Casey's PC and Related Searches #2

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my mother takes xanax to help calm her. I know people here that love taking it, how ever they may get it. My mothers housekeeper stole hers.


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>>> Last update of whois database: Sat, 27 Sep 2008 00:30:30 EDT <<

Quite possibly looking into helping someone open an escort biz. Maybe, searching domain names, dunno.

I at first thought she was hooking too...

Now, I just think she was a thief who was covering (or, trying to cover) her tracks,,,, and miserably failed..

I don't think she was hooking or escorting. It doesn't make sense with her thieving. It doesn't. If she was hooking for any length of time, she would have money and could have moved out. She could have saved enough to simply disappear and start up in another state.

If what her friends (exit13 and the other guy nitrous) say is true, and not planted to make her look good (hey, they could be paid to do that - don't throw tomaters at me.)

What she might have been doing, if what the guys above say is true, she was a good girl and not a promiscuis type, is kinda training herself by sleeping with anyone she could. I mean, it sounds off the wall, but if she was planning to leave the state (I think she was) she may have had it in her mind to work as an escort. Practicing, if you will.

Then again, she could be a whoredog, thief, squirrel killer and baby killer, crafty enough to cover it up for years.
Oh My Lord! WS has gone pron! (Yes, misspelled intentionally)...

Ok.. I just got back on and immediately the goodie list had one that caught my eye too. The same one as I see caught the rest of your attentions.

I can not believe I literally looked through those pictures trying to see if I spotted Casey. LOL

Does Premier 1 Entertainment sound familiar to anyone?

I noticed there were some Agencies listed, not just girls.

Casey maintains that she is an Event Coordinator AT Universal.

Madame Casey? hahahahahahaha! I doubt it.. But it was funny to think about.
If what her friends (exit13 and the other guy nitrous) say is true, and not planted to make her look good (hey, they could be paid to do that - don't throw tomaters at me.)

No tomaters, just the facts, ma'm. Heh.. I always wanted to say that.

Maybe this helps the confusion. I found Exit13, found out he is the owner of Lake Vaj house then asked him to join here. He was signed up and answering questions within a short time.

He then turned around and asked Nitrous to join.

Nothing hinky there.

Looks like her but no shamrock tatoo

Yeah, that was my first thought too....but could it maybe have been airbrushed out? I know its a strech but it just made me think and I wanted to share...:confused:
Not a registered domain name:

Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered
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>>> Last update of whois database: Sat, 27 Sep 2008 00:30:30 EDT <<

The listings on the NG show appeared to be missing some details - for example, the domain name should be - several more are missing this exact punctuation. Probably the way the report reads in the files makes the punctuation less obvious...and is now getting passed on.
In refrence to, the f could stand for florida, or it could simply be a typo, just because someone types in a website, doesn't mean it exsits, if that makes any sense.


Just throwing this out there for anyone who may not know...that would break down to cameron gfe ultra escort. A gfe = girlfriend experience, it's one of the ways escorts describe themselves.
While we're on this subject....I found this awhile back and thought it looked like KC (Notice the front tattoo)

Look at the same bracelet thats on "talia" KC has on here....

I dunno...just kinda thinking outloud...What do you all think?

Nope not even close to the same girl. Look at the shape & size of her tatters! No way is that KC. LOL
Uhm, no.

I won't lead you by the hand, but I will test the waters.

(And, no, Beloved Techno-Phobes, there is no 'save', 'test', 'whatever virii/security' paranoia involved. Or at least, there is far less likelihood of damning yourself with DH or job if you stay focused on this search methodology.) :blowkiss:

1. NG displayed lists of unreleased KC searches tonight
2. Sames searches have not been posted publicly (to my knowledge?????), but can be found on WS here:
3. Many posters have tested a specific reported search site ''
4. PH says:
a. doesn't exist (you can try all you want, but this url DOES NOT exist.)

b. typo --> hello? 'f' is beside 'g' on keyboard?

c. therefore, the search was likely '' (if you type well, or are sober, or are emotionally balanced.)
d. ELSE, the search would be ' - without the 'f')
[that pretty much means we're all on the same page, yes?]
5. So --> sleuth!
6. From my own experience, I noted that the '' (without the 'f' typo OR the presumed missing 'g', lead to an obnoxious, exploitative, search portal entry site, with links to 'Full Sail' and 'LA' only a few short clicks in.)
7. In short, '' is nothing more than a search portal entry-way, BUT, it is also a very specifically directed portal search engine --> Disney, Full Sail (2 clicks in), Missing Kids, etc.
(Go wild! Here there be Missing Kids [not!!], sneakers, production/Event Planning, Air Force One, Special Effects, etc.) OH MY! [lions & tigers & bears!] all under the umbrella of 'Missing Kids' --> with a small typo. (google, then, then

*sigh* The bottom line is that there are 'portals' into all sorts of Internet/Web NetherWorlds that most decent WS people shoulda/coulda/woulda never need know about.

Not as in some 'My Space' research, but layers of the Net, that 99% of the WS members would never access.

I don't want to be judged because I know this stuff, because I would never use/access/participate in this stuff...


Hypothetically, IF, if KC were involved in web pron, in any form, it's well buried, and not as easily traceable as one might think.

Food for thought, and I'll post the rest on a different thread for the Tech-Heads to debate.

But, whilst you guys are all sleuthing the escort sites, perhaps, the real deal is in the mis-typed 'missinFkids' site that no one can access?


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