Casey's IM's with Iassen & Tony R (in entirety)

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So According to the email Casey was working for universal ?

The email from cindy is pretty sad :(

That email is VERY sad. It's times like this, when you get the real Cyndi, that you can sort of feel sorry for her.....for like 1.5 seconds.
Could be, you never know. (I was troubled by things he said when chatting here on WS. MOO. You know some of his comments about using chloroform on military detainees, etc, and the plans for moving out of the country soon. etc)
Why would ID want to know how much she paid for her childcare, why would she go on about loving the nanny? Why would he not have heard it all before anyway, they hung out a lot.
It gives me the feeling they're talking about someone they both know.
But it could be totally straightforward and normal like you say, maybe he really wanted to know how much her childcare cost.

Perhaps, if she said how much she paid, the next question could be - where did you get the money to pay her? And perhaps the answer could be a lead to follow.
I didn't know cell phones work when you take a shower!! My lord, if you look at her cell record, I don't know when when she had time to sleep, shower or do anything but talk on the phone. Texting requires 2 hands,most of the time. Just unbelievable. I bet she misses her cell more than she misses her family.She had 1 in the pan and about 7 or 8 more guys waiting to jump in.
Thanks for all the work ,posting all the links it's like reading a mystery novel, but instead of wondering "who done it" the question is "what else can be done to distract from the simple facts, a beautiful,innocent child was murdered and placed in a bag to rot and no one came to her rescue.Casey was constantly on the phone talking to her friends but not one second, of time was spent to call 911.
Casey, should have came up with a better lie. oh. i forgot, she was a work in progress.

Thank you for doing this. It is so nice to see it all laid out like this and in one place.

To me is just shows how much of a con artist that Casey really was.
Something that I don't understand is why wasn't Casey setting up a cover story with all of her 'friends' about Caylee. Did she expect that everyone was going to forget that she had a daughter?
I just don't get what she thought she was going to do. You can't just have a child one day and the next day not. Someone is going to be asking questions.
If she was planning on going out to CA to see Mark H. how was she going to explain to him why she did not have Caylee with her?

On one hand she appears to be have gone on with her life la-de-dah but then she keeps talking about Caylee in all of these text messages. Why is she still talking about her?

Thank you for doing this. It is so nice to see it all laid out like this and in one place.

To me is just shows how much of a con artist that Casey really was.
Something that I don't understand is why wasn't Casey setting up a cover story with all of her 'friends' about Caylee. Did she expect that everyone was going to forget that she had a daughter?
I just don't get what she thought she was going to do. You can't just have a child one day and the next day not. Someone is going to be asking questions.
If she was planning on going out to CA to see Mark H. how was she going to explain to him why she did not have Caylee with her?

On one hand she appears to be have gone on with her life la-de-dah but then she keeps talking about Caylee in all of these text messages. Why is she still talking about her?

I know, it's very strange. Maybe at that point she naively thought Caylee was safe. It's a very good question.
Wow on those made up emails from her "bosses". I'm guessing she wrote these so she could forward or show Cyndi for "proof" she needed to "work" and be gone all night so Cyndi would be forced to babysit?????


I know, the emails go way beyond, don't they? It's like an in-depth fantasy. All the characters, what work everyone is doing, etc. To be honest, these emails make me sad because I think it's what this 22 year old wanted her life to be, but she didn't know how to make the transition to that.

what I wonder is, how many of the characters was she playing in her own mind?
I know, the emails go way beyond, don't they? It's like an in-depth fantasy. All the characters, what work everyone is doing, etc. To be honest, these emails make me sad because I think it's what this 22 year old wanted her life to be, but she didn't know how to make the transition to this life.

It really sickens me to see the extent she went to create fake emails and how many details were in them! Her "boss" went on and on about what their uniform was where they would stand, etc etc.

Weirdly enough, I could tell it was KC writing them after reading all of her IM's/'s her writing style.

These work emails prove how far she would go to get her pull the wool over her parents' eyes.
On record we have him fired for lying about his relationship with KC 3 times.....He went on record with his transcript on 18 aug, swearing under oath that he was finally telling the truth. I suspect that he wasnt being completely honest though. his interview is so vague, and he doesnt seem to remember anything until they show him the proof.

Not defending AR here, but I wouldn't remember any IM's specific content and even when shown them, probably wouldn't remember all that well, especially since Casey and AR didn't "just" IM eachother. They spoke on the telephone also, and Casey probably text messaged him too, since that seemed to be her main method of communication with folks.

Let me just put it this way. If I were a guy (which I'm not, so it's pure speculation here on my part) looking to get laid 'cause it's been a whole 3 weeks :rolleyes: and the woman I want to have sex with is IMing me and I'm trying to make arrangements/plans to hook up with her for sex I don't think I'd be paying a whole lot of attention to the content of the IMs other than when a reply is about whether or not she's able to hook up for sex.

Am I making any sense? It seemed to me when I was reading the IMs between AR & Casey, that he seemed to brush off or gloss over any message that had any substance. When she said she was sad and had been, he just replied "o" as if he didn't know what to say or how to respond to that or if he did "get it" he certainly didn't want to get into it. He doesn't come across as a "real deep" kind of guy to me. Even in his "truthful" interview, when shown the IMs and asked what something may have meant, he still seems to not really know/remember what Casey was talking about all of the time, I think that's where the vagueness in his answers comes from.

I think he lied about his association with her because he wanted as far away from the whole mess that is Casey and he really didn't have any "meaningful" relationship with her, so he figured since he really didn't "know" her, just tell detectives that he didn't know her and move on. I think AR was arrogant and stupid, not sinister.
Stating the obvious here; AR is male, KC is female, but neither of them display any depth. They are the same. He stated, "she made me feel like a girl" which would be fine with him if he were one. Also, it struck me that, he's the only guy that she holds back from. She recognizes herself and, for a moment, she's turned off. It's the same thought process, "I can use others but you can't use me so blatantly. In her relations with RM, she used bait and switch. That could really set someone off.
Or he has no clue as to what the expenses are and he's curious. Just making conversation. Maybe wondering how she can afford it????

I have two sons, one a year older and the other a year younger than ID. They ask me all the time how much I spend on this and that. Sometimes I tell them, sometimes I say "none of your business."

I used to be surprised they would ask such a thing, but now I see no harm in their asking. :rolleyes:

I think it was a valid question....where I am from in the would use the term babysitter for a regular caretaker...A "nanny" is more associated with a full time caregiver for really important career focused individuals, or rich people. You know Casey loves to sound important...moo
bump for discussion and moved to main forum until there is a doc dump :)
Below, sounds like events at Fusian to me. Either Casey added the universal email address to a Fusian email. Or Universal something is the company that booked an event at fusion and Casey got her name on the email list. Cheryl and Frank sure gave themselves some fancy titles : )

- snipped -

The following is what appears to be fragments of Yahoo webmail and an email recovered from unallocated space.
{url:””, children:[] (plus font size commandsetc) Goodafternoon. I'm letting you all know that I will be back in town , sometime late thisevening. I had to make a trip back to Tampa, to complete the workshop. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I know that we have so me(sic) new people starting tomorrow, which is wonderful! I cant wait to meet each of you.I will be stopping tomorrow morning and making keys for everyone, so there wont be any further disruptions in the regular day to day shuffle. I heard that things went great last night, and that surely is a relief. Tomorrow night, we are switching things up a bit. There will be an opening act, thanks to Gabe and Mikes
promotions over the last few days. We are also trying to set up the battle of the bands, for the first weekend in june. I'll update you more on thatm as we sign more artists. As of right now, we have 35 confirmed, and another 15 that have been invited, over the past few months. We do however need to get more help before then , so if you know anyone interested in volunteering for the event, or anyone interested ina part-time position, please have them forward me their resume, and we will get things put together as quickly as possible. I'll be checking in with Tony periodically, and will update you as I have more information. Dont forget black polos, dark jeans, and black shoes for lifehouse. Casey, VIP reservations need to be confirmed before 5pm today. Please email me when yopu have done so. I know you already have the list, and had started making calls last week. Just remember how important it is that we make last minute adjustments flow as gracefully as we can.
Justine, the back stage area will be revamped for tomortrow noights performance. Check with me for the new layout after 8am tomorrow morning.
(continues page 2082)
Manuel, ticket sales have not been sold out. However we see the numbers rises very quickly. I will make sure that you have plenty of extra hands. We are placing juliet, bonnie, and hector as the floaters, meaning, they will take turns learning the ropes with each of you, throughout the night. The buddy systemalways seems to work the best, so heres to hoping! I'll be in touch. Someone has to keep things going :)
Cheryl Davis East coast VP of marketing sales.

Forwarded message.
From: Tom<>
Sent: Wednesday may 14, 2008 12:20:05pm
Hello all,
NBC called in a favour and are hosting yet another event at Studios. Please report by 7.30pm. Dress attire. Bring jeans, just in case. Not everyone will be required to dress up, but I'm not sure who I'm putting where. Call me if you have any questions. I'll be back in the office around 6.

Thomas Franck
Event director, East coast operations


Thank you for doing this. It is so nice to see it all laid out like this and in one place.

To me is just shows how much of a con artist that Casey really was.
Something that I don't understand is why wasn't Casey setting up a cover story with all of her 'friends' about Caylee. Did she expect that everyone was going to forget that she had a daughter?
I just don't get what she thought she was going to do. You can't just have a child one day and the next day not. Someone is going to be asking questions.
If she was planning on going out to CA to see Mark H. how was she going to explain to him why she did not have Caylee with her?

On one hand she appears to be have gone on with her life la-de-dah but then she keeps talking about Caylee in all of these text messages. Why is she still talking about her?

I have been asking the same thing while reading all the IMs and emails...Why, in the notes to Mark H., would she describe "how big she's getting, teaching her (Caylee) something funny to say to him, etc..." Could it be she was enjoying Caylee memories thru him. He was very accepting of her as a mom. Considering the other guys she surrounded herself with, Mark must have made her feel good on a different level. IMO It's a shame Caylee was not still alive when Casey was reacquitting herself with Mark...maybe things would have been VERY different.
I have been reading and reading, but I want to get straight on who is who. Mh, Iassen, AR. Mh- was he the military guy that had pics of him in his uniform in a hotel? Who is Iassen? AR- was this the cop that got fired? Thx
Personally I can't fault her for going out with whoever she wanted to, none of the guys were committed to her or anything, they were all just groups of friends really. I don't see anything psychopathic in her dating habits, like they're always making it out to be in the media. TL, for example, was telling her he might not come back from NY. She was cooking, cleaning, and working at Fusian for him, but sounds like he was interested in playing video games and hanging out with his friends. Sounds like typical 22 year old girls and guys to me. In most ways.
Sounds here like she was probably hoping Iassen would express an interest in her so she could skip TL , but he just keeps saying he's not interested in a relationship at this point in his life. Anyway, they sound like two nice young people in this mssg. I'm surprised he made the comments he did about her in that one post here later, generally he had nothing but praise for her here but there was one post later where he said it's a shame she can't be interrogated Guantanamo or Iraq style.

I agree with you. I personally don't see anything here that shows KC to be a cold blooded killer like the media portrays. I do get a weird feeling from AR. He is board line abuses in how he speaks to KC and he is very demanding of her. Clearly only interested in having sex with her. He doesn't even hide the fact Caylee is an obstruction to him getting what he wants. KC also said she didn't trust the police. I am not saying he is the killer but I do see enough to warrant further investigation.
Interesting in that fake email from Tom Frank:

His email shows up as "Thomas.Franck@" while Casey's shows up as "C.Anthony@".

Aren't company emails usually pretty uniform? Like they would all be Thomas.Franck@ and Casey.Anthony@ .... or...... T.Franck@ and C.Anthony@

She didn't think that lie out very clearly, did she? :)
Interesting in that fake email from Tom Frank:

His email shows up as "Thomas.Franck@" while Casey's shows up as "C.Anthony@".

Aren't company emails usually pretty uniform? Like they would all be Thomas.Franck@ and Casey.Anthony@ .... or...... T.Franck@ and C.Anthony@

She didn't think that lie out very clearly, did she? :)

I think a lot of companies allow employees to more or less choose their own, based on availability. My company (very, very large) allows this. I have seen all sorts of email addresses.
I'm 100% sure this email snippet is regarding the "battle royale" or "battle of the bands" at Fusion, so Universal = Fusion in this case:

~ Snipped ~

"Goodafternoon. I'm letting you all know that I will be back in town , sometime late thisevening. I had to make a trip back to Tampa, to complete the workshop. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I know that we have so me(sic) new people starting tomorrow, which is wonderful! I cant wait to meet each of you.I will be stopping tomorrow morning and making keys for everyone, so there wont be any further disruptions in the regular day to day shuffle. I heard that things went great last night, and that surely is a relief. Tomorrow night, we are switching things up a bit. There will be an opening act, thanks to Gabe and Mikes
promotions over the last few days. We are also trying to set up the battle of the bands, for the first weekend in june. I'll update you more on thatm as we sign more artists. As of right now, we have 35 confirmed, and another 15 that have been invited, over the past few months. We do however need to get more help before then , so if you know anyone interested in volunteering for the event, or anyone interested ina part-time position, please have them forward me their resume, and we will get things put together as quickly as possible. I'll be checking in with Tony periodically, and will update you as I have more information. Dont forget black polos, dark jeans, and black shoes for lifehouse. Casey, VIP reservations need to be confirmed before 5pm today. Please email me when yopu have done so. I know you already have the list, and had started making calls last week. Just remember how important it is that we make last minute adjustments flow as gracefully as we can.
Cheryl Davis East coast VP of marketing sales."

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