Casey's Diary Entry for June 21st & Missing Pages #2

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The diary doesn't mean a thing otherwise LE would have taken it for evidence ..
But they did take a picture of it...wonder what they have done, if anything, with that ? I know Cindy said the picture was not "discovery", I don't believe that. If the picture was taken, there was a reason for it, IMO.
The diary doesn't mean a thing otherwise LE would have taken it for evidence ..

I agree. The wording is too vague, the defense could argue around it a hundred different ways.
I just had a thought, maybe it's been discussed already but I don't remember reading it.

The date on the journal is June 21ist right? This is argueably 5-6 days since she last stayed at the Anthony home. Yes, she may have been stopping in when when G and C where at work. As much as I want to believe the journal is from 08, I just can't see KC hanging out writing in a journal when she needs to be on the lookout for G and C coming home. She could have had it with her but I doubt it. It doesn't look like she spent a lot of time writing in it, so it isn't a must have item for her and it wasn't found in her car or at TL's. So, I am now thinking it is from 03.
But they did take a picture of it...wonder what they have done, if anything, with that ? I know Cindy said the picture was not "discovery", I don't believe that. If the picture was taken, there was a reason for it, IMO.

I have no idea why LE took a picture of it but, the fact that it is NOT evidence, speaks volumes ..
I know the diary topic seems low on the list of evidence, but I just want to add that I truly wish the diary had been taken into evidence.
I just watched a show where document analysis tests (like electrostatic test called ESDA) can show impressions of writing that was done on prior pages. Crimes involving ransom notes and such have been able to use whatever was written on the prior pages to help find clues as to who may be tied to the note.
When I was a kid we would trace coins by putting them under paper, and trace over them with pencils, so I think the result could be like that somewhat. Even several pages (like the missing pages?) can be captured from the analysed page. Used in context with what was written on prior pages may be interesting.
sorry i havent read back....but someone started a thread on old interviews and found this one of intrest ...where ca says she went thru casey diary looking for clues...wonder if that is what happend to the missing pages....??

[ame=""]YouTube - Today Show 7/21/08 (Cindy, George & Lee)[/ame]

again....sorry if this has been already talked about....:)
Just a comment. The handwriting in the dairy looks more like Cindy's than Casey's. A good example of Cindy's handwriting is her hand written statement from the night to early morning of June 15th/June16th. I do not think that Casey really wrote that entry. JMO

ETA: Have not read back through the whole thread - someone may have already stated this, lol.
KC was so into Facebook, Myspace, etc., I'm just having a hard time picturing her - in 2008 - taking the time to record her thoughts the old fashioned way, handwriting in a book. I think it's likely this really was all 2003 stuff. I certainly could see CA tearing out pages if the writing was all about KC's thoughts of how horrible her mother was.
In this short clip, CA states that KC has always been a writer. CA also states they looked through KC's JOURNALS for clues. Note Journal is pluralized.

[ame=""]YouTube - 7/21/08: Cindy Looked Through JOURNALS For Clues[/ame]
I am a journal writer as well. Not every day, but whenever I have something going on I need to mull over. I write vaguely as KC did in this journal. I think that maybe she did pick a journal out from 03 and make an entry. Thinking it would be a good one just in case anyone did find and read it, it would be disguised by the date in the front cover.
Many times writing in a journal serves a purpose other than the facebooks and myspaces. Those are for the public. Writing in this manner is personal. More honest, and private. A journal is a way to place you thoughts to paper in a concrete manner to be laid to rest in a final way. Many times thought swirl around and around until in a way you feel crazy. Writing them our in ones own handwriting helps to process. To get it out and then to be able to walk away from it.
It cannot proven with the picture that that diary entry is in fact from 08 but I believe it is. Disguised with the date of 03. LE may not have taken it, but they do have the picture. It may not be evidence. I feel they should have taken it and had it analyzed.

However, I still think it gives us valuable clues as to how Casey thinks when she is being completely honest with herself as well as how she processes difficulty.
KC was so into Facebook, Myspace, etc., I'm just having a hard time picturing her - in 2008 - taking the time to record her thoughts the old fashioned way, handwriting in a book. I think it's likely this really was all 2003 stuff. I certainly could see CA tearing out pages if the writing was all about KC's thoughts of how horrible her mother was.

ITA I think the SA probably have a wealth of info from the desktop and the laptop! My guess is that LE already has much incriminating evidence on those computers and that they only took a picture of the written journal as a basis of comparison to something she probably wrote on perhaps an online journal or diary. Just makes ya wonder what the devil she was up to in 2003!
KC may have been busted by her mother snooping in her journals before and decided that it would never happen again and went online after that-thinking that she could pour out her thoughts and they would remain private. I can't wait to see the computer forensics-they may tell the tale! Remember that convenient blue screen of death on her laptop? She is def trying to hide something!:mad:
ITA I think the SA probably have a wealth of info from the desktop and the laptop! My guess is that LE already has much incriminating evidence on those computers and that they only took a picture of the written journal as a basis of comparison to something she probably wrote on perhaps an online journal or diary. Just makes ya wonder what the devil she was up to in 2003!
KC may have been busted by her mother snooping in her journals before and decided that it would never happen again and went online after that-thinking that she could pour out her thoughts and they would remain private. I can't wait to see the computer forensics-they may tell the tale! Remember that convenient blue screen of death on her laptop? She is def trying to hide something!:mad:

I don't mean to go OT here. But don't we have some computer forensics already? I don't remember if we have and also what else we could be getting in regards to that. Could someone provide me with a link to what we have and what we could still get on that?
I agree with diary is from 2008. Come on. This would be WAAAYYY to coincidental to be from "june 21st" and then say it's from 03'. KC is evil, but she wasn't a complete idiot. So, she puts 03'. Whoa, that's genius! No way! This was 08'. JMO!
I just had a thought, maybe it's been discussed already but I don't remember reading it.

The date on the journal is June 21ist right? This is argueably 5-6 days since she last stayed at the Anthony home. Yes, she may have been stopping in when when G and C where at work. As much as I want to believe the journal is from 08, I just can't see KC hanging out writing in a journal when she needs to be on the lookout for G and C coming home. She could have had it with her but I doubt it. It doesn't look like she spent a lot of time writing in it, so it isn't a must have item for her and it wasn't found in her car or at TL's. So, I am now thinking it is from 03.

You make a good point. The only other option I can come up with is the diary was part of her personal possesions Lee picked up from the "boyfriends" apt.? :banghead:
If you look at the handwritting on the left side, it looks immature as it was written in '03..

The June 21st entry looks more mature, I do believe this was from '08..

I thought for sure LE would take possession of it and age the ink and page..Sorry they haven't..could have been one of the "smoking guns"!
I just had a thought, maybe it's been discussed already but I don't remember reading it.

The date on the journal is June 21ist right? This is argueably 5-6 days since she last stayed at the Anthony home. Yes, she may have been stopping in when when G and C where at work. As much as I want to believe the journal is from 08, I just can't see KC hanging out writing in a journal when she needs to be on the lookout for G and C coming home. She could have had it with her but I doubt it. It doesn't look like she spent a lot of time writing in it, so it isn't a must have item for her and it wasn't found in her car or at TL's. So, I am now thinking it is from 03.

IMO it could very well be from 08...after she was taken home by her mom her brother went to tone's to pick up her belongings. Just a thought it could have been in her bag.....
You make a good point. The only other option I can come up with is the diary was part of her personal possesions Lee picked up from the "boyfriends" apt.? :banghead:

I thought of that possibility or maybe in the car. Wonder what LE got from the attic! If CA had been lookin at KC's diaries and wanted to confront her later---maybe she put them in the attic.
I thought of that possibility or maybe in the car. Wonder what LE got from the attic! If CA had been lookin at KC's diaries and wanted to confront her later---maybe she put them in the attic.

MAMA I love the way you think!!!!!!!:clap:
sorry i havent read back....but someone started a thread on old interviews and found this one of intrest ...where ca says she went thru casey diary looking for clues...wonder if that is what happend to the missing pages....??

YouTube - Today Show 7/21/08 (Cindy, George & Lee)

again....sorry if this has been already talked about....:)

What a farce this family is. :mad: Cindy with her, "if she was out of jail, we could talk to her and find out where is Caylee." But then later, when KC was out of jail, they all just tiptoed around her on eggshells! :mad:

Then there was Jose's, "there is a reason, but I can't divulge it at this time." Such gobbletygook and subterfuge! These people are unbelievable with their outlandish lies, and this was an early interview, and the media is still soft-balling the questions at them even now. :mad:

Interesting how they said that Cindy was reading KC's diary to look for any clues...if the diary was from 2003, as the facing page showed, in the pic we saw, why would Cindy be looking for clues there...I agree...Cindy tore out the missing pages and this diary was from 2008!

These early videos are extremely interesting to watch now!
What a farce this family is. :mad: Cindy with her, "if she was out of jail, we could talk to her and find out where is Caylee." But then later, when KC was out of jail, they all just tiptoed around her on eggshells! :mad:

Then there was Jose's, "there is a reason, but I can't divulge it at this time." Such gobbletygook and subterfuge! These people are unbelievable with their outlandish lies, and this was an early interview, and the media is still soft-balling the questions at them even now. :mad:

Interesting how they said that Cindy was reading KC's diary to look for any clues...if the diary was from 2003, as the facing page showed, in the pic we saw, why would Cindy be looking for clues there...I agree...Cindy tore out the missing pages and this diary was from 2008!

These early videos are extremely interesting to watch now!

Oh snap Mitzi I bet u r correct!

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