Casey's Diary Entry for June 21st & Missing Pages #2

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I have to admit...I just didn't take this diary all that seriously...until I found out that LE really, truly believes it's significant. Casey sure isn't as smart as she thinks she is.

I admit my interest was thwarted in the beginning, until on LKL, it was brought up and BC announced it was in his possession. That piqued my interest again.
I admit my interest was thwarted in the beginning, until on LKL, it was brought up and BC announced it was in his possession. That piqued my interest again.

Same here. I thought that was odd in itself. :waitasec:
Hmm. There's something interesting. IF she had been doing so, or for that matter carting ANY evidence to that office during that time (and we know from the photos that her backpack was bulked up like a mushroom stuffed with devil's crab meat), that stuff could easily have been destroyed through her attorney/client privilege meetings. Not that I would want to accuse JB or anyone else of being unethical but.. you know..

And wasn't it determined much later that there were some pages ripped out of the journal?

Didn't a WSer even enlarge photos that clearly showed the torn edges?
And wasn't it determined much later that there were some pages ripped out of the journal?

Didn't a WSer even enlarge photos that clearly showed the torn edges?

Here ya' go, KJBK.

Thanks to ecs5298 for pointing me to a high-res version of the diary images. I am comforted to know that OCSO took pictures with a very high-resolution camera and that the stuff we are seeing on the web is about as poor a quality rendition of the original as one can make without making the image unviewable.

Clearly now I can see that the vertical "stripe" I saw down the spine of the book is not a shadow as the poor-quality images led me to believe. The stripe looks to me now like the binding glue. And it also appears to me that all or nearly all but the first and last pages were torn from this book.


If LE has the book and possibly the missing pages, then I wonder how they were entered into evidence because I am not seeing them entered in what has been released to date.
Could the missing pages have been in LA's possession as some of the things he was running around investigating, handed over to LE and have yet to be released in discovery with his "notes"?
Wasn't Mallory in the house feeding the animals when LE arrived to serve the warrant? Perhaps she either found the diary or was asked by someone to look for it and began ripping pages but was "thwarted" by LE pulling in the drive? She may have quickly added the '03 when she saw them coming up the drive in hopes of making them think it wasn't anything to do with the case. Of course I do have an active imagination so I may be far off base.
This may sound ridiculous and I'm not sure if it's been mentioned before (I've read through the posts and haven't seen anything) but is it possible that someone wasn't trying to cover for Casey but instead trying to get more evidence against her anonymously. We know that George is completely under Cindy's control, so is Lee. So could one of them, truly believing that Casey is guilty, possibly write the wrong date using a different red pen and ripping out all other pages except what would be incriminating in a last ditch effort to point the finger at Casey?

We know George was in law enforcement and knows how a search goes and what the lab will be looking at. He was in the house and had no other way to voice his opinion without the wrath of Cindy falling on him. Same with Lee. By writing in another date they may have known eventually the FBI would figure out the date was added after the fact and using a different pen. And now with the new info re: the date the journal was made it seems like icing on the cake.

So what if George or Lee added the date to lead the investigation down the right path? JMO that it could be an alternate possibility. Either that or I just can not wrap my head around everyone in that family being so heartless and delusional as to never ever even question Casey. Makes me sick.
This may sound ridiculous and I'm not sure if it's been mentioned before (I've read through the posts and haven't seen anything) but is it possible that someone wasn't trying to cover for Casey but instead trying to get more evidence against her anonymously. We know that George is completely under Cindy's control, so is Lee. So could one of them, truly believing that Casey is guilty, possibly write the wrong date using a different red pen and ripping out all other pages except what would be incriminating in a last ditch effort to point the finger at Casey?

We know George was in law enforcement and knows how a search goes and what the lab will be looking at. He was in the house and had no other way to voice his opinion without the wrath of Cindy falling on him. Same with Lee. By writing in another date they may have known eventually the FBI would figure out the date was added after the fact and using a different pen. And now with the new info re: the date the journal was made it seems like icing on the cake.

So what if George or Lee added the date to lead the investigation down the right path? JMO that it could be an alternate possibility. Either that or I just can not wrap my head around everyone in that family being so heartless and delusional as to never ever even question Casey. Makes me sick.

And I do realize that they could have added an "'08" instead of "'03" if they really wanted to make the cops think that Casey had written in the '03, but in my thinking if they were to get caught by Cindy they could just say "I was trying to cover it up with the wrong date. trying to help Casey." And were relying on the FBI to figure out the cover up.
As I was reading this thread, something niggled at my brain. A looooong time ago, didn't we hear that at one of the search warrants, that LE found "papers" in the attic? It sounds so familiar to me. Am I :crazy: ? If I am right, could these be the lost pages?
UESwifey, do we really believe that any member of the Anthony family is that smart?
I will have to go back and look. I thought they became aware and photographed the diary before Caylee was found. Will do that later. Thanks!

You are exactly right, Intermezzo. According to the first slide, these photos were taken "Saturday 12-20-08."

So, these pictures would have been taken then when they went back with the 2nd search warrent in December.

here is a link for the Dec 20 search,0,7870172.story

Until EU posted, I thought the photo was taken on the first search warrant on Dec 11, 2008

Just wanted to add this link for a good timeline refresher for Dec 2008

Respectfully Quoted Everyone :)

I've been trying to get the hang of multi quotes because so many times people have great points and I want to be able to quote all of them. Duh.

So maybe, Casey did write the passage at Tony's after ripping out her "old life" and put the '03 there to throw "anyone" off. She didn't think she, or the diary would be going back to Cindy's ever. At least she hoped. I read that sociopaths, being sneaky liars themselves believe everyone else capable of the same. So, the '03 was not for Cindy in particular but anyone seeing the diary. Lee said she was messy, he was messy(he had remarked that her stuff was neatly packed when he went to Tony's to get ICA stuff).

Maybe she figured there would be a point where it would be obvious that Caylee was 'missing' from her life, if she stayed with Tony. He would believe her whatever she told him about where she was, because the last thing he would think was she was dead. If Tony were to come across the diary, and think it was recent(as it was)he might still find the passage cold. Or wrong in some way-so she put '03. I think I am over thinking this: she wrote about her feelings regarding murdering her daughter and she knew this.

So, she wrote '03 because that is/was before(way)before Caylee. So anything found/read in there by anyone else could be passed off as something she wrote before Caylee. Casey had to have known that anything post Caylee could potentially cause trouble. I agree with WSleuthers who say simply the fact there is a '03 when the diary didn't go to market till '04 is what is hinky and shows it means something.

It came back with Lee and was put on the bed and photographed(speculation on my part). But not taken until later, if I understand correctly. But, did they take it at that time-no right? Because Cindy had it for a while. Why did Cindy play hide and seek with it? Would it have been photographed without her knowing? If it was photographed and then left behind(which is strange?)what would make her think it was so important? Except maybe she would know the '03 was a smoke screen by ICA(especially if Cindy had been reading in it during the years and knew the '03 was never there along with her knowing when she gave it to Casey)and being worried that others would figure out when the passage was really from she tried keeping it from LE.

Not getting rid of it, it had already been photographed(but they hadn't taken it!)and so maybe she hoped they would forget about it or she could feign ignorance enough to keep it from them. I am sure Cindy had the ego to feel as though she wouldn't have to do anything she didn't want to do: she will just sick her lawyer on them. ! If they want it, they will have to come and get it...


I never thought these entries were about Caylee but I'm starting to change my mind.It's just to coincidental how well it fits with June 21st and the way she probably felt in 2008.
What if the 03 actually is the third day without Caylee?Everday is a new day.Seize the day.She is talking about days here and by her 31 days statement we all know she was counting the time Caylee was gone in days . That would make it June 18th or 19th and then there are a couple of pages missing and that would fit with June 21st
I wondered if in LE's possession they have found other diaries of Casey's for comparison's sake. There must be other diaries, maybe books, letter or written examples to see if she was used to dating the inside cover. The line under the year looks like "overkill" i.e. like notice this! I am making a point of showing that this book started in '03 least anyone overlook the obvious! JMHO
UESwifey, do we really believe that any member of the Anthony family is that smart?

Nope, not even a little bit :) But the thought of these people covering up for their daughter instead of standing up for their grandbaby makes me so sick I can't understand it.
This whole issue confuses me, I think mainly because I am sure that if Cindy found the diary in the beginning, we wouldn't be looking at it now, maybe it just wasn't there at that time.
We know Cindy has no real moral compass and would have destroyed such an incriminating piece of evidence, just as she tried to throw LE off by giving them a family hairbrush, rather than Caylee's, and has consistently lied to save her daughter having to pay for her crime. She would go to any lengths to save Casey.

It would seem also, if one had just caused the death of one's own child, then to proceed to write such self incriminating diary entries would be really counter intuitive to say the least. Having done that, then to leave the diary hanging around for anyone to find, but removing just some of the pages, while leaving what is essentially a confession, is not only highly unlikely but foolhardy.

Perhaps the diary was written after the fact and after the initial searches of the Anthony home. I have wondered if Casey's hatred of her mother caused her to write this little malignant piece to further wound her mother while on the visits to her lawyers offices or when she was under house arrest.

Anyway, the diary was found by Cindy, as was intended, and the date had been added to confuse anyone else who found it, with the exception of Cindy, who I believe may have known all along it was created, not while KC was with TL but after Cindy called LE.

After LE's surprise search of the home, when the Anthony's were dining on crab puffs at some swanky hotel, Cindy had missed the opportunity to get rid of the diary and LE photographed it and added it to their evidence. I believe Cindy gave it to BC to make it less accessible to LE with the hope that they just may forget all about it or could somehow prevent it being used at trial.

The message to Cindy is loud and clear, Casey hates her mother and wants her to know she is responsible, and she did it because Cindy dared love Calylee as much, if not more than her daughter. If it means she has to cause Cindy life long agony by being incarcerated, she is ok with that too...Just more grist for the mill, It seems everything Casey does is aimed directly at her mother. It's payback ..............JMO
wasnt cindy on some talk show with lee at some point sitting there holding the journal. commenting on it or something like that. why am i remembering something like that. DArn it, am i the only one or am i mis-remembering lol!
wasnt cindy on some talk show with lee at some point sitting there holding the journal. commenting on it or something like that. why am i remembering something like that. DArn it, am i the only one or am i mis-remembering lol!

I don't think so but a little while ago I was reading old threads and at the very beginning she was quoted as saying she was going through ICA's journals looking for clues. Hmmm maybe I should tweet that to JA.
I wondered if in LE's possession they have found other diaries of Casey's for comparison's sake. There must be other diaries, maybe books, letter or written examples to see if she was used to dating the inside cover. The line under the year looks like "overkill" i.e. like notice this! I am making a point of showing that this book started in '03 least anyone overlook the obvious! JMHO

I think so too. Cindy herself said that both her and Casey were writers. I think that statement was made by her when she was put on the spot to explain that myspace that she wrote. Something about them having to write out their feelings or whatever. It is also the logical conclusion for me as to why the diary wasn't destroyed because it was known about by others and LE.
Baez seemed to be miffed at LDB for performing more tests on the diary. All he has to do is go to the jail and ask Casey when she wrote that entry. He should have already done that and if she said before Caylee went missing then no worries for team Baez. Actually he should be happy that the State is wasting their time because that gives them less time to nail her on something else.

If she said during the time Caylee was missing it means another nail in her coffin (not that she needs any more). If that entry was written after Caylee took her last breath there is only one way to take it...she was happy to be free of motherhood and enjoying her new lifestyle with her boyfriend of the month. NO REMORSE which is extremely important during the penalty phase.
Baez seemed to be miffed at LDB for performing more tests on the diary. All he has to do is go to the jail and ask Casey when she wrote that entry. He should have already done that and if she said before Caylee went missing then no worries for team Baez. Actually he should be happy that the State is wasting their time because that gives them less time to nail her on something else.

If she said during the time Caylee was missing it means another nail in her coffin (not that she needs any more). If that entry was written after Caylee took her last breath there is only one way to take it...she was happy to be free of motherhood and enjoying her new lifestyle with her boyfriend of the month. NO REMORSE which is extremely important during the penalty phase.

Apparently "Lack of Remorse" is not an aggravating circumstance, but Remorse is a mitigating circumstance used by the defense during the penalty phase. The State can rebut a mitigating circumstance by showing a lack of remorse, but can't actually present it (lack of remorse)as an aggravating circumstance first themselves.

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