Casey's Diary Entry for June 21st & Missing Pages #2

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I wonder if Kenneth even knows he's on the witness list.

I have a feeling, you know...a sense of je ne c'est quoi, a predictiton ...that Kenneth is well aware he is on both the Defense Witness lists...the trial list and the Penalty phase list..

This is someone who knew Casey when she was, as the Defense puts it, a Juvenile...someone who knew Casey years before Caylee was even born.

Someone the defense has found to testify that because the events written occurred in 2003 then the written transcription of events in a book that was proven to be manufactured and sold in 2004 MUST BE, from the Defense point of view, written in 2003...
There you have it confusion :confused:..Right :doh: :dunno:
Manufacturer of contested Journal states journal not made NOR sold until 2004
Defense, we have someone that will testify:dj: that what was written :eek:nline: occurred in 2003...SOOO book must have been purchased or gifted to Defendant in 2003..:thumb: Take the Defenses word for it...:rolleyes:

I think I may have had too many Espresso's today...:coffeews: I have been reading course material for a class I am taking soon and need to stay "alert":D
When Ms. Finell added him to her witness list, the defense didn't know that this young man's name was in the diary. The State didn't get that report from the FBI until January 13 and her witness list was filed late December during a hearing (on the 20th IIRC).

so what could he possibly have had to add to the pemalty phase then? if he is bringing this guy to state that the diary was written in 03 two whole years before caylee was born, what could he have to add in defense of her life?? there is a connection here, i feel, that we are missing. all imo!
I don't understand what his testimony can add. The date of Casey's entry regarding their breakup and the June 21st entry would only have relevance if the "breakup" entry was written behind/after the June 21st one. As I understand the layout of the diary and the shadow writing (is that what it's called?), the KD entry was earlier, right? So that wouldn't prove a thing. . . . as it could have been written 1 day earlier or several years earlier, right?
so what could he possibly have had to add to the pemalty phase then? if he is bringing this guy to state that the diary was written in 03 two whole years before caylee was born, what could he have to add in defense of her life?? there is a connection here, i feel, that we are missing. all imo!
Who knows what strategy Ms. Finell has planned... It could be that he is going to testify that she was a great kid, or maybe he observed Cindy's [unusual] character, or perhaps Casey told him Lee and/or George molested her... Pure speculation at this point.
Wait, is JB saying that KD can testify to the diary page being written around that time frame ONLY? Because, if that's the case, why wait till trial, if he's still trying to get the diary excluded? Wouldn't that testimony be heard at a hearing? Judge Perry warned him to calendar-up when he wants something heard, we should be on the lookout for this.
On about a week or two or three ago, there was a "Casey Anthony" who checked into the Colonial High page, followed immediately by a Kenneth D. Just for information, I'm not saying anything about that other than, that.

How ANYBODY, let alone an ex boyfriend, can testify to what/when/where/how a girl writes in her diary, is way beyond me. If that were the case, I'd owe a lot of old boyfriends a big fat apology.

He may be USED by the Defense to offer testimony that the events written happened in 2003 SOOOO then the journal was already manufactured and in Casey's possession..regardless of what that silly Manufacturer and the FBI and Secret Service said of disputed journal, that it was made and sold in 2004..
JB prob wants him to testify that KC had a time machine and traveled into the future! The machine broke on 7/15/08...
what's next?
This article is both informative and funny! Thanks for the smile/laugh!

I don't understand how KD will be able to testify about the diary...... Wouldn't that be hearsay unless he witnessed her actually writing in it?
I don't understand how KD will be able to testify about the diary...... Wouldn't that be hearsay unless he witnessed her actually writing in it?

My guess is Baez wants him to testify to the timeline these events happened in, that ICA is writing about. "KD, what year did you escort ICA to the prom?", etc.

But then doesn't he have to ask ICA if she wrote about these events immediately or is she reminiscing about past events?
My guess is Baez wants him to testify to the timeline these events happened in, that ICA is writing about. "KD, what year did you escort ICA to the prom?", etc.

But then doesn't he have to ask ICA if she wrote about these events immediately or is she reminiscing about past events?

ok it was ds that talked about KD in his interview. cant find transcript of it though. he stated that they dated but i couldnt find where it was said that she dated him during or after highschool. just found some references to the interview. if anyone would be so kind as to direct me to the transcript of DS interview i would greatly appreciate it. thanx.
dont see really what difference it makes if he says she did or she didnt he cant prove she wrote it then unless........................he made a secret video :)
ok it was ds that talked about KD in his interview. cant find transcript of it though. he stated that they dated but i couldnt find where it was said that she dated him during or after highschool. just found some references to the interview. if anyone would be so kind as to direct me to the transcript of DS interview i would greatly appreciate it. thanx.

sorry to quote myself but found the interview. it seems they covered kd very very briefly. they dated in highschool. that seems to be it. or is it?? who knows anymore?
so what could he possibly have had to add to the pemalty phase then? if he is bringing this guy to state that the diary was written in 03 two whole years before caylee was born, what could he have to add in defense of her life?? there is a connection here, i feel, that we are missing. all imo!

It has been speculated that the KD mentioned in the ghost writing from the diary was actually written just after KC may have received it as a stocking stuffer perhaps in Dec. 2004. The ghost writing discusses KD and another guy (Marcus) whom KC felt were boyfriend material at the time. In the ghost writing it mentions Christmas and the New Year (possibly 2005), which would be relevant as she would have been newly pregnant with Caylee at the time. Caylee's birthdate was Aug. 2005. There are many here who believe KD could be Caylee's bio-Dad (or Mark from California?) just due to the timing of the pregnancy. There has been further speculation that this diary was started at the very beginning of KC's pregnancy, and those pages torn out to write at the very end of Caylee's life. We know how many pages were left in the journal, but to my knowledge - we don't know how many pages were originally bound in the journal (to see how many had been removed). For further info on this topic see the thread about Will Caylee's Father be Named at Trial.
My guess is Baez wants him to testify to the timeline these events happened in, that ICA is writing about. "KD, what year did you escort ICA to the prom?", etc.

But then doesn't he have to ask ICA if she wrote about these events immediately or is she reminiscing about past events?

Casey went to prom?
It has been speculated that the KD mentioned in the ghost writing from the diary was actually written just after KC may have received it as a stocking stuffer perhaps in Dec. 2004. The ghost writing discusses KD and another guy (Marcus) whom KC felt were boyfriend material at the time. In the ghost writing it mentions Christmas and the New Year (possibly 2005), which would be relevant as she would have been newly pregnant with Caylee at the time. Caylee's birthdate was Aug. 2005. There are many here who believe KD could be Caylee's bio-Dad (or Mark from California?) just due to the timing of the pregnancy. There has been further speculation that this diary was started at the very beginning of KC's pregnancy, and those pages torn out to write at the very end of Caylee's life. We know how many pages were left in the journal, but to my knowledge - we don't know how many pages were originally bound in the journal (to see how many had been removed). For further info on this topic see the thread about Will Caylee's Father be Named at Trial.

u see, this is kinda what i was thinking for a while. but i didnt want to imply something that wasnt factual and get in trouble. u put it perfectly what i was thinking. thank you so very much!
I don't understand how KD will be able to testify about the diary...... Wouldn't that be hearsay unless he witnessed her actually writing in it?

I think this is a hoot. I sense a male LB who's been chomping at the chance to 'help'.
There's no way that he read ICA's diary. First off, it defeats the whole purpose of private thoughts, if they're shared with the person you're writing about. Secondly 99.99% of all people who write diaries, keep them in a private place, not on the coffee table. We all heard CA testify to how she and GA reacted when they saw their adult daughter and her fiance, fully clothed with a baby between them, watching TV on ICA's bed. I think it's safe to say this guy has never even been in ICA's bedroom and if he has, it wasn't to read her diary.
Speaking of which.....doesn't he open the door to ICA's past sexual history? Diaries are intimate. If she shared her diary, what else did she share? Did she share the allleged sexual abuse from GA or Lee?
Plus, even if he did see a diary 8 years ago, can he say with certainty what it looked like? Probably not. My guess is if they showed him a diary the SAO bought the morning of his testimony and asked him if this was it, he'd say yes.
I wonder how the defense vetted out just one boyfriend and what he does? The police officers have all been cast aside, the lawyer is about to be disbarred and the preachers son has been cast as a suspect. Poor guy. He's about to be dissected :)
Scalpel please.......
It has been speculated that the KD mentioned in the ghost writing from the diary was actually written just after KC may have received it as a stocking stuffer perhaps in Dec. 2004. The ghost writing discusses KD and another guy (Marcus) whom KC felt were boyfriend material at the time. In the ghost writing it mentions Christmas and the New Year (possibly 2005), which would be relevant as she would have been newly pregnant with Caylee at the time. Caylee's birthdate was Aug. 2005. There are many here who believe KD could be Caylee's bio-Dad (or Mark from California?) just due to the timing of the pregnancy. There has been further speculation that this diary was started at the very beginning of KC's pregnancy, and those pages torn out to write at the very end of Caylee's life. We know how many pages were left in the journal, but to my knowledge - we don't know how many pages were originally bound in the journal (to see how many had been removed). For further info on this topic see the thread about Will Caylee's Father be Named at Trial.

Speculation Only
I believe the above entry was written in 2008 I went to look at theTime line to see what was happening in Casey's life just before it was written.

Mon. June 16
No one other than Casey and George claim to have seen Caylee.
Casey leaves the A Home and does not return to sleep at home again until July 16 when Cindy catches us with her
Casey goes to Blockbuster with Tony and they rent movies, stay up late to watch them, go to bed together
Tues.June 17
Tony skips school today, he and Casey sleep in
Casey returns to A home while G&C are at work, she backs car in the garage.
Casey downloads photo of Caylee with great-grand-dad Pleasea
Wed. June 18
1:30 to 2:42 Casey goes home while G&C are at work, backs car in the garage and borrows shovel from Brian Burner(has shovel for about 45-60 mins)
3PM Casey's phone is in a remote area without her phone or it is turned OFF
4:11 Casey is back in the area of Tony's apartment.
6:57pm Casey's phone goes silent and does not ping until 8:32 the next morning at Tony's apartment.
Thurs. June 19
Casey is Helping Tony find a new place to live, they go to Crane's Landing Apartments together
Fri. June 20
Brian Burner says he saw Casey back car in the garage this day.
FUSIAN Friday!!! Hot Body contest
Casey was busy texting people telling them to come out to Fusian to party.
Casey styled herself as a Work at Fusian Manager of the shot reality she was an unpaid promo girl according to Fusian managers.
Pictures taken of Casey having a great time partying at Fusian, return to Tony's apartment at 3AM
Sat. June 21
Casey at Tony's apartment all weekend
Casey adds 23 pics of herself at Fusian to her Myspace page.
Plays phone tag with her parents

Journal entry
I have no regrets, just a bit worried.
I just want for everything to work out okay.
I completely trust my own judgment & know that I made the right decision.
I just hope that the end justifies the means.
I just want to know what the future will hold for me.
I guess I will soon see --
This is the happiest that I have been in a very long time.
I hope that my happiness will continue to grow --
I've made new friends that I really like.
I've surrounded myself with good people --
I am finally happy. Let's just hope that it doesn't change.

Respectfully Quoted Wenwe and Intermezzo :cool2:

Thank you both. :thumb:

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