Casey's seizure? NEW INFORMATION 2011.09.08

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I bet the Pinellas 12 really feel bad...

They could have used Cindy Anthony's discovery of "falsehood causing seizures" to acquit her of the lying charges too!

:sick: :crazy: but I am :floorlaugh:
I can just see the Pinellas 12 nodding their heads and saying, "This explains everything!" I bet they are the only ones buying this BS.
I bet the Pinellas 12 really feel bad...

They could have used Cindy Anthony's discovery of "falsehood causing seizures" to acquit her of the lying charges too!

oooohhh heavens I can even see it now, the day after their names are released to the public, they get together and stand in a line holding hands at the press conference, weeping CMA CMA! we didnt know about the seizures! JB left em out of the OS!! CMA we'll never forget you!
I bet the Pinellas 12 really feel bad...

They could have used Cindy Anthony's discovery of "falsehood causing seizures" to acquit her of the lying charges too!

Oh My God, you are totally right!!!!! Now I'm glad this never came up at trial...
I just want to know if there is ANYTHING we can do to:

#1 Stop this ridiculous interview from airing!

#2 make prosecutors to pursue perjury charges against Casey Anthony

#3 Report Caylee fraud fund and shut down the Scam Foundation: Caylee Anthony Foundation

#4 Get IRS investigate and audit Anthony's source of income and their tax deductible foundation

#5 Investigate Cindy's fraud disability

#6 STOP these people from profiting off of the death of their granddaughter

You know, the A's are so two faced. Weren't they the ones saying, at one time, that nothing was wrong with Casey and she's mother of the year? And now they are turning around and saying something is wrong with her and it caused Caylee's death? Which is it, A's? She can't be mother of the year with a serious mental problem that impairs her ability to raise a child safely at the same time!!!!
Actually, what they want is the all mighty dollar$$$$$ that they are hopefull will be flowing into their new and improved Fraud-ation.

It's always been about $$ with this family.

Everybody owes the elder mommy.
G____e ripped her off, gonna get "mine" in the end.
The daughter ripped her off, gonna get "mine" in the end.
Little Caylee cost her cause her mother wouldn't work, so, gonna get "mine" in the end.

When will this woman realize that money is not the answer and is not going to fix or cure or make things better??

Sure they want the all mighty dollar. Seems like money is about all that makes those folks tick. They sure have been spotted in several different spots in the country on their shopping sprees. The main thing that bothers the crap out of me is that if Caylee really did drown in that pool (which I don't think she did) wouldn't have the Anthony's torn the stupid pool down by now. I know that would have been the first thing I would have done. How could they stand to look at that pool everyday as a reminder to them of Caylees death. I ain't buying their story about the drowning or the now their sick seizure having daughter.
Funny how we heard nothing at all about any seizures during the trial. I guess maybe Casey could control her seizures during the trial and all the times she was partying and entering hot body contests. When will these people stop with all their lies?????
I just want to know if there is ANYTHING we can do to:

#1 Stop this ridiculous interview from airing!

#2 make prosecutors to pursue perjury charges against Casey Anthony

#3 Report Caylee fraud fund and shut down the Scam Foundation: Caylee Anthony Foundation

#4 Get IRS investigate and audit Anthony's source of income and their tax deductible foundation

#5 Investigate Cindy's fraud disability

#6 STOP these people from profiting off of the death of their granddaughter


i think the show should air. will be a make or break moment for some viewers. maybe will show a bit more of the true colors and maybe phil will say what so many would like to say. geraldo's reporting i take with a box of salt.
I can just see the Pinellas 12 nodding their heads and saying, "This explains everything!" I bet they are the only ones buying this BS.

Of course they are - it exonerates them - they can play the "A" game.

And whoever said ALIENS upthread, Bravo! That was my next quip - Nigerian Royalty Aliens ...
I said this in the Parking Lot. If KC has underlying illness/seizures. I want to know WHEN they started. Is she on medication. Did Cindy ever get her help and if not WHY NOT. Is she under a Dr's care. Did she ever have the proper testing done to confirm this new theory. I want the A's to put the proof in front of my face or I just don't believe it. And shame on Dr Phil if he does not get that proof.
You know, the A's are so two faced. Weren't they the ones saying, at one time, that nothing was wrong with Casey and she's mother of the year? And now they are turning around and saying something is wrong with her and it caused Caylee's death? Which is it, A's? She can't be mother of the year with a serious mental problem that impairs her ability to raise a child safely at the same time!!!!

I bet they are slapping their heads right now and wishing that they'd have thought it out a little more and gone with my Ambiean idea!!!

Then, C___y could still be their perfect "10".

She was in an Ambiean trance for THIRTY ONE DAYS people!!!!
She has no memory of what she did for those 31 days!!!
The irony of all of this is the only 'news' that comes out these days (that registers anything on this site) has to do with the A's and not FCA herself.

Do they actually acknowledge the drowning story now? And if they acknowledge the drowning story, how much of it do they acknowledge? Everything except the part that includes GA? Wasn't Lippman himself who said the A's believe their daughter was responsible for Caylee's death?
This is just another lie from the A's. what an insult to people who really suffer from Gran Mal Seizures! I will not watch the A's spew these lies to make their child killing daughter look good. My Daughter died from a Gran Mal Seizure and she never lied. I'm steaming mad!! What a bunch of crap from the A's as usual! They are disgusting. While they sit back and collect their wad of BLOOD money because they are too lazy to get off their lazy arses to go to work. hate them both
I said this in the Parking Lot. If KC has underlying illness/seizures. I want to know WHEN they started. Is she on medication. Did Cindy ever get her help and if not WHY NOT. Is she under a Dr's care. Did she ever have the proper testing done to confirm this new theory. I want the A's to put the proof in front of my face or I just don't believe it. And shame on Dr Phil if he does not get that proof.


Dr. Phil isn't a journalist, he's a talk show host. One is interested in facts, the other in ratings. The two aren't mutually exclusive.
I am at lunch at work. Saw the news and got PO'D. I also want to know when this so called theory evolved and is there a confirmed diagnosis. And why was is not brought up at trial if true. Enough is Enough!!!!!
I bet, even the hardcore defenders of the Anthony's and FCA, will have a tough time with this one! Me thinks (said this way on purpose), the A's just blew whatever sympathy left from their very few supporters.

ETA: No wonder they couldn't film this in front of a live audience!

Dr. Phil isn't a journalist, he's a talk show host. One is interested in facts, the other in ratings. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Actually, IMO, Dr. P is just as much of a fraud as the A_____y's.

One just has a bigger house and nicer friends.

Dr. Phil isn't a journalist, he's a talk show host. One is interested in facts, the other in ratings. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Journalists are only interested in facts not in ratings? I'm not so sure about that these days. I agree about Dr Phil being concerned about ratings.
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