Casey's PC Files!

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Name: index.dat
Description: File, Archive
File Created: 06/12/08 11:15:29PM
Last Accessed: 06/12/08 11:15:29PM
Last Written: 07/16/08 04:20:12PM
Full Path: 08-069208\S013J10X237614\D\Documents and Settings\casey\Local Settings\Temporary Internet

In red you see the file name and when that FILE (Index.dat) was created. It is part of the IE Content Folder ... this file contains information Internet Explorer data, such as "cookie" files. It contains much more data than the specific data found in these documents. So while the index.dat file was created on 6/12/08 that DOES NOT mean that this particular data, in this case the search for Zenaida, was performed on this date.

Snipped From CNet
"The fields Date Modified and Date Expires show the latest such date of any of the cookies, while Date Created shows the earliest such date of any of the cookies."

Sounds about right. The index.dat files in the content.ie5 folder is a sort of database for the cookies, temporary internet files and autocomplete if it is enabled. The creation date of 6/12/08 is when the file was actually created on the first start of Internet Explorer. That to me sounds like that she may have deleted her history/temp files prior to that date. The last written date of 7/16 could be the forensic tool accessing it as I believe that was when they brought the PC in although it wasn't quite clear
maybe she was stalking her, after she found her online? then she used Sawgrass because she knew ZG had been there.

exactly what I think. I have always said it was no coincidence and believed that Casey saw Z at sawgrass and since she did searches on ZG name on June 12th it shows some sort of stalking.

ZG went to sawgrass 5 whole days later.

She was following her and I personally would NOT be surprised if we find out later that Casey somehow sent one of her infamous "fake emails" or something to ZG about the apartments, somehow orchestrating her to to look at an apt there. Because if she was "web stalking her" on myspace etc.....maybe she read that she was looking. I def feel that she was following her as well. Her little "stakeout" at Sawgrass....there is truth in every lie.

This girl is beyond devious and sneaky. I've never seen anything quite like this. Today's documents absolutely proved premeditation to me today.

I can only hope that LE doesn't give her the heads up and let her turn herself in for the eventual homicide charge. I hope they surprise her and arrest her at home. She doesn't deserve that courtesy as far as I am concerned. I am sick to my stomach right now.
Why is Casey not in jail yet? :confused:

If she lived in my country her sorry arse would be on remand right now! :behindbar

In awe at how much info you guys get before any kind of trial. :blowkiss:
Omg omg i'm soooooooooo exicted!! I've been trying to join for a week! I was beginning to think yall wanted blood drawn :yow: lol I can't wait to read/hear the new stuff out today. ps. Thanks for letting me join! I look forward to it.
Why is Casey not in jail yet? :confused:

If she lived in my country her sorry arse would be on remand right now! :behindbar

In awe at how much info you guys get before any kind of trial. :blowkiss:

Our constitution is a great thing and needs to be protected....its frustrating at times I know but it's set up that way to protect the innocent or wrongly accused. It's not a perfect system but its pretty darn close ; )....she's on house arrest. She's not going anywhere but straight to jail. They are closing in on her now.

Good job LE! Bravo.
Omg omg i'm soooooooooo exicted!! I've been trying to join for a week! I was beginning to think yall wanted blood drawn :yow: lol I can't wait to read/hear the new stuff out today. ps. Thanks for letting me join! I look forward to it.

Welcome to WS Cynda.
Omg omg i'm soooooooooo exicted!! I've been trying to join for a week! I was beginning to think yall wanted blood drawn :yow: lol I can't wait to read/hear the new stuff out today. ps. Thanks for letting me join! I look forward to it.

Welcome Cyndarella, glad to have you here.
This just confirms for me what I've suspected all along. Casey was a recreational drug user who also sedated her child. Why is this happening more these days? The Mcanns were suspected of sedating their children as well. I must be insane paying a sitter! These people make me ill.

Pocono Sleuther, AdrianneRebecca, et. al,

From page one: I think that the reference to the McCann's and what so many other 'quasi-adults' do to their children is unconscionable! Hurts me to even think about it.

However, I also want to give kudos to AR for her perceptiveness vis-a-vie the "zani--xanax" exposition. I believe she is spot on; albeit, where Casey replies to the effect of "won't we be something [sic]" paraphrased of course leads me to believe that she did not want xanax for partying that night.

As we all know Xanax is without question the most addictive compound on the planet Earth. It is used primarily for a sedative for folks with high degress of anxiety and panic attacks. Essentially, Xanax would be great for settling Caylee for extended periods; yet, doesn't seem like a good party, too much sedation.

Again kudos...:woohoo:
Her mother can't watch Caylee because she hurt her neck while landscaping with her father that weekend, she tells nyitaliano3.

She told nyitaliano3 she can't drop Caylee off with her nanny until that person gets home.

During the course of their converstation, she tells nyitaliano3 the nanny has been delayed because of traffic, a stop at the store and to pick up her dog from old roomates in Ovideo.

Sorry just a quick note: I think she's actually referring to 'Amy H.' for a couple of reasons: (1) I believe that Amy lived in the Ovideo area insofar as she hadn't forwarded her mail from there yet;

To me it is very obvious that Ma & Pa Anthony are making a statement here.

Remember our lessons in phonetics in grade school? What happens if we pronounce Zanny (short a) with Zani (long a ) as in crazy?

Again just a thought...

Didn't Anthony said he was the nyitaliano?

Another reason I personally think Zani is tag means you are waiting for someone to come thru with drugs for you.....she is playing phone tag trying to find somebody with Zanax......jmo. I could be wrong, but I think she meant it to sound like a person IF it ever came to someones attention, but really was talking about drugs.

Strange thought just popped into my head but its probably rubbish lol.

Cindy was a nurse wasnt she?

Could she have gotten a hold of (stealing) xanex and be medicating casey for some sort of mental issues and instead casey was using it for other things.
I think the whole "snot head" thing is subjective. We associate it as an evil thing to call your child because KC is evil. But if someone we knew to be a loving, nurturing mom called her child snot head in a joking way, we'd probably not give it a second thought.
The more I think about Casey's man habit, the more I wonder when/if she ran into our Beba/ZG's boyfriend? Wasn't it him that wouldn't give LE his phone records? I sure don't mean for this to point fingers. I'm speculating that if Casey met him and fancied him, she may have been on the search to see who his girlfriend is.

Not caught up yet so sorry if this has been answered.

It was Kiomarie's boyfriend who wouldn't hand over the phone records, not Beba's boyfriend.
Ok guys, She did a search within her own friends contacts for Zenaida\ =203461948897ec12-9984-4944-b65e-

She did in fact go thru all of her own contacts for the name Zenaida. Not a standard myspace search.

Tells me, she may have actually known a Zenaida. Please correct me if I am wrong here.


X-cuse if this has already been answered...

Don't forget that it was Cindy's idea to get up the morning of the 16th and start working that computer over. I'm sure Casey was going through the motions - to appear as if she was REALLY TRYING to be helpful in searching for ZFG.
KC said that she had a 'Blackjack' phone.......not a Blackberry.
This would be in the orginal 400 documents at the first interview before she was arrested. It was the phone that she also told her brother that she lost. She was swapping sim card back and forth with the Nokia.....I don't know if all cell phones have the same size sim cards.....I was curious on this????? Anybody know about sim card swapping?
I would agree with that!

AND, if she WAS bipolar, she could not keep her cool over weeks, days, or maybe even hours at a time, under these conditions.

She'd have to be seeing a dr for medication adjustments.

And the friends would have noticed hypomanias and deep clinical depressions, over the years.
I think the whole "snot head" thing is subjective. We associate it as an evil thing to call your child because KC is evil. But if someone we knew to be a loving, nurturing mom called her child snot head in a joking way, we'd probably not give it a second thought.
i call my kids rugrat and mouth .. my 17 year old is mouth .. his real name is lance tho hehe
I did too but, wow...

And, just think this: The information they AREN'T releasing will be even MORE incriminating....yikes!!!

FL has the death penalty, right?

Yep, FL has the needle, I think.

As incriminating as the stuff we've seen is, it's the LESSER evidence.
Another thing that strikes me as odd.......Where is Annie now? The other nite here at WS the were talking with D**te' and he said that she doesn't live at Sawgrass any longer...... Has there been any post of interviews with her by LE?
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