Casey's fantasies about Cindy giving her the house are really important

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page 65 / 71

george, in an interview with JA and YM..(talking about kc's bond.)

.." ..i mean, if i'm going to ask my one brother-in-law,who's a multi-millionaire....."

.."to him, it''s..... 50 grand, a hundred grand------it's like you dropping maybe a thousand bucks on something."

..( this was the interview in which george was throwing up at the end..)

Wasn't that CA's family?

page 65 / 71

george, in an interview with JA and YM..(talking about kc's bond.)

.." ..i mean, if i'm going to ask my one brother-in-law,who's a multi-millionaire....."

.."to him, it''s..... 50 grand, a hundred grand------it's like you dropping maybe a thousand bucks on something."

..( this was the interview in which george was throwing up at the end..)

Somehow I missed that. It is always good to have a thousand extra pairs of eyes.
If the house was in CA's name could she just 'give' KC the house on paper, then avoid having to share proceeds with GA in the event of a divorce? Just thinking....

Not sure if Florida divorce laws are the same as California divorce laws, but another "important player" in this case attempted this same tactic to try to keep from having to give his wife half of the family ranch in a divorce proceeding by "gift deeding" said ranch and other property to his son.

Didn't work and ploy was exposed....and it ultimately hurt him when the divorce and property settlement were done. In the end, IRS ended up with all property due to tax liens anyway....
In these text messages, KC was just too specific on the number of days until she came into possession of the house. Unless they were in the final days of the transaction, there is no way that she would believe this to be true if CA was going to gift her the house.

I put my money on CA having the pertinent facts about this little story. She may have mentioned that she could maybe put the house in KC's name or whatever and she may have even talked with KC about the legalities of home ownership. Who gets the home in the case of death? How to find the insurance information and contact the agent? Etc.

CA has more of an understanding of how KC's mind works than anyone else out there. She is not talking and has completely denied any fight on the 15th even after Lee said that there was one.

CA does not want to tell what the argument was about. Why? Everyone already knows about the theft of the money from Gpa/Gma. So why not talk about the argument on the 15th if that is what it was really about? Nothing more to hide there. Choking KC can't be the reason not to talk about it. Nobody is going to arrest her for doing that at this point and unless KC accuses her of it, nothing would happen at all.

Besides the money thing had already happened and been taken care of before the 15th. There has to be something more to the argument that the money. Maybe Caylee told CA something that set CA off but even that wouldn't matter as far as at least admitting that an argument happened.

CA knows or at least strongly suspects what KC's plan was. CA doesn't want to admit the argument because then she would be questioned about what it was about and it is something that she does not want to have to tell. It has to be worse than the money thing.
In these text messages, KC was just too specific on the number of days until she came into possession of the house. Unless they were in the final days of the transaction, there is no way that she would believe this to be true if CA was going to gift her the house.

I put my money on CA having the pertinent facts about this little story. She may have mentioned that she could maybe put the house in KC's name or whatever and she may have even talked with KC about the legalities of home ownership. Who gets the home in the case of death? How to find the insurance information and contact the agent? Etc.

CA has more of an understanding of how KC's mind works than anyone else out there. She is not talking and has completely denied any fight on the 15th even after Lee said that there was one.

CA does not want to tell what the argument was about. Why? Everyone already knows about the theft of the money from Gpa/Gma. So why not talk about the argument on the 15th if that is what it was really about? Nothing more to hide there. Choking KC can't be the reason not to talk about it. Nobody is going to arrest her for doing that at this point and unless KC accuses her of it, nothing would happen at all.

Besides the money thing had already happened and been taken care of before the 15th. There has to be something more to the argument that the money. Maybe Caylee told CA something that set CA off but even that wouldn't matter as far as at least admitting that an argument happened.

CA knows or at least strongly suspects what KC's plan was. CA doesn't want to admit the argument because then she would be questioned about what it was about and it is something that she does not want to have to tell. It has to be worse than the money thing.

BBM. Plus she may think that she contributed (because of the fight) to Caylee's death.
In these text messages, KC was just too specific on the number of days until she came into possession of the house. Unless they were in the final days of the transaction, there is no way that she would believe this to be true if CA was going to gift her the house.

I put my money on CA having the pertinent facts about this little story. She may have mentioned that she could maybe put the house in KC's name or whatever and she may have even talked with KC about the legalities of home ownership. Who gets the home in the case of death? How to find the insurance information and contact the agent? Etc.

CA has more of an understanding of how KC's mind works than anyone else out there. She is not talking and has completely denied any fight on the 15th even after Lee said that there was one.

CA does not want to tell what the argument was about. Why? Everyone already knows about the theft of the money from Gpa/Gma. So why not talk about the argument on the 15th if that is what it was really about? Nothing more to hide there. Choking KC can't be the reason not to talk about it. Nobody is going to arrest her for doing that at this point and unless KC accuses her of it, nothing would happen at all.

Besides the money thing had already happened and been taken care of before the 15th. There has to be something more to the argument that the money. Maybe Caylee told CA something that set CA off but even that wouldn't matter as far as at least admitting that an argument happened.

CA knows or at least strongly suspects what KC's plan was. CA doesn't want to admit the argument because then she would be questioned about what it was about and it is something that she does not want to have to tell. It has to be worse than the money thing.

It wouldn't surprise me to find out CA had mentioned something to KC about putting the house in her name. My guess is that it was just in passing or back when GA was out of the house.
The definitive 3 days doesn't mean much to me. KC was very specific in her lies. They always were filled with very specific details that she used to lure in her victims. As a matter of fact,KC gave too many details,excess information ,when she was lying.Just walking into that building with LE to get her phone that didn't exist,in her office that didn't exist shows the lengths she would go.
IIRC KC told Amy ,at one time,that she was meeting with someone and signing to rent a house that they would share,that very afternoon.It fell through.All of KC's lies "fell through" in the end. I'm sure at the end of the 3 days KC would have made an excuse as to why it had not worked out.That's how she rolled.

page 65 / 71

george, in an interview with JA and YM..(talking about kc's bond.)

.." ..i mean, if i'm going to ask my one brother-in-law,who's a multi-millionaire....."

.."to him, it''s..... 50 grand, a hundred grand------it's like you dropping maybe a thousand bucks on something."

..( this was the interview in which george was throwing up at the end..)

Wasn't that CA's family?

Tulessa, I believe George was talking of his own family, namely his sister's husband, who owns a car dealerhsip.
I don't know about that. If it was paid for maybe, but with a mortgage it would have to be assumable and be transfered. But if KC thought that she could off her parents and then just continue to make the payments in CA's name as if nothing happened, it might work. It is not like others have not killed people and kept getting their social security checks for years.

If she really thought that she could get rid of them and keep the house, she was dreaming. There is no way she would have gotten by with it for long. Only just about until the first mortgage payment came due and she couldn't pay it.

Hey, what if there was credit life on the house that would pay for it in the event that the mortgagee (sp) died? Maybe she thought that insurance would pay it off and she wouldn't have to make payments.

She would never have been able to keep up with mortgage payments, taxes, insurance, and the expenses that always come with owning a home like roof repair or plumbing problems. She thinks like a little kid sometimes. The house just repairs itself and there is no such thing as mortgage payments.

BBM, Hi Agave

Casey could never afford to pay the mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, general up keep and maintenance and repair for the home even if she did have a job, then add the car and Caylee's expenses to that...
IMO, Casey, yet again, was lying about what a grand life she had..and just invented stories to make herself look good in the eyes of her friends.
BBM. Plus she may think that she contributed (because of the fight) to Caylee's death.

I have no doubt that CA feels that she contributed to Caylee's death but at the same time it makes no sense to not admit what happened during that fateful argument or to completely deny that it happened just because you feel that you might have contrubuted due to something you said or did.

No one is going to arrest CA for Caylee's murder because she told KC she was a spoiled brat that doesn't deserve to live or whatever.

Having feelings of guilt are one thing but covering those up is something else entirely. For example, I might feel guilty that I really hated my dad before he died and did not visit him unless forced to, but not admitting that is, at least to me, not normal behavior.

Of course, no one ever said Ca was normal or displays normal behavior but still.
It wouldn't surprise me to find out CA had mentioned something to KC about putting the house in her name. My guess is that it was just in passing or back when GA was out of the house.
The definitive 3 days doesn't mean much to me. KC was very specific in her lies. They always were filled with very specific details that she used to lure in her victims. As a matter of fact,KC gave too many details,excess information ,when she was lying.Just walking into that building with LE to get her phone that didn't exist,in her office that didn't exist shows the lengths she would go.
IIRC KC told Amy ,at one time,that she was meeting with someone and signing to rent a house that they would share,that very afternoon.It fell through.All of KC's lies "fell through" in the end. I'm sure at the end of the 3 days KC would have made an excuse as to why it had not worked out.That's how she rolled.

I totally agree about the lies but in this case, feel that there was more to it than that. The house thing coupled with the computer searches, agreement with Amy, and text messages make it much more sinister to me. From the very beginning, when this house thing came up and the computer searches were found, it has always bothered me.

CA not even acknowledging an argument on the 15th even with what we know today about KC's activities just makes me feel that there is something more there than stealing money or KC's downfalls as a parent.

Maybe there is nothing there and I am seeing shadows but it is highly suspicious and could be remedied easily enough if CA would just admit to the argument and tell what it was about.

KC lies expansively for sure but covering up this argument only makes it stand out more vividly and opens it up to speculation.
BBM, Hi Agave

Casey could never afford to pay the mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, general up keep and maintenance and repair for the home even if she did have a job, then add the car and Caylee's expenses to that...
IMO, Casey, yet again, was lying about what a grand life she had..and just invented stories to make herself look good in the eyes of her friends.

I know that she could never afford any of the above but if she was planning on offing her parents and taking over the house. Maybe she was planning on insurance money (let's face it KC is no Albert Einstein) or continuing to borrow from friends and relatives. Or moving in enough people to cover her expenses.

Or maybe she just never thought that far in advance. I would bet on this one.
I have no doubt that CA feels that she contributed to Caylee's death but at the same time it makes no sense to not admit what happened during that fateful argument or to completely deny that it happened just because you feel that you might have contrubuted due to something you said or did.

No one is going to arrest CA for Caylee's murder because she told KC she was a spoiled brat that doesn't deserve to live or whatever.

Having feelings of guilt are one thing but covering those up is something else entirely. For example, I might feel guilty that I really hated my dad before he died and did not visit him unless forced to, but not admitting that is, at least to me, not normal behavior.

Of course, no one ever said Ca was normal or displays normal behavior but still.

I was TOTALLY agreeing with your post!! :woohoo:
I was TOTALLY agreeing with your post!! :woohoo:

LOL, did I make my post sound like I thought you weren't agreeing? My posts aren't always clear I think because I can't talk with my hands when I post. (I am one of those people who just can't communicate without using hand motions and facial expressions as well - is that a southern thing or just a me thing?).
LOL, did I make my post sound like I thought you weren't agreeing? My posts aren't always clear I think because I can't talk with my hands when I post. (I am one of those people who just can't communicate without using hand motions and facial expressions as well - is that a southern thing or just a me thing?).

No, lol. It was probably my thought process in receiving the info you posted. As a southerner myself, I know exactly what you mean. I need to see peoples faces to properly process what they are saying. I always enjoy your post though. No face needed to decipher that!:crazy:
I took off work today and am soooo pumped up over this trial. Overlook me hehe.
BBM. Plus she may think that she contributed (because of the fight) to Caylee's death.

I think that is about the only thing that would keep CA from admitting what happened. LA stated there was a fight, the neighbors reported a fight and because CA denies it, it was significant. Makes you wonder about KC's jailhouse video statement when CA tells her they forgive her if she told LE and KC said she did not say anything. I also think the fight was over Caylee, that Caylee said something to CA. Obviously CA had never reacted to violently before and what would cause her to do so. Mistreatment of Caylee I would imagine. Maybe something so innocent as CA scolding Caylee for misbehaving and Caylee asking CA, "You're not going to put me in the trunk for being bad are you???" Just a guess and you know how honest children are. CA does have all the answers and I feel she is holding back because she really does feel she contributed and shows many of the signs of guilt. JMO
I took off work today and am soooo pumped up over this trial. Overlook me hehe.

I have been unemployed since June 09 so while that really sucks it is convenient for watching the hearings.
I think that is about the only thing that would keep CA from admitting what happened. LA stated there was a fight, the neighbors reported a fight and because CA denies it, it was significant. Makes you wonder about KC's jailhouse video statement when CA tells her they forgive her if she told LE and KC said she did not say anything. I also think the fight was over Caylee, that Caylee said something to CA. Obviously CA had never reacted to violently before and what would cause her to do so. Mistreatment of Caylee I would imagine. Maybe something so innocent as CA scolding Caylee for misbehaving and Caylee asking CA, "You're not going to put me in the trunk for being bad are you???" Just a guess and you know how honest children are. CA does have all the answers and I feel she is holding back because she really does feel she contributed and shows many of the signs of guilt. JMO

I don't know. It is sooooo hard to get into these peoples' heads. They are just not like normal, everyday people.

I can see that she would feel guilty over something that she might have perceived as pushing KC over the edge but what, in this particular fight, could have possibly been so bad that she would have feeling of guilt over it.

She doesn't seem to me like someone who feels they are ever wrong in about anything that they say or do, so what would she have to feel guilty about and why?
I have been unemployed since June 09 so while that really sucks it is convenient for watching the hearings.

I keep retiring and they keep bringing me out of retirement. :( But these hearings comes before work and they all know that! JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY!!!
I keep retiring and they keep bringing me out of retirement. :( But these hearings comes before work and they all know that! JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY!!!

I think that I am getting too old for anyone to want to hire. Lots of experience comes with a much higher price tag but I do get to keep up with Caylee's case. JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE!!!!
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