Casey's IM's with Iassen & Tony R (in entirety)

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Sep 24, 2008
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For easy access and for those that cant view PDF's, here are the complete IMs between KC, ID and AR.

(starts page 2616 of docs)

ID (11:10AM) What this thing you have been posting about?
KC A live hip hop showcase tonight
ID Whats that?
ID Battle royale?


KC (11:41AM) Its an albumn release party, with the potential for a battle guys should definitely come!
KC (11:42AM) Its right behind waterford so its ridiculously close. $5 cover.super hot shot girls. a hot body contest, etc
ID Ooh, nice, why are you promoting for it.friends of yours releasing the album?
KC Yeah. guys i have met throughmy boyfriend tony
ID (11:43AM) What is the group called?
KC (11:53AM ) Theyre individuals. eq or equinox is the headliner
ID I am away from my computer right now.
KC Give me a call later, and let me know if you want to go. i seriously suggest it :)

KC( 1:42PM ) If you guys dont have anything planned tomorrow night, you should head out to fusion.give me a shout!
ID Grocery shopping!
ID (1:43PM) Whats tomorrow night ? friday?
KC Yes sir
ID The sushi place? mhmmmmm
KC Yes sir!!! best sushi in town. seriously
KC (1:44PM) Ladies in free all night. guys, $5 cover. its a bad *advertiser censored* place
ID I've been there i think. the plaza behind waterford
KC Really?
ID Yeah
KC: Yeah
ID: Its really retro inside. ive been once
KC: That it is. did you like it?
ID: Yeah. but it wasnt a party or anything. just food
KC: (1:45PM) Good, then i better see you tomorrow :) well every friday night its converted into a club.really cute shot girls. i'll be back in a bit, fooooooood :)
ID: Lol ok, i'll tell sean about it . i gtg out too
KC: (1:46PM ) Ok love


KC (11:27AM ) Morning :)
ID (11:28AM) Yoo
KC (11:29AM) You guys coming to hang out with me tonight?!
ID I dont even know yet, i havent talked to anybody
KC Well i'm going to text everyone. i say you do
ID: K lol
KC (11:30AM) You know i'm relentless
ID: Ya ya
KC: Sean should bring some girls. theres going to be a hot body contest too....madness!
ID: (11:33AM) Niiice. tell himo
KC: (11:34AM) I'm going to send out a big text now with the info.
KC: (11:38AM) Done deal. i want you boys to come out, seriously.
KC (11:39AM) Cheap cover, you dont have to drive all the way downtown, and your happy *advertiser censored* should come up early and get some sushi
ID: I work till 9 tho. when does sushi end
KC At 11. dude its so good!
ID: Oh, i know
KC (11:40AM) Oh, i know you know

KC (7:22PM ) I better see you tonight!!! :-)


KC (5:39PM ) Plans tonight?


ID: (11.24AM) Hi
KC (11.25AM) Morning. how are ya
ID: I'm ok, you?
KC: Ok? whats going on love
ID: Nm, just at work, u?
KC (11.26AM) Sitting around. tired
ID Late night?
KC Eh, not really. just havent been sleeping well
ID: Oh
KC: Cant wait to get into my own place
ID: You should exercise more. when is that happening?
KC: This is true. i need to. probably within the week
ID: Oh true, you and tony?
KC No sir. just me and the kid
ID Where?
KC (11.27AM) Possibly in winter park villas
ID Wheres that?
KC I've looked at alot of places . its off semoran, just before university. i'm also looking at places near where my parents live. just depends
ID: Is it an apt?
KC (11.29AM) Yeah. i didnt ever want to live in an apt, but i dont know if me getting a house is the best idea...not right now
ID So what do you do when you work? with the kid that is
KC: I have a nanny. i love her
ID Nice. how much do they charge?
KC: We've been friends for over 6 years. definitely someone i trust.
KC (11:30AM ) It just depends. i pay her a lot more than most nanys make. its worth it though.
ID: Yeah, i understand. where does tone live?
KC (11.31AM) She's a friend. between myself and one of my coworkers, its her main source of income.....he's off of university. really close to full sail.
ID Oh, ok
KC: He's going to be moving off of goldenrod and university soon though, within the next month, to cranes landing
ID Why arent you guys living together???
KC (11.32AM) We've only been dating 7 wks . haha

ID: Oh, hahahaha. my bad
KC Haha no worries
KC (11.39AM) Ive had a lot of people ask me that lately
ID: (11.40AM) What i asked you? abt moving in with him?
KC Yeah
ID: Wheres the other guy. the spanish guy?
KC (11.41AM) Ricardo and i arent really even friends anymore
ID Sucks doesnt it....
KC We stopped dating in march, right around my birthday. yeah, seriously.
ID Still have feelings for him?
KC Ha definitely not . the other way around actually
ID: Oh. how did you get over him so quickly?
KC: (11.42AM ) I didnt have the same feelings, he said i led him on. i never really ever saw him as more than a friend. it sucks, but i was honest
ID: ( 11.43AM) I thought you were the one who wanted a relationship
KC: I did for a little bit, but he wanted to wait.
ID And it bit him i the *advertiser censored*. are you happy now?
KC (11.44AM) I am very happy now
ID Thats good
KC Thanks :-)
ID I dont remember what that feels like
KC I'm sorry hun :-(
ID Thats life i guess
KC This is the first time i've felt this way in along time....yeah. it is, seriously.
ID You like this kid a lot?
KC (11.45AM ) I care about him an extreme amt...lets just leave it at that. haha
ID Uhhhh, dont say love haha
KC I'm avoiding saying it, but i do. haha
ID (11.46AM) Wow. but you've known him for a lot longer than 7 wks, right?
KC Well, i'm selective on who i tell, just because we havent been together that long.
KC Yeah. we've been friends for almost a year
ID I understand
KC You know how it is. you cant choose who you love, and time doesnt make you love someone
ID I feel like an infant when it comes to life
KC Aw, why ??
ID Alot of things are new to me
KC(11.47AM) Yeah this is true
ID (11.48AM) I wish i learned these lessons when i was much younger. when i know it didnt matter as much. not when i'm in my mid 20's, and i want to settle down.
KC Yeah, absolutely. sucks that i'm 22, and i want to settle down
ID (11.49AM ) Thats not so bad
KC But one, i'm in a r/ship with someone who is a yr younger than me, isnt sure what he wants, and most likely wont be living here this time next year. so much uncertainty
ID Oh . i made the same mistake too. i wanted something from somebody who wasnt prepared to give it to me. took me a while to realize it.
KC 11.50AM Yeah thats my biggest fear right now
ID I dont understand how people can go on breathing when love ends . but they do. so much is new to me . my 18yr old sister knows more about life than i do.
KC(11.51AM) I know about life, but even then, i'm not satisfied. tgrue love hurts. completely takes the breath out of you
ID Why do people bother then
KC Optimism. the hope that you'll find your true love
ID (11.52AM) I know i wont be able to commit to anybody for very very long time
KC I went through that phase, all i did was randomly make out with guys , and had a hook up, for almost 2 yrs on and off
ID Not that i just wont be able to. i dont want to anymore. its not worth it
KC (11.53AM) In a lot of ways, i agree.
ID I had a rebound. worst feeling in the world
KC But i see the other side. i'd rather take the chance, than miss out on the potentidl for greatness
ID The guys would tell me to just hook upm with people
KC It is the worst feeling
ID ...That it works for them. but not everybody is the same.
KC Of course. its easy for them, because the girls they are dating arent quality in the first place
KC They end up dating people after hooking up with them first.
ID Its funny how after thinngs ended with sara, her so called 'close' friends would start texting me, and messaging me, want to hang out etc
KC How so
ID I can just tell. her girlfriends and stuff. shannon, adrienne, lou etc. its so shady
KC Oh it is
ID 1(1.55AM) Not to make this akward but you liked me alomg time ago, right?
ID (11.56AM) Lol i guess it did get akward, since theres a moment of silence
KC Hahaha. thats hilarious. at least tone didnt have my im box up when you said that. i did actually
KC (11.57AM) I really liked you when i first got to know you. youre a fantastic guy
ID Why didnt you ever say anything?
KC And i swear to god, if stuff doesnt work out with me and tony , you better be waiting! haha
ID Haha whenyou first got to know me??what happened, you got to know me better? hahahaha
KC I dont know, thats a good question.hahha. i guess because of brandon
KC (11.58AM) After him and i dated, i just wanst sure how you would react, or hIm, or anyone for that matter
ID (11.59AM) I think you should have said something before
KC Maybe i should have
ID Whats so great about me? girls keep telling me how great i am, but sometimes i just hate who i see in the mirror
KC (12.00PM ) You are such a nice guy, you really have no idea
ID (12.01PM) Thanks
KC Youre more than welcome. its the truth
ID Heh
KC Youre an attractive, driven, down to earth guy. hard to find love
ID I wish you would have said somethiing along time ago
KC (12.02PM) Did you like me too, and never say anything?
ID I mean, i was interested, i was kind of disappointed you didnt come out for that dropkick murphys concert with me
KC. Yeah, i wish i had
ID (12.03PM) I wouldnt have cared what brandon thought to be honest. but sh#t, i gotta lock up the gym, and bizounce
KC Hey call me later. what are you doing tonight?
ID Delete your logs so you dont get into trouble
KC Haha. no worries
ID Nothing. why whats going on?
KC No idea
ID Its sunday haha
KC Haha exactly. you think of anything, let me know, and i'll do the same!
ID Ok :-) ttyl
KC Ok, bye hun!!!

~ Continues in next post ~
~ Kc and Iassens IM's continued ~


ID (2.43PM) Not working tonight:/ night class til like 10
KC Boo that sucks. i went and worked out in the fitness centre at tones apt thismorning. i feel like an animal. haha
ID Lol so you wanted to go again?

KC (2.43PM ) How are ya love?
ID Ehhhh
KC I just wanted an excuse to see you, duh
ID I bet ;-)
KC (2.45PM) Any change in how youre feeling :-)
ID Nope
KC I'm sorry hunny
ID Eh, its ok
KC (2.46PM) :-/ You cant let that keep you down. not for a single second
ID (2:47PM) Its beyond sounding that easy, haha
KC Haha i know. stupid girls
ID (2.48PM) A lot of it is my fault
KC Why is that?
ID Its hard to explain, or just too long, but its true
KC (2.49PM) I dont believe it. nope. not one bit
ID Haha trust me
KC (2.50PM) I do trust you, but i dont think any of it is your fault
ID How do you know? haha you dont even know what happened :-)
KC This is true. haha. but i know you. and youre not the kind of guy to screw things up, especially not on purpose
ID I made mistakes
KC Like? give me an example
ID The way i acted with her after things ended. there was a chance we could have fixed it . i blew it
KC( 2.51PM) From what it seems like to meshe had made up her mind
ID No things changed. we talked for a while afterwards. the whole i miss you thing, late night calls and stuff
KC Awwwww. and?
ID (2.52PM) And i just f##ked things up. let jonathon get the best of me again
KC How so?
ID Jonathon was the reason it all happened. i was too uncomfortble being around him, with her . she thought it was jjelousy. so she got scared off
KC Are you serious?
ID I despise that kid
KC Was there ever anything with her and jonothan?
ID Cause he has done more than people know. yeah, a long time ago . and around new years. while i was talking to her
KC (2.53PM) Damn. i had no idea :-(
ID They kinda started talking again. and left me in the dust. and i told her i dont want to see her again. and three days later we got serious. but jonathon would play games, would always go where she was at. and she told me she noticed it too. too long of a story
KC Damn thats not cool. i'm sorry.
ID Theres infinite more stuff that went down between the 3 of us. but he is not my friend
KC (2.54PM) Sounds like it. yeah. a lot of stuff makes sense now.
ID I'll tell you some day. i dont feel like writing it out lol
KC Hey, no worries
ID But jonathan was the catalyst that ruined my relationship
KC You know i'm here , always
ID (2.55PM) But i let it happen. i let it get to me. when it shouldnt have
KC Doesnt sound like you had a choice though hun
ID I guess i didnt
KC You cant help what he did. that was completely out of your control.
ID (2.56PM) Its not that. even after me and her got serious he played no factor. but he always made me uncomfortable
KC Yeah, i dont blame you
ID( 2.57PM) But i acted immature after things ended, and ruined any chance of getting back, and i just pushed her away
KC Iassen, unfortunately, you can do better
ID It went beyond looks she was great to me. and after many many years. i was genuinely happy
KC You cant beat yourself up about it. its obvious it hurt you deeply
KC It will get easier, I promise you. Its never easy to bounce after getting your heart broken.
ID (2:59pm) I know
KC You know what you need???
ID ? A puppy?
KC Haha besides that
KC(3:00pm) I'm getting a puppy when I get my new place :-) . You need a beach day. You need a beach day with a really bad *advertiser censored* chick
ID Its too hot for da beach. Lol. Really is
KC Nah. No way
ID Wheres the badass chick at?
KC( 3:01pm) Right in front of ya.
KC( 3.02pm) Well, online anyway ;-)
ID Oh you wanna go on a date with me at the beach while you have a boyfriend, that looks grrrrrrrrrrreaaaaaaaat
KC Hahahaha. It wouldnt have to be a “date” . But you need a friend, I miss my friend. Its a win, win
ID (3.03pm) LOL. I wanna know , have I ever hurt you?, like emotionally
KC Most definitely not
ID Ok then.
KC (3:04pm ) You seriously are one of the nicest guys I have ever met. Hands down
ID Impossible
KC No, its very possible
ID (3.05pm) How did you get over me? Was it Mr Ricardo Morales montoya gonzalez?
KC(3.06pm) Haha. It helped . I've had a constant crush on ya for a long time
ID Nuts
KC You're telling me
ID (3.08pm) We didnt even hang out that much
KC Its one of those get a good vibe from someone.
KC (3.09pm) I sticks
KC It sticks*
ID I'm sure you wouldnt want anything with me right now, i'm in the worst state of mind to commot to somebody
KC Sh#t, even outside of a relationship, I'm probably not in the best spot either.haha
ID (3:10pm ) Why?
KC( 3.11pm) I'm pretty hung up on tony, and realistically, if he moves back to new york next year, my relationship will to know that inevitably, unless I were to drop everything, I'm going to lose someone close to me.
ID Then why dig a deeper hole? I couldnt do that to myself
KC (3.12pm) Thats why I'm torn right now.
ID If he's worth it, he would stay.
KC If he gets offered the jobs he's supposed to, I couldnt keep him here
KC Not when he's worked so hard to get where he's going
ID If you love him, you wouldnt move up?
KC (3.13pm) A lot can happen in the next year. He'll be graduating from full sail this time next year.
ID Whats his job?
KC After such a short time of dating, I feel stronger for him, than I have ever felt for anyone else. He's doing music business at full sail. He's already been offerred a couple of jobs back in new york.
ID Wow. Imagine a year from now then
KC (3.14pm) Exactly. I dont want to set myself up for heartbreak. But at the same time, I dont want to throw something away that could be so great
ID I dont know, if you know its a dead end.... Havent talked to him about it with him?
KC (3.15pm) Its not a guaranteed dead end, but the likelyhood of us staying together, just seems so dim..We talk about it all the time. He even told me, he would ask me to leave with him, in a heartbeat.
KC (3.16pm) As nice as it is to hear, I have no desire to live up north. Love to visit new york, but that just doesnt seem my style
ID I understand

KC ( 3:16pm) I never thought I would even consider moving for someone, unless it was someone I was already married to, or in the process of marrying, you know? Thats a big commitment. Its a huge deal
ID Yeah, it is
KC (3.17pm) I'm glad that I have all this time to think it over, if it comes down to it, but there is always that lingering thought that it may not work out because of that.
KC( 3.18pm) Its sad, but him and I both agreed that it is the inevitable road block ahead.
ID That must suck
KC Absolutely. Its hard. I feel like i'm setting myself up for failure
KC (3.19pm) I feel like i'm working towards something great. And i'm all sorts of confused. haha
ID Ugh shes messaging me :/
KC Oh boy
ID I think youre setting yourself up for failure, lol
KC Haha. You think so?
ID (3.20pm) Honestly, I would be dumb enough to wait the year to find out what I would do. And dumb enough to not wait the year to find....either way
KC Yeah
ID Its either horrible heartbreak, or a horrible lifetime regret
KC (3:22pm ) Exactly. I could deal with the heartbreak. I couldnt deal with regret. Love is too complicated.
ID Why bother?
KC (3.23pm) Because i'd rather have my heart broken a thousand times, than to never know what its like to love someone
ID (3.25pm ) I dont know about that
KC (3.26pm) You dont think so? Inevitably it has to work
ID (3.57pm) Oh sorry about that. I was doing HW. Haha. Inevitably??? Thats too many risks.
KC NO worries . Whats life without taking risks? Its necessary
ID (3.58pm) Yeah, but. Risks are important
KC Very much so
ID I'm taking a huge risk going to Iraq to get my fainances set, and my future started . But love....UNECESSARY haha
ID ( 3.59pm) I'm a big pessimist. And i'm a huge cynic
KC Haha, it shows! ;-)
ID But thats reality
KC That it is. I mean, I agree with you, believe me.
KC (4.00pm) However if youre going to take a risk on something, of all things, why not let it be love? It is by far the most damaging and rewarding thing in the entire world
ID Because its the one risk that hurts the most
KC It is
ID People may not die from a broken heart, but the wish they did.
KC Absolutely
ID The person that can make you the happiest in this world, is the same person who can make you the most miserable
KC (4.01pm) Its a powerful thing, to hold someone elses heart in your hand
ID I think its the most p[werful thinng. A man could hold a gun to my head, but it would mean nothing, not as much as if somebody had my heart. Life is f##ked up
KC Agreed
ID (4.03pm) I'm listening to this disturbed song, enough....from the new albumn, you should youtube it. Listen to the lyrics :
when your own have died
And theres no more pride
when your soul is frozen
Its had enough
When a heart is broken
A thousand times
with every moment.
Is that enough?
ID actually, do that now :-)
KC Nice, I will actually
ID While you do that i'm gonna make a sammich
KC I'm listening to “everyday is exactly the same” by nine inch nails. Haha
KC (4.03pm) Ohhh true. I just had mac and cheese. Haha
ID (4.04pm) I can slap heartbreak songs on you all night long babyyyyy. Its all I listen to now
KC Oh, you and me both. haha
ID Nothing like a little self mutilation and torture to start of the days.
KC Seriously. Hints why I torture myself with a morning workout. Get your sammich
KC I'll listen to that song
KC( 4.08pm) Holy crap that song is amazing!!!! I love disturbed :-)
ID (4.09pm) Yuup. The whole albumn is amazing
KC Youre telling me!
ID One of my favorite bands
KC (4.10pm) One of mine too
ID I saw them a couple of months ago :-)
KC (4.11pm) I know!!!!. Sevendust is my all-time fave
ID If my heart is broken like this a thousand times in my life, I better be immune. My old rangers used to say that about gun shot wounds hahaha.
ID (4.12pm) “the first one sucked, the 2nd and 3rd are just annoying”
KC Haha. Thats hilarious, and true from what i've been told as well.
ID BTW, did you know lejla and brandon are f##king engaged??
KC What?!!??!!??
ID No lie
KC When did this happen? In key west?
ID Two weeks ago
KC Whoa
KC (4.13pm) So her ring was real?
ID Hell yeah. I almost stole it :/. One of my favourite songs from the albumn “criminal” btw
KC Jesus. Thats crazy. Good for them!. Great song
ID How do you know it?
KC( 4.14pm) I'm looking at the albumn list now. Haha
ID Oooh. I love the chorus. I had it as my headline for a while
KC( 4.15pm) Thats what that was? Nice
ID Yeah. No it wasnt a suicide note, as my friend vicky thought haha
KC (4:16pm) Haha. Yeah was, uh, interesting ;-)
ID LOLOL. Shut up and listen to the song
KC (4.17pm) I am. Haha.
KC( 4.19pm) Such a great f##king band
ID I knooooow. Definitely on my top 3
KC (4.20pm) One of my top 10.
KC (4.21pm) You still have me in shock about Brandon.haha
ID Oh, lol
KC No, i'm really happy for them both
ID (4.22pm) I am too, but I think they need to be careful. Lejla was out looking for a husband before going out with Brandon. And brandon wanted to marry her since highschool
KC Yeah, I remember that
ID I dont know
KC (4.23pm) Wasnt she just engaged?
ID Yeah, last year
KC Eh, whatever works. Haha
ID( 4.24pm) I guess
KC (4.26pm) I wish life and love wasnt so uncertain.
ID I'll take anything life gives me. But love....ugh
KC Haha. Seriously.
ID( 4.27pm) I have jury duty monday : /

KC (4.27pm) Boo that sucks
ID Yup
KC (4.28pm) I've yet to actually go to jury duty. I get called every year, but never have to go
ID How come?
KC( 4.29pm) Dont know. I always call the night before, and my number doesnt get called. Doesnt bother me
ID Huh...well I need to go cause I have a speech due on monday. This way I can do it next monday
KC Nice! Haha
KC (4.30pm) What should I make for dinner?
ID Uhhhhhh. Past few months i've only had 3 different meals. Oatmeal, cottage cheese or sandwiches. So I forgot what real food was.
KC (4.31pm) Ewwwwwwww. I was thinking a grilled chicken salad
ID That works
KC I had light mac and cheese early. Maybe a third of a portion
ID (4.32pm) I havent eaten much lately
KC Whys that?
ID I'm never hungry
KC Hmmm. You doing protein shakes?
ID Nah. I guess its good. Saves me money. But listen, I gotta finish this stupid paper, i'll hit you up later
KC Sounds good love!~
ID Cya
KC Latah

KC (10.57pm) How was class?
ID Amazing. Like no sh#t
KC Seriously? Nice
KC (10.58pm) What classes are you taking this semester?
ID College algebra, collage mathematics, and mythology
KC What class did you have tonight?
ID (10.59pm) Mythology. Its great
KC Good sh#t. Thats what I figured it was.
ID Haha. Yeah
KC I doubt math would be that exciting. No way, not at all
ID (11.01pm) I'm going out to eat and going to egg some prostitutes, I'll ttyl!
KC Haha. Have a good night.
ID Oh, I will

~ End of IM's ~

(There are so many things about this that I want to comment on-will do that tomorrow- but how funny is it that he loved studying mythology, yet he didnt realize that the best case study for myths was right in front of him....LOL).
~ KC & AR instant messages ~

SAT MAY 3RD (P594)
AR: (11:11am) ??
KC: (11:12am) i'm going tohave to call you in a bit. If I dont finish this shift for work, i'm screwed.
KC (11:12am) i've been up since 5.
AR (11:12am) ok, well what are the chances of chillin today at all?
KC (11:13am) very good. As long as I can get this stuff done, and sent to my boss.
KC (11:13am) this is my way of getting out of a wedding tonight
AR (11:13am) you got a time I guess?
KC (11:14am) its going to be a couple of hours realistically
AR (11:15am) yep
nyitaliano signed off at 11:15am
AR ( 9:13pm) get over here woman.
KC ( 9:13pm) baby, if only .
KC ( 9:13pm) i'm going crazy over here
AR ( 9:13pm) even if its late, come sleep.
KC ( 9:13pm) thats my plan
KC ( 9:13pm) i'm online so I can stay awake.
KC ( 9:13pm) at least the kids passed out.
AR ( 9:14pm) get your rents home damnit
KC ( 9:14pm) I wish I knew where they were
AR ( 9:14pm) wtf
KC ( 9:14pm) seriously.
AR ( 9:16pm) this really sucks its like three times now **** has comeup
KC ( 9:16pm) every other time its been work. Honestly, i'll start throwing that on the backburner.
KC ( 9:16pm) but this, with my folks, i'm pissed
KC ( 9:16pm) my mom and I had a deal
AR ( 9:17pm) yeah
KC ( 9:17pm) question...are you working next saturday?
AR ( 9:17pm) no
KC ( 9:17pm) feel like being my date to a concert at the social?
KC ( 9:18pm) my nanny is my backup that night. Too bad she had a freakin date tonight :(
AR ( 9:18pm) where?
KC ( 9:18pm) the social
KC ( 9:19pm) its at 9:30
AR ( 9:19 pm) where is that? What band
KC ( 9:19pm) the social is downtown. Ive been a few timmes, its pretty cool. John frank...he's local talent. Its his cd release show.
KC ( 9:19pm) only $8. my treat.
KC ( 9:20pm) we can always grab drinks down there that night.maybe I can arrange a sleepover
[cont... P595]
AR ( 9:20pm) I dunno babe, i'm not making plans anymore, I dont see why not, but look at what happens when we make plans
KC ( 9:20pm) I know
KC ( 9:21pm) at least for next weekend, my nannyhas nothing planned, so if my mom backs out, i'm covered
AR ( 9:21pm) you show up all, and i'm in next sat :)
KC ( 9:22pm) well ****
KC ( 9:22pm) i'm so sad right now
KC ( 9:22pm) I really am
AR ( 9:23pm) I am show up, I will go,i'll prob end up going anyway, but it sounded good
KC ( 9:23pm) haha
KC ( 9:23pm) its a good plan
KC ( 9:23pm) so, I cant find a song to top yours
AR ( 9:23pm) nope, dont even try, I ran across that song I havent heard it in forever
KC ( 9:23pm) I still have that c.d! Haha
KC ( 9:24pm) candy rain
AR ( 9:24pm) I have that song but I havent heard the othere one in a long time
KC ( 9:24pm) such a great CD. I think it was one of the 1st I ever bought
AR ( 9:24pm) ha
KC ( 9:24pm) pathetic. True story
AR ( 9:25pm) you were like 9
KC ( 9:25pm) I was
AR ( 9:25pm) young
KC ( 9:25pm) baby
KC ( 9:28pm) my song wasnt as great as yours. But its still a personal fave
AR ( 9:28pm) ha
KC ( 9:28pm) brb
KC ( 9:28pm) checking on the kid
nyitaliano signed off at 9:34pm


AR (10:06pm) youre disappearing again.
KC (10:06pm) yep not here
nyitaliano signed off at 10:33pm
nyitaliano signed on at10:59pm
AR (11:16pm) hey
nyitaliano signed off at 11:17pm


nyitaliano signed on at 9:06am
nyitaliano signed off at 9:35am

AR (3:39pm) hey
KC (4:01pm) hey
AR (4:32pm) you around?
KC (4:32pm) yep not here
nyitaliano signed off at 4:53pm
nyitaliano signed on at 7:54pm
AR (7:55pm) so youre gonne again.
KC (7:55pm) yep, not here
AR (7:55pm) I figured you werent there
nyitaliano went away at 8:08pm
AR (8:32pm) come on babe, where did you go?
Nyitaliano returned at 9:08pm
nyitaliano signed off at 9:51pm
Nyitaliano signed on at 10:03pm

nyitaliano signed off at 12:12am
AR (1:39pm) you home?
KC ( 1:40pm) yeah,. I went ot the dealership by my house. My dad wasnt happy about that, but ****, I did him a favour
AR (1:40pm) haha
AR (1:40pm) I went to see you ****er
KC (1:41pm) well no ****
AR (1:41pm) so bring your fine little *advertiser censored* over here some time today.
KC (1:41pm) when I can, I will
AR (1:41pm) is that referring to today?
KC (1:41pm) obviously
AR (1:42pm) interesting
KC (1:42pm) god. I'm so sick of having to rely on other people
AR (1:42pm) yeah I bet. That has to suck
KC (1:42pm) yeah, it really does
AR (1:43pm) what did the nanny say?
KC (1:43pm) I always have to change my plans now, and i'm someone who likes to make plans and stick with them. She's coming back from tampa. Her sister is getting married this weekend
AR (1:43pm) she enroute?
KC (1:43pm) yeah, I just called her. She's on I-4
AR (1:44pm) good, well thats a plus
KC (1:44pm) that it is
AR (1:44pm) so is she willing to get the offspring?
KC (1:45pm) as of right now
AR (1:45pm) geez
KC (1:45pm) brb
AR (1:45pm) k
KC (1:47pm) caylee wanted pizza
AR (1:47pm) haha
AR (1:49pm) so....
KC (1:49pm) soooo
AR (1:50pm) I could def see you moving into a g.f role, but not if I dont see you I know its like beating a dead horse but its how I feel.
KC (1:50pm) my point in all of this ...if its going to work, whether I 'have to make this up to you', or whatever, youre going to have to suck it up, and come see me every once and a while. Youre a lot more mobile than I am a lot of the time.
AR (1:51pm) oh I will eventually no doubt I meanits just nice to get out of your element too you know?
KC (1:52pm) believe me I need that time out of my element. I'm craving it
AR (1:52pm) thats my point. I have no problem coming to you but you need to get here to just relax.
KC (1;53pm) agreed
KC (1:54pm) its beyond frustrating
AR (1:54pm) and as for the sex thing, lets clear this up right now. When its as good as it has been , I need it, I told you ma and routine, but its not my main concern for seeing you, but once in three weeks is a tease, plus again, your pretty damn good in bed
KC (1:55pm) sex is good with us, really good. And I know its not the only reason you want to see me.
AR (1:55pm) good, I hope so, but jesus 3 week droughts blow
AR (1:58pm) so again...bring your fine *advertiser censored* over here
AR (2:01pm) bored
AR (2:03pm) whered you go freakshow
KC (2:04pm) hey . Caylee wanted more lunch
AR (2:04pm) . Brutal
KC (2:04pm) haha. I'm vicious too huh
AR (2:05pm) :) until I see you...yep
KC (2:06pm) I am pretty ruthless
KC (2:08pm) I have a headache :( what the hell should I eat?
AR (2:08pm) come over. I'll cook
KC (2:08pm) ha. Want me to bring the little snothead?
KC (2:08pm) didnt think so
AR (2:09pm.) I meant when she is occupied by another adult
KC (2:10pm) haha. I know
AR (2:10pm) so I will cook
AR (2:12pm) well when am I going to hear from you. I am going to run
AR (2:13pm) you there cocktease?(oh boy)
KC (2:14pm) oh no you didnt
KC (2:15pm) talking to my mom
AR (2:15pm) oh I went there. So whats the word babe?
KC (2:16pm) if my nanny can babysit tonight, i'm set. If not, i'm screwed
AR (2:16pm) Ok well where is that
[P598 cont]
KC (2:16pm) my mom cant move her neck, probably from all the landscaping she did with my dad this weekend, and having caylee last night
KC (2:16pm) hey, settle down there killer
KC(2:17pm) i'll call her back in a little bit
AR (2:17pm) ok. I am going to going to pick up if I call you after
KC (2:17pm) I am
AR (2:18pm) we shall see..i'm going to go work the nasty body
KC (2:18pm) oh hush
AR (2;18pm) what do you care you never wanna see it. I'm layingh it on thick now
KC (2:18pm) ha righttttt. I saved both of those pictures you sent me. Youre right. I dont want to see it
AR (2:19pm) i'll call you in a bit baby.
KC (2:19pm) alright hunny. I'll be here
nyitaliano went away at 2:19pm
AR (2:52pm) jesus its hot out
KC (2:52pm) it is. I tried to sit oputside for a minute and I cant do it
AR (2:52pm) my chest hurts...thats bad
KC (2:53pm) i'm sorry baby.
AR (2:53pm) call the child caregiver
KC (2:53pm) I did. She's still enroute. Loads of traffic by disney I guess
AR (2:53pm) ok well thats not bad. She's not far
KC (2;54pm) nope :)
AR (2:54pm) good then you should be no later than 5ish
KC (2:54pm) hopefully
AR (2:54pm) com on ow
KC (2:54pm) haha. I'm being optimistic too. Ish
AR (2:55pm) i'm thinking 5. I have a bedtime sucks
KC yeah that sucks
AR (2:56pm) well you can stay then
KC I'll see how that works....possibly. If not tonight then maybe this weekend :)
AR (2:57pm) I wont push my luck tonight. Just get here
KC I am....I am. What the hell are we doing for your birthday?
AR (2:58pm) lets not push it. Thats 3 wks away. Haha
KC haha
AR serious....jerk
KC well dont hold your breath or anything, but i'm cooking upa suprise for you.
AR (2:59pm) not getting excited cause after that or after today...i wont see you till august
KC (3:00pm) shutup
AR blowme (blacked out)
KC eat me (blacked out)
AR planned on it :)
KC (3:01pm) haha. Uh huh
AR oh that was no joke
KC (3:02pm) oh, I know :)
AR good. You never said no though.
KC haha. Why would I?
AR (3:03pm) well I cant do it over aim or text, and earlier today you expressed your thoughts on sex so I will hold off :(
KC (3:04pm) I just dont want you expecting it. Like last time, I was expecting it to happen
AR me either, but holy god! This time its just been too long, sellout.....
KC (3:05pm) haha. Dont call me a sellout, jerk
AR blow me, I can
KC eat me, you cant
KC (3:06pm) :D
AR If you let me. I'm all about it
KC I will
AR Now you got me all excited :)
KC (3:07pm) haha youre always excited
AR No but when my girl (yeah I went there) has been MIA for 3wksd, I didnt think it would be that much of a drought
KC (3:08pm) :) Aw and I look all cute makeup, a tshirt, jeans and my glasses. Haha
AR I got to get my crap ready for tomeorrow, ao I will be waiting on a call soon. Hopefully. Let me know whats up babe.
KC (3:09pm) Will do love
AR What or who do you have to impress. Exactly no one
KC Yeah yeah. I still want to look cute
[P600 cont...]
AR Why
KC Because
AR I just want to see you. I dont give a ****
KC I know
AR (3:10pm) And the fact that it all ends up on the floor....kidding
KC Hahaha. Its true
AR Exactly. Ok babe let me know....soon, hopefully :)
KC (3:11pm) The moment I know
nyitaliano signed off at 3:11pm
~ KC & AR IM's cont ~

(same date)
KC (4:11pm) I hate playing phone tag :(
AR (4:12) Huh?
KC I'm playing phone tag with both zani and my mom
AR So in other words....looking worse
KC No. just means that everyones timing is terrible
AR (4:14pm) K
AR (4:15pm) I'm not going to get upset. I cant anymore :(
KC :(
AR Nothing I can do its like the norm now
KC well it shouldnt be but strangely, theres not much I can do either. It sucks
AR (4:16pm) Yep
KC What time are you going to bed tonight?
AR 10 prob. Unless youre going to be there.
KC Well maybe I can still make this happen
AR (4:17pm) Ok
KC It may be later than I wanted...not like 6, but maybe more like 8..
AR (4:18pm) That will still be okay. Any later than 8 prob not worth the drive. Since you prob cant stay
KC I know I cant stay. I have to be at work at 8
AR Thats nothing
AR (4:19pm) I have to be there at 5;40 out by UCF. It takes me damn 15mins to get dressed
KC Why out here? ****, and i'll be out there :(
AR Thats where I work
[P601 cont]
KC Damn. We're even on opposite sides of town with work
AR Yep, I wont be home till like 7
AR (4:20pm) So what do you think tonight, like a 25% chance?
KC Most likely
AR (4:21pm) Wow thats staggering, odds not in my favor
KC ****, not really in mine either
AR So then just forget it babe. Just forget it.
KC (4:22pm) Ok? At this point I think its worth it even if its for a short time. Better than nothing at all right?
AR Yes but you just said it didnt look good today
KC (4:23pm) I can still try
KC (4:27pm) I purposely gave up my ticket to go to the radiohead concert today, out in tampa...and now, whats the point? I did it so I could actually have some time to see you
AR I believe you. But again......
KC Shut up. I know
KC (4:31pm) I feel like I have cabin fever. I'm ready to chew my arm off
AR (4:32pm) why?
KC (4:36pm) I'm going stir crazxy sitting around here
AR Sorry
KC (4:37pm) If it makes you feel any better, listen to my cheesy *advertiser censored* song on myspace.
AR (4:38pm) Whos that for? Jesse?
KC Ha. Alright then. Kiss my *advertiser censored*.
AR Bold statement
AR (4:39pm) Now do something about it
KC Yeah so was yours
AR (4:40pm) Do something about it
KC I'm not the one sending him text messages telling him that i'm not trying to date you.
AR Well, when I dont see you in 3 wks :)
KC Rightttt thats what it is
AR Then what is it?
KC (4:41pm) I dont know, you tell me
AR I dont know. You never show.
KC I think your still afraid to admit to him that you like me
[P602 cont....]
AR (4:42pm) Not at all.If I remember what you looked like
KC No, seriously, without the pokes at me not being able to come over all the time, why did you go out of your way to text him that?
AR Cause he was annoying me
KC (4:43pm) What was he saying? He obviously forgot to mention this part, doesnt suprise me
AR Lets not do this. Just drop it its over.
KC Whatever
AR Wow, ok
KC (4:44pm) All I wanted to know was what happened. Forget it
AR Yep, whatever
KC (4:48pm) My internet keeps ****ing up. What a great day
AR (4:49pm) The norm
KC (4:51pm) Do you know any spanish?
AR (4:54pm) Any word from the offspring handler?
KC (4:55pm) She's almost home. I guess she had to stop at the store
AR So that is good...... right?
KC I guess so. I sure hope so
AR (4:56pm) Well she needs to step up
KC Agreed
AR Is she coming to you?
KC (4:57pm) I'd be taking Caylee to her
AR On your way here....haha
KC Yeah
AR So 6-6:30ish is not impossible
KC (4:58pm) Nope. Hopefully thats on the money
AR I really dont want to get excited but I do want to
KC Yeah, you and me both
AR (5:00pm) As far as food what do you want me to do? Eat or wait?
KC If youre hungry, eat
AR Not really yet. Getting there prob eat abt 5:45 or 6 unless you say otherwise
KC (5:01pm) Eat whenever, If anything, i'm bring dessert
AR You are dessert
KC Haha
AR Worth a shot
KC (5:02pm) Sureeee
AR Did it work?
AR (5:06pm) Cant stare at this computer anymore. Gonna go pack my up and loaf around....looking forward to hearing from you
KC I'll call you soon babe.
[P603 cont....]
AR (5:07pm) Ok baby.
Nyitaliano signed off at 5:07pm

AR (6:56pm) Whats up
KC (6:57pm) Nothing. Doing some stuff for work, nothing much else to do. Still waiting
AR (6:58pm) Yeah
KC (6:59pm) Do you work the day before your birthday?
AR Yes. That whole weekend
KC Nice! Good
AR Why?
KC Then my potential plan may just work out.
KC (7:00pm) I'm on vacation like the last half of this month
AR Well, I need dates casue I have my bro coming up
KC (7:02pm) When is your brother coming up?
AR 23rd-25th
KC Oh, this will be after that.I was thinking the 29th, doing something for the day. My mom is taking Caylee on Vacation with her, and my dad, while I'm on my vacation.
AR I'm off Wed and Thur that week.
KC I should be moving by then anyway
KC (7:03pm) Wed and thurs? Awesome. Thats perfect
AR Ok. So is that the next time I see you?
KC Haha no! I'm still pulling for tonight
AR Sure
KC (7:04pm) Nice picture
AR :) You dont care. Thats all you see of me anyway pics an im's
KC Haha shutup. I want the real thing.
KC (7:05pm) Its nice to have something to look at in the meantime, but it doesnt replce what I truly want
AR Yeah, well come get it ****er
AR (7:07pm) I'm still waiting :( Its 7
KC :( I know

AR So....?no
KC(7:08pm) So, I'm trying?
AR I know babe, but its 7
KC If 9 hits, and still nothing, then i'll throw in the towel. Babe, i'll drive over and see you for 20mins, 2 mins, whatever
AR (7:09pm) Too bad I cant stay there. You live closer to the substation than I do
KC Seriously. I a couple more weeks, when I get my house, you can stay over as much as you want
AR Dean and colonial
KC I'm looking at the house tomorrow...dean and curry ford. Right down the street from the station
AR Thats zone 24. Where is the nanny at. Wtf
KC (7:10pm) Picking up her dog in Oviedo. I forgot she dropped her off on Sat with her old roommates
AR So how long does that take
KC Beats the hell out of me. I talked to her anout 20mins ago
AR (7:11pm) Call her at 7:30
KC I was going to :) In the meantime, my boss if giving me ****, because I took 3yrs worth of spanish in highschool, and I cant speak it to save my life. I can translate just about anything. Madness
AR 7:12pm O
KC 7:18 pm At least I feel like i'm doing something productive
AR Be productive and come over here
KC Baby if my mom could actually sit up, i'd already be there
KC 7:19pm She cant babysit , she can barely hold her head up right now
AR Not your moms fault, call that other
KC I swear people in the medical field do nothing intelligent for themselves when they get hurt. I just called her. She's stuck in traffic at oviedo. This really sucks, worse than any of the othere times
AR Not really, its all the same to me
KC (7:20pm) Thats funny. Its not to me
AR Never said funny
KC I'm sad. I've been sad all day. ****, i've been sad for days
AR (7:22pm) Not much me can do, I dunno what to say or do
KC (7:24pm) Too bad I cant move out tomorrow. Would make some of this a lot easier
AR (7:25pm) Yep
KC (7:26pm) I really want this to work out. I really do. I dont know why its so hard. I mean I do, but still. It doesnt make me feel any better

[P605 cont...]

AR 7:26pm Yeah, and unfortunately I cant do it much longer, not gone yet, but not m,uch left babe.
KC 7:27pm Like I said, it sucks that youre putting a timelimit on things.
KC 7:35pm Its like we're in along distance relationship, as much as it sucks, its feasible
AR I cant babe, we live in the same ****ing city and I see my parents more
KC 7:37pm Thats obviously an exageration
AR Kinda, but not really
KC You know what your getting into with me, and i'm sorry, caylee has to come first, my job, a close second. I can only take so much time from that for everything else.
AR I understand that but understand my point. I cant see someone every 3+ weeks and say we're dating
KC 7:39pm Its not going to be once every three weeks
AR It has been
KC My schedule is changing at the end of this week. I'll have a more flexible schedule. If I can get my L1, I canm start training in a month, make my own schedule, and its cake from there.
KC 7:42pm I'm asking you to stick it out a little longer. And if you cant, then why wait?

AR 6:48pm Hey
nyitaliano went away at 6:52pm
nyitaliano signed off at 8:07pm


AR 4:03pm disappearing...
KC 4:12pm I just tried calling you. Try calling back
AR My phone is ****ed up
KC Yep, not here
AR 4:17pm Cant call but I guess you arent on


KC 10:09am Did you get my message last night?
AR No whats up
KC I asked if we could get together and talk this week
AR 10:10am Whats up?
KC I dont really have that much time to get into anything now, but I would like to see you, and sort some stuff out
AR 10:11am Uh
KC 10:12am Look I dont like the way things went the past couple of weeks
AR Ditto and I have had a rough ****in week like bad
KC You and me both
KC 10:13am Whats your schedule like?
AR I never got that tax money..just found out I dont get it till juky, so I have 120.00 in my acc. No gas. No food and dont get paid till friday. Work and training all week
KC 10:14am I'll be on that side of town all week, I guess I'll text you later and see if youre free for a few minutes . I havent had a day off in over 10 days, and I have a wedding this weekend
AR Yeah, I know the feeling

[P606 cont..]
KC 10:15am Well, I want to see you. I have to get ready for my meeting, but i'll text you in a bit

AR 2:29pm So what did those mean?
KC What did what mean?
AR Your statuses on Facebook
KC 2:30pm Which one/s?
AR Nothing. Forget it
KC Haha, what? If you want to know I need to know specifics
AR Nah its nothing

AR 2:30pm I dont remember specifics.
KC 2:31pm I was feeling a bit better, for a few days, so things I wrote, probably reflected what I was feeling then
KC I'm pretty much over a lot of stuff, and have moved on from others. Getting sick AGAIN, is just proving to me that I need to start looking out for numero uno more often.
AR Yeah, I know the feeling
AR 2:32pm Well, we should get together. Let me know what your your up to when you are free
KC Will do. You working this weekend>
AR No. My friends are coming up for my birthday. They should be here soon hopefully
KC Yeah, I remember you saying your brother was going to be here. Nice
AR Yeah, he wont be here till wednesday
KC Well let me know, as long as i'm feeling better, I'm free all weekend
AR 2:33pm I am tied all weekend but free aftre work next week
KC I guess its next week then. I'll check my schedule
KC 2:34pm I start my vacation Thursday, so I'll be free for 12 of my 15 day vacation

Unallocated clusters p2655

KC (1.03pm) ah, fun stuff. Sorry I ended up coming home, shortly after we talked, and passed out early
AR I went downtown and got sh#thoused so if you got anything nastysorry
KC seriously, spending the day with caylee is 10 times more exausting than working a 12-hour event.
KC Haha. Thankfully I didnt
AR Its just a trend I wish you would break
KC Just the normal sell-out comments
AR break the trend
KC Hey, you know I have my priority

~ End of IM's ~
MY GOD where does this all come from ! Its scary how much is out for public knowledge
BUT having said that i have a very FIRM Opinion Even more so than ever ...


AR (10:06pm) youre disappearing again.
KC (10:06pm) yep not here
nyitaliano signed off at 10:33pm
nyitaliano signed on at10:59pm
AR (11:16pm) hey
nyitaliano signed off at 11:17pm


nyitaliano signed on at 9:06am
nyitaliano signed off at 9:35am

AR (3:39pm) hey
KC (4:01pm) hey
AR (4:32pm) you around?
KC (4:32pm) yep not here
nyitaliano signed off at 4:53pm
nyitaliano signed on at 7:54pm
AR (7:55pm) so youre gonne again.
KC (7:55pm) yep, not here
AR (7:55pm) I figured you werent there
nyitaliano went away at 8:08pm
AR (8:32pm) come on babe, where did you go?
Nyitaliano returned at 9:08pm
nyitaliano signed off at 9:51pm
Nyitaliano signed on at 10:03pm

The yep not here part by KC at various times is that her writing yet not here
Because when I have been on IM and been p'oed at someone I would write NO not here if they kept on buzzing me.

Casey Calls Caylee By her name most of the time except once when she called her little snot head....which I think was to appease AR

AR keeps calling Caylee Offspring

AR keeps calling everyone names calls the nanny "" etc

Casey spoke of the Nanny all the way through this...She also appeared to put Caylee first, I had to get Caylee More Lunch, I had to see to Caylee

AR just keeps on getting more and more pi$$ed off that he's not getting *any* his 3 week drought...

And the whole you better come see me..........
I'm turning 42 soon , Ive done all this heard all this - not the situation - but the whole Guy speak laying it on ... He wanted to have sex with Casey pure and simple and get down with her and get his rocks off. Thats abundantly obvious. And he didn't really care about her because it was all about HER coming to HIS PLACE Without the Kid.
Why couldn't he go to Caseys house ?

If he *liked* *loved* her so much he would have been more than happy just to SEE HER..

I have a awful feeling about this... I think he is part of this.........
AR 7:26pm Yeah, and unfortunately I cant do it much longer, not gone yet, but not m,uch left babe.
KC 7:27pm Like I said, it sucks that youre putting a timelimit on things.
KC 7:35pm Its like we're in along distance relationship, as much as it sucks, its feasible
AR I cant babe, we live in the same ****ing city and I see my parents more
KC 7:37pm Thats obviously an exageration
AR Kinda, but not really
KC You know what your getting into with me, and i'm sorry, caylee has to come first, my job, a close second. I can only take so much time from that for everything else.
AR I understand that but understand my point. I cant see someone every 3+ weeks and say we're dating
KC 7:39pm Its not going to be once every three weeks
AR It has been
KC My schedule is changing at the end of this week. I'll have a more flexible schedule. If I can get my L1, I canm start training in a month, make my own schedule, and its cake from there.

I don't like this bloke one bit ........

Has he been interviewed ?

Are there any docs of the interviews on line ??

Thanks for showing these butwhatif.....

It shows a whole different side....a side that I believed to be there from the start.
Ugh I did a whole post and lost it - ADSL dropped out

My question/s are

When was he fired ? what month ? what date ?

Who takes the calls for tips/info about Caylee - like what department was taking it ?

There is nothing sinister or 'want to get rid of Caylee' in those IM's from Casey
But there is a lot from him

I have one answer

Hire Date: February 19, 2008
Termination Date: August 22, 2008

AR was terminated 22cnd August -

So next question who takes the calls ?

Who took the call for the 13th 14th 15th August about the Bag from the Meter Man ??
KC (4:37pm) If it makes you feel any better, listen to my cheesy *advertiser censored* song on myspace.
AR (4:38pm) Whos that for? Jesse?
KC Ha. Alright then. Kiss my *advertiser censored*.
AR Bold statement
AR (4:39pm) Now do something about it
KC Yeah so was yours
AR (4:40pm) Do something about it
KC I'm not the one sending him text messages telling him that i'm not trying to date you.
AR Well, when I dont see you in 3 wks
KC Rightttt thats what it is
AR Then what is it?
KC (4:41pm) I dont know, you tell me
AR I dont know. You never show.
KC I think your still afraid to admit to him that you like me
[P602 cont....]
AR (4:42pm) Not at all.If I remember what you looked like
KC No, seriously, without the pokes at me not being able to come over all the time, why did you go out of your way to text him that?
AR Cause he was annoying me
KC (4:43pm) What was he saying? He obviously forgot to mention this part, doesnt suprise me
AR Lets not do this. Just drop it its over.
KC Whatever

Was AR jealous of Jesse ?

This is AR's statement


He tells that to the Detective in the statement on Aug18th

Well as you can all ready he certainly talks about the nanny calls her a Bit&h etc

Thats on page 15 of 52

There are a LOT of discrepancies between that IM statement convo above and his statement to the police

And whats that whole couple of pages directed at him "so you were afraid" "so you were afraid"

Give me a break.

Does anyone else see this ? or am I totally nuts here ?
That's the first time I've read them all. Wow!

The most chilling IM is to Iassen (he is Exit 13 right?) where she says she hasn't been sleeping well lately.

GEE, wonder why????

Freaks me out to see her basically living with her new boyfriend and claiming she loves him to Iassen but then trying to meet up with him on the side, too. Like she always has to have one waiting in the wings for a back up plan (we know she loves her back up plans!).

I've always felt one of her major reasons for killing Caylee was to BE with TonE but he couldn't have meant that much to her if she was IMing with Iassen about their mutual feelings, too.
Thanks for taking the time to put this together, Whatif. I'd read them in pdf amongst other material, but, this really brings it into focus.

Now I'm seeing in context for the first time the very text that should ABSOLUTELY sink the ZFG-kidnapped Caylee alibi...(as if it really needed more help sinking).


ID So what do you do when you work? with the kid that is
KC: I have a nanny. i love her
ID Nice. how much do they charge?
KC: We've been friends for over 6 years. definitely someone i trust., as a juror go waaaaaaaaaay out on a limb and say you buy the whole ZFG-kidnapping story (I know, I know) while out there on that limb you tell yourself Casey was secretly searching for Caylee & ZFG but worried about telling anyone for fear of Caylee being harmed, etc. So...still out there on that convinced yourself Casey's not telling anyone what's gone terribly you read the text highlighted above that Casey wrote on 7/13...after Caylee had been allegedly kidnapped by ZFG for weeks...ask yourself why Casey would GUSH about ZFG vs. just answering the question.
Thanks for taking the time to put this together, Whatif. I'd read them in pdf amongst other material, but, this really brings it into focus.

Now I'm seeing in context for the first time the very text that should ABSOLUTELY sink the ZFG-kidnapped Caylee alibi...(as if it really needed more help sinking).


ID So what do you do when you work? with the kid that is
KC: I have a nanny. i love her
ID Nice. how much do they charge?
KC: We've been friends for over 6 years. definitely someone i trust., as a juror go waaaaaaaaaay out on a limb and say you buy the whole ZFG-kidnapping story (I know, I know) while out there on that limb you tell yourself Casey was secretly searching for Caylee & ZFG but worried about telling anyone for fear of Caylee being harmed, etc. So...still out there on that convinced yourself Casey's not telling anyone what's gone terribly you read the text highlighted above that Casey wrote on 7/13...after Caylee had been allegedly kidnapped by ZFG for weeks...ask yourself why Casey would GUSH about ZFG vs. just answering the question.

Jane - I'm dying to know why AR was fired. Hinky meter majorly going off about this guy.

I think because he had lied about dating Casey....I'm sure there's more.

Do you happen to know where ButWhatIf got the IM'S from.?...I have not seen those before & thought I had read most of the docs.

TIA :)
I think because he had lied about dating Casey....I'm sure there's more.

Do you happen to know where ButWhatIf got the IM'S from.?...I have not seen those before & thought I had read most of the docs.

TIA :)

Tony R (a.k.a. AR) lied about his prior relationship w/ Casey when asked about it by his superiors. The IM's were released amongst the other mat'l.

This is AR's statement


He tells that to the Detective in the statement on Aug18th

Well as you can all ready he certainly talks about the nanny calls her a Bit&h etc

Thats on page 15 of 52

There are a LOT of discrepancies between that IM statement convo above and his statement to the police

And whats that whole couple of pages directed at him "so you were afraid" "so you were afraid"

Give me a break.

Does anyone else see this ? or am I totally nuts here ?

I read these messages a while back and AR absolutely disgusts me !!
That's the first time I've read them all. Wow!

The most chilling IM is to Iassen (he is Exit 13 right?) where she says she hasn't been sleeping well lately.

GEE, wonder why????

Freaks me out to see her basically living with her new boyfriend and claiming she loves him to Iassen but then trying to meet up with him on the side, too. Like she always has to have one waiting in the wings for a back up plan (we know she loves her back up plans!).

I've always felt one of her major reasons for killing Caylee was to BE with TonE but he couldn't have meant that much to her if she was IMing with Iassen about their mutual feelings, too.
She was also stringing Will along over the 4th of July.She also told him he was the sweetest guy.And they all knew about TonE.KC liked to have a few on the line just in case.
Those are enlightening. Thanks, But for putting them together and up here! And Thanks, JBean...for pointing them out! ;)
Thanks for taking the time to put this together, Whatif. I'd read them in pdf amongst other material, but, this really brings it into focus.

Now I'm seeing in context for the first time the very text that should ABSOLUTELY sink the ZFG-kidnapped Caylee alibi...(as if it really needed more help sinking).


ID So what do you do when you work? with the kid that is
KC: I have a nanny. i love her
ID Nice. how much do they charge?
KC: We've been friends for over 6 years. definitely someone i trust., as a juror go waaaaaaaaaay out on a limb and say you buy the whole ZFG-kidnapping story (I know, I know) while out there on that limb you tell yourself Casey was secretly searching for Caylee & ZFG but worried about telling anyone for fear of Caylee being harmed, etc. So...still out there on that convinced yourself Casey's not telling anyone what's gone terribly you read the text highlighted above that Casey wrote on 7/13...after Caylee had been allegedly kidnapped by ZFG for weeks...ask yourself why Casey would GUSH about ZFG vs. just answering the question.

Excellent point, BJB.
Thanks for taking the time to put this together, Whatif. I'd read them in pdf amongst other material, but, this really brings it into focus.

Now I'm seeing in context for the first time the very text that should ABSOLUTELY sink the ZFG-kidnapped Caylee alibi...(as if it really needed more help sinking).


ID So what do you do when you work? with the kid that is
KC: I have a nanny. i love her
ID Nice. how much do they charge?
KC: We've been friends for over 6 years. definitely someone i trust., as a juror go waaaaaaaaaay out on a limb and say you buy the whole ZFG-kidnapping story (I know, I know) while out there on that limb you tell yourself Casey was secretly searching for Caylee & ZFG but worried about telling anyone for fear of Caylee being harmed, etc. So...still out there on that convinced yourself Casey's not telling anyone what's gone terribly you read the text highlighted above that Casey wrote on 7/13...after Caylee had been allegedly kidnapped by ZFG for weeks...ask yourself why Casey would GUSH about ZFG vs. just answering the question.

Those two lines jumped out of the page at me. I had read these before and had not thought about it, or it did not stand out. Thanks to the way butwhatif typed it up that totally stood out! If there was even anyone who wanted to give her the smallest benefit of the doubt those two sentences speak volumes!

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