Casey's Ghost Writer Breaks His Silence ...

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BTW- this would have been Caylee's 9th birthday..
Happy 9th Birthday, Caylee Marie...

Forever in our hearts you will remain,
For those of us who found our respective paths from lurkdom,
To those who shared every single step of this journey with fellow WS veterans,
We are united in our love for you,
The dedication to the pursuit of justice in your name will go on!

You were the fabric that brought so many together from all over the world - and this has not changed. The universe shifted with your case, and I will never, ever be the same. I thought I should take a moment to say, "Thank you," because I truly am grateful in a way I'll never be able to put into words. :cry:

At sunset, my daughters and I will light a luminaria in your honor, and say a prayer for justice. I truly hope you are able to feel the love that is out there for you, Sweet Child. For there are far more of us who know the truth of your far-too-short life on this earth than those who choose to remain ignorant of your truth.

Fly high, in peace, surrounded by exponential amounts of love and grace, and all that I wish you could have known while you were here.


Happy Birthday, Beautiful One....


(Image via archive:
img2. jpg)
The one thing that I loved hearing, was that Old Man Cheney was now saddled with his cray-cray client, 24/7. She is his 'housekeeper?' GMAFB

Is there a lazier, less motivated waste of space on the planet? And she is his live-in housekeeper? HAHAHAHAHAHA......:floorlaugh:

Now that is what I call KARMA. Even Baez weaseled his way out of her meaningless, worthless life. Wonder if Mrs. Cheney has filed divorce papers yet? lol
Old Lady Mason better keep the good silver locked up and sleep with one eye open with this thing living under her roof.
Well at least she seems to be a low-life living a chit life. That's something I guess.

The "lawyers" were expecting to get rich; that hasn't panned out to the extent that they expected.

That's a good thing.

Questions for the Author of Caseys Ghost

The Author makes it clear in his words that the voice recording of attorney CM is not in a Tape Form, but it is in a Digital form, Stating its a hand held device, an RCA microphone.

Is that to cover tracks? As recording one on tape has legal issues, consequences?
Do digital recordings not have the same and or any legal consequences as tape recordings?

Why would this author be allowed to have recordings digital or otherwise of CM talking about any details. When it was done so with the intention of writing a book together with all parties agreeing and together collaborating.
Once parties went their separate ways, one would think an Veteran Attorney with plus 40 years of experience would not forget to cover himself and his client, in case the parties for the book parted ways, and or if the book was never written or completed.

If the author was contacting The Veteran Attorney with over 40 years experience with advice by way of emails during the Trial.
What would an Author be doing sending a seasoned Attorney with over 40 years under his belt experience. What advice could an author be sending the attorney? What were you advising CM during this time?

Then, right after the trial was over, the Veteran Atty Contacted the Author and said. We want you to be the author for Casey's Story,...Book.

The above is from interviews with the author, and to date I have not seen or heard anyone making any type of correction to those interviews. If one was mis quoted, you would think they would make the appropriate corrections. Also, IF there were any mis quotes or incorrect information, you would think that the author would of stated such things while online with Caylee Supporters.
" Again, I have not seen or heard of one correction being made to date."

Its also been said that the author and the Veteran Atty meet and or new each other from an old case? But neither one could recall the case?
Then its said, that the author was a former Public Relations Consultant for the CM.
So how does the author and CM no each other? When and what were the circumstances of how you meet?

The Author says: He became convinced of her Guilt after 2 things.
a) The fight that aledgely occurred between Casey and Cindy on Fathers Day in 2008.
b) The search timeline of "Fool Proof" Suffocation, with became public In November of 2012.

My Question is: Why did the Author not bail in November of 2012. The above is the 2 reasons he has given as to why he felt she was Guilty, and could not write the book.

Why did the author wait to bail, the day before Casey filed for Bankruptcy?
Why did he not bail in November?

Is it true, If an author bails on the book, the day before Casey filed for bankruptcy, then the book deal was no more, and no one would have to disclose the old book agreement because it wasn't happening anymore, It was off the table by the time the bankruptcy filing took place

Regarding the Authors email exchange to Title Town on January 24, 2013. Why did the author not say, I can not write this book anymore out of good conscience, as I no longer believe her story anymore, especially after the searches came out about "Fool Proof" suffocation., back in 2012.
Why say to them, I lost files, this is harder then I thought. I took on too much, and or I under estimated the work involved in this project and not asking for an advance, I really under estimated the work here with no advance.

This was the same day he said, he bailed on the project, as he has said in Interviews that He bailed on the project and didn't care about the money?

The author has said: He didn't want to be associated with the most hated woman in America. It occurred to him on January 34, 2013. The day before Casey filed for Bankruptcy, that if he continued the book, he would be associated with the most hated woman in America. It occurred to him, almost 2 years after the Trail was over.
Is that the real reason? The Author has been writing a book since after the Trial and it didn't occur to the author that she was the most hated woman in America until January 24, 2013?

Also, all the talk about Casey doing work for CM, and not reporting that income to the bankruptcy court.
Isn't it highly possible that she does work for free, for room and board and that no money was exchanged.
If so, would that mean there was no fraud regarding not reporting income?

Again to date, I have not seen or heard of any changes and or corrections made with this offer with any prior interviews. No corrections were made on Caylee support pages on the Internet.
*We All want Justice for Caylee*...
I just personally do not believe the author. This is Just my personal view and opinion..
:loveyou: Yes, you are right watcher9 - and I'll never forget little Caylee, my friends here and that terrible incomprehensible verdict. I do feel badly that I haven't been here much lately - I read more than I post because like you all I am waiting for justice.

But you remember me - I like payback - and I like it any way I can get it if it serves justice (or my view of it!). When I think back to FCA - I see someone who wanted to be a star - who loved to be the centre of attention and have a party party life style no matter how high the cost. She saw herself worthy of a Kim Kardashian lifestyle - desired by many men and the envy of many women. CM describes her as fearful, paranoid, unable to go out, doing meaningless work and hanging out with the old fogies. And this ghost writer says nothing to dispel information from CM.

Strangely I believe CM more than some so-called private eye who is looking for press with his sightings. So did FCA get what she wanted after committing her terrible crime? To me she seems worse off than if she'd gone to jail even for manslaughter.

I picture a big vise - holding her in a very tight, uncomfortable and miserable permanent position as a social pariah - how she must hate it.
And then I feel a bit better as I continue my wait for justice. :innocent:
Rick- it might dispel your opinion of Casey's abuse claims if you had read the reports compiled by the defense's own Psychiatrist- Dr Danziger - which BTW Baez ditched as soon as he got them. Dr Danziger was so worried to think his assessment would be used by the Defense to further her allegations against George and Lee of abuse that he lost sleep over it- in his words he did not wish to be the 'vector' that would disseminate information like this against innocent people. He did not believe her allegations, and found NO evidence of abuse whatsoever. If all you know is what Casey says, I can understand, as she is a plausible, pathological liar.

You said you thought her reputation was that of a wonderful mother amongst her peers...As far as her friends all thinking she was a good mother- she seldom had Caylee in her care actually, so they only saw brief snapshots of her life with her. As soon as Caylee was born, she persuaded a good friend Lauren Gibbs to babysit full time for her while she 'worked' at Sports Authority. After 8 months of doing this for no pay, Lauren quit when she found out Casey never had a job, she was just out socializing all this time. Then she talked fiancé Jesse Grund's family into babysitting while she 'worked' ( again no job) she just didn't want the child with her. Then it was back to dropping her off at Cindy's office while she 'worked'- again no job. Did you read the evidence where Cindy discusses with her co workers how neglectful Casey was, how she (Cindy) was always stuck with Caylee- how she wanted to take custody of Caylee and then kick Casey out? Did you read all the evidence that showed what a neglectful, poor excuse for a mother she really was?
What good mother waits 31 days and then only under extreme pressure when Cindy notifies the Police, admits that she is 'missing'?
31 days?

In addition to the examples you cited, just looking at the overwhelming amount of texting, instant messaging, myspace and facebook activity, it was clear that she spent next to no time with Caylee. She even bragged in one of her text messages how Caylee could get her own breakfast, and put a tape in the video player. So she either dumped Caylee off with whoever would watch her, while she went to her fake jobs, or she ignored her. I only wish the prosecution would have made that clear to the jury because they believed the 'good mother' testimony too, which surprised me because since when are a couple of 20-something childless college kids experts on the mother-child relationship? Anyone can smile for pictures or pretend to be a good mother for a few minutes ... and we all know how good FCA was at pretending.
Questions for the Author of Caseys Ghost

The Author makes it clear in his words that the voice recording of attorney CM is not in a Tape Form, but it is in a Digital form, Stating its a hand held device, an RCA microphone.

Is that to cover tracks? As recording one on tape has legal issues, consequences?
Do digital recordings not have the same and or any legal consequences as tape recordings?

Why would this author be allowed to have recordings digital or otherwise of CM talking about any details. When it was done so with the intention of writing a book together with all parties agreeing and together collaborating.
Once parties went their separate ways, one would think an Veteran Attorney with plus 40 years of experience would not forget to cover himself and his client, in case the parties for the book parted ways, and or if the book was never written or completed.

If the author was contacting The Veteran Attorney with over 40 years experience with advice by way of emails during the Trial.
What would an Author be doing sending a seasoned Attorney with over 40 years under his belt experience. What advice could an author be sending the attorney? What were you advising CM during this time?

Then, right after the trial was over, the Veteran Atty Contacted the Author and said. We want you to be the author for Casey's Story,...Book.

The above is from interviews with the author, and to date I have not seen or heard anyone making any type of correction to those interviews. If one was mis quoted, you would think they would make the appropriate corrections. Also, IF there were any mis quotes or incorrect information, you would think that the author would of stated such things while online with Caylee Supporters.
" Again, I have not seen or heard of one correction being made to date."

Its also been said that the author and the Veteran Atty meet and or new each other from an old case? But neither one could recall the case?
Then its said, that the author was a former Public Relations Consultant for the CM.
So how does the author and CM no each other? When and what were the circumstances of how you meet?

The Author says: He became convinced of her Guilt after 2 things.
a) The fight that aledgely occurred between Casey and Cindy on Fathers Day in 2008.
b) The search timeline of "Fool Proof" Suffocation, with became public In November of 2012.

My Question is: Why did the Author not bail in November of 2012. The above is the 2 reasons he has given as to why he felt she was Guilty, and could not write the book.

Why did the author wait to bail, the day before Casey filed for Bankruptcy?
Why did he not bail in November?

Is it true, If an author bails on the book, the day before Casey filed for bankruptcy, then the book deal was no more, and no one would have to disclose the old book agreement because it wasn't happening anymore, It was off the table by the time the bankruptcy filing took place

Regarding the Authors email exchange to Title Town on January 24, 2013. Why did the author not say, I can not write this book anymore out of good conscience, as I no longer believe her story anymore, especially after the searches came out about "Fool Proof" suffocation., back in 2012.
Why say to them, I lost files, this is harder then I thought. I took on too much, and or I under estimated the work involved in this project and not asking for an advance, I really under estimated the work here with no advance.

This was the same day he said, he bailed on the project, as he has said in Interviews that He bailed on the project and didn't care about the money?

The author has said: He didn't want to be associated with the most hated woman in America. It occurred to him on January 34, 2013. The day before Casey filed for Bankruptcy, that if he continued the book, he would be associated with the most hated woman in America. It occurred to him, almost 2 years after the Trail was over.
Is that the real reason? The Author has been writing a book since after the Trial and it didn't occur to the author that she was the most hated woman in America until January 24, 2013?

Also, all the talk about Casey doing work for CM, and not reporting that income to the bankruptcy court.
Isn't it highly possible that she does work for free, for room and board and that no money was exchanged.
If so, would that mean there was no fraud regarding not reporting income?

Again to date, I have not seen or heard of any changes and or corrections made with this offer with any prior interviews. No corrections were made on Caylee support pages on the Internet.
*We All want Justice for Caylee*...
I just personally do not believe the author. This is Just my personal view and opinion..

What a great first post!

I agree with and thank you for bringing up so many of the concerns I have had since RN first bounced onto the scene.

I just don't see CM giving any incriminating evidence to him nor do I see CM leaving himself and/or FCA in the open to anything that would be detrimental to the BK case or the two civil suits. CM has his tracks well covered. The only weak link in their chain would be FCA herself if she does indeed hit parties and the bars, drink herself into a stupor and start spilling some beans. Maybe that's why they are keeping a body guard with her when she does go out.
BTW- this would have been Caylee's 9th birthday..
9??? good lawd! Has it really been that long?
Did I hear correctly Mallory and Lee have a baby? Cindy and Geoare grandparents again?

All posts are MOO
I owe you folks an apology. I strayed from the course Thursday night on Tricia's radio show and I got a lot of us off track, myself included. My excuse is that I thought that if I was totally honest about what I was thinking, that it would be accepted in that spirit. I was asked for opinions, and I gave them as such. I know a lot of things about this case as an insider that the public was not privileged to know. I wanted to share as much of this as I can. The truth is that there are very few absolute facts in this case and more peoples' opinions than grains of sand on the beach. Some of those opinions are strongly felt, and the emotions that hold them have kept this cause together. I should have been more sensitive to this and less flippant with my answers. But most of all, I allowed myself to become sidetracked from the mission that unites us -- and that is TO SEE TOT MOM PUNISHED. I don't care if you agree with my fine points of evidence. I don't care if you buy my book. I'm not here to beg for six dollars at a time. If you want to read it, buy it. If you don't - don't. I don't care if you bash me. I'm a big boy. I can take it and I can hold my own if I choose to argue. But the thing I do care about is the support of every person who wants to see Tot Mom punished to join in the bankruptcy fraud effort. That's enough to occupy all of our time. <modsnip>
Here's the sound bite I promised. I try to always keep my promises.

Setup: This is from a much longer conversation (hours).
Cheney's part of the discussion was regarding why Casey was getting a lot of lawsuits.
My response was that I believed that the plaintiffs all thought Casey would make a lot of money on her story.

Cheney Mason: Why are we doing all of this?
Rick Namey: Because everybody thinks she's going to get a big chunk of money.
Cheney Mason: Well, by the time they does, she'll bankrupt these *advertiser censored**ers. She delays getting her money, she finishes her probation, she immediately files a G--d--n bankruptcy and discharges whatever judgement the court does here.


Questions for the Author of Caseys Ghost

The Author makes it clear in his words that the voice recording of attorney CM is not in a Tape Form, but it is in a Digital form, Stating its a hand held device, an RCA microphone.

Is that to cover tracks? As recording one on tape has legal issues, consequences?
Do digital recordings not have the same and or any legal consequences as tape recordings?

Why would this author be allowed to have recordings digital or otherwise of CM talking about any details. When it was done so with the intention of writing a book together with all parties agreeing and together collaborating.
Once parties went their separate ways, one would think an Veteran Attorney with plus 40 years of experience would not forget to cover himself and his client, in case the parties for the book parted ways, and or if the book was never written or completed.

If the author was contacting The Veteran Attorney with over 40 years experience with advice by way of emails during the Trial.
What would an Author be doing sending a seasoned Attorney with over 40 years under his belt experience. What advice could an author be sending the attorney? What were you advising CM during this time?

Then, right after the trial was over, the Veteran Atty Contacted the Author and said. We want you to be the author for Casey's Story,...Book.

The above is from interviews with the author, and to date I have not seen or heard anyone making any type of correction to those interviews. If one was mis quoted, you would think they would make the appropriate corrections. Also, IF there were any mis quotes or incorrect information, you would think that the author would of stated such things while online with Caylee Supporters.
" Again, I have not seen or heard of one correction being made to date."

Its also been said that the author and the Veteran Atty meet and or new each other from an old case? But neither one could recall the case?
Then its said, that the author was a former Public Relations Consultant for the CM.
So how does the author and CM no each other? When and what were the circumstances of how you meet?

The Author says: He became convinced of her Guilt after 2 things.
a) The fight that aledgely occurred between Casey and Cindy on Fathers Day in 2008.
b) The search timeline of "Fool Proof" Suffocation, with became public In November of 2012.

My Question is: Why did the Author not bail in November of 2012. The above is the 2 reasons he has given as to why he felt she was Guilty, and could not write the book.

Why did the author wait to bail, the day before Casey filed for Bankruptcy?
Why did he not bail in November?

Is it true, If an author bails on the book, the day before Casey filed for bankruptcy, then the book deal was no more, and no one would have to disclose the old book agreement because it wasn't happening anymore, It was off the table by the time the bankruptcy filing took place

Regarding the Authors email exchange to Title Town on January 24, 2013. Why did the author not say, I can not write this book anymore out of good conscience, as I no longer believe her story anymore, especially after the searches came out about "Fool Proof" suffocation., back in 2012.
Why say to them, I lost files, this is harder then I thought. I took on too much, and or I under estimated the work involved in this project and not asking for an advance, I really under estimated the work here with no advance.

This was the same day he said, he bailed on the project, as he has said in Interviews that He bailed on the project and didn't care about the money?

The author has said: He didn't want to be associated with the most hated woman in America. It occurred to him on January 34, 2013. The day before Casey filed for Bankruptcy, that if he continued the book, he would be associated with the most hated woman in America. It occurred to him, almost 2 years after the Trail was over.
Is that the real reason? The Author has been writing a book since after the Trial and it didn't occur to the author that she was the most hated woman in America until January 24, 2013?

Also, all the talk about Casey doing work for CM, and not reporting that income to the bankruptcy court.
Isn't it highly possible that she does work for free, for room and board and that no money was exchanged.
If so, would that mean there was no fraud regarding not reporting income?

Again to date, I have not seen or heard of any changes and or corrections made with this offer with any prior interviews. No corrections were made on Caylee support pages on the Internet.
*We All want Justice for Caylee*...
I just personally do not believe the author. This is Just my personal view and opinion..


Since this is mostly about the bankruptcy, I will answer those questions.
1 and 2: There is no legal difference between a tape or digital recording.
Read Florida Statutes. The prohibited making of recordings is without permission of all parties. That is why the recording before a phone call to a customer service line advises you that you are being recorded - that notice functions as your consent. Clearly the recordings were made with consent. Why did he? Ask him.
3 and 4: You answer your own question. Yes, PR and media advice.
5: The circumstances under which we knew each other since the 1970s is well covered in the book. No, we didn't remember the exact minor little collection case from 40+ years ago. <modsnip>
6 and 7: My delay was while I determined whether or not I could extract myself from the deal. You presume, incorrectly, that I had foreknowledge of the date the bankruptcy petition would be filed. As I wrote in the book <modsnip>, it is my opinion that the bankruptcy date was a panic move caused by my departure.
8: My opinion is that the book deal only needed to be disclosed as evidence that Casey's story rights are not worthless as they claimed in bankruptcy court, in order to purchase it for $25,000, which I believe to be the biggest point in favor of fraud.
9 and 10: You quote me as saying that I changed my mind about her guilt over time. I detail the progress of that change of mind in the book. As to why I didn't choose your language and your primary reasons, rather than my own in that letter - I did not know of you at the time nor did I have you available to write for me. <modsnip>. I did not know that my letter was a resignation when I wrote it. No where in it it does it use the word resign, quit or any other indication that I was leaving. I was merely voicing reservations and problems, all of which were true. I might have dealt with issues of the case in later letters. They used that email as an excuse to sever the relationship. I did not dispute that and we went on our way.
11: My understanding and opinion is that work for barter has a value and that value must be disclosed in a bankruptcy petition. The only place it has been disclosed has been by Mason in interviews.


I am pursuing a bankruptcy fraud charge with every means I have. If you are really concerned with justice for Caylee, join us. Otherwise, don't.

Just because it is someones first post doesn't necessarily mean they are "new" here. I personally lurked and read for quite some time before I ever began posting.

It is disconcerting to me, to see you not just answering some of the questions. I can only imagine the position you are in but please try and understand we are all just seeking justice for a little girl who was murdered and thrown out like trash... she had a name- Caylee- and we love her here. Please try to remember that- the bankruptcy is a last ditch effort- not our first motivation- and many of us have been here through it all- since she was first reported "missing".

You might also want to take into consideration that many of us here have been victims ourselves.

For you to just arrive on the scene here, and start demanding things (that's how it feels), just feels sort of brute-ish.

A very important thing I have learned is to try not to get angry or be baited but to make my point with kindness and compassion- it doesn't always turn out so well... but I try.
I don't know if I'm wording this right, but I am very concerned because of the timing of RN coming forth with his story/book/tapes that seem to only hint at wanting to see FCA punished for murdering her child. He claims to be an insider that knows things that the public was not privy to. The trial is over and the verdict is done. There is no re-trial to be done. Under what terms or law does RN claim that keeps him from releasing this info? Why did he not come forth when or before this BK was filed a year and a half ago? Why wait until just before the BK is to be decided? By now, the court seems to be tired and just wants to get this over with.

One of the reasons CM said FCA needed the BK approved and the civil suits discharged was to give her a fresh start. CM said there were so many FCA haters out there that FCA was in fear for her life and needed this fresh start. All CM needs to prove his point is to have the Judge and Trustee receive tons of letters saying how evil FCA was to even walk on this earth and did not deserve this BK approval.

mark furman first reported it on Greta's show.. That was the first time we were all made aware of the fight casey allegedly had with her mother Cindy as the neighbor reported it..

I have never believed Casey and or her story.
I have posted and blogged since 2008. I have lurked here for years.
It's a shame your accusing me of something to try to defer the facts.

Facts: you were embedded deep with them and have admitted to believing their stories.
It's a shame that your resorting to such tactics to try to take the focus off the facts.
With the above, many are going to question you and or where your coming from...
No need to try to defer the situation.

I've always been against her, never believed her, didn't let Anyone persuade me, influence me and or change my opinions. I came up with my own opinions on my own.
Guys, I will reopen this thread within the hour. There are several posts that need to be reviewed, modsnipped, etc. I'm posting now from my phone but very hard to moderate/edit. On my way home & will clean up from my laptop. Thanks for your patience!
Admin note:

  • Websleuths strictly forbids any organized efforts promoting letter writing campaigns and similar actions.

From the Rules Forum here is the exact passage addressing that -
Organized Efforts- Email Campaigns-Boycotts-Petitions:

Obviously members are free to take up any and all causes that are important to them in an effort to bring about change. But using Websleuths as a platform to promote organized efforts such as email campaigns, boycotts, letter writing, etc. are strictly forbidden without the consent of the forum owners. If you have written a letter or taken any action in support of a cause, please refrain from posting about it. Support of a particular cause must be approved by the owners prior to posting links or information regarding any such effort. Causes can be questionable in nature, even though they appear to be honorable on the surface. As it relates to using WS as a platform for promotion, the owners investigate the nature and source of such campaigns and make their own decisions as to the legitimacy of each cause. Please do not suggest, directly or indirectly, that members support any type of organized effort without getting approval from forum owners first.

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  • Don't correct or call out anyone on their spelling or grammatical errors. It is petty and rude and will not be tolerated.

Mr. Namey, we truly appreciate your willingness to address our members questions. I fully understand many of their posts are very direct and detailed. I also understand that many have expressed opinions that are not favorable re. several of the things you claim as fact in your book & have expressed in interviews. Please try not to be insulted when they ask how you came to your conclusions and request proof of what you claim as fact. That's just the way it rolls around here and it has been that way for the past 6 years. This is not unique to Caylee's forum either. You are free to scroll on by any posts you'd rather not address, as well. This is done so that our members are able to determine for themselves how much weight to give any insider's claims and decide for themselves credibility.

Believe me, I understand this kitchen gets HOT. I've seen it more times that I can count over the past 6 years. So, if you'd like to enter the kitchen, please do so being fully aware of that. ;) It really is nothing personal - this devoted, dedicated group holds everyone's feet to the fire, even their fellow posters.

Okay, hope that clears up some things.

To all: Please post responsibly and express your opinions firmly, but with respect.

Hello RN -

From Kindle pages 234 and 235.. regarding the fool-proof suffocation search made on June 16th- what proof do you have to support what you wrote below?

- Unfortunately, Tony Pipitone&#8217;s version of events is somewhat disingenuous. There was nothing &#8220;new&#8221; about the story, and prosecutors did not miss this evidence".

-The second point is that the information in question was NOT unknown to prosecutors at trial. It was left out, probably because it conflicted with their version of the prosecution&#8217;s timeline.

You did not quote CM, or insinuate that CM or someone else told you this - you wrote this yourself, so I ask - how do you know that the prosecution knew about this search at trial and left it out?

Let me start out on the right foot in this newly-reopened thread by saying that, after communicating with Rick N, I am convinced that: (1) he truly believed that the "fool-proof suffication" search was found by the prosecution team before or during trial and was intentionally not used by them, (2) the person who led him to believe this was true this also truly believed it to be true, and (3) Rick N had good reason to think this person was correct. Although the person was not, in fact, correct, I don't think Rick N was playing fast and loose with the facts when he repeated this information. I will leave it to Rick to reveal the details if he feels comfortable doing so.

IMO, MOO, etc.: It seems to me that Rick N brushes aside many questions because he thinks they are irrelevant to the BK fraud issue. This might be true. But if the questions are asked in a respectful way and without personal attacks, he just might answer them.

I will help him out by answering one of Caresaboutkids's questions. No, there is no legal difference between recording someone on tape and recording them with a digital recorder. Presumably a digital recorder was used because, well, who uses tapes anymore? :) But there would be no legal problem anyway with recording someone with their consent.

ETA: I can personally confirm that none of us is exempt from being questioned by the members here. I remember when I said that I thought Judge Strickland was going to grant the motion asking him to step down from the case, and I was hammered pretty hard. ;)
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