Casey's seizure? NEW INFORMATION 2011.09.08

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I would be very interested to see the medical documentation of this episode. I'm having a hard time buying it. I think Casey was trying on a new thing to see how it might be useful to her. I don't think Caylee's death was accidental--I think she was plotting out various tactics well in advance, and was seeing what worked on whom.

Also of interest to me would be the topic of discussion with Jesse just prior to the "seizure," as well as what was expected of her later that day. (Was she trying to get out of something? Was she trying to divert attention from a topic that was uncomfortable? Or was she just doing it because, well---she could, and like a good little sociopath was all about doing whatever she could get away with?)

I'm a former neuro RN---and I'm not buying the seizure story---thankfully, an ER trip was made, and there will be documentation.

If drug withdrawal is the theory, it'd be interesting to know who visited her later in the day (to replenish her stash). Because one trip to the ER would not be sufficient to stave off withdrawal of short-acting benzodiazepines for very long.
I have had a seizure disorder for the last 19 years due to brain aneurysms. I have been lucky and have only suffered a few grand mal seizures. My last grand mal seizure was back in 2000 after my last brain aneurysm surgery. My experience with grand mal seizures is totally blacking out for 15-20 mins and not remembering a thing, also I always wet myself. My seizures have since been controlled by taking phenobarb. I take 12 pills a day. I do however suffer partial seizures monthly and according to my neurologist it's because of my monthly cycle. After having a partial seizure, I'm exhausted and just want to sleep. They completely wipe me out. The partials are just like a zap to the brain. It is hard to explain a partial seizure. I also take xanax daily due to the amount of phenobarb I'm on. I honestly do NOT believe Casey and her seizure story. I just don't.

To all the other websleuth seizure sufferers and their families. :blowkiss:
Whatever caused it (was it even for real?) GA couldn't stop himself from trying to spin/pin the incident on EVIL Jessie..
I would be very interested to see the medical documentation of this episode. I'm having a hard time buying it. I think Casey was trying on a new thing to see how it might be useful to her. I don't think Caylee's death was accidental--I think she was plotting out various tactics well in advance, and was seeing what worked on whom.

Also of interest to me would be the topic of discussion with Jesse just prior to the "seizure," as well as what was expected of her later that day. (Was she trying to get out of something? Was she trying to divert attention from a topic that was uncomfortable? Or was she just doing it because, well---she could, and like a good little sociopath was all about doing whatever she could get away with?)

I'm a former neuro RN---and I'm not buying the seizure story---thankfully, an ER trip was made, and there will be documentation.

If drug withdrawal is the theory, it'd be interesting to know who visited her later in the day (to replenish her stash). Because one trip to the ER would not be sufficient to stave off withdrawal of short-acting benzodiazepines for very long.

Wow, you totally read my mind. ;) I brought this post of mine over from the Interviews thread since it was off topic and your post is spot on to exactly what I was thinking and feeling happened.

My opinion on the whole seizure incident is that is was a giant FAKE, just like all of the other stunts she pulled to get attention. That is why the hospital didn't find ANY medical reason for a Gran Mal seizure to have occurred in a otherwise healthy young lady.

If I had to hazard a guess as to why Casey faked a seizure for Jesse, I would assume that Casey in all of her infinite wisdom thought that if she had a sudden life threatening medical event it would bring her and Jesse closer together. Or Jesse was unhappy with something he had found out about Casey, and the only way to wiggle out of it was to fake a convulsion. Either way, the whole scenario is right up Casey's creepy alley.

For the record, seizures aren't hard to fake. Sadly I had a "friend" years ago who pretended to have Cancer so she could con our group out of money for medical bills. She dropped down on the floor one night and flopped around like a fish on a sharp hook and scared the carp out of all us. Of course we rushed her to the hospital, and lo and behold the truth came out. She was healthy as could be, and the seizure was faked for our benefit. If we hadn't heard all of this from her parents we never would have believed it because she was so convincing. Not to mention the fact that it never occurred to us that ANYONE would fake a convulsion to get attention.

Boy were we wrong!!

So knowing what we all already know about Miss Casey, I personally think this was what happened last year. And if this is accurate, it demonstrates just how far Casey is capable of going to manipulate those around her.

Pretty chilling..

I agree the conversation with Jesse beforehand probably was leading somewhere Casey didn't want to go. Maybe he was about to bust her in one of her many lies, she panics and decides that faking a serious and frightening medical event was the only way out of trouble with him.

My brother has diffuse brain damage from an accident at birth. As a result, he has dozens of seizures a day, some Petit Mal, some Gran Mal and sadly he also has Status Epileptic episodes, which are seizures that continue unabated for a period lasting longer than 30 minutes. I have been witness to HUNDREDS of his EEG's and have not seen or heard of seizure activity being present in the brain and NOT show up on the EEG scan. Please correct me if I am wrong. I am not saying people cannot have a seizure without a clear reason, I am saying seizures typically leave evidence behind in the brain that reveals their presence. An MRS or a PET Scan would also have revealed seizure activity had it been present.

It's also been my experience that Hospitals take seizures very seriously. If they had truly believed Casey had suffered an actual Gran Mal seizure I would assume that she would have undergone rigorous and continuous testing to find the cause and to rule out the possibility of future convulsions. Back home in Texas, Doctors are required to report seizures in adults of driving age to the DMV as well, not sure what Florida's laws are though. I'm sure this issue has already been touched upon anyway by many of you fine folks. ;)

But we all know that Casey is capable of putting on award winning performances when necessary. I also believe that if she had truly had a seizure she would have milked it for all she could with her parents. She would have tried to ride that wave of guilt all the way to Maui. But she didn't want them poking around deep enough to find out it was actually a total lie like everything else in her life. Her fiance was much easier to fool and frighten into submission at that point in their relationship. Thankfully, the spell wore off and he finally saw her for being the Three-Headed Hydra she really is inside.

I think Casey has been putting on these fake performances for many, many years. Caylee's murder was just the culmination of many successful scams and shamefully dishonest performances. She had gotten away with EVERYTHING she had ever done wrong. She felt herself to be bulletproof and twenty feet tall. Everything and everyone in her life had shown her that she could kill Caylee and make up one of her usual dramatic tales and everyone would believe her, no questions asked.

I guarantee you she is still sitting in that jail cell totally convinced that she is going to walk away from this whole matter completely unscathed.

Let's all hope she is oh so very wrong, and that for once in her narcissistic, petulant little life she WILL be finally held accountable for her actions and choices.
I dont think she did have a seizure- not a real one anyway.
She probably faked it to garner sympathy to deflect from whatever trouble she was in at the time....JMO
My brother has diffuse brain damage from an accident at birth. As a result, he has dozens of seizures a day, some Petit Mal, some Gran Mal and sadly he also has Status Epileptic episodes, which are seizures that continue unabated for a period lasting longer than 30 minutes. I have been witness to HUNDREDS of his EEG's and have not seen or heard of seizure activity being present in the brain and NOT show up on the EEG scan. Please correct me if I am wrong. I am not saying people cannot have a seizure without a clear reason, I am saying seizures typically leave evidence behind in the brain that reveals their presence. An MRS or a PET Scan would also have revealed seizure activity had it been present.

*respectfully snipped

This is something I posted about on another thread as well. I know in my daughter's case, her EEG's always show what her doctor refers to as post seizure activity. He explained that during a seizure, the brain's electrical impulses are firing willy nilly and that afterwards, the EEG shows abnormal patterns as the brain's electrical systems is attempting to right itself. In other words, the electrical impulses don't just immediately go from willy nilly to perfect, it is a process. IMO, If KC had an EEG in ER it would likely show this post seizure activity. FWIW, I think it was a fake also.
Did I read in one of the recent (Cindy's interview) threads yesterday that Cindy never even bothered following up to see what Casey's alleged trip to the hospital was all about????
Cindy thinks it was all a lie, she eluded to it. Said Casey never soiled herself. She was hinting that JG must have given her something, of course well all know Casey would never take any drugs or anything that would cause this because she is the saint that she is!
I do not believe the seizure. I think it is another fabrication or attempt to gain sympathy. Until I see an er report I aint buying it...not to mention if she had a seizure and was treated in the er...she would have had a follow up or consult ordered with neuro (and I am an ole' crusty nurse....well..not old and not crusty but 17 years of intensive care, ER, burn unit, and open heart makes me highly doubt her "tale" until I see paperwork that confirms it)

ETA...I feel she used the "I have seizures pity me" ruse on jesse and he took her to the er where she was seen, given a tylenol and released...just a guess mind you but pathological liars will do ANYTHING and SAY ANYTHING for pity....for no reason whatsoever.

I will have to go and look, but I could swear in GA's recorded video with the FBI (Video #8) that he stated when he got to the hospital, Casey was sitting up, smiling and talking away like nothing had happened. Jesse told him Casey had a Grand Mal Seizure. I have a very close friend who has taken seizures in front of me. He says that he just feels a strange aura before a seizure. I have been with him when he's had seizures, and believe me, he is exhausted and just wants to sleep when it's over. After he sleeps for @15 hours, he has no recollection of having had one or that I talked to him, he answered me and that I got him in bed after. The only way he knows he has had one is because after waking from sleeping it off, his muscles will hurt tremendously from the jerking. I will go search and find where CA talks briefly about Casey's 'seizure'.
Xanax withdrawal can also cause seizures.

My guess it that whatever it was had to have been a one-time thing, or at least not require medicine or long-term relief. If she was prone to seizures, I would think that Cindy would be using that in her media spin. "She can't remember where Caylee is because she has seizures!".

Excellent point.
I will have to go and look, but I could swear in CA's recorded video with the FBI that she stated when she got to the hospital, Casey was sitting up, smiling and talking away like nothing had happened. I have a very close friend who has taken seizures in front of me. He says that he just feels a strange aura before a seizure. I have been with him when he's had seizures, and believe me, he is exhausted and just wants to sleep when it's over. After he sleeps for @15 hours, he has no recollection of having had one or that I talked to him, he answered me and that I got him in bed after. The only way he knows he has had one is because after waking from sleeping it off, his muscles will hurt tremendously from the jerking. I will go search and find where CA talks briefly about Casey's 'seizure'.

What you are describing (about your friend) is a classic epilectic seizure. There is no telling what type/kind of seziure Casey may have have. It could be anything from some type of clot, drug induced, emotional, etc. Any of those might exhibit different reactions after they passed. I would love to see the medical report from the emergency room.
Likely from cocaine and xanex...that is a common side effect of combining those 2 drugs...[SNIP]....

Your diagnosis is quite a leap without knowing anything about how the "seizure" was exhibited, what the ER report found, etc., don't ya think?
I dont think she did have a seizure- not a real one anyway.
She probably faked it to garner sympathy to deflect from whatever trouble she was in at the time....JMO

I just found this over on the "new videos just released" thread:

"Part 8 was just released as well......George talk about Jesse calling and mentioned that Casey was in route to the hospital in 2007 because she had a grandma sezior.....He claims that Jesse in Oct or Nov 2007 around midnight, that Casey is with him and that Casey has suffered grandma sezior , George states this has never happen to Casey...... Casey had said she had drank 4 or 5 energy drink and the next thing she knows she was in the hospital. But Jesse said that she was foaming in the mouth and that he gave Casey CPR.. Casey was in the hospital for 2 days but nothing showed up."

This is not the actual ER report, but it does explain a little more about what happened and the fact that she was in the hospital for 2 days.
I just found this over on the "new videos just released" thread:

" Casey said she drank 4 or 5 energy drinks and the next thing she knows she was in the hospital."

" Casey was in the hospital for 2 days but nothing showed up."

I knew the hospital wouldn't have let her go without checking her out thoroughly. After faking the seizure and having the Physicians come up with no physiological cause for it, she had to come up with a "reason" for her "mystery convulsion." The "evil energy drinks" were again the perfect foil for her act. I am sure she has seen the reports about the side effects of some of these highly caffeinated beverages, and the pharmacological effects of some of the herbs used as well. Quite a few of these drinks actually have warnings printed right on the can.

I feel that as usual she knew exactly what she was doing, and the "seizure" was a mere dress rehearsal for her true Oscar winning performance later with sweet Caylee.

What you are describing (about your friend) is a classic epilectic seizure. There is no telling what type/kind of seziure Casey may have have. It could be anything from some type of clot, drug induced, emotional, etc. Any of those might exhibit different reactions after they passed. I would love to see the medical report from the emergency room.

Thanks, I learned something new. Can you explain a little further what a seizure from drugs, clot, emotional etc. would be like? I thought a seizure was a seizure. I honstly do not know what this type of seizure would be like.
I remember reading somewhere that CA didn't want the medical reports about Casey's seizure released. That makes me think it was drug or alcohol related. I had a friend in college who actually drank too much one night and had a seizure due to alcohol poisening. Did Casey possibly party too hard one night? I'm not buying the energy drink story . . .
I finally have a personal experiance to offer here. My brother very recently had a stress and exhaustion induced seizure. Working 11 hours a day, taking care of 4 kids, constantly worrying about being downsized and driving 4 hours round trip to work with no drivers license finally got to him. It was terrifying for those of us around him, he was twitching very badly, staring into space, drooling and making little grunting sounds. For him, however there were almos tno after effects. His jaw hurt from the tensing and he almost broke his wrist from where he was banging it against the table. Other than that and a killer headache, he felt fine. He actually was sitting up and joking with them in the ambulance as soon as the seizure was over. He also had no memory of what had happened.
So I guess that is an emotional/exhaustion induced seizure. The only issue is, what would Casey have had to be exhausted over? I can see the emotional issue, with worrying about her finances with no job, and the possibility of being caught in one of the major lies. But as far as exhaustion, I just can't see that aspect of it with her.
I just rewatched that Part 8 as well. Interesting to me was how skeptical GA was back then, nothing like the yes-man he has become.

For example, when George talks about this KC gran mal seizure incident with LE, after he has KC saying the only thing she remembered prior was working long hours and using 5 Hour Energy drinks, he makes a special point about her using the word "working" with big hand gestures and comments - like he had suspicions even then on what was really going on.

And when he says JG said she was frothing at the mouth and says JG said he performed CPR on her, GA seems to think JG could have hurt KC if he really did perform CPR on her since she is so much smaller than him. And though GA says JG said he called 911, he seems to doubt it. (LE tells GA that if an ambulance really took KC to the hospital he would have received a bill for the ambulance).

(BTW: not knowing that this really happened to KC, but there ARE reports of seizures and energy drinks if you google, like this headline report "New-onset seizures in adults: Possible association with consumption of popular energy drinks")

As to KC making up hospital stories, don't forget that she told CA in June that she was driving behind ZG and Caylee on their way back home from Tampa and that ZG had a car accident on Interstate 4 and that ZG had to be taken to the hospital. She said she had stayed with ZG until she recovered. Of course, this was later proven to be a lie.

She also texted AH at 6:55AM on 6/13 that "I'm on the way to the hospital with my dad". At 7:50AM "My dad almost had a stroke. We are still waiting for him to get checked out." Anyone know if this really happened?
I think in the last release of interviews GA was told about this and he said it wasn't true
I will have to go and look, but I could swear in GA's recorded video with the FBI (Video #8) that he stated when he got to the hospital, Casey was sitting up, smiling and talking away like nothing had happened. Jesse told him Casey had a Grand Mal Seizure. I have a very close friend who has taken seizures in front of me. He says that he just feels a strange aura before a seizure. I have been with him when he's had seizures, and believe me, he is exhausted and just wants to sleep when it's over. After he sleeps for @15 hours, he has no recollection of having had one or that I talked to him, he answered me and that I got him in bed after. The only way he knows he has had one is because after waking from sleeping it off, his muscles will hurt tremendously from the jerking. I will go search and find where CA talks briefly about Casey's 'seizure'.
Not all people have the same experience when they seize, what ever kind of seizure it may be. My epileptic son does not get any kind of aura or warning prior . Some do and some don't. He does not sleep nor is he tired at all after his tonic-clonic seizures or any other kind. But many people are exhausted because of the incredible electrical activity in the brain. He is, however, extrmemely violent and combative during his postictal phase and it can last up to an hour.He does not remember anything before during or after. But he does chew on his tongue and so he ends with a sore bloody tongue after and that is a sure tip off lol.
His neurologist told me that normal people can have them from lack of sleep. It is all about threshholds that each of us have to seizure triggers.

You can also have one for no apparent reason at all and never have one again. You will test out completely normal and that's it.
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