Casey's IM's with Iassen & Tony R (in entirety)

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I'm 100% sure this email snippet is regarding the "battle royale" or "battle of the bands" at Fusion, so Universal = Fusion in this case:

~ Snipped ~

"Goodafternoon. I'm letting you all know that I will be back in town , sometime late thisevening. I had to make a trip back to Tampa, to complete the workshop. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I know that we have so me(sic) new people starting tomorrow, which is wonderful! I cant wait to meet each of you.I will be stopping tomorrow morning and making keys for everyone, so there wont be any further disruptions in the regular day to day shuffle. I heard that things went great last night, and that surely is a relief. Tomorrow night, we are switching things up a bit. There will be an opening act, thanks to Gabe and Mikes
promotions over the last few days. We are also trying to set up the battle of the bands, for the first weekend in june. I'll update you more on thatm as we sign more artists. As of right now, we have 35 confirmed, and another 15 that have been invited, over the past few months. We do however need to get more help before then , so if you know anyone interested in volunteering for the event, or anyone interested ina part-time position, please have them forward me their resume, and we will get things put together as quickly as possible. I'll be checking in with Tony periodically, and will update you as I have more information. Dont forget black polos, dark jeans, and black shoes for lifehouse. Casey, VIP reservations need to be confirmed before 5pm today. Please email me when yopu have done so. I know you already have the list, and had started making calls last week. Just remember how important it is that we make last minute adjustments flow as gracefully as we can.
Cheryl Davis East coast VP of marketing sales."

Interesting... is there a holding company or investment company that owns FUL??? This would substaniate at least the email address... but then again, I remember they found those emails to be bogus, but can't find the document right now.... on to look!
Excellent point, BJB.

OMG...........The light bulb in my tiny little brain just went off. This is so incriminating for her alleged kidnapping defense.
Great work BJB.....I read this a million times and never payed attention to the date!:blowkiss:
That's the first time I've read them all. Wow!

The most chilling IM is to Iassen (he is Exit 13 right?) where she says she hasn't been sleeping well lately.

GEE, wonder why????

Freaks me out to see her basically living with her new boyfriend and claiming she loves him to Iassen but then trying to meet up with him on the side, too. Like she always has to have one waiting in the wings for a back up plan (we know she loves her back up plans!).

I've always felt one of her major reasons for killing Caylee was to BE with TonE but he couldn't have meant that much to her if she was IMing with Iassen about their mutual feelings, too.

A careful reading of these IM's will tell you that KC DID NOT Kill Caylee "for" or "because of Tony not really wanting girl babies". She comes across as being really present in reality. Stating over and over, that her relationship with Tone would eveintually end due to numerous differances.
One major thing that has always struck me, is sure, KC had 3-4 different groups of friends, but ALL of them come across as NORMAL, well adjusted young people!
Thanks for taking the time to put this together, Whatif. I'd read them in pdf amongst other material, but, this really brings it into focus.

Now I'm seeing in context for the first time the very text that should ABSOLUTELY sink the ZFG-kidnapped Caylee alibi...(as if it really needed more help sinking).

ID So what do you do when you work? with the kid that is
KC: I have a nanny. i love her
ID Nice. how much do they charge?
KC: We've been friends for over 6 years. definitely someone i trust., as a juror go waaaaaaaaaay out on a limb and say you buy the whole ZFG-kidnapping story (I know, I know) while out there on that limb you tell yourself Casey was secretly searching for Caylee & ZFG but worried about telling anyone for fear of Caylee being harmed, etc. So...still out there on that convinced yourself Casey's not telling anyone what's gone terribly you read the text highlighted above that Casey wrote on 7/13...after Caylee had been allegedly kidnapped by ZFG for weeks...ask yourself why Casey would GUSH about ZFG vs. just answering the question.

Out on that limb here...

KC uses the kidnapping story to protect someone she knows--the person she left Caylee with who hasn't brought Caylee back. She speaks of this person a little out of context in conversations because maybe she is trying to convince HERSELF that everything will be okay, and that this so-called ZFG will bring Caylee back.

Not a popular proposal, I'm sure, but another instance of doubt created by attempting to look at things objectively...
I'm 100% sure this email snippet is regarding the "battle royale" or "battle of the bands" at Fusion, so Universal = Fusion in this case:

~ Snipped ~

"Goodafternoon. I'm letting you all know that I will be back in town , sometime late thisevening. I had to make a trip back to Tampa, to complete the workshop. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I know that we have so me(sic) new people starting tomorrow, which is wonderful! I cant wait to meet each of you.I will be stopping tomorrow morning and making keys for everyone, so there wont be any further disruptions in the regular day to day shuffle. I heard that things went great last night, and that surely is a relief. Tomorrow night, we are switching things up a bit. There will be an opening act, thanks to Gabe and Mikes
promotions over the last few days. We are also trying to set up the battle of the bands, for the first weekend in june. I'll update you more on thatm as we sign more artists. As of right now, we have 35 confirmed, and another 15 that have been invited, over the past few months. We do however need to get more help before then , so if you know anyone interested in volunteering for the event, or anyone interested ina part-time position, please have them forward me their resume, and we will get things put together as quickly as possible. I'll be checking in with Tony periodically, and will update you as I have more information. Dont forget black polos, dark jeans, and black shoes for lifehouse. Casey, VIP reservations need to be confirmed before 5pm today. Please email me when yopu have done so. I know you already have the list, and had started making calls last week. Just remember how important it is that we make last minute adjustments flow as gracefully as we can.
Cheryl Davis East coast VP of marketing sales."

OMG How did I not make this connection before???? I have even been looking into the origination of the Thomas. Franck name. Great catch.:clap:
IIRC, hopefully someone with better info can help out, there was a connection between a universal company and fusion...something but i can't remember. and it isn't THE universal studios company.

as i was reading that one email about the "battle of the bands" i had to go back and make sure i was reading a supposed email about universal studios. it's obvious what's being talked about - fusion. maybe she stole these emails from TL's inbox? She could have easily copied and pasted, then just changed the name from whoever it was to her own name. I'd like to know what TL thinks of these emails, did they show them to him? Does he recognize them as something that's been sent to him?

She really goes out on a limb here to make up an entire life! seriously, there's a screw loose if she could really live such detailed lies and sound so normal through telling them.

I don't think AR has anything to do with what happened to caylee. You can see Casey pulling away from him. Gosh he is such a blatant pig.
I'm curious'd she make an email address of

where did LE find these emails? in an inbox? how can she just make up an email url?
I'm curious'd she make an email address of

where did LE find these emails? in an inbox? how can she just make up an email url?

If you look at the bottom of the emails they were sent to/from Yahoo! She sent and received them. They're all her. :crazy: I believe they were her "proof" that she needed to work late nights, and roped Cindy & George into taking care of Caylee.

Lee had the printed emails and turned them over to LE. I don't know how much LE retrieved from her computer as far as these same emails, but the ones you see printed in the earlier doc dump are the printed ones Lee brought to LE along with the handwritten "log" of receipts that detailed Casey's spending/check theft, during the timeframe that Caylee was "abducted" by ZFG and Casey was conducting her own investigation/search. :rolleyes:
Wow! Thank you for taking the time to post the messages. After reading the messages I can only conclude two things:

One - Caylee was interfering with Casey's love life.
Two - Casey planned to murder Caylee. This was premeditated murder.

I keep thinking of her June 21 journal entry. "The ends justify the means". I am now convinced more than ever that that entry was made on June 21, 2008.

Casey is a high school drop out with no job and parents who were not willing to babysit so that she could go out and party (rightfully so). She wouldn't give her baby away to someone (namely her parents) because that would look "uncool". So, she planned and executed the murder of her daughter so that she could have her "freedom".

All of the above is MOO.
Wow! Thank you for taking the time to post the messages. After reading the messages I can only conclude two things:

One - Caylee was interfering with Casey's love life.
Two - Casey planned to murder Caylee. This was premeditated murder.

I keep thinking of her June 21 journal entry. "The ends justify the means". I am now convinced more than ever that that entry was made on June 21, 2008.

Casey is a high school drop out with no job and parents who were not willing to babysit so that she could go out and party (rightfully so). She wouldn't give her baby away to someone (namely her parents) because that would look "uncool". So, she planned and executed the murder of her daughter so that she could have her "freedom".

All of the above is MOO.
ITA, but KC did get her diploma. She didn't graduate with her class, but she did graduate.
ITA, but KC did get her diploma. She didn't graduate with her class, but she did graduate.

Thanks for the correction.

It does not change my opinion of what she did and why she did it. IMO her motive is similar to that of Susan Smith's.
On Tuesday, May 06, during his chat-fest with KC, Tony R. says "and as for the sex thing lets clear this up right now, when its as good as it has been, i need it, i told you me and routine, but its not my main concern for seeing you, but once in 3 weeks is a tease, plus again, your pretty damn good in bed". That would mean they got together last on or around April 15.

Although KC was certainly leading him on, he did mean something to her. Take a gander at the first address in the "To:" list from the fictional Cheryl Davis, "sent" on April 18, 2008:


On Tuesday, May 06, during his chat-fest with KC, Tony R. says "and as for the sex thing lets clear this up right now, when its as good as it has been, i need it, i told you me and routine, but its not my main concern for seeing you, but once in 3 weeks is a tease, plus again, your pretty damn good in bed". That would mean they got together last on or around April 15.

Although KC was certainly leading him on, he did mean something to him. Take a gander at the first address in the "To:" list from the fictional Cheryl Davis, "sent" on April 18, 2008:

View attachment 3767


oh. my. gosh. :)

Wonder if any of the other addresses are real or semi-real?
oh. my. gosh. :)

Wonder if any of the other addresses are real or semi-real?

AFAIK, none are real. The Tony R. one is the only one I noticed that might be semi-real.

This seems to be the first faked email involving her "event planning job". She reuses those addresses in later emails, although Gabe's changes....

There is an email "from" Universal Studios HS cancelling a meeting in Dec. 2007. Have not really looked at any of them too closely. Just noticed Tony R. in the one as I was paging through PDFs quickly, and thought I post it out there for fun.
There is an email "from" Universal Studios HS cancelling a meeting in Dec. 2007. Have not really looked at any of them too closely. Just noticed Tony R. in the one as I was paging through PDFs quickly, and thought I post it out there for fun.

Definitely fake. KC used the Yahoo domain name on the email address that supposedly came from someone in human resources at Universal. That would be in rather bad form for such an employee, given Universal has their own domain. :doh:
Those fake emails crack me up! The lengths she would go to get out of the house blows me away.

She suffers from comma overuse. :crosseyed:
On Tuesday, May 06, during his chat-fest with KC, Tony R. says "and as for the sex thing lets clear this up right now, when its as good as it has been, i need it, i told you me and routine, but its not my main concern for seeing you, but once in 3 weeks is a tease, plus again, your pretty damn good in bed". That would mean they got together last on or around April 15.

Although KC was certainly leading him on, he did mean something to her. Take a gander at the first address in the "To:" list from the fictional Cheryl Davis, "sent" on April 18, 2008:

View attachment 3767


Yeah, I guess he meant enough to her to use his name as an address for her fake emails - lol - guess he was in the back of her mind or subconscious. She's not very creative really. She could have come up with something more original. Then again, I guess it didn't matter considering the purpose. :crazy:
Interesting in that fake email from Tom Frank:

His email shows up as "Thomas.Franck@" while Casey's shows up as "C.Anthony@".

Aren't company emails usually pretty uniform? Like they would all be Thomas.Franck@ and Casey.Anthony@ .... or...... T.Franck@ and C.Anthony@

She didn't think that lie out very clearly, did she? :)

You are correct, she never thinks any of her lies out, here are a few examples of how easily disproved they are

I work at Sports Authority:

The friend who was babysitting called there to speak to her only to learn Casey was not employed there.

I'm not pregnant:

Two dollar pregnancy test from local drug store, even from the city where her Uncle Rick's wedding was could have been bought by concerned family members so they wouldn't have to worry over her needing emergency care over her tumor

I work at Universal:

Mom, Pop, Lee or any of her numerous friends could have called there any day, we know of at least one occasion when Cindy drove up there hoping to pick up Caylee

Mom I have a new babysitter, I hope you'll like her even though you are against me being friends with Melina (Hispanic) this gal is half Black and half

Cindy: Alright love, get her over here or lets go meet her before she starts watching the baby who I adore as my very own and I'll decide if we are comfortable with her. We don't even leave our two dogs alone, love, surely we aren't leaving Caylee Marie with someone we have never met.

Mom, you'll be so proud of me, I am practically engaged to marry a white guy named Jeff (different than the Jeff I went to school with because I added a fake middle name, like I'll do later on by adding Fernandez to Miss Gonzales's name. He has a good job. He has cared for Caylee and even paid for her babysitting for a year.He is such a good, good man, he remains the best of friends and has a perpetual respect between himself and Zanny his ex lover, so much so she is my babysitter now! Caylee and I are going to Jacksonville to see him and we are planning on being a family. Tell your co workers and Grandma Shirley the great news:

George to Casey: Give me your young man's number. I need to speak to him man to man about his intentions, the same way I did with Jesse. Since Jesse you have brought around some guys I would not trust you and Caylee with. Since his and our schedules are so tough to get together, I will meet him over the phone, (and have some of my buddies on the force look him up just for safe measures). Sweetheart you say he just called you to say he couldn't make our meet the parents dinner, something came up, so hand me your phone and I'll get his number. "I'm not a dumb guy!" I need to talk to the man who is asking my daughter to move in with him, I'm the man in Caylee's life unless and until someone worthy wants to do the right thing by you both. It's a dad thing, you don't have to understand, just hand me the phone!

For twenty bucks George or Cindy could go on line and research the backgrounds of both Zanny and Jeff in one hour, they could learn if they are married, if they have ever been arrested, even how much the lien n their homes are, their prior addresses. All of my single friends do background checks on any man they date (because two of them dated married men, that lied and said they were not, so now they do as President Reagan advised "Trust but Verify". In fact in her depo, Cindy tells that she looked up Miss Gonzales this exact way.

Zanny had a car accident and we were a few cars behind her.

Cindy could have called that hospital to ask if this was indeed the correct hospital where they were taken, and although they would not have divulged medical information, they absolutely could say yes she is here or no we have no one admitted by that name.

Casey telling the police she took her daughter to location A, B or C to drop off to Zanny was going to be so easily disproved.

Casey saying she worked at Universal was one phone call away from being disproved.

George said he knew or thought he was pretty sure she hadn't worked in two years.

I thank you for holding me up so long, but at long last folks here is a deposit slip, I deposited four thousand dollars in to your account this morning to pay back ALL the money you have so generously loaned me and Caylee:

George or Cindy could have told her, Darling, let's call the bank to see if it posted, Sweetheart.
To hand your parents a fake deposit slip for over four grand knowing that they had to catch up on the mortgage, etc, she had to expect that they would write checks based on that amount, had to.

Her grandmother would get the bank statement and see that someone wrote a check on it, look into it and find Casey out in no time.
She didn't even bother to go get a money order or one of those temporary pre paid credit cards with the money first, she directly paid a cell phone bill that was under her name.

The same was true for her writing checks on her friend Amy's account. Amy was to be back in just a few days, she was a working class girl, she would notice hundreds of dollars missing from her account as soon as returned.

Casey has watching enough TV and movies to know that the banks and food stores as Tony calls them, and certainly banks all have cameras and guards. She could have been caught on the spot uttering a check that wasn't hers if the teller had noticed, or sales clerk at target had noticed the name on the check did not match the ID.

You are right, her fake emails were so obvious. George or Cindy could have sent an email to her supposed boss just to test it out, this would take two minutes, max. Or they could have rang up Universal and asked to speak to Frank and the gal on the e mail, only to learn again, in short order , no such person.

George and Cindy could have disproved 99 percent of Casey's BS with a few phone calls, her 19 year old friends did. I think that because they never, ever called her on her lies for all of these years, she honestly felt embolden to tell lies to seasoned homicide detectives and for a brief second thought she had convinced them , they would go away.

In the police interviews, and on TV Cindy still covers for her, so we get a glimpse of these Casey sized lies having been accepted for many years. My favorite, very very favorite one she didn't think out very clearly:

Amy pack up, cancel your rental on the storage unit, have your car towed there , no wait, to Tony's first, then to there, go ahead put in a change of address, have your camera shipped to my Hopespring address because you can move in my home with me by next week because my mom gave me the house!

She has both Tonys, Jesse, the kid in the service, Ricardo and whoever the fireman boy she refers to is, all believing they are the only one she is sleeping with, stringing along. At least Jesse was smart enough to call his co-worker on it. I think the others guessed but didn't care, right? I thought it was interesting how Yuri and Eric asked each of them , have you been tested for STDs? That part really isn't funny because we could see now how very many people could be affected by this one person, financially, emotionally and physically. Iassen is lucky he just missed the cuff. Long story short, LP is right , "Casey lives her life ten minutes at a time". Her lies never seem well thought out to me, you are right on the money. It is as if she wanted to get caught, right? Do you have the link to where Iassen was posting on WS? TIA
I work at Sports Authority:

The friend who was babysitting called there to speak to her only to learn Casey was not employed there.

I'm not pregnant:

Two dollar pregnancy test from local drug store, even from the city where her Uncle Rick's wedding was could have been bought by concerned family members so they wouldn't have to worry over her needing emergency care over her tumor

I work at Universal:

Mom, Pop, Lee or any of her numerous friends could have called there any day, we know of at least one occasion when Cindy drove up there hoping to pick up Caylee

Mom I have a new babysitter, I hope you'll llike her even though you are against me being friends with Melina (Hispanic) this gal is half Black and half

Cindy: Alright love, get her over here or lets go meet her before she starts watching the baby who I adore as my very own and I'll decide if we are comfortable with her. We don't even leave our two dogs alone, love, surely we aren't leaving Caylee Marie with someone we have never met.

Mom, you'll be so proud of me, I am practically engaged to marry a white guy with a good job who has cared for Caylee and even paid for her babysitting for a year.He is such a good, good man, he remains the best of friends and has a perpetual respect between himself and Zanny his ex lover, so much so she is my babysitter now! Caylee and I are going to Jacksonville to see him and we are planning on being a family. Tell your co workers and Grandma Shirley the great news:

George to Casey: Give me your young man's number. I need to speak to him man to man about his intentions, the same way I did with Jesse. Since Jesse you have brought around some guys I would not trust you and Caylee with. Since his and our schedules are so tough to get together, I will meet him over the phone, (and have some of my buddies on the force look him up just for safe measures). Sweetheart you say he just called you to say he couldn't make our meet the parents dinner, something came up, so hand me your phone and I'll get his number. "I'm not a dumb guy!" I need to talk to the man who is asking my daughter to move in with him, I'm the man in Caylee's life unless and until someone worthy wants to do the right thing by you both. It's a dad thing, you don't have to understand, just hand me the phone!

For twenty bucks George or Cindy could go on line and research the backgrounds of both Zanny and Jeff in one hour, they could learn if they are married, if they have ever been arrested, even how much the lien n their homes are, their prior addresses. All of my single friends do background checks on any man they date (because two of them dated married men, that lied and said they were not, so now they do as President Reagan advised "Trust but Verify".

Zanny had a car accident and we were a few cars behind her.

Cindy could have called that hospital to ask if this was indeed the correct hospital where they were taken, and although they would not have divulged medical information, they absolutely could say yes she is here or no we have no one admitted by that name.

Casey telling the police she took her daughter to location A, B or C to drop off to Zanny was going to be so easily disproved.

Casey saying she worked at Universal was one phone call away from being disproved.

George said he knew or thought he was pretty sure she hadn't worked in two years. To hand your parents a fake deposit slip for over four grand and not expect that they would write checks based on that amount is very hard to understand.

Her grandmother would get the bank statement and see that someone wrote a check on it, look into it and find Casey out in no time. She didn't even bother to go get a money order or one of those temporary pre paid credit cards with the money first, she directly paid a cell phone bill that was under her name.

The same was true for her writing checks on her friend Amy's account. Amy was to be back in just a few days, she was a working class girl, she would notice hundreds of dollars missing from her account as soon as returned.

Casey has watching enough TV and movies to know that the banks and food stores as Tony calls them, and certainly banks all have survelance and guards. She could have been caught on the spot uttering a check that wasn't hers if the teller had noticed, or sales clerk at target had noticed the name on the check did not match the ID.

You are right, her fake emails were so obvious. George or Cindy could have sent an email to her supposed boss just to test it out, this would take two minutes, max. Or they could have rang up Universal and asked to speak to Frank and the gal on the e mail, only to learn again, in short order , no such person.

George and Cindy could have disproved 99 percent of Casey's BS with a few phone calls, her 19 year old friends did. I think that because they never, ever called her on her lies for all of these years, she honestly felt embolden to tell lies to seasoned homicide detectives and for a brief second thought she had convinced them , they would go away.

In the police interviews, and on TV Cindy still covers for her, so we get a glimpse of these Casey sized lies having been accepted for many years. My favorite, very very favorite one she didn't think out very clearly:

Amy pack up, cancel your rental on the storage unit, have your car towed there , no wait, to Tony's first, then to there, go ahead put in a change of address, have your camera shipped to my Hopespring address because you can move in my home with me by next week because my mom gave me the house!

She has both Tonys, Jesse, the kid in the service, Ricardo and whoever the fireman boy she refers to is, all believing they are the only one she is sleeping with, stringing along. At least Jesse was smart enough to call his co-worker on it. I thought it was interesting how Yuri and Eric asked each of them , have you been tested for STDs? That part really isn't funny because we could see now how very many people could be affected by this one person, financially, emotionally and physically. Iassen us lucky he just missed the cuff. Long story short, LP is right , "Casey lives her life ten minutes at a time". Her lies never seem well thought out to me, you are right on the money.

Yes! ITA. Except the fireman boy was Amy's. ;)

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