Casey's Reaction to Found Remains was Video Taped

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Thanks for the response. We were aware back in December how Casey reacted when she learned the news, long before the Feb docs were released. I'm searching but can't seem to find the original thread. I really want to know how we learned of Casey's reaction because I seem to recall that it came from Baez.

we found out while they were identifying the remains in December.

Attorney: Casey Not Doing Well After Hearing About Remains

Beary, who appeared on "The Today Show" Friday morning to discuss the discovery, said Casey Anthony is on a psychological watch at the Orange County Jail and that he thinks the remains are Caylee's. (Watch Video)


During a news conference Thursday evening, Baez confirmed that Casey Anthony was upset when she found out about the remains and requested a sedative at the jail. Sources described Casey Anthony's reaction as an anxiety attack.
we found out while they were identifying the remains in December.

Attorney: Casey Not Doing Well After Hearing About Remains

Beary, who appeared on "The Today Show" Friday morning to discuss the discovery, said Casey Anthony is on a psychological watch at the Orange County Jail and that he thinks the remains are Caylee's. (Watch Video)


During a news conference Thursday evening, Baez confirmed that Casey Anthony was upset when she found out about the remains and requested a sedative at the jail. Sources described Casey Anthony's reaction as an anxiety attack.

I was tired of digging for the bamboo, so thanks JBean! It looks like it was JB himself who let people know she was given a sedative.
I was tired of digging for the bamboo, so thanks JBean! It looks like it was JB himself who let people know she was given a sedative.
The only thing I can't say without digging some more is if the sheriff reported it first and then Baez confirmed it.
I think I know what thread to look in though, so I'll give it a whirl.
Thanks for the response. We were aware back in December how Casey reacted when she learned the news, long before the Feb docs were released. I'm searching but can't seem to find the original thread. I really want to know how we learned of Casey's reaction because I seem to recall that it came from Baez.

I don't recall hearing about it in December. I remember a lot of discussion after it was released in Feb. I guess we'll both go digging.

Maybe I'm mistaken then. Got a shovel I can borrow?
My memory (what is left of it, at any rate) is a bit hazy about all the details, but I wonder if we could be confusing when we first heard about KC's reaction with when we first heard that it was videotaped.
Didn't the details of KC bending over and hyperventilating come by way of Tim M? Somehow that rings a bell with me.
Didn't the details of KC bending over and hyperventilating come by way of Tim M? Somehow that rings a bell with me.

I don't remember who said it, but they said she fell to her knees, hyperventilated, and requested a sedative. :boohoo:
That was very soon after they found Caylee. (IIRC)
Didn't the details of KC bending over and hyperventilating come by way of Tim M? Somehow that rings a bell with me.

Yes, it was Tim M. He added that when she fell to her knees, she stated "this can't be happening", or something to that effect.

on found this on NG thread Dec 11

JOSE BAEZ, CASEY ANTHONY`S ATTORNEY: I realize that the circumstances as they are would lead most people to believe that these are Caylee`s remains, but I must -- I must stress it`s not -- people have been wrong before.


GRACE: That`s Jose Baez in the last moments responding to the discovery of remains that are believed to be those of little Caylee. Just a stone`s throw from the Anthony home right near the elementary school, Hidden Oaks Elementary, where tot mom Casey Anthony and brother Lee Anthony went to school.

He also revealed that the tot mom had to take a sedative when she learned the remains were discovered.

Mike Brooks, I bet she did.
Originally it was reported that she turned red in the face, said 'Oh God, this can't be happening' and fell to her knees after which she requested a sedative. This was from "someone in the jail".

Originally it was reported that the jail minister was sent to tell her the news, but she refused to see him. Then, it was a "jail official" that was sent. We also heard that JB was upset because he wanted to tell her himself.

JB said she was very upset.

Only recently do we hear she was hyperventilating, that she was told of the find while in the infirmary and her reaction was caught on video.

Somewhere in all of this is the truth. So, let's see the video already!

Red face. No one flushes upon hearing unexpected bad news, they blanche. Red face means CAUGHT!.

Hyperventilating means fear.

This can't be happening means "this can't be happening to ME!"

Sedative means make ME feel better NOW!

We never heard reports of her screaming, "My baby! OMG! No, please no!" or wailing in uncontrollable grief and a flood of tears. Her reaction sounds to have been more of and "oh s88t I'm in real trouble what do I do now?" moment.
I strongly disagree. In the case at hand, there's still no rational explanation for the first 31+ days of what Casey did. If Baez's client were a mother who, from day 1, had reported her child missing, had been grieving for her child, (instead of being out partying in clubs,) etc., then maybe...
Baez won't be able to make the argument work.

It's appreciated that you call attention to the "irrational" behavioral aspects of this case which is exactly what I intended in my post (repeated below)
about the ability of a skilled defense attorney (e.g. TM) to use those to advantage as suggesting "mania," a component of Bipolar Disorder,
i.e. a psychophysiologic-induced condition which results in behavior and emotions which may not be rational. Any reaction to the news of the
found remains would not necessarily be inconsistent with this syndrome.

Originally Posted by Verité View Post
But if you flip the coin, the comparison might be highly significant and HELPFUL to a defense which acknowledges the manic-driven, improper burial of a child-decedent in an accidental, wrongful death situation, skillfully emphasized by a defense attorney with nationally-recognized expertise in those areas.
Verité;3434657 said:
It's appreciated that you call attention to the "irrational" behavioral aspects of this case which is exactly what I intended in my post (repeated below)
about the ability of a skilled defense attorney (e.g. TM) to use those to advantage as suggesting "mania," a component of Bipolar Disorder,
i.e. a psychophysiologic-induced condition which results in behavior and emotions which may not be rational. Any reaction to the news of the
found remains would not necessarily be inconsistent with this syndrome.

Only problem with the above theory is that, as many posters have discussed in this thread, it completely ignores the fact that Casey also watched live television broadcasts regarding the findings of what were believed to be human bones at JBP. Casey had no reaction. The inconsistency is the fact that she failed to react in any way, shape or form to the findings of what were believed to be human bones at JBP. (It was only much later that the bones were determined not to be human in nature.)

Is there a non-incriminating explanation for the inconsistencies in Casey's reactions to bones being found at 2 locations very close to her parents' home? I don't think so...and I'd be willing to bet that a jury wouldn't believe so, either...
The only thing I can't say without digging some more is if the sheriff reported it first and then Baez confirmed it.
I think I know what thread to look in though, so I'll give it a whirl.

It seems the clip stated that the sheriff said she was on a psyc watch. Which would be pretty standard stuff. A CYA sorta thing. Even if she didn't need or request help, they would put her on a watch to ensure.
Only problem with the above theory is that, as many posters have discussed in this thread, it completely ignores the fact that Casey also watched live television broadcasts regarding the findings of what were believed to be human bones at JBP. Casey had no reaction. The inconsistency is the fact that she failed to react in any way, shape or form to the findings of what were believed to be human bones at JBP. (It was only much later that the bones were determined not to be human in nature.)

Is there a non-incriminating explanation for the inconsistencies in Casey's reactions to bones being found at 2 locations very close to her parents' home? I don't think so...and I'd be willing to bet that a jury wouldn't believe so, either...

Not to defend Casey, but I'm not sure Casey did watch LP's media event live. Wasn't it reported that she was quietly led from the TV room when the coverage of the search began, before anything was found? It took only a few minutes for the determination to be made that LP had found nothing of value, and certainly not bones.

I also had no reaction to LP's find, except maybe to roll my eyes. I knew it was a bunch of poppycock. I also knew by the way LE reacted when Caylee's remains actually were found that it was the real thing.
Not to defend Casey, but I'm not sure Casey did watch LP's media event live. Wasn't it reported that she was quietly led from the TV room when the coverage of the search began, before anything was found? It took only a few minutes for the determination to be made that LP had found nothing of value, and certainly not bones.

I also had no reaction to LP's find, except maybe to roll my eyes. I knew it was a bunch of poppycock. I also knew by the way LE reacted when Caylee's remains actually were found that it was the real thing.
Not sure how much she got to see, but you're correct, she was led back to her cell.
Not sure how much she got to see, but you're correct, she was led back to her cell.

I need to dig around, but I also remember it being REPORTED that she walked away from the TV during the JBP incident...which is a huge difference then her being led back to her cell.
WESH reported:

POSTED: 6:30 am EST November 13, 2008
"A jail spokesman said she was watching television in a jail dayroom when news came from Blanchard Park. Guards asked her to return to her cell when they saw what was being broadcast, and Anthony went without comment, spokesman Allen Moore said."
Verité;3434657 said:
It's appreciated that you call attention to the "irrational" behavioral aspects of this case which is exactly what I intended in my post (repeated below)
about the ability of a skilled defense attorney (e.g. TM) to use those to advantage as suggesting "mania," a component of Bipolar Disorder,
i.e. a psychophysiologic-induced condition which results in behavior and emotions which may not be rational. Any reaction to the news of the
found remains would not necessarily be inconsistent with this syndrome.

Does "mania," a component of Bipolar Disorder only apply to cold blooded women that kill their children or KC? Don't remember it being said about SP. How SP acted after he murdered Laci and Conner is almost the exact same way KC acted. IMO because I believe KC killed Caylee. Don't think the jury will buy this defense.
Does "mania," a component of Bipolar Disorder only apply to cold blooded women that kill their children or KC?
. . .IMO because I believe KC killed Caylee. Don't think the jury will buy this defense.

I'm not sure. . . just trying to play devil's advocate after I heard of the latest
defense counsel added to the KC Dream Team (TM who specializes in accidental/wrongful death among other areas of litigation).
I'm now trying to second-guess what his product liability background may bring to the table, if anything, and have come across an
interesting possibility, but haven't clearly thought that one through yet.
Is there a non-incriminating explanation for the inconsistencies in Casey's reactions to bones being found at 2 locations very close to her parents' home? I don't think so...and I'd be willing to bet that a jury wouldn't believe so, either...

Unless the defense will be, OK she admits to improper burial of daughter with
some theory of how child died accidental/wrongful death due to ??? product
liability or who-knows-what with mother's reaction compounded by some
pre-existing mental health condition exacerbated by child's death. . . or, ???
I'm just trying to second guess, but your guess or that of anyone else may
be more on target than mine. Thanks for thinking-through this with me!
(Love your avatar!)
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