't share what really happened, and there is no soft place to land for her. She responds in anger because that is an allowed response in this family (remember the videos in front of the house with the baseball bat?) It appears they can show anger to others but when KC starts showing anger, the parents do anything to avoid provoking her.

What about their comfort?

The reality is, in that setting, they couldn't comfort her. If they could, then that might have allowed them to focus on her needs. But setting several rows back, they are more likely going to be hit with their own personal needs.

CA & GA are Caylee's G-Parents and they did love her and grieve more for her then her own Mother did/does.

In order for them to stand by KC, they have had to turn off thinking about how she died and who did it. Hearing it yesterday, I'm sure was rather painful. But they got a grip and came back in the courtroom.

However,that they felt the need to leave the courtroom to deal with their issues (drama queen style) is in line with how this family controls things. Drawing as much attention to themselves as possible.
I look forward to a body language expert's opinion of Casey's reactions to Ashton's arguments regarding the death penalty.
When Casey covers her face--It seemed to me that it could have been shame related. Not shame like you and I may have but KC-type shame..This is what I imagine she might have been thinking while listening to the graphic description from Ashton:

"He is saying *I* did this?? In front of all the everyone thinks *I* did this? How embarrassing! God and he is so close to what really happened! How did he figure it out so well!? Is Tony watching this? Why doesn't Jose protect me? I shouldn't have to listen to these hard words directed at ME! I didn't do it! I have to act as if this is upsetting me! How long does he get to talk? I don't like this!"

Covering ones face can definitely be construed as shame. Despite the fact she is defiant--she had a moment there where she really wanted to disappear.
I look forward to a body language expert's opinion of Casey's reactions to Ashton's arguments regarding the death penalty.

Not a body language expert but I watched the video several times without the sound. What I also saw was anger and defiance - but what was also interesting was the iron clamp of a grip Ms Lyons had on Casey's arm. By the expression on Lyons face, she is thinking and perhaps whispering - don't lose it Casey! and not comforting her at all. JMO

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