Casey's Psych Evals unsealed

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Omg.....It's like Christmas!!!! Psych evaluations unsealed? Are you kidding me? I'm at work and can't read them and discuss with you guys. Can't wait to get home and read what you guys have had to say!

Not to be a Debbie Downer, but don't bother! HUGE WASTE!!!
So how is he supposed to know any better? Was he supposed to watch Nancy Grace first so he could properly be biased? You people are only looking at this from your point of view. He was a professional, hired to interview someone he doesn't know. He gave an honest assessment of the person after the interview. Simple as that. It's the lawyer's job to discredit Casey's statements, not the doctor's. He was doing his job.

If that's the case Casey could have sat down with a legal stenographer and just dictated her statement that she gave this psychiatrist, signed it and that would have made it as factual as his parroting of her "facts". If he isn't doing an indepth assessment, what exactly was the point of bringing in a so called mental professional?
IIRC - George went into explanation on one of the taped LE interviews...about his whole history of leaving the police force, moving to Ohio, etc. This story as told to the Good Doctor was just another Casey Fabrication. Told to garner sympathy (as usual) so that her lies could slip by more easily. She is a master at that. Hence, the telling Jesse G and Tony L that she was molested....makes them more sympathetic to her BS.

OH WAIT... I am supposed to be on the "Casey is Innocent and George did the dirty deed" bandwagon.

I totally believe Casey is a liar and killed Caylee on purpose, no accident. I was only replying to another poster who said we all know George was hurt on the job and got workman's comp, not injured in a car accident. Not defending or believing Casey at all, just throwing that out FWIW.
Wow, Mason does not like LDB. I'm reading Danzinger's depo now (and I'm almost crying because he can give straight answers and so far it's easy to read, thank GOD), and came to a part where she asked Mason (Ashton was the one who was talking first, and then LDB asked Mason) if he wanted to put an objection on record. He responds, "You want to talk too? What are you so angry about?" She responds, which made me laugh out loud, "Would you really like to know?"

Oh boy. He said he did, and she responded, "muliple discovery violations." He then said, "on your part?" Nice try there, Mason, and she said, "No, on yours."

I thought it was going to get nastier, but she said "But anyway" and He said he was objecting to any potential work product but that he was not saying Danziger couldn't answer the question, and the depo continues.

Yeah, not a lot of love there, but LDB's responses made me laugh!
He SAID he reviewed the documents and evidence. I would have to believe him, right? He is saying this under oath. He reviewed what was given to him. He certainly didn't go look for things/evidence to contradict what his paying clients and attorneys were saying. Like I said, there is plenty of evidence in just her photobucket account to reject the notion that she wasn't a 'party girl". just sayin'... and that phone call home? she sure wasn't silent, inter-respective, afraid of her parents then, right?

The big question here is who gave him this information - the Defense? Probably because that's who hired him.......Right......:banghead:
So how is he supposed to know any better? Was he supposed to watch Nancy Grace first so he could properly be biased? You people are only looking at this from your point of view. He was a professional, hired to interview someone he doesn't know. He gave an honest assessment of the person after the interview. Simple as that. It's the lawyer's job to discredit Casey's statements, not the doctor's. He was doing his job.

There are any number of psychiatric/psychological professionals on this forum and others (not to mention any of us simply noticing her behavior recorded on film from Day 31) that have suspected she has a personality disorder. Those personality tests are not definitive, they can sometimes flag personality disorders but diagnosis is not immediate and many professionals will deliberate or require many many sessions before they specify a diagnosis. Those doctors should have spent a lot more time analyzing her behavior and affect and not simply reporting what she said as if it were true. It's also true that some professionals just are not very good diagnosticians when it comes to subjective evaluations.

IIRC, both of them met with her early on in jail and said she was fine (which is different from having a diagnosable mental illness that could have been used to cop an insanity plea). The DT dredged them up later, probably because they knew their initial work was a bit cursory. When one of the doctors found out he was basically going to be used as a professional mouthpiece for hearsay in court, he refused to testify. The state saw through this rather transparent ploy to avoid putting KC on the stand with her testimony subject to cross and the whole thing fizzled out. Neither of these men were willing to put their reputations on the line to say these things in open court.

A lot of stuff she said in her interviews should have been further analyzed. The fact that she was also "unusually cheerful" during her initial jailhouse interviews - when Caylee was first reported "missing" was a huge red flag, not to mention her incessant preoccupation with herself and her person, the Lady Macbeth hand-rubbing and other physical tics that drove us nuts during all those hearings.

I think what is rankling is that when most people in the general public, not to mention body language experts and other psychological professionals, can immediately see there is something wrong with her (something that the defense had to cover up as "ugly coping") - and her behavior and demeanor and affect are extremely similar to other well-known deviant/sociopath/murderers like Diane Downs, Drew Peterson and Scott Peterson - it would be circumspect and professional to have withheld their opinion pending a more thorough analysis or investigation, particularly since this person was a defendant in a murder trial and their testimony could be critical. This is not a matter of being unduly influenced by the media - anyone who heard her talk on that 911 call got chills from her lack of affect regarding Caylee. Any doctor who didn't take into consideration all of the available evidence of her well-documented behavior over a three-year period was simply doing a sloppy job, imo. If these doctors missed red flags that many others here in the field saw immediately, and were so apparent they stand out to absolutely everyone, then they need to be able to defend their diagnosis with a bit more detail and clarity than they did.

I think their "work" was pretty much on the same level as Dr. Spitz who flapped about in court because a skull was not cracked open and other irrelevant twaddle and gave the general impression of someone whose faculties had all but disappeared.

They were simply being paid to listen to the defendant's lies and to testify in court as if they were true. Sometimes I wish they had been on the stand because I think Linda could have eviscerated their testimony in a few minutes. (Which would have certainly entertained us all, but would have meant nothing apparently to a jury whose members were too bored to even review the evidence before they rushed to verdict).
Could someone please post a working link to Dr. Danzinger's depo. The wesh one wont open for me. TIA :)
Oh my GAWD, Baez. I swear he actually did this. He wanted the depositions to be sealed. Burdick asked why, and Baez said, "Because I just said so." Burdick asked if it was because they were confidential, and he answers, "and they should be sealed".

So then LDB asks him what the legal basis for that is, and responds, "That is my legal basis." No cases or anything legal to back him up, just because he said so. I love Ashton's response though: "Well, I think that is is an issue between you, the judge and the media."

What an EGO Baez has. It is because I say it is! And he actually made them stop and call the judge. Just wow. They had to go off the record.
Well, yes and no.
I think the tables should be turned on all of the grifters. They played the entire world. Now I think somebody should answer. What better way than to try to hold the "real" killer accountable? It could get very interesting. You would see a blood bath.

I couldn't agree with you more! I've felt for a very, very, very long time they should all LIE IN THE BED THEY MADE! I never believed GA had anything to do with this, or molest the !!!!!, nor do I believe LEE atttempted to molest her, BUT, they can't have it both ways... If they are all thrilled that the !!!!! got off, it should matter how she got off, and lets follow up on other theories - IT WOULD SERVE THE WHOLE LOT OF THEM RIGHT!

omgosh, in the real world (away from the internet) I am nice and kind.... why do i have so much hate for this family and why can't I get over it?

Bless you beautiful Caylee!
I love how Danziger would say he couldn't recall, but he didn't dispute the conversation that Ashton said he had with LDB on the courthouse steps ("I have no explanation for this other than she's evil" statement we've already seen). Huh. Was that his sly way of saying he did say that?
Not to be a Debbie Downer, but don't bother! HUGE WASTE!!!

Gotta say I agree - I don't think they will contain anything new or interesting. In the end, she was not diagnosed with anything, no personality disorder or mental illness.

In the depo, I was disappointed when Danziger backpedaled after Linda said he told her that the only explanation for Casey was "pure evil" and also that "the defense team would not want him testifying for them". Then in his depo he claims he doesn't remember saying that. I believe Linda.
The one I'm reading is open and I used the third link of the four that was given out earlier all at the same time in one post.
I haven't read the PDFs yet....will do so ASAP.

Did he ask or even explore her disassociation after George walked out of her bedroom with a dead Caylee in his arms? Did he ask her about the 31 days worth of partying, boinking, cooking and playing wife?

Come on people...get with the program here. I think the State of Florida should immediately file charges against George Anthony. After all, there is as much evidence here in these depos against George as say...there was to let Casey walk out of court that day.

I have not been able to read all the documents yet either but have read some snippets here and there, as well as the posts here ...

But I just wanted to "chime in" and say that I agree with you here -- and at the "very minimum" -- the SA's Office should go back and RE-THINK filing PERJURY CHARGES against GA and CA !

Both CA and GA LIED -- and here's the PROOF right here in these documents ! Of course, we already know that FCA LIED ...

The Anthony's have made a MOCKERY of the Judicial System ... and it's time to "set the record straight" ... I am so sick and tired of them getting away with everything ... :furious:

Something should be done ... something ...

MOO ...
If I were JB I'd have wanted them sealed too. The fact they show that two doctors could listen to the myriad inconsistencies in her ever-evolving stories and not basically say she is pathological liar without a shred of credibility would either ruin their professional reputations or make it look like someone was guilty of witness tampering.

The depositions show that the whole strategy was a snow job for trial and nothing more.
There are any number of psychiatric/psychological professionals on this forum and others (not to mention any of us simply noticing her behavior recorded on film from Day 31) that have suspected she has a personality disorder. Those personality tests are not definitive, they can sometimes flag personality disorders but diagnosis is not immediate and many professionals will deliberate or require many many sessions before they specify a diagnosis. Those doctors should have spent a lot more time analyzing her behavior and affect and not simply reporting what she said as if it were true. It's also true that some professionals just are not very good diagnosticians when it comes to subjective evaluations.

snip for brevity

as well as the fact these were defense witnesses, looking for anything that could "HELP HER DEFENSE"...they didnt WANT to know she had an axis II issue because how on earth would THAT help? it could only make it look more likely that she was a rabid dog.
Oh brother! How would FCA know what kind of sexual relationship her parents had?? Puleeese!!

Not that I believe what she says, but don't you think some mothers gossip to their daughters about stuff like that? Disturbing I know, but it happens.

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