Casey's seizure? NEW INFORMATION 2011.09.08

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I just want to know if there is ANYTHING we can do to:

#1 Stop this ridiculous interview from airing!

#2 make prosecutors to pursue perjury charges against Casey Anthony

#3 Report Caylee fraud fund and shut down the Scam Foundation: Caylee Anthony Foundation

#4 Get IRS investigate and audit Anthony's source of income and their tax deductible foundation

#5 Investigate Cindy's fraud disability

#6 STOP these people from profiting off of the death of their granddaughter


I think the best thing you can do is let the d@mn interview run!! G&C are not PR savvy - although they think they are!! Once again-they will shoot themselves in the foot. Yes, some people will be taken in - but probably they were leaning that way anyway.
So, to stay O/T-the whole concept of the seizures causing KC to involuntarily let Caylee drown and lie about it is a sidestep (IMO) to take the onus off George as a contributing factor to Caylee's demise. Cindy needs George's rep cleaned up so he will be accepted as one of the spokespersons for their grandparents Org.
I'm sure it wasn't lost on Cindy that the Pinellas 12 didn't like George-therefore they have to rehabilitate his image. If seizures could somehow be resonsible for Caylee's demise-then maybe seizures made KC think things about pop that weren't true!!
I bet, even the hardcore defenders of the Anthony's and FCA, will have a tough time with this one! Me thinks (said this way on purpose), the A's just blew whatever sympathy left from their very few supporters.

ETA: No wonder they couldn't film this in front of a live audience!

Speaking of their "supporters", I wonder what has happened to their church friends that used to be attached to their hips???

Oh, they have real jobs and can't mingle and travel like this duo???
Sounds to me like she faked the seizure to get attention from Jesse and George KNEW IT.

Yes I have always felt that KC faked a seizure to distract Jesse, et al, from a lie or situation she was about to get caught in.
Journalists are only interested in facts not in ratings? I'm not so sure about that these days.I agree about Dr Phil being concerned about ratings.

I see your point. Usually journalists (credible news agencies) don't go reporting unsubstantiated claims. I was responding to a bolding where Dr. Phil doesn't abide by those rules since he's just a talk show host (as to why doesn't he require proof).
I think the best thing you can do is let the d@mn interview run!! G&C are not PR savvy - although they think they are!! Once again-they will shoot themselves in the foot. Yes, some people will be taken in - but probably they were leaning that way anyway.
So, to stay O/T-the whole concept of the seizures causing KC to involuntarily let Caylee drown and lie about it is a sidestep (IMO) to take the onus off George as a contributing factor to Caylee's demise. Cindy needs George's rep cleaned up so he will be accepted as one of the spokespersons for their grandparents Org.
I'm sure it wasn't lost on Cindy that the Pinellas 12 didn't like George-therefore they have to rehabilitate his image. If seizures could somehow be resonsible for Caylee's demise-then maybe seizures made KC think things about pop that weren't true!!

That's actually a great point. The seizure story may have less to do with trying to explain away FCA's behavior and more to do with distancing GA from what was said during the trial. It wasn't just the jury that didn't trust GA, we've seen it on this forum as well.
I am at lunch at work. Saw the news and got PO'D. I also want to know when this so called theory evolved and is there a confirmed diagnosis. And why was is not brought up at trial if true. Enough is Enough!!!!!

now let's get real...(anyone catch the pun there?!)

it's not enough, it's too much.
If CA did say this, then she is a bonafide, professional fibber -

See page 116 of her FBI interview...

SB:Has she expressed any concerns about her own health?
CA: No
SB: Has she has any chronic illnesses or injury that continues to have an impact on
her life?
CA: No chronic anything
SB: Currently taking medication?
CA: Not that I'm aware of
If CA did say this, then she is a bonafide, professional fibber -

See page 116 of her FBI interview...

SB:Has she expressed any concerns about her own health?
CA: No
SB: Has she has any chronic illnesses or injury that continues to have an impact on
her life?
CA: No chronic anything
SB: Currently taking medication?
CA: Not that I'm aware of

Oooopssssssss........thwarted again!!!!!
I said this in the Parking Lot. If KC has underlying illness/seizures. I want to know WHEN they started. Is she on medication. Did Cindy ever get her help and if not WHY NOT. Is she under a Dr's care. Did she ever have the proper testing done to confirm this new theory. I want the A's to put the proof in front of my face or I just don't believe it. And shame on Dr Phil if he does not get that proof.

I agree with your post and yet I believe that proof of any of this may be very hard to come by.
I don't think that the the A's ever felt it appropriate to see a doctor for anything...well except that mini stroke GA had right before KC was supposed to go somewhere with AH. And...which turned out to be a moment of confusion for KC and just a blatent lie. She was probably having one of those nasty seizures. Geez!
KC was so obviously pregnant at the wedding she attended and yet CA blamed it on a female issue or tumor. Was she having the seizure too?Wouldn't you have taken your daughter to a physician about that. KC did not have appropriate prenatal care until she was dang near the delivery day of little Caylee. Lee was even kept out of the loopie loop.
One more thing, I wonder how many times little Caylee saw a Dr.? I would bet it was only a couple of times prior to being seen, for the last time, by Dr. G. Did that little child ever get her innoculations?
And so why would Dr. Phil give credibility to something unproven...?
Because he expects a ratings bonanza based on the leaking of this seizure disorder proclaimed by CA who also wants a bonanza for her foundation and her daughter.
Where is Caylee in all of this for them???? Still dead. How sad and sickening.
I know this about me...I should not and therefore will not watch this show on the 12th. It would make me too angry to see Caylee exploited in this fashion for the almighty buck.
This is of course my opinion only.

A special note to Mary Ann: I was so sad to read of your daughter's death due to a GMS. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.
You are right in that it seems an insult to people who are diagnosed with seizure disorders.
This is just another lie from the A's. what an insult to people who really suffer from Gran Mal Seizures! I will not watch the A's spew these lies to make their child killing daughter look good. My Daughter died from a Gran Mal Seizure and she never lied. I'm steaming mad!! What a bunch of crap from the A's as usual! They are disgusting. While they sit back and collect their wad of BLOOD money because they are too lazy to get off their lazy arses to go to work. hate them both

I cannot tell you how sorry I am about your daughter. I'm sure she was a wonderful person and I'd be livid if I were you too. There is NO EXCUSE for these people. NONE! The Anthony's don't think more than 5 minutes ahead of anything much less the lies they spew. This is the kind of harm they do to people each and every time they open their mouths and they could care less about you and THAT is what make me so flipping mad.
One of these days, George is going to man up and spit out the truth - the whole truth.

Until then, he can count on being the pathetic punching bag between Cindy, Casey and the other unscrupulous (Baez, Geraldo, jury, etc).

He could write a book of 100 pages or an interview of 100 minutes in which he spills the beans. He walks away - and I do think he would walk away - with a couple mil and peace in his soul.

Until then we can count on more of this disgusting drivel.
This is just another lie from the A's. what an insult to people who really suffer from Gran Mal Seizures! I will not watch the A's spew these lies to make their child killing daughter look good. My Daughter died from a Gran Mal Seizure and she never lied. I'm steaming mad!! What a bunch of crap from the A's as usual! They are disgusting. While they sit back and collect their wad of BLOOD money because they are too lazy to get off their lazy arses to go to work. hate them both

Well said! :)

My daughter also gets seizures. Yet another LIE! These people make me sick! And even if FCA DID get seizures, how does that have ANYTHING to do with Caylee's murder??? Oh! It doesn't!
One of these days, George is going to man up and spit out the truth - the whole truth.Until then, he can count on being the pathetic punching bag between Cindy, Casey and the other unscrupulous (Baez, Geraldo, jury, etc).

He could write a book of 100 pages or an interview of 100 minutes in which he spills the beans. He walks away - and I do think he would walk away - with a couple mil and peace in his soul.

Until then we can count on more of this disgusting drivel.

Somebody could suggest that GA is up to his diamond stud earing regarding a few things that prevent him from spilling. A certain felon would know exactly what that could be, if anything.

IMO, he is just as bad, if not worse, than CA. He plays up the henpecked husband routine to the hilt. One look into GA's documented behavior tells me all I need to know about this "fine upstanding citizen". They are two peas in a pod.

When CA runs her mouth about the latest excuse for FCA - I bet GA is right by her side nodding his head in agreement.
I bet, even the hardcore defenders of the Anthony's and FCA, will have a tough time with this one! Me thinks (said this way on purpose), the A's just blew whatever sympathy left from their very few supporters.

ETA: No wonder they couldn't film this in front of a live audience!

Yep. Instead of an audience sign for APPLAUSE, they will have to use one that says GASP NOW and STOP LAUGHING.
Somebody could suggest that GA is up to his diamond stud earing regarding a few things that prevent him from spilling. A certain felon would know exactly what that could be, if anything.

IMO, he is just as bad, if not worse than CA. He plays up the henpecked husband routine to the hilt. One look into GA's documented behavior tells me all I need to know about this "fine upstanding citizen". They are two peas in a pod.

When CA runs her mouth about the latest excuse for FCA - I bet GA is right by her side nodding his head in agreement.

You nailed it!!!
Yes I have always felt that KC faked a seizure to distract Jesse, et al, from a lie or situation she was about to get caught in.

Oh my. That just made me think of something. JG said when asked about the results from the trip to the ER that she was not pregnant. I bet she told him she was pregnant again. Why would he mention that?
If CA did say this, then she is a bonafide, professional fibber -

See page 116 of her FBI interview...

SB:Has she expressed any concerns about her own health?
CA: No
SB: Has she has any chronic illnesses or injury that continues to have an impact on
her life?
CA: No chronic anything
SB: Currently taking medication?
CA: Not that I'm aware of

But ... as CA stated at trial ... her memory and recall has improved since she changed her meds. :floorlaugh:

It is amazing how developments from the OS at trial can change your memory.
I thought that the hospital never said that Casey had a seizure at all? I thought the diagnosis of a seizure was something that Jesse thought she had? Did I miss something?
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