Casey's Ghost Writer Breaks His Silence ...

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I just wanted to tell you all that I think I am finally over CA. With the thought that CM is stuck with CA delights me to no end.
Not that I will stop reading or show interest but I love that this is happening.

I can't wait for the radio show.
Wasn't sure where to put my thoughts about Namey's interview. Have them on the interview thread but nothing else was there so am repeating them here.
Please skip if you already read there. :0)

Trish: Let's talk about some of the things that you want to set the record straight on. You have a platform now, what do you want to get out in the open and change the perception that people may have; what do you want to set the record straight about? Go for it.
Namey: I just addressed the biggest one and that is that people think that I'm trying to get rich and make money off this and that I set the price of the book down at $9.95 and . . . . blah, blah, blah.

So disappointed. This was the most important point he wanted to get across? Really? Not the diabolical scheme between Casey and Mason ~ but his profit?

And when asked a couple of the direct questions from this thread he danced ~ not even tap danced. I believe I heard him doing the Charleston! When asked if he was fired or quit he said, "We don't know. . . . " Huh?

Spare me your six bucks, buddy. You are cruel and as much a blood sucker as all the rest. Maybe even worse because you appear to be a turncoat when your first assault on the blood money didn't pay off through Cheney Mason. And now you are so base that you would turn to us?

I have come to the conclusion that your main aim is to profit your pocket. Not to clarify anything that happened to Caylee. And what a shame, as you really were in the perfect position to have made a difference.

Sigh. And shame on you.

My opinion only ~ and my advice to Namey is to gird your loins. As ruthless as you seem to be, Mason is a whole lot nastier, more experienced and richer.
And the poor me, I might get sued so please buy my book routine. In my dreams CM sues him just to get some lips moving here - but I don't think CM is all that worried about this book.

FYI - the last 19 pages of this "pillar of truth" are dedicated to his son's band and reprinting his son's song lyrics - really????!!!!!???

IMO, Trisha was a most gracious host, and asked some great questions, but felt the commercials provided more information than the guest author.
This is really too bad. After reading here, I couldn't bring myself to even listen to the show.

I was an adamant supporter- bought the ebook and recommended others buy it.

I don't regret buying it or reading it, personally. As NavySubMom reminded, I even offered to buy the book for her and another poster, btw I had nothing but good intentions, I apologize that it felt strange to you. I felt if you read it, it would clear things up for you. No ill intentions or weirdness on my part- I promise.

What a disappointment this turned out to be though. Some posters opinions that I value highly have shed some light and I feel sad. Sad that it seems every person connected to this case (except the Tim Millers and what not) have let this beautiful baby girl down, over and over and over and for what... MONEY.


I still want justice for Caylee. Maybe Cheney Mason being stuck for life with her despicable birth chamber will be the most we get. I don't know. I was really hoping this guy was for real and had honest intentions. I guess the fact that he aligned himself with Cheney in the first place should have said it all.

I have to take a look at my own naivety- or ability to see what I want at times- even after all of these years reading true crime, because I did feel a bit hinky when I read Rick's letter to the publisher where he was pulling out of the project. But, as I said, I don't regret it. It reinforced at least what a scrounge Cheney is and where his morals lay- in his ego and pocket book... just like all of the others who turned a blind eye to a killer for their own selfish reasons, benefit or financial gain.

I'm not sure any murdered child in history has been let down so many times, by so many people who could have saved her or after the fact help her get justice.

We love you Caylee and will NEVER, EVER forget you!
I'm glad more are seeing what I saw right off the bat about this writer and this book. When I read on here that the dates the "foolproof suffication"(sic) search came to light on Websleuths/media, and the dates of the initial bankruptcy filing by CA and her team, that those dates did not line up (the supposed reason for Namey abandoning his project with CM), ~~~~~

and then read the exact email exchange between Namey and Tracy Ertl of TitleTown Publishing somewhere which revealed the REAL reason Namey was writing this book (he was in over his head and he wanted to recoup some $$$$$ for the time he had spent), and all of the whining that he is only trying to sell this book to recoup the attorney fees he needs, that is all I further needed to let me know exactly what this book was all about.

Then, of all the questions/posts on here, he chose mine to respond to and it was all about the $$ I would not spend for his book.

I initially saw this all play out on twitter and FB, and had written some posts and my thoughts early on (most were deleted), this was my suspicion and I knew the folks running those social media accounts, while they had a good heart and good intentions, were very gullible and naive through "speaking" with them on social media. When I read what they are saying today, they still don't see what is really going on here.

Last night I went to the page where the archive of the interview was and clicked here and there for brief excerpts, and when I came to the question from Tricia "do you have on tape CM/CA agreeing to interviews with Oprah/Ablow/PPV" .... not a direct quote but along those lines, and heard Namey's response, something like: I am sure they say that somewhere in the tapes. You know, there is so much tape and hours of interviews, I am looking through my tapes and I'm sure it is in there..... Really? You don't know if you actually have that on tape and the exact place it would be? But it is in your book? I find that astounding, but not really given what I think this whole "book" is all about.

Frigga, I was not offended by your offer to buy this book for me. No problem. It was just odd, I thought at the time. We don't know each other so you would not know that I have spent thousands of dollars on books over my lifetime, and will spend thousands more. I will buy a 1st Edition Hardback when a book first is published if I am interested in the book and drop the $35.00-$45.00 or more. I simply had no interest in giving Rick Namey the gigantic sum of $6.00.

IMO, MOO, etc.
Hello Caylee Warriors...nice to see you all again.

Sorry, I didn't tune into this but I don't tune into anything FCA related. Until the day I see her put in handcuffs. I do hope the bankruptcy fraud will do it.

This beast (FCA) should be doing life.

I'll never forget this beautiful child, Caylee Marie. I still have her wristband (help find Caylee) sitting on my table.

I keep reminding myself, one might escape the laws of the land but one doesn't escape the laws of the universe. Karma will catch this beast..

Rest Peacefully in Heaven, Caylee, many strangers like me will never forget.
I did become convinced of her guilt, as I said, because of the time line regarding the search for "foolproof suffocation," and the circumstances of the argument she had with her mother on Caylee's last night. I know that a lot of people have continued to believe the prosecution's case since the trial, and I respect their opinions. I believe, however, as I covered in the book, that the prosecution's case was weak and ill-conceived. That doesn't mean I believe that she was not guilty, just not proven guilty.

Hello Rick...thanks for answering questions..

You can thank Cindy Anthony for that. She would not allow the State to tell of this alleged argument that turned violent between her and her beast of a daughter. The jurors couldn't put the pieces together with this portion missing. They did say they couldn't make the leap to a mother who appeared to be loving and caring of her child. If the jurors had this information, I do believe the verdict would have been much different.

Then you have Baez who also went off the charts with that horrendous OS of FCA having a penis in her mouth before going to school as a child. It was abhorrent, horrendous and I do believe a very huge lie. FCA wouldn't allow that she'd run right to Cindy to get his *advertiser censored* kicked to the curb. Why if this took place is she still in contact with her parents, her father especially. Liar, liar pants on fire..

When she blames her father for taking Caylee's limp body out of the pool (which took 3 years to come up with that tall tale), told her to get lost, it made it seem as if GA disposed of Caylee.

FCA is a pathological liar sprinkled with sociopathic traits..

May FCA never have one moments peace for the rest of her sorry life...

thanks for letting me rant...
Hi Frigga

You have a good heart and you want what many here want - the truth to be made known about what was done to Caylee, and accountability. I appreciate and value your thoughts as much as anyone else's here.

We may go to high alert when something new comes out that suggests the possibility of getting the truth out and justice for this little one. This book got us talking and asking questions. We learned about OCA/CM/RN's book and tv plans and maneuvers. I giggled when I read that CM was asking for a million dollar advance and was told.... nope (and only got an offer of 50K to be split 50/50). Learned that the firm Morgan and Morgan and ZG's suit is on his mind :>) And that OCA is allegedly living with CM and he has "no place else to put her". How about that!!! IMO - Chaney Mason has become the new Cindy Anthony. Lucky him!
Rick- it might dispel your opinion of Casey's abuse claims if you had read the reports compiled by the defense's own Psychiatrist- Dr Danziger - which BTW Baez ditched as soon as he got them. Dr Danziger was so worried to think his assessment would be used by the Defense to further her allegations against George and Lee of abuse that he lost sleep over it- in his words he did not wish to be the 'vector' that would disseminate information like this against innocent people. He did not believe her allegations, and found NO evidence of abuse whatsoever. If all you know is what Casey says, I can understand, as she is a plausible, pathological liar.

You said you thought her reputation was that of a wonderful mother amongst her peers...As far as her friends all thinking she was a good mother- she seldom had Caylee in her care actually, so they only saw brief snapshots of her life with her. As soon as Caylee was born, she persuaded a good friend Lauren Gibbs to babysit full time for her while she 'worked' at Sports Authority. After 8 months of doing this for no pay, Lauren quit when she found out Casey never had a job, she was just out socializing all this time. Then she talked fiancé Jesse Grund's family into babysitting while she 'worked' ( again no job) she just didn't want the child with her. Then it was back to dropping her off at Cindy's office while she 'worked'- again no job. Did you read the evidence where Cindy discusses with her co workers how neglectful Casey was, how she (Cindy) was always stuck with Caylee- how she wanted to take custody of Caylee and then kick Casey out? Did you read all the evidence that showed what a neglectful, poor excuse for a mother she really was?
What good mother waits 31 days and then only under extreme pressure when Cindy notifies the Police, admits that she is 'missing'?
31 days?
If we're on the same side, I wonder why you would try to sabotage the last chance to do anything about it.

I tried to be factual in everything I wrote. You're welcome to any decision you make on the purchase of my book for the gigantic sum of six dollars, but don't expect a lot of weight to be placed on a review of something you haven't read.
If you're waiting it out, then wait it out. You will see what happens and it won't cost you a dime.
Please allow the rest of us to pursue the most promising development since the conviction.

Sorry, but I find these comments very inappropriate. The WSers reading and posting here now have invested their minds and hearts into trying to find justice for Caylee. Others are still too heartbroken to return here or to believe FCA will ever be held accountable.

With all due respect, if there is a "we" and an "our side" to this, it is you, not Navy or anyone else here who needs to make a convincing case that they're on it.

I've tried to be restrained in my critique of your book and your motivation for writing it. At this point all I see is a person who thinks he can still find fame from the aftermath of Caylee's murder.

IMO if you really believe FCA is guilty and you really want tinsee justice for Caylee you would have spent the time to get your facts straight in your book, to have researched Florida bankruptcy law, and to have made your own opinions clear rather than giving CM's a platform with no rebuttal.
I'm not sure any murdered child in history has been let down so many times, by so many people who could have saved her or after the fact help her get justice.

That says it all, Frigga..
Hello all,

I just want to say that I too am over this case. Caylee's passing saddens me deeply still but the consolation I have is that had Caylee grown up with Casey, Cindy and the rest of them her life would have been a hell of unimaginable proportions. They cannot hurt Caylee anymore. Thank God for that.
The one thing that I loved hearing, was that Old Man Cheney was now saddled with his cray-cray client, 24/7. She is his 'housekeeper?' GMAFB

Is there a lazier, less motivated waste of space on the planet? And she is his live-in housekeeper? HAHAHAHAHAHA......:floorlaugh:

Now that is what I call KARMA. Even Baez weaseled his way out of her meaningless, worthless life. Wonder if Mrs. Cheney has filed divorce papers yet? lol
Private investigator Bill Warner says that he’s heard of sightings of Anthony, at parties and bars on Siesta Key within walking distance of her rental house, as well as a grocery store in Sarasota.

Warner told Sarasota News that he’s looking into the reported sightings, though he has yet to find any concrete evidence.

If Anthony was partying on Siesta Key, it would be in stark contrast to the description that her attorney Cheney Mason gave CNN in July.

Cheney Mason said that Anthony now lives in an undisclosed location in Florida but doesn’t leave her home much because of continued threats to her life.

“She has to live constantly on guard. She can’t go out in public,” Mason said.

“I think Casey has a lot of world left to have to deal with. She hasn’t been freed from her incarceration yet ’cause she can’t go out. She can’t go to a beauty parlor, she can’t go shopping to a department store, she can’t go to a restaurant, she can’t even go to McDonald’s. She can’t do anything.”

He said that Casey makes money from being ”a housekeeper, clerk, secretary and stuff like that.”

Cheney’s wife Shirley said that Casey stays fit by working out inside the home.

Describing her own relationship with Casey, Shirley said:

“I’m a cross between a friend, a mother, but not a mother — only someone who is older who has had experience in the world she has not had. ”My hope for her is it gets better for her and the world or the people who have been so hateful can let that go and they can move on.”

Got this alert today..

Liar, liar...

It appears Cheney and his wife are liars too...
Wondering what FCA's percentage is on this book? Does she profit off your sales?
For RickN, I always thought that the fight between CA and FCA was the beginning of the end for that child. FCA hurt her own mother in the worst way she could. Do you have any new info about that argument? I think Lee reported it but everyone else denied it happened, I think. Thanks

Was this question about the alleged argument answered?
I don't believe Cindy's retelling of the events of the evening of Sunday June 15th... IMO, I think she came home from Mt Dora and exchanged words with Casey over her thievery and more
I don't think Lee Reported the argument to LE...IIRC Cindy mentioned it to Lee and then he mentioned it to Jesse Grund who told that whole issue is considered Hear Say and could not be used....also,Cindy would never admit to it.
This is really too bad. After reading here, I couldn't bring myself to even listen to the show.

I was an adamant supporter- bought the ebook and recommended others buy it.

I don't regret buying it or reading it, personally. As NavySubMom reminded, I even offered to buy the book for her and another poster, btw I had nothing but good intentions, I apologize that it felt strange to you. I felt if you read it, it would clear things up for you. No ill intentions or weirdness on my part- I promise.

What a disappointment this turned out to be though. Some posters opinions that I value highly have shed some light and I feel sad. Sad that it seems every person connected to this case (except the Tim Millers and what not) have let this beautiful baby girl down, over and over and over and for what... MONEY.


I still want justice for Caylee. Maybe Cheney Mason being stuck for life with her despicable birth chamber will be the most we get. I don't know. I was really hoping this guy was for real and had honest intentions. I guess the fact that he aligned himself with Cheney in the first place should have said it all.

I have to take a look at my own naivety- or ability to see what I want at times- even after all of these years reading true crime, because I did feel a bit hinky when I read Rick's letter to the publisher where he was pulling out of the project. But, as I said, I don't regret it. It reinforced at least what a scrounge Cheney is and where his morals lay- in his ego and pocket book... just like all of the others who turned a blind eye to a killer for their own selfish reasons, benefit or financial gain.

I'm not sure any murdered child in history has been let down so many times, by so many people who could have saved her or after the fact help her get justice.

We love you Caylee and will NEVER, EVER forget you!

I'm glad more are seeing what I saw right off the bat about this writer and this book. When I read on here that the dates the "foolproof suffication"(sic) search came to light on Websleuths/media, and the dates of the initial bankruptcy filing by CA and her team, that those dates did not line up (the supposed reason for Namey abandoning his project with CM), ~~~~~

and then read the exact email exchange between Namey and Tracy Ertl of TitleTown Publishing somewhere which revealed the REAL reason Namey was writing this book (he was in over his head and he wanted to recoup some $$$$$ for the time he had spent), and all of the whining that he is only trying to sell this book to recoup the attorney fees he needs, that is all I further needed to let me know exactly what this book was all about.

Then, of all the questions/posts on here, he chose mine to respond to and it was all about the $$ I would not spend for his book.

I initially saw this all play out on twitter and FB, and had written some posts and my thoughts early on (most were deleted), this was my suspicion and I knew the folks running those social media accounts, while they had a good heart and good intentions, were very gullible and naive through "speaking" with them on social media. When I read what they are saying today, they still don't see what is really going on here.

Last night I went to the page where the archive of the interview was and clicked here and there for brief excerpts, and when I came to the question from Tricia "do you have on tape CM/CA agreeing to interviews with Oprah/Ablow/PPV" .... not a direct quote but along those lines, and heard Namey's response, something like: I am sure they say that somewhere in the tapes. You know, there is so much tape and hours of interviews, I am looking through my tapes and I'm sure it is in there..... Really? You don't know if you actually have that on tape and the exact place it would be? But it is in your book? I find that astounding, but not really given what I think this whole "book" is all about.

Frigga, I was not offended by your offer to buy this book for me. No problem. It was just odd, I thought at the time. We don't know each other so you would not know that I have spent thousands of dollars on books over my lifetime, and will spend thousands more. I will buy a 1st Edition Hardback when a book first is published if I am interested in the book and drop the $35.00-$45.00 or more. I simply had no interest in giving Rick Namey the gigantic sum of $6.00.

IMO, MOO, etc.

Wow I love all you Caylee Warriors - we spent so much time together back then - and all of you - Zippy, Hope4More, NavySubMom, Frigga, Heildmas (:( sp!)Intermezzo, and ALL of you - here you still are - patiently sifting and carrying your silver hammers......bless you!!
FCA is living such a secluded life never able to get out, according to CM, her attorney.
FCA is out, going to parties and is seen in the local bars within walking distance of her rented house, according to Bill Warner, a private investigator.

Who is this private eye and why isn't he good enough to find any evidence of FCA partying?
Where are the pictures and witnesses? What type of people are inviting her to parties or is she tagging along with CM to his outings?
If she has rented a house, who's paying for it? Who pays for her bar tab? Groceries at the grocery store?
Is this Bill Warner just another yokel hired by CM to keep the stories coming?

Isn't it odd how all of this is breaking loose just a month before her BK and civil trials could be settled?

I'm sorry, but I just don't trust or believe any of them.
It looks like it's just another way they are trying to rile us up any way they can to keep her name in the public eye!

Happy Birthday to Caylee today!
Wow I love all you Caylee Warriors - we spent so much time together back then - and all of you - Zippy, Hope4More, NavySubMom, Frigga, Heildmas (:( sp!)Intermezzo, and ALL of you - here you still are - patiently sifting and carrying your silver hammers......bless you!!

Just remember that you are also one of the faithful Caylee Warriors too!

We are all still here, patiently waiting and waiting....
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