Casey's Body Language and Reactionary Comments#3

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Thanks. Hope you can find it! I would vomit too if I had to hear those details, knowing in my heart (as I believe GA does) that my daughter did just that to my granddaughter.

As for KC's body language, the constant touching of hair I believe is both a sign of nervousness and narcissism. She constantly needs to be doing something while she knows she's being watched. It reminded me of the FBI videos after her final incarceration, when she was looking for video, playing with hair, looking at her nails.

I'm still not sure what to think about her crying while Ashton spoke. I kinda feel like she was re-living what she had done, though maybe not in the exact way that Ashton described. She looked as if she was saying, "No it didn't go down that way" but re-living it. I am confident she wasn't thinking, "No, I couldn't have done that to my poor baby"... who she had no motherly instinctive connection towards, but was rather jealous of the innocent babe, Caylee.

from the body language link, I picked up a few things that I saw her doing.


The chin can be used as a subtle pointing device and a small flick of the head may give a small signal that only people in the know are likely to notice.

Jutting out the chin towards a person exposes it and says 'Go on, I dare you, try to hit me and see what happens!' This can thus be a signal of defiance, if not towards the other person then instead towards some situation or person in the conversation.

Jutting may also exposes the teeth and is a thus a threat to bite which may be added to an aggressive display.

Pointing at a person with the finger is a threatening act. Doing it briefly with the chin is more covert and can thus be an insult.


When a person is feeling uncomfortable, the eyes may water a little. To cover this and try to restore an appropriate dryness, they person may rub their eye and maybe even feign tiredness or having something in the eye. This also gives the opportunity to turn the head away.

The rubbing may be with one finger, with a finger and thumb (for two eyes) or with both hands. The more the coverage, the more the person is trying to hide behind the hands.

Hand body language
The two hands can show different desires, for example with one forming a fist and the other holding it back, restraining the desire to punch the other person.

The hand can strike openly, with the palm or closed as a fist. The fist can strike forwards, sideways or downwards. One hand is often used for symbols as two hands as fists can be an invitation to fight (two hands held inwards can also indicate extreme tension).

Fist shapes and movements are often symbols of inner aggression. When moved towards a person, even a small amount, they signal aggression towards that person. A shaking fist signifies a strong desire to strike someone. Punching the air indicates triumphal excitement.

Hands can hide things. When people do not want to hear something, they put hands to ears. When they do not want to look, they cover their eyes. When they want to say something but feel restrained, they put their hands to their mouth. A hand may also cover a rudely open mouth, which may be opened in such as surprise or a yawn.

The hand may touch any part of the body in a whole range of situation.

Perhaps the most common reason for touching oneself is self-affirmation ('I am here. I am real. I am ok.') and related anxiety. Anxiety can be related to concern for the outer world or the inner world of thoughts and forecasts.

Touching is also used in romantic situations, where parts of the body may be lightly touched or stroked in simulation of desired or suggested action by the other person. The more erotic the parts being touched, the stronger the signal is sent.

Touching can also be a form of punishment, for example when a person slaps their head ('Bother - I forgot!').

Touching the other person can be an act of domination or of friendship, for example a hand on the shoulder whilst telling them off adds authority, whilst a gentle touch on the arm when sympathizing demonstrates concern for them.

Preening is a common action as the person brushes their hair and clothes, figuratively making themselves look more attractive and sending the signal 'Aren't I beautiful!' This is thus says 'Please like me' and may be a romantic invitation, a signal of superiority or indicate feelings of vulnerability.

Picking at bits of fluff clothes often shows disapproval as the person figuratively picks apart your argument.

Turning shoulders is a key part of turning away. If a person turns their shoulders whilst still looking at you, it probably means they want to leave (maybe because what you are saying is uncomfortable for them).

A person who is frightened or angry by the fight-or-flight reaction may well open their mouth to get more oxygen in preparation for combat or running away. This may also involve breathing faster (panting).

Oh my! I'll be over there awhile.
You are right. George did not run out to vomit. There is video tape that shows George, Cindy and friends leaving the courtroom and getting on the elevator.

This is the video of them leaving the courtroom


They left during Ashton's statement, and came back a few minutes later, then left for the day at the end of the proceedings. I thought the video in your link was them leaving at the end of the day(?)

They left during Ashton's statement, and came back a few minutes later, then left for the day at the end of the proceedings. I thought the video in your link was them leaving at the end of the day(?)

You could be right. I didn't know they came back in after they left.
IMO from the very beginning KC liked to be watched.
She walked with a sexy stride, always watched her looks.
It is very important for her to think she is a PRINCESS,
somone she doesn't have her artificial nails,
sexy clothes, jewelry, her hair is long and unstyled, she has parted it different
so she is trying to keep in style.
It means more to her than anything.
She wants us to all hear how great she is.
When Ashton told the world this horrible story ,
she felt so bad for HERself, that she cried about HER image. JMOO
KC is used to everyone coddling her and Ashton and state are never going to do that!
Wait to see what she does at the real trial with photos etc.
I'm thinking the party pictures will make her happy.
I said "whoa" when she grabbed her wrist as Ashton told of
Caylee being restrained.I am wondering if KC.can take the trial,
she aint heard nothing yet~~Go Ashton!!
I said "whoa" when she grabbed her wrist as Ashton told of
Caylee being restrained.I am wondering if KC.can take the trial,
she aint heard nothing yet~~Go Ashton!!

The body language web site said that was an act of trying restrain herself. In this case, it could mean she was trying to restrain her self from speaking out in court. Or she might have ben visualizing the events and trying to restrain herself from doing them.
There was mention of "preening" at that site as well. Something that has always fascinated me about Casey is the continual stroking of her hair, touching her face and picking at her clothes. I wonder if she has OCD?

I don't think it's OCD. I think it's more like malignant narcissism. The hair-stroking is an affectation, IMO.
There was mention of "preening" at that site as well. Something that has always fascinated me about Casey is the continual stroking of her hair, touching her face and picking at her clothes. I wonder if she has OCD?

Thanks for pointing that out. I have another idea on her constant picking at or grooming herself. I think it's nervous energy. A case of someone being so uncomfortable in their surroundings that they constantly check themselves as a reassurance they can get through what's happening.
I'm no expert on body language but I've interviewed so many different kinds of people during my career as a newspaper reporter, I always made myself aware of a person's movements, posture, hand gesters,head position and eyes, besides asking questions.
IMO Casey is out of control.
There was mention of "preening" at that site as well. Something that has always fascinated me about Casey is the continual stroking of her hair, touching her face and picking at her clothes. I wonder if she has OCD?

The ritualistic dabbing of her eyes then staring down at the tissue, back and forth and back again seems that way to me. She does that everytime she cries. I didn't notice any palm rubbing this time but her face was certainly bright red compared to her arm.
This may be a bit off topic, and I haven't read this whole thread, but what I saw in watching Casey's reactions yesterday, was someone on the verge of lashing out.

I don't think Casey's crying was real, as I didn't notice any actual tears, but more the motions of someone trying to fake emotion.

I think Casey Anthony has an extremely short fuse. I think she's been coached to some degree by her attorneys to temper that short fuse. JB whispering to her, AL clutching Casey's arm, seemed designed to keep Casey in check, to keep her from an emotional outburst. Maybe they told her that when she feels like lashing out, to cry instead.

Going back to jail house video of Casey's visit with her parents on August 14th (I think that's the correct date), the one in which Casey went into a rage, clutching her fists, and demanding to be allowed to speak and threatening to walk out on the visit, is one example of Casey's short fuse.

I think there's a good possibility that Casey will be disruptive during the trial, which won't leave a good impression with the jury.

I'm willing to bet that GA and CA have spent most of their lives walking on egg shells, mindful that confrontations with Casey will result in an emotional outburst of rage.

I think too that Casey's short fuse led to an outburst of rage following the fight with Cindy on June 15th, and that rage led to Caylee's death.
I was surprised NG or similar didnt find themselves a body language expert. hopefully someone does soon. I am fascinated with her reactions to JA's response to the defense and some things I think seem different to what other posters think.

Bill O'Reilly has an excellent body language expert, a blond woman, he has on his show frequently to interpret the body language of politicians and celebrities in the news. I wish I could remember her name, but she seems to really zero in on people - sometimes what they're saying doesn't match their body language.
This might seem a little off topic but bear with me -

this is a link here which leads to BBC's self test on whether or not you can tell a fake smile from a real smile. I think this could be helpful to us in determining how accurate our abilites to read emotions are. I took this a few months ago and got the results as a screenshot somewhere if we all want to post ours to compare.

I dont know if the ability to tell a fake smile from a real one is necessarily a correlation to how well we can read genuine tears vs not genuine but it might add some insight to how we see either.
Tonya Reiman is that expert and she has a book out this year. KC had her fists up, then clutched one fisted arm with the other. In July of 2008, she retorted almost screaming, "You don't know what my involvement is!?" That was at what she took to be a suggestion from her mother. The fists are toward an insulting imputation that she could somehow be responsible. The chin was raised & jutting then as well.

"The worst tempered people I've ever met were people who knew they were wrong."--------------Wilson Mizner
Her crying in the trial yesterday seems like the crying that LA talked aboutm when KC first told him ZFG took Caylee....LA said she was tearing up, her face was red, but she was not bawling or anything...And he said she had her hands covering her face...

I'm not a body language expert at all, but to me it seems like she covers her face until she regains her sociopathic compsure-like she doesn't want her cracks to show. Or her narcissism tells her it is ugly to cry, so she covers it...

If KC were able to debate John Ashton in court, she would have kept that angry face and began bickering with him, or tried to lie/sweetly worm her way out of it-But she couldn't, so she cried in the frustration of being his captive subject-Just like that day with LA, the lies weren't working, and she could not leave.
Tonya Reiman is that expert and she has a book out this year. KC had her fists up, then clutched one fisted arm with the other. In July of 2008, she retorted almost screaming, "You don't know what my involvement is!?" That was at what she took to be a suggestion from her mother. The fists are toward an insulting imputation that she could somehow be responsible. The chin was raised & jutting then as well.

"The worst tempered people I've ever met were people who knew they were wrong."--------------Wilson Mizner

is there video of that call? I have forgotten and dont think I have seen it.
I watched the video again of Mr Aston in action when the camera pans back to Casey and for the next 3mins and 35 seconds she proceeds to touch herself over 42 times. Not once does she ever wipe her tears and not check for mascara.
After watching the video several times with no sound and concentrating on just the body language I concluded that there really were no tears. All the other times she has cried- in the jail visit videos, when standing by Baez at a media announcement after she had been charged and the one time at the first bond hearing she did not cover her face. She cried openly and wiped at her tears with her finger tips. I think she hid her face this time because she did not want others to see her emotions were fake and play acted.

Watch the tape again carefully with no sound. Watch Casey carefully. She hides her face behind her hand and she is breathing heavily but there are no tears. As he speaks for a whole minute and a half she only lightly dabs at her eye once and then again at the end. If she was really crying as hard as her breathing indicates she would have had to wipe her eyes often. I think her reactions looked like a girl who had been caught in the act and was dramatically in denial.

My opinions only!!

I totally agree with you, Harmony 2. I watched this again several times with and without sound. KC obviously is getting her ugly angry look until JB whispers in her ear. I am thinking that she will be a real angry mess by the time she sits day after day during the trial. JB will need to get her a professional coach to train the anger out of her.

BTW, I find it strange the way AL holds onto KC's arm throughout the 1 1/2 min. speech. Does anyone else???
is there video of that call? I have forgotten and dont think I have seen it.

There isn't video, this was a phone call from Casey to her mom and brother on July 25, 2008 -

There's a commercial first, then the news report, the conversation starts at about 25 secs. If you listen to the whole conversation, you can tell Casey is mad at her mom and you can hear it in her voice. Ugly, ugly, ugly the way she talks to her mother. Shows her nasty personality.

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