Casey's IM's with Iassen & Tony R (in entirety)

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Because they both know who she's really talking about? I'm not sure.
She doesn't answer his questions, it's like they're playing around.

Thanks for this text mssg, I actually never saw this one. :)

KC may be playing around, but reading through the whole thing Iassan seems like a normal guy trying to have a conversation with a friend who can, on occasion, be annoying.
After reading all the transcripts, I think we can safely put to rest KC being mentally ill. Her conversations were clear in thought, she is definately in touch with reality, knowing person, place, time ect... Leaning towards pre-meditated. When I read those interviews with LE it gave me an uncomfortable feeling knowing KC was having liasons with policemen combined with her stated fear of talking with LE after arrest, & her parents argumentative lack of respect for LE, I thoght this was going to be a case involving less than stellar police officers, (nice word for crooked). Is anyone else having a slimy creepy feeling after reading all this? Lets see, Creepy cops, Nightclub scene, check forgery, acting like the so appropriate concerned mother wanting a sitter, so on, so on. so on. I can't help but believe KC has another set of aquaintances that helped her learn some of societies underbelly ways. What happens with staetments made by snitches to LE. Are they released in florida?

You're definitely not the only one with the creepy feeling re above.
(But personally, from reading and hearing all the interviews and statements, I also don't feel mental illness or some cognitive problem can be ruled out.)
You're definitely not the only one with the creepy feeling re above.
(But personally, from reading and hearing all the interviews and statements, I also don't feel mental illness or some cognitive problem can be ruled out.)

I think it runs in the family, and it runs deep.
KC may be playing around, but reading through the whole thing Iassan seems like a normal guy trying to have a conversation with a friend who can, on occasion, be annoying.

Could be, you never know. (I was troubled by things he said when chatting here on WS. MOO. You know some of his comments about using chloroform on military detainees, etc, and the plans for moving out of the country soon. etc)
Why would ID want to know how much she paid for her childcare, why would she go on about loving the nanny? Why would he not have heard it all before anyway, they hung out a lot.
It gives me the feeling they're talking about someone they both know.
But it could be totally straightforward and normal like you say, maybe he really wanted to know how much her childcare cost.
Could be, you never know. I was troubled by things he said when chatting here on WS. MOO.
Why would ID want to know how much she paid for her childcare, why would she go on about loving the nanny? Why would he not have heard it all before anyway, they hung out a lot.
It gives me the feeling they're talking about someone they both know.
But it could be totally straightforward and normal like you say, maybe he really wanted to know how much her childcare costs.

Or he has no clue as to what the expenses are and he's curious. Just making conversation. Maybe wondering how she can afford it????

I have two sons, one a year older and the other a year younger than ID. They ask me all the time how much I spend on this and that. Sometimes I tell them, sometimes I say "none of your business."

I used to be surprised they would ask such a thing, but now I see no harm in their asking. :rolleyes:
I know, I was always surprised how the media used the AR-KC text mssgs to vilify KC (many have actually suggested that the "snothead" term means she hated Caylee enough to murder her, not that, like a typical 2 to 3 year old, Caylee probably had a runny nose-- I always thought the term sounded more like an AR term rather than a KC one, everyone says she usually called Caylee "Munchkin", not "snothead". He's the one with the demeaning names for everyone, at least in the text I've seen.) And the demands for her to come to his house ( like you say, if he wanted to see her he could go to her house, it never made sense, the waiting and waiting for hours for her to be free to come to his house, expressing his dislike for Caylee being along, etc. I agree that I think she was trying to put him off, hour after hour of these weird stories of the nanny having to go let the dogs out and so on, the progress of where she is on the road, etc, until 9 at night or whatever!
I would just find it weird on 7/13 that ID would not have heard all about it before, the nanny, the cost, since they hung out so much and had been for so long.
Not only is this an excellent point, I think it also underscores how deliberately KC was trying to lay the groundwork for her "I did nothing wrong besides hand my daughter to a responsible person whom I totally trusted, etc etc," defense. Iassen was asking a simple question .

or else he was helping her lay the groundwork, put the script out there.

Or, like you guys say maybe he was just having a normal conversation and thought she was innocently fibbing and was trying to pin her down for once, or-- then again, it just hit me, maybe he was actually starting to worry that something might not be right.
My WTH? moments in the Iassen messages.....

These are snipped but still in order. (My comments in Blue)

KC (11.26AM) Sitting around. tired
ID Late night?
KC Eh, not really. just havent been sleepingwell Nightmares, or planning alibi, who she's gonna pin it on etc
ID: Oh
KC: Cant wait to get into my own place She said this to a few people. think she was hoping they'd offer her a place to stay
ID: You should exercise more. when is that happening? It was around this time that chris thought he saw her jogging
KC: This is true. i need to. probably within the week
ID: Oh true, you and tony?
KC No sir. just me and the kid Why does she always call her 'kid'?
ID Where?
KC (11.27AM) Possibly in winter park villas She had this phone number stored in her phone. Do we know if she did actually go there?

ID Wheres that?
KC I've looked at alot of places . its off semoran, just before university. i'm also looking at places near where my parents live. just depends
ID: Is it an apt?
KC: We've been friends for over 6 years. definitely someone i trust. 6 yrs now? We've heard 4, and 2yrs also
KC (11:30AM ) It just depends. i pay her a lot more than most nanys make. its worth it though. This is the 3rd or 4th person that she has evaded with this question, never giving a concrete answer

ID: Wheres the other guy. the spanish guy?
KC (11.41AM) Ricardo and i arent really even friends anymore
ID Sucks doesnt it....
KC We stopped dating in march, right around my birthday. yeah, seriously. Doesnt mention that she's still been sleeping with him
ID Still have feelings for him?
KC Ha definitely not . the other way around actually On 7th july amy sent kc a text:- hey , is there any way to get rics money by tom?They were not talking at this point. He had had enough and was going through Amy.
ID: Oh. how did you get over him so quickly?
KC: (11.42AM ) I didnt have the same feelings, he said i led him on. i never really ever saw him as more than a friend. it sucks, but i was honest Proof that this is a lie..
9th May 9:47am- I stayed with ric last night. Some of the best sex we have ever had. And again thismorning. Either I'm really weak or I'm falling for this kid. Neither is good

ID: ( 11.43AM) I thought you were the one who wanted a relationship Busted!!!lol
KC: I did for a little bit, but he wanted to wait.
ID And it bit him i the *advertiser censored*. are you happy now?
KC (11.44AM) I am very happy now Happy?? Nearly a month after her daughter is 'taken by the nanny' and she very happy? WTH?
KC This is the first time i've felt this way in along time....yeah. it is, seriously.
ID You like this kid a lot?
KC (11.45AM ) I care about him an extreme amt...lets just leave it at that. haha What? Like I'd kill for him?
ID Uhhhh, dont say love haha
KC I'm avoiding saying it, but i do. haha
ID (11.46AM) Wow. but you've known him for a lot longer than 7 wks, right?
KC Well, i'm selective on who i tell, just because we havent been together that long .BS-she told everyone!
KC Yeah. we've been friends for almost a year They met in may- pretty short year.Is that like dog years?
ID I understand
KC You know how it is. you cant choose who you love, and time doesnt make you love someone She knows it wasnt a year
KC Yeah, absolutely. sucks that i'm 22, and i want to settle down BS alert she wanted to party- not settle down. Her mom was telling her she needed to settle down.
ID (11.49AM ) Thats not so bad
KC But one, i'm in a r/ship with someone who is a yr younger than me, isnt sure what he wants, and most likely wont be living here this time next year. so much uncertainty
ID Oh . i made the same mistake too. i wanted something from somebody who wasnt prepared to give it to me. took me a while to realize it.
KC 11.50AM Yeah thats my biggest fear right nowTranslation- I killed my daughter to be with him, and now i dont know if he wants me
KC I went through that phase, all i did was randomly make out with guys , and had a hook up, for almost 2 yrs on and off She was still doing it
KC But i see the other side. i'd rather take the chance, than miss out on the potential for greatness Takes risks for love- that have major consequences
ID 1(1.55AM) Not to make this akward but you liked me alomg time ago, right?
ID (11.56AM) Lol i guess it did get akward, since theres a moment of silence
KC Hahaha. thats hilarious. at least tone didnt have my im box up when you said that. i did actually She was playing all these guys and was either trying to get their testosterone going, so she could see a battle royale of her boys, or she was plain stupid)

KC I dont know, thats a good question.hahha. i guess because of brandon
KC (11.58AM) After him and i dated, i just wanst sure how you would react, or hIm, or anyone for that matter Major BS since she's trying to hook up with Iassen now, and always hooked up with guys in her circle

ID (2.43PM) Not working tonight:/ night class til like 10
KC Boo that sucks. i went and worked out in the fitness centre at tones apt thismorning. i feel like an animal. haha
ID Lol so you wanted to go again?
KC (2.43PM ) How are ya love?
ID Ehhhh
KC I just wanted an excuse to see you, duhDoes this mean she went to iassens gym that day, or the day before? feels like an animal? did they 'hook up'? or did she just try to seduce him?
ID I bet ;-)
ID (3.05pm) How did you get over me? Was it Mr Ricardo Morales montoya gonzalez? Ricardo + Gonzalez? WTH? The very next day is when the 911 calls were made. Is this why we see her using the name gonzalez, and saying rics apt was zannys apt etc? She wants to pin it on him, because he caught her out in her lies and was done with her?
KC(3.06pm) Haha. It helped . I've had a constant crush on ya for a long time
ID I'm sure you wouldnt want anything with me right now, i'm in the worst state of mind to commot to somebody
KC Sh#t, even outside of a relationship, I'm probably not in the best spot either.haha
ID (3:10pm ) Why?
KC( 3.11pm) I'm pretty hung up on tony, and realistically, if he moves back to new york next year, my relationship will to know that inevitably, unless I were to drop everything, I'm going to lose someone close to me.What is there to drop? no daughter, no job, etc
ID Then why dig a deeper hole? I couldnt do that to myself
KC (3.12pm) Thats why I'm torn right now.
ID If he's worth it, he would stay.
KC If he gets offered the jobs he's supposed to, I couldnt keep him here Was that what she was doing, trying to stage a kidnapping, so he would support her through it, and not leave for NY? Maybe it all went terribly wrong
KC Not when he's worked so hard to get where he's going
ID If you love him, you wouldnt move up?
KC (3.13pm) A lot can happen in the next year. He'll be graduating from full sail this time next year And you'll be in jail KC
ID Whats his job?
KC After such a short time of dating, I feel stronger for him, than I have ever felt for anyone else. He's doing music business at full sail. He's already been offerred a couple of jobs back in new york.Felt stronger for him than even her daughter?
ID Wow. Imagine a year from now then
KC (3.14pm) Exactly. I dont want to set myself up for heartbreak. But at the same time, I dont want to throw something away that could be so great
ID I dont know, if you know its a dead end.... Havent talked to him about it with him?
KC (3.15pm) Its not a guaranteed dead end, but the likelyhood of us staying together, just seems so dim..We talk about it all the time. He even told me, he would ask me to leave with him, in a heartbeat.Wonder what tonE says about this?
KC (3.16pm) As nice as it is to hear, I have no desire to live up north. Love to visit new york, but that just doesnt seem my style . Note that in AR's interview(i think) He says she was planning to move up north with her boyfriend Jeff- he thought it might have been J'ville since thats where Jeff is, but maybe she meant moving up north with Tone?
ID I understand
KC ( 3:16pm) I never thought I would even consider moving for someone, unless it was someone I was already married to, or in the process of marrying, you know? Thats a big commitment. Its a huge deal Was she hoping that TonE was reading her IM's at that very moment? And he'd propose to her? Rememeber the casey lazarro scribbles in docs?
ID Yeah, it is
KC (3.17pm) I'm glad that I have all this time to think it over, if it comes down to it, but there is always that lingering thought that it may not work out because of that.This is huge, massive imo.Why wouldnt a mother say,'I
couldnt move to NY becuase it would effect Caylee too much, and she's so close to CA and GA, i couldnt do that to her. Fl is a much better placefor her to grow up.' TO me this PROVES she knew there was no caylee in the equation anymore

KC( 3.18pm) Its sad, but him and I both agreed that it is the inevitable road block ahead.
ID That must suck
KC Absolutely. Its hard. I feel like i'm setting myself up for failure (
KC (3.19pm) I feel like i'm working towards something great. And i'm all sorts of confused. haha Working toward something great, but just said she's setting herself up for failure-which is it? I think at this point she knew tonE didnt want anything longterm
KC (3:22pm ) Exactly. I could deal with the heartbreak. I couldnt deal with regret. Love is too complicated.
ID Why bother?
KC (3.23pm) Because i'd rather have my heart broken a thousand times, than to never know what its like to love someone Didnt she know the most pure and beautiful love already- with her child?
ID (3.25pm ) I dont know about that
KC (3.26pm) You dont think so? Inevitably it has to work Translation: It better work out between me and TonE, because i've killed my child for him. What a waste...Huge waste, if he doesnt want me after the sacrifices i made for him.
ID (3.57pm) Oh sorry about that. I was doing HW. Haha. Inevitably??? Thats too many risks.
KC NO worries . Whats life without taking risks? Its necessary
ID (3.58pm) Yeah, but. Risks are important
KC Very much so
ID I'm taking a huge risk going to Iraq to get my fainances set, and my future started . But love....UNECESSARY haha
ID ( 3.59pm) I'm a big pessimist. And i'm a huge cynic
KC Haha, it shows! ;-)
ID But thats reality
KC That it is. I mean, I agree with you, believe me.
KC (4.00pm) However if youre going to take a risk on something, of all things, why not let it be love? It is by far the most damaging and rewarding thing in the entire world She took a risk, and the damge was Caylee dying.Seems like no biggie to her, as long as the love thing works out.
ID Because its the one risk that hurts the most
KC It is
ID People may not die from a broken heart, but they wish they did.
KC Absolutely
ID The person that can make you the happiest in this world, is the same person who can make you the most miserable
KC (4.01pm) Its a powerful thing, to hold someone elses heart in your hand OMG!! My heart stopped for a second when i read this. Shows she loved to hold her mens' hearts in her hand and control and manipulate them, always leaving them wanting more. But also that she was the 'power' that caused caylees heart to stop beating.:mad:

ID(4.12pm)BTW Did you know lejla and brandon are f##king engaged??
KC What?!!??!!??
ID No lie
KC When did this happen? In key west?
ID Two weeks ago
KC Whoa
KC (4.13pm) So her ring was real?
ID Hell yeah. I almost stole it :/. One of my favourite songs from the albumn “criminal” btw
KC Jesus. Thats crazy. Good for them!. Great song
KC (4.21pm) You still have me in shock about Brandon.haha Remember her 'very very emotional' run in with brandon was in May, where she claims she miscarried their baby, and yet she fakes being happy for them, but is still in shock. This girl is the queen of contradictions
ID Oh, lol
KC No, i'm really happy for them both
ID (4.22pm) I am too, but I think they need to be careful. Lejla was out looking for a husband before going out with Brandon. And brandon wanted to marry her since highschool
KC Yeah, I remember that
ID I dont know
KC (4.23pm) Wasnt she just engaged?
ID Yeah, last year
KC Eh, whatever works. Haha
ID( 4.24pm) I guess
KC (4.26pm) I wish life and love wasnt so uncertain. Note that she is saying this after finding out brandon is engaged, yet she is supposedly madly in love with TonE, and is stringing Iassen along at the same time...oh, and will, and.....well you get the idea
ID I'll take anything life gives me. But love....ugh
KC Haha. Seriously.

So these are my WTH moments, minus the point that BJB already made, which is another HUGE factor.:clap:
But I believe when its brought up at trial, she will just say that she was following the script.That if she had said anything negative about the nanny then the bad guys would know, and come after the rest of her family...... Just as believable as everything else she has claimed, imo.
Personally I can't fault her for going out with whoever she wanted to, none of the guys were committed to her or anything, they were all just groups of friends really. I don't see anything psychopathic in her dating habits, like they're always making it out to be in the media. TL, for example, was telling her he might not come back from NY. She was cooking, cleaning, and working at Fusian for him, but sounds like he was interested in playing video games and hanging out with his friends. Sounds like typical 22 year old girls and guys to me. In most ways.
Sounds here like she was probably hoping Iassen would express an interest in her so she could skip TL , but he just keeps saying he's not interested in a relationship at this point in his life. Anyway, they sound like two nice young people in this mssg. I'm surprised he made the comments he did about her in that one post here later, generally he had nothing but praise for her here but there was one post later where he said it's a shame she can't be interrogated Guantanamo or Iraq style.
My WTH? moments in the Iassen messages.....

These are snipped but still in order. (My comments in Blue)

KC (11.26AM) Sitting around. tired
ID Late night?
KC Eh, not really. just havent been sleepingwell Nightmares, or planning alibi, who she's gonna pin it on etc
ID: Oh
KC: Cant wait to get into my own place She said this to a few people. think she was hoping they'd offer her a place to stay
ID: You should exercise more. when is that happening? It was around this time that chris thought he saw her jogging
KC: This is true. i need to. probably within the week
ID: Oh true, you and tony?
KC No sir. just me and the kid Why does she always call her 'kid'?
ID Where?
KC (11.27AM) Possibly in winter park villas She had this phone number stored in her phone. Do we know if she did actually go there?

ID Wheres that?
KC I've looked at alot of places . its off semoran, just before university. i'm also looking at places near where my parents live. just depends
ID: Is it an apt?
KC: We've been friends for over 6 years. definitely someone i trust. 6 yrs now? We've heard 4, and 2yrs also
KC (11:30AM ) It just depends. i pay her a lot more than most nanys make. its worth it though. This is the 3rd or 4th person that she has evaded with this question, never giving a concrete answer

ID: Wheres the other guy. the spanish guy?
KC (11.41AM) Ricardo and i arent really even friends anymore
ID Sucks doesnt it....
KC We stopped dating in march, right around my birthday. yeah, seriously. Doesnt mention that she's still been sleeping with him
ID Still have feelings for him?
KC Ha definitely not . the other way around actually On 7th july amy sent kc a text:- hey , is there any way to get rics money by tom?They were not talking at this point. He had had enough and was going through Amy.
ID: Oh. how did you get over him so quickly?
KC: (11.42AM ) I didnt have the same feelings, he said i led him on. i never really ever saw him as more than a friend. it sucks, but i was honest Proof that this is a lie..
9th May 9:47am- I stayed with ric last night. Some of the best sex we have ever had. And again thismorning. Either I'm really weak or I'm falling for this kid. Neither is good

ID: ( 11.43AM) I thought you were the one who wanted a relationship Busted!!!lol
KC: I did for a little bit, but he wanted to wait.
ID And it bit him i the *advertiser censored*. are you happy now?
KC (11.44AM) I am very happy now Happy?? Nearly a month after her daughter is 'taken by the nanny' and she very happy? WTH?
KC This is the first time i've felt this way in along time....yeah. it is, seriously.
ID You like this kid a lot?
KC (11.45AM ) I care about him an extreme amt...lets just leave it at that. haha What? Like I'd kill for him?
ID Uhhhh, dont say love haha
KC I'm avoiding saying it, but i do. haha
ID (11.46AM) Wow. but you've known him for a lot longer than 7 wks, right?
KC Well, i'm selective on who i tell, just because we havent been together that long .BS-she told everyone!
KC Yeah. we've been friends for almost a year They met in may- pretty short year.Is that like dog years?
ID I understand
KC You know how it is. you cant choose who you love, and time doesnt make you love someone She knows it wasnt a year
KC Yeah, absolutely. sucks that i'm 22, and i want to settle down BS alert she wanted to party- not settle down. Her mom was telling her she needed to settle down.
ID (11.49AM ) Thats not so bad
KC But one, i'm in a r/ship with someone who is a yr younger than me, isnt sure what he wants, and most likely wont be living here this time next year. so much uncertainty
ID Oh . i made the same mistake too. i wanted something from somebody who wasnt prepared to give it to me. took me a while to realize it.
KC 11.50AM Yeah thats my biggest fear right nowTranslation- I killed my daughter to be with him, and now i dont know if he wants me
KC I went through that phase, all i did was randomly make out with guys , and had a hook up, for almost 2 yrs on and off She was still doing it
KC But i see the other side. i'd rather take the chance, than miss out on the potential for greatness Takes risks for love- that have major consequences
ID 1(1.55AM) Not to make this akward but you liked me alomg time ago, right?
ID (11.56AM) Lol i guess it did get akward, since theres a moment of silence
KC Hahaha. thats hilarious. at least tone didnt have my im box up when you said that. i did actually She was playing all these guys and was either trying to get their testosterone going, so she could see a battle royale of her boys, or she was plain stupid)

KC I dont know, thats a good question.hahha. i guess because of brandon
KC (11.58AM) After him and i dated, i just wanst sure how you would react, or hIm, or anyone for that matter Major BS since she's trying to hook up with Iassen now, and always hooked up with guys in her circle

ID (2.43PM) Not working tonight:/ night class til like 10
KC Boo that sucks. i went and worked out in the fitness centre at tones apt thismorning. i feel like an animal. haha
ID Lol so you wanted to go again?
KC (2.43PM ) How are ya love?
ID Ehhhh
KC I just wanted an excuse to see you, duhDoes this mean she went to iassens gym that day, or the day before? feels like an animal? did they 'hook up'? or did she just try to seduce him?
ID I bet ;-)
ID (3.05pm) How did you get over me? Was it Mr Ricardo Morales montoya gonzalez? Ricardo + Gonzalez? WTH? The very next day is when the 911 calls were made. Is this why we see her using the name gonzalez, and saying rics apt was zannys apt etc? She wants to pin it on him, because he caught her out in her lies and was done with her?
KC(3.06pm) Haha. It helped . I've had a constant crush on ya for a long time
ID I'm sure you wouldnt want anything with me right now, i'm in the worst state of mind to commot to somebody
KC Sh#t, even outside of a relationship, I'm probably not in the best spot either.haha
ID (3:10pm ) Why?
KC( 3.11pm) I'm pretty hung up on tony, and realistically, if he moves back to new york next year, my relationship will to know that inevitably, unless I were to drop everything, I'm going to lose someone close to me.What is there to drop? no daughter, no job, etc
ID Then why dig a deeper hole? I couldnt do that to myself
KC (3.12pm) Thats why I'm torn right now.
ID If he's worth it, he would stay.
KC If he gets offered the jobs he's supposed to, I couldnt keep him here Was that what she was doing, trying to stage a kidnapping, so he would support her through it, and not leave for NY? Maybe it all went terribly wrong
KC Not when he's worked so hard to get where he's going
ID If you love him, you wouldnt move up?
KC (3.13pm) A lot can happen in the next year. He'll be graduating from full sail this time next year And you'll be in jail KC
ID Whats his job?
KC After such a short time of dating, I feel stronger for him, than I have ever felt for anyone else. He's doing music business at full sail. He's already been offerred a couple of jobs back in new york.Felt stronger for him than even her daughter?
ID Wow. Imagine a year from now then
KC (3.14pm) Exactly. I dont want to set myself up for heartbreak. But at the same time, I dont want to throw something away that could be so great
ID I dont know, if you know its a dead end.... Havent talked to him about it with him?
KC (3.15pm) Its not a guaranteed dead end, but the likelyhood of us staying together, just seems so dim..We talk about it all the time. He even told me, he would ask me to leave with him, in a heartbeat.Wonder what tonE says about this?
KC (3.16pm) As nice as it is to hear, I have no desire to live up north. Love to visit new york, but that just doesnt seem my style . Note that in AR's interview(i think) He says she was planning to move up north with her boyfriend Jeff- he thought it might have been J'ville since thats where Jeff is, but maybe she meant moving up north with Tone?
ID I understand
KC ( 3:16pm) I never thought I would even consider moving for someone, unless it was someone I was already married to, or in the process of marrying, you know? Thats a big commitment. Its a huge deal Was she hoping that TonE was reading her IM's at that very moment? And he'd propose to her? Rememeber the casey lazarro scribbles in docs?
ID Yeah, it is
KC (3.17pm) I'm glad that I have all this time to think it over, if it comes down to it, but there is always that lingering thought that it may not work out because of that.This is huge, massive imo.Why wouldnt a mother say,'I
couldnt move to NY becuase it would effect Caylee too much, and she's so close to CA and GA, i couldnt do that to her. Fl is a much better placefor her to grow up.' TO me this PROVES she knew there was no caylee in the equation anymore

KC( 3.18pm) Its sad, but him and I both agreed that it is the inevitable road block ahead.
ID That must suck
KC Absolutely. Its hard. I feel like i'm setting myself up for failure (
KC (3.19pm) I feel like i'm working towards something great. And i'm all sorts of confused. haha Working toward something great, but just said she's setting herself up for failure-which is it? I think at this point she knew tonE didnt want anything longterm
KC (3:22pm ) Exactly. I could deal with the heartbreak. I couldnt deal with regret. Love is too complicated.
ID Why bother?
KC (3.23pm) Because i'd rather have my heart broken a thousand times, than to never know what its like to love someone Didnt she know the most pure and beautiful love already- with her child?
ID (3.25pm ) I dont know about that
KC (3.26pm) You dont think so? Inevitably it has to work Translation: It better work out between me and TonE, because i've killed my child for him. What a waste...Huge waste, if he doesnt want me after the sacrifices i made for him.
ID (3.57pm) Oh sorry about that. I was doing HW. Haha. Inevitably??? Thats too many risks.
KC NO worries . Whats life without taking risks? Its necessary
ID (3.58pm) Yeah, but. Risks are important
KC Very much so
ID I'm taking a huge risk going to Iraq to get my fainances set, and my future started . But love....UNECESSARY haha
ID ( 3.59pm) I'm a big pessimist. And i'm a huge cynic
KC Haha, it shows! ;-)
ID But thats reality
KC That it is. I mean, I agree with you, believe me.
KC (4.00pm) However if youre going to take a risk on something, of all things, why not let it be love? It is by far the most damaging and rewarding thing in the entire world She took a risk, and the damge was Caylee dying.Seems like no biggie to her, as long as the love thing works out.
ID Because its the one risk that hurts the most
KC It is
ID People may not die from a broken heart, but they wish they did.
KC Absolutely
ID The person that can make you the happiest in this world, is the same person who can make you the most miserable
KC (4.01pm) Its a powerful thing, to hold someone elses heart in your hand OMG!! My heart stopped for a second when i read this. Shows she loved to hold her mens' hearts in her hand and control and manipulate them, always leaving them wanting more. But also that she was the 'power' that caused caylees heart to stop beating.:mad:

ID(4.12pm)BTW Did you know lejla and brandon are f##king engaged??
KC What?!!??!!??
ID No lie
KC When did this happen? In key west?
ID Two weeks ago
KC Whoa
KC (4.13pm) So her ring was real?
ID Hell yeah. I almost stole it :/. One of my favourite songs from the albumn “criminal” btw
KC Jesus. Thats crazy. Good for them!. Great song
KC (4.21pm) You still have me in shock about Brandon.haha Remember her 'very very emotional' run in with brandon was in May, where she claims she miscarried their baby, and yet she fakes being happy for them, but is still in shock. This girl is the queen of contradictions
ID Oh, lol
KC No, i'm really happy for them both
ID (4.22pm) I am too, but I think they need to be careful. Lejla was out looking for a husband before going out with Brandon. And brandon wanted to marry her since highschool
KC Yeah, I remember that
ID I dont know
KC (4.23pm) Wasnt she just engaged?
ID Yeah, last year
KC Eh, whatever works. Haha
ID( 4.24pm) I guess
KC (4.26pm) I wish life and love wasnt so uncertain. Note that she is saying this after finding out brandon is engaged, yet she is supposedly madly in love with TonE, and is stringing Iassen along at the same time...oh, and will, and.....well you get the idea
ID I'll take anything life gives me. But love....ugh
KC Haha. Seriously.

So these are my WTH moments, minus the point that BJB already made, which is another HUGE factor.:clap:
But I believe when its brought up at trial, she will just say that she was following the script.That if she had said anything negative about the nanny then the bad guys would know, and come after the rest of her family...... Just as believable as everything else she has claimed, imo.


I may be way off, but this mentioning the "nanny" in such glowing terms for some time made me believe that she was going to disappear from her family into the sunset......(or deep into the bowels of Orlando)

I don't think she ever expected her mother to call police. She expected to say: no more interference, me & Caylee & the "nanny" don't need you.

She didn't need them anymore--no more baby=freedom for Casey from ALL!

I Remember, CA did NOT call police about Caylee was the money, the car--neither she nor anyone else asked for or about Caylee in any meaningful way! For over a month!
Everyone just believed this path-liar over & over. Her parents, for years!

But her "plan" went awry when she under-estimated her mother.
Thus, the "beloved nanny" had to become the "dastardly kidnapper".........JMO!
or else he was helping her lay the groundwork, put the script out there.

Or, like you guys say maybe he was just having a normal conversation and thought she was innocently fibbing and was trying to pin her down for once, or-- then again, it just hit me, maybe he was actually starting to worry that something might not be right.

yes, it's a big conspiracy and all of kc's friends are in on it. Not only is she mother of the year, but friend of the year as well! How to sit in jail on murder charges whilst the accomplices run free! the script, seriously?? Lemme ask you this, is there any sort of evidence to back up your suspicions of her friends? The finger pointing in every direction except kc's seems to be quite unfounded, well with Caylee's decomp in HER car and all. Just sayin.....suspicion not based on facts seems like a waste of time.
Hi Everyone,I have been following this site since this case first started and finally got brave enough to become a member.. So please be gentile with me. Does anyone know about the meeting KC had with AR that's mentioned towards the end of thier text messages. I would love to know what that meeting was about.
yes, it's a big conspiracy and all of kc's friends are in on it. Not only is she mother of the year, but friend of the year as well! How to sit in jail on murder charges whilst the accomplices run free! the script, seriously?? Lemme ask you this, is there any sort of evidence to back up your suspicions of her friends? The finger pointing in every direction except kc's seems to be quite unfounded, well with Caylee's decomp in HER car and all. Just sayin.....suspicion not based on facts seems like a waste of time.

I've never said I thought there was any conspiracy or that all of kc's friends were in on something. :confused: Is that a theory of yours?
What suspicions of her friends are you talking about?
I'm talking about normal, routine investigation. Usually when a small child dies or is missing, the LE immediately investigate paramours and roommates of the mother, including forensics, in order to rule them out and to discover any possible evidence trail and where it might lead.
I've never made any accusation toward anyone in this case.
Just sayin

p.s. she had been living with a bunch of different people in these apartments, they also had friends hanging around. Anyone coming or going from the apartments, not to mention Fusian and other hangouts, the party house etc, could have gained access to her car keys, or for all I know, she may have been in the habit of not locking her car. Witnesses described to LE how Caylee would open the door at TL's apartment to them while KC was in the back of the apartment, etc. What makes you jump to the conclusion that it is KC who murdered her child? I think it could have been almost any stranger who came to the door. Obviously KC's failure to report the child missing is terribly incriminating, but it's possible she thought (or knew) Caylee was with someone she knew, or she was afraid to admit to her parents that she had lost Caylee and was hoping to find her before her parents found out. I have not ruled KC out as perpetrator, but am also not convinced. Especially since there was no history of abuse on KC's part.
Regarding "the script", I was responding to another person's post where they said maybe KC was mentioning these details about the nanny to Iassen in the text mssg to begin to establish the nanny script/story. We weren't talking about a literal script.
Hi Everyone,I have been following this site since this case first started and finally got brave enough to become a member.. So please be gentile with me. Does anyone know about the meeting KC had with AR that's mentioned towards the end of thier text messages. I would love to know what that meeting was about.

Welcome :) I am a new poster as well, after just hanging out and reading the site for a million years. I can't answer your question unfortunately, but wanted to say welcome aboard.
JG & KC IM'sIM fragments uknown date/time/application

KC I cant hit my friend Annie for some Xanax.We'd be a good time
JG Yeah well thats an understatement...then again we never needed medication to have a good time
KC Very true. Hows the fam?
JG Alive and well. My mom actually recommended me seeing you
KC Really? Whoa what brought this on?
JG Yeah well it was post conversation today....all three words. I hadnt heard you talk, except in my dreams for months so after that I called mom and we talked, and she said I should see you
KC Odd that we've been in the same place, as far as dreams and such goes.I passed the progressive office on university last week, and at random, noticed your car, parked by the street.
JG Yeah I have been in your neighbourhood for calls and driven by your house. Its there. I dont live too far.Had to get out of the house
KC Yeah, I heard from Melina. Hows living with Josh?
JG Its good. We are polar opposites in regards to our attitudes on cleaning but we work well as room mates. He is more like a younger brother to me now. That you were right about. Among other things.
KC oh do tell.

~End of JG/KC IM~

Mark H and KC
P11/13 of PDF. PC forensics IM's (no doc pg number)

Unallocated clusters
No date: Just popped the best kettle corn ever no pieces were burnt , speaking of which, how do you like your marshmellow cooked? I like my brown and crusty on the outside but melted on the inside the perfect marshmellow

July 27th 2007 Mark wrote: Yes. The adress is LCPL Hawkins MACS HQ DET unit 7#### fpo ae 0950#####. Lol. Its weird, but it works.
I cant stop smiling .I have to be honest. I've always thought of you as something more I just had to be patient and wait for the right time in my life and I think that time is now . And ya know whats great about it is that for once i'm happy and I know who I am and what I want out of life
23rd July 07 KC wrote:
You are seriously one of the sweetest guys I have ever met in my entire life....and its funny, for years I always looked at you as just my 'friend' , and lately its been so much more. I care about you a lot too, I always have. I just cant wait for you to come back home, and to see what happens. And dude, stay away from the coffee! Haha. Question.....Do you have an address that I can send something to????
23rd July 07 Mark wrote: I've had three cups of coffee and i'm bouncing off the walls wooooohoooo i've downloaded a sh#tload of music and movies so I'll be on here till you get on or till I pass out.
223rd July 07 Mark wrote:
Oh, I cant believe how cute shes gotten since the last time I saw her. She'll be beautiful just like her mother. You have no idea how much i've missed talking to you. I care about you a lot and I hope that maybe this could be something and I only hope that I can be an amazing role model for your daughter.
22nd July 07 KC wrote:
take me home, huh????haha. Maybe we can arrange that! You wont believe how HUGE caylee is. Growing more and more everyday.I'll try and teach her something funny to say to you between now, and the time you FINALLY get your *advertiser censored* home

~End of kc/mark messages~

Fragments in unallocated space:
July 13th 2008 message with someone called Shawn J

inboxsent messagesnotificationsupdates compose messsage AA between you and shawn J**** shawn J**** Today @ 11.20am oo....i can dig it'd sat go at fusion A casey anthony today at 11.28am I didnt end up going last night. I hung out here with nate.It was better to smoke, eat, and watch horror movies. :) I did talk to ray though. He was expecting a good turn out.A
shawn jarrett today @ 11.48am oh thats wat up...horror movie fanatic myself ....wats u p
July 13 2008 12.30pm(no subject body). I may be down to head over friday after work and head back saturday afternoon.
Original message from KC date July 13 08 9.20am Friday night I really want to go.I'm thinking about it. How've you been?
Original message from brett date 13th july 08 12.05pm I didnt get a hotel yet, I cant plan far ahead haha. What night is it?
Original message from KC date July 13 09 8.20am Hey hun! Are you heading out to j/ville this week end?
The following is what appears to be fragments of Yahoo webmail and an email recovered from unallocated space.
{url:””, children:[] (plus font size commandsetc) Goodafternoon. I'm letting you all know that I will be back in town , sometime late thisevening. I had to make a trip back to Tampa, to complete the workshop. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I know that we have so me(sic) new people starting tomorrow, which is wonderful! I cant wait to meet each of you.I will be stopping tomorrow morning and making keys for everyone, so there wont be any further disruptions in the regular day to day shuffle. I heard that things went great last night, and that surely is a relief. Tomorrow night, we are switching things up a bit. There will be an opening act, thanks to Gabe and Mikes
promotions over the last few days. We are also trying to set up the battle of the bands, for the first weekend in june. I'll update you more on thatm as we sign more artists. As of right now, we have 35 confirmed, and another 15 that have been invited, over the past few months. We do however need to get more help before then , so if you know anyone interested in volunteering for the event, or anyone interested ina part-time position, please have them forward me their resume, and we will get things put together as quickly as possible. I'll be checking in with Tony periodically, and will update you as I have more information. Dont forget black polos, dark jeans, and black shoes for lifehouse. Casey, VIP reservations need to be confirmed before 5pm today. Please email me when yopu have done so. I know you already have the list, and had started making calls last week. Just remember how important it is that we make last minute adjustments flow as gracefully as we can.
Justine, the back stage area will be revamped for tomortrow noights performance. Check with me for the new layout after 8am tomorrow morning.
(continues page 2082)
Manuel, ticket sales have not been sold out. However we see the numbers rises very quickly. I will make sure that you have plenty of extra hands. We are placing juliet, bonnie, and hector as the floaters, meaning, they will take turns learning the ropes with each of you, throughout the night. The buddy systemalways seems to work the best, so heres to hoping! I'll be in touch. Someone has to keep things going :)
Cheryl Davis East coast VP of marketing sales.

Forwarded message.
From: Tom<>
Sent: Wednesday may 14, 2008 12:20:05pm
Hello all,
NBC called in a favour and are hosting yet another event at Studios. Please report by 7.30pm. Dress attire. Bring jeans, just in case. Not everyone will be required to dress up, but I'm not sure who I'm putting where. Call me if you have any questions. I'll be back in the office around 6.

Thomas Franck
Event director, East coast operations

The following email fragments are from Cindy, which must have been written within a few days of the 911 calls
description file, deleted, overwritten, archive
File offset: 51247
physical sector: 25,760,944
length: 1127
Full path: 08-069208_9-5\SO13J10x237614\D\Documents and settings\owner\local settings\temporary internet files\content.IE5\KXUBG9AJ\[3].htm

“cant sleep, stupid hot flashes wake me up and then I start thinking about you and caylee. Dad said he went to work at 9am and he got home at 6.30p, he said he did not come home inbetween. I dont know who or what to believe anymore. Youve told me everyday that you were going to call me and you haven't but you choose to call me when you know I wont be home. What the hell is going on? Ive tried not to bug you to death but I still havent gotten to see pictures of caylee, or gotten to speak with her.Its been over a month now. Am I ever going to see her again? Are you still with jeff? Are you going back to work? I saw on the news that anheiser busch is being bought by a foreign company that does not want the theme parks only the beer part of the co. What is that all about they're talking Disney or Universal may get to buy the theme parks. I thought universal already merged with them? I'm not sure how much longer I can continue on this day to day course. I'm going freakin nuts not knowing whats going on with you. I had a breakdown at work, I cant take much more stre........(incomplete)
So According to the email Casey was working for universal ?

Forwarded message.
From: Tom<>
Sent: Wednesday may 14, 2008 12:20:05pm
Hello all,
NBC called in a favour and are hosting yet another event at Studios. Please report by 7.30pm. Dress attire. Bring jeans, just in case. Not everyone will be required to dress up, but I'm not sure who I'm putting where. Call me if you have any questions. I'll be back in the office around 6.

Thomas Franck
Event director, East coast operations

The email from cindy is pretty sad :(
Wow! This whole thing just opens up a whole new avenue. Time to do some serious I go!
ButwhatIf - LOVE your colored commentary next to her IM's.....particularly this one:

"KC: Yeah. we've been friends for almost a year They met in may- pretty short year.Is that like dog years?"....haha! You are funny.

Wow Wow on those made up emails from her "bosses". I'm guessing she wrote these so she could forward or show Cyndi for "proof" she needed to "work" and be gone all night so Cyndi would be forced to babysit?????


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