Casey's Body Language and Reactionary Comments#3

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it will be interesting to see what her body is doing when Yuri makes it to the stand. Will she be able to restrain her anger at all that unflattering testimony? Will she shake her fool head off (literally)???
I wouldn't be at all surprised if ICA has a personal coach who studies her every day as she plays to the jury, the camera, and her guys. The "payoff" for JB could be huge, and well worth what he may be scraping up to pay a drama courtroom coach for her now.
Those letters to her prison pals could have been decided in advance. As ICA was so newsworthy, secrets would be hard to keep quiet, and ICA could leak little secrets now and then between all her fantasies and scripture quotes. They were bound to be discovered, and no penalties were dealt to ICA, she got off scott free. Body language is no secret anymore, so yes, I wouldn't be too certain of reading the clues from ICA.
KC certainly has been shaking her head "no" a lot in court. Of course, it is always in reference to some negative testimony. Shaking her head when GA on stand denying the abuse allegation, shaking her head when ME reported KC bragged what a good liar she is, just shaking her head about the gas cans, the decomp goes on.

Does KC believe she is sending a message to the jury? I think it reflects on her badly because it insinuates that everyone is lying who has something a bit negative to say or if it doesn't flow with the DT theory. Then again, it seems second nature to her to deny Everything that doesn't show her in a good light.

As each day passes, it seems more likely that KC is going to HAVE to testify. IF she wants to hammer in this accident theory, and the abuse theory, she will have to tell it herself. I can see her on the stand, lying and then just making stuff up as she goes along, finally telling the most elaborate lies--like always.
I agree. But just think of the fun the SA will have if she takes the stand. Just the thought of it bring a smile to my face :crazy:
KC certainly has been shaking her head "no" a lot in court. Of course, it is always in reference to some negative testimony. Shaking her head when GA on stand denying the abuse allegation, shaking her head when ME reported KC bragged what a good liar she is, just shaking her head about the gas cans, the decomp goes on.

Does KC believe she is sending a message to the jury? I think it reflects on her badly because it insinuates that everyone is lying who has something a bit negative to say or if it doesn't flow with the DT theory. Then again, it seems second nature to her to deny Everything that doesn't show her in a good light.

As each day passes, it seems more likely that KC is going to HAVE to testify. IF she wants to hammer in this accident theory, and the abuse theory, she will have to tell it herself. I can see her on the stand, lying and then just making stuff up as she goes along, finally telling the most elaborate lies--like always.

I read her body lanhuage head shaking differently. When shaking her head when GA was accused, I read that as a uncontollable head nod saying "no he he didn't"

The ME headshake I believed and here's why? ME mentioned that she said I am a good liar." IMMEDIATELY the frowned creased up and head starting shaking and whispering her excuse why. The fact that KC had just got out of going somewhere for a better choice and stating she was a good liar, to me, automatically put her in the "Wait a sec, I was messing about. I had told a white lie and got out of it." The two headshakes and the froewn during ME's statements were very different. ME knew it was a lie, and KC made the call in front of her flipping it off as being a good liar.

We have all got out of things by making excuses. Who hasn't met someone that has said they had car trouble when late for work and you just know it isn't true ... it's a lie none-the-less.

Often when she shakes her head there is no forehead movement. With an adament 'no' we often frown when saying no.

George does the same thing often.

I LOVE body language lol
She could have looked for a job. Flipping burgers may not be as glamorous as ICA imagines her life should be, but it is a start. You can get a GED. You can get an entry level job. You can make some attempt to better your circumstance. Especially if you are in a house of horror and abuse with your young child.

IMO ICA knew she was gonna have to refute her fathers testimony about the abuse with her actions. Particularly if the DT does not intend to put her on the stand to sell her story. Her body language before the jury is her best shot.

I believe, as other posters have mentioned, that she anticipated when she was supposed to cry, dab her eyes, look haunted and shake her head. I think she simply jumped her cue to begin doing so. Sociopaths, which I believe her to be, tend not to actually feel appropriate emotional responses but become consumate actors in portraying the emotions they think are required. I think her body language in court is very calculated and preplanned. When she begins to clench her jaw in anger and teh more ugly less meek feelings come up, she dabs the eye, casts her eyes down, turns to the side abit shakes her head abit and lets the tears well.


I truly haven't really seen her cry...that performance at OS---really didn't seem emotional to me...never saw tears....nothing...I would have expected the ugly cry if it were true lots more...haven't seen it...Never have ---its truly only about her and her alone. Grief stricken mom....not so much
Now the anger---that seems to take her longer to recover from---the anger seems to come whenever it contradicts her story...I can see why people walked on egg shells with her.....

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