Casey's Psych Evals unsealed

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I know exactly what George meant about the sweet baby sweat smell. It is hard to describe but think of a baby that has been bundled up too warmly or the way their little heads small when you take a hat off of them. Its just sweet and warm and lovely. Only someone who loved a child and held them and kissed their lil head would recognize that smell. Only someone who dearly loved a child and breathed in that sweet essence of innocence would understand it and not think anything bad about it.
My late fiance had that same sweet smell. I used to kiss the top of his head when he was sitting at the computer and I'd walk up behind him and take his hat and kiss him on his head. When he died, I had his hat and it retained that smell and it comforted me and reminded me of him.
May I read the reference for that? Sociopaths lack the capacity for empathy. This is not true for ADHD individuals. The only trait ASPDs share in common with ADHD individuals is impulse control issues.

Which is why I said "many", not all traits, and went on to emphasize those traits relating to impulsivity, little or no concern for consequences, and poor decision making.

I will try to find the article online, it was a print article in my CHADD publication.

I also in my OP said that there was OBVIOUSLY more the matter with KC than ADHD. I was simply noting the striking similarities in certain behaviors between the textbook definition of sociopathy another member posted and ADHD and it reminded me of that article.

Off to hunt for the article online......

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While I have no links for these, except for memory, I find them to be very telling:

Supposedly when KC was younger, she was walking her Yorkie and it pooped, then her neighbor asked her to pick up her dogs poop and she told him it WASN'T her dog!!!

The other was a story told by a family member about when the whole family was at the maternal grandparents house, and KC wanted something different for breakfast than what was already made. The grandmother told her that was all she as getting, and CA told her mother that if she didn't make what KC wanted, the whole family was leaving!
If these stories are true, it really convinces me that there were no consequences and KC learned, with help, to lie or have fits when she didn't get her way.
So sad, because discipline is so important for kids.

But, why o why did this exact pattern continue with her trial?
thank you for your excellent reply, I have snipped to reply to this bit

my subconscious threw the name up, it was ed kemper, in this link he discusses his help with the MMPI next to each other is quite the sight.
Same one wanted to be responsible for disciplining KC. jmo

I'm wondering LambChop - just what happened when they did? Because somewhere - sometime, they did try to discipline her. No, this is some kind of a learned behaviour I suspect. Not trying to give the parents a pass - but OCA could not have been that much a special child that she was never ever cautioned.

It's not - ermm - Logical!:blushing:
Another problem I had with Dr W was that he found grand significance in something George said at the memorial, but he didn't seem to have nearly as much concern over a woman who didn't call 9-1-1 because she was apparently too busy uploading photos to facebook and tweeting her new squeeze just after (he thought possible) she found out her father sexually abused then murdered her daughter. That could be shock. But he sees guilt in a memorial service comment? Why wouldn't he attribute that to shock as well? Doesn't it make sense that a father/ grandfather might be in a haze having realized his child did away with his grandchild? I despair for our country if this is the quality of thinking from our "experts"

Here is a link to an article in the online CHADD magazine. It is not the same as the print article I read, I don't think, but maybe it was slightly edited for online. Some of the same behaviors are outlined.

I hope that will be enough to back up my claim about having read an article. BTW, I also live with a child who has ADHD and I have it myself so I am not totally clueless on the subject. And I never claimed to be am expert, just a parent trying their best.

Hope this helps! :)

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I'm wondering LambChop - just what happened when they did? Because somewhere - sometime, they did try to discipline her. No, this is some kind of a learned behaviour I suspect. Not trying to give the parents a pass - but OCA could not have been that much a special child that she was never ever cautioned.

It's not - ermm - Logical!:blushing:

We can tell by what LA has said and some of the family members that KC could do no wrong and was protected always by CA. Remember CA's ex-SIL who claims she and CA's brother, Rick, had adopted a boy because they could not have children and at a family function CA stuck KC, who was a baby at the time, in this woman's face and made a comment about her taking a good look at something she will never be able to have. Now that is cruel. This is why KC is the way she is. I believe CA treated KC as a trophy, always to be on display and a compliment to CA personally. In order to do that KC could never do anything just was not possible. GA tried to put the brakes on when he saw KC getting out of control and that meant it was time to get rid of GA. I think GA may have suffered from the hands of KC more than we realize. jmo
I know exactly what George meant about the sweet baby sweat smell. It is hard to describe but think of a baby that has been bundled up too warmly or the way their little heads small when you take a hat off of them. Its just sweet and warm and lovely. Only someone who loved a child and held them and kissed their lil head would recognize that smell. Only someone who dearly loved a child and breathed in that sweet essence of innocence would understand it and not think anything bad about it.
My late fiance had that same sweet smell. I used to kiss the top of his head when he was sitting at the computer and I'd walk up behind him and take his hat and kiss him on his head. When he died, I had his hat and it retained that smell and it comforted me and reminded me of him.

It's very commonplace when we lose someone dear to us, to hold onto their clothing and inhale their 'smell'. I don't know why this odd Dr found it so disturbing that GA would recall Caylee with that little tousled head smell..
Yep, Lambchop. FCA hates George and she hates Jesse G. These two are on to her. Her degree of hatred of these two men is concerning to me. After reading her jail letters and her reference to Jesse, I was thinking she may invest in a voodoo doll. She considers these two as traitors and has a deep emotion of hatred blustering inside of her.

God forbid if anyone loves her dog and gives attention to the dog. She will take offense. Kinda scares me.
It's very commonplace when we lose someone dear to us, to hold onto their clothing and inhale their 'smell'. I don't know why this odd Dr found it so disturbing that GA would recall Caylee with that little tousled head smell..

Not sure if the good doctor has any children but if he does he has obviously missed that very important part of having a child. jmo
This, I believe, is FCA telling what really happened to Caylee.

Dr D: ....I asked her, why later did you tell your mother the child was with the sitter? Why didn't you tell this to the police? And I probably used the words whyu did you tell lies to the police. Why did you say she was with the sitter, and why didn't you call the police?and then he talks about being in Florida and kids drowning (unfortunately) often and 911 being called.
JA: Obvious question.
Dr. D.: An obvious question, yeah. She said she didn't think it was possible it was an accident. She said the ladder wasn't attached to the pool when I last saw it. It was too heavy. I couldn't move it. A child couldn't move it. ... She said, I THINK HE HELD HER UNDERWATER, maybe he was doing somethign to her and he tried to cover it up.

If she is not talking about herself and what she did to Caylee....I will eat my shoes, hat, pants, desk, you name it. She drowned that child as sure as I am sitting here. That is why she didn't call 911. I do believe Caylee drowned now, but it was no accident.

What a powerful post. I now agree she drowned Caylee - OR that this story came directly from the DT once they all agreed on their best "bet" of a story to get her off.
Hi RR :)

Simply put - the only tweets permitted to be discussed here must come from an MSM source (usually a reporter). Most all of them tweet now so it shouldn't be cramping anybody's style.

The anonymous ones are those who are not MSM reporters and we have no proof who they are and/or whether the info they are spreading is factual or rumor. It is my opinion that they have an agenda: self-promotion. They tell you they have an inside source and post all kinds of juicy tidbits. However, unlike professional journalists, they have no ethical obligation to be posting truthfully or factually. Some of them may have a good source and there might be kernels of truth sprinkled throughout, however all that is still rumor. Not to mention there is LOTS of cyberfighting between those types. We are not bringing the drama over here, nor are we going to used as a vehicle for them to promote their blog sites or increase their Twitter following. In case I've never mentioned it, I absolutely loathe drama like that. Absolutely cannot stand it.

Regarding the paraphrasing, the policy is that you can paraphrase any MSM tweet, but if you opt to copy & paste or post their exact words, you need to provide a link to comply with copyright laws.

...and bless you for not laughing!! oxoxox
In regards to Jose's departure, I think he knew these psych evals were coming, and along with the video diaries, he had to know his hopes of any big payday was squashed! Both areas of value regarding kc big interview were covered: the psych evals contained her "story," and the video diaries covered the curiosity seekers questions of "what is she doing now, how is she, did she change her looks?" etc... We've seen her now...we know she's still a lazy bum...has no job...still a big fat liar...still loves to talk about herself...still despises her daughter, mother, father...still lives off of others...still plays with her computer,phone all day...and still thinks she is the victim in all this crazy mess "we" have created!!! Hmm.. Anyway, the cats out of the bag now, and the timing of all this was brilliant! Right when it appears kc was making her move, karma struck! And why would Jose hang around a sinking ship??? I mean did he really think we all bought the "happy, loyal family" thingy they had going on?

Dr. D: talking about FCA bringing up GA's suicide attempt....
Her comment on that was he's [George] going to let me take responsibilty for something I HAVE DONE. I'll be damned if I take responsibility for that. I'm still trying to protect me.
and JA says: He's going to let me take responsibility for something I have done? [Something SHE's done?] For something I've done? [meaning FCA]
again...JA: Something SHE's DONE?
Jeff can't believe his ears at this point.
then the doctor tries to explain it away.

ya know I thought that too for a minute but I think it was the dr mis-speaking, perhaps it shows HIS freudian slip, but not hers. after all he said she won awards for helplessness and while I agree she should have some, they were for helpfulness in a good little bad seed :D

ETA: although it could be that the doc slipped BECAUSE OCA slipped, and his unconscious wanted that out?
ya know I thought that too for a minute but I think it was the dr mis-speaking, perhaps it shows HIS freudian slip, but not hers. after all he said she won awards for helplessness and while I agree she should have some, they were for helpfulness in a good little bad seed :D

ETA: although it could be that the doc slipped BECAUSE OCA slipped, and his unconscious wanted that out?

This is really hard to interpret when you first get up, lol. :crazy::crazy:

What I think is happening is this doc needs a doc. :innocent:
This, I believe, is FCA telling what really happened to Caylee.

Dr D: ....I asked her, why later did you tell your mother the child was with the sitter? Why didn't you tell this to the police? And I probably used the words whyu did you tell lies to the police. Why did you say she was with the sitter, and why didn't you call the police?and then he talks about being in Florida and kids drowning (unfortunately) often and 911 being called.
JA: Obvious question.
Dr. D.: An obvious question, yeah. She said she didn't think it was possible it was an accident. She said the ladder wasn't attached to the pool when I last saw it. It was too heavy. I couldn't move it. A child couldn't move it. ... She said, I THINK HE HELD HER UNDERWATER, maybe he was doing somethign to her and he tried to cover it up.

If she is not talking about herself and what she did to Caylee....I will eat my shoes, hat, pants, desk, you name it. She drowned that child as sure as I am sitting here. That is why she didn't call 911. I do believe Caylee drowned now, but it was no accident.

ITA with this but I think there is more to it. She could have & would have cried accident & called 911 if she had of just drown Caylee.
There was a reason she couldn't though.
Was she afraid they would discover the chloroform?
Were there marks on Caylee that may make the Dr suspiciuos?
I'm wondering LambChop - just what happened when they did? Because somewhere - sometime, they did try to discipline her. No, this is some kind of a learned behaviour I suspect. Not trying to give the parents a pass - but OCA could not have been that much a special child that she was never ever cautioned.

It's not - ermm - Logical!:blushing:

I bet they lost a pet everytime they tried to disipline that nut.
I wonder how many pets Grandma & other family members lost in those years?

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