Caseys tax problems exposed..maybe

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I agree with you re TMZ and the facts - they are very reputable. But my question is regarding the sale of the pictures is what did Casey do with that money?

That sum was listed back when ICA had to account for her income when she declared indigency as being used to pay her lawyers. Believe that was brought up in one of Judge Stricklands hearing IIRC.
TMZ has posted this information on their website. Perhaps it will affect the case:

Accused child murderer Casey Anthony is in more hot water with the feds -- the I.R.S. believes she failed to pay $68k in taxes back in 2008 ... the same year she allegedly killed her 2-year-old daughter. TMZ obtained a tax lien filed against Anthony in Florida last week -- and according to the document, Casey never forked over $68,520 in federal taxes in 2008.

Casey was charged with first-degree murder the same year -- and is currently on trial in Orlando, FL ... facing the death penalty if convicted.

Calls to Casey's attorney were not immediately returned.

LOL! I guess when it rains it pours. :baby:
From my research, I really wonder if she will ever have to pay a dime to the IRS. :banghead:
Seriously though, shouldn't her legal team of alerted her to get that taken care of?
Whoever paid out all that money..... (ABC) CBS) has to account for the expenditure of funds. So, if nothing else, we will get an accounting of the money and what went to who, when and where. I wouldn't wanna be JB at this point!!!

When ICA sold those pictures to ABC,they would have been legally obligated to issue with the check,(attached to check) the dispostion of the funds,regarding taxes etc. Evidently NO TAXES were 'set aside' for this check,ICA signed the check and handed it to JB. In that situation,because she was relying on legal representation to advise her she may well have some legal recourse. But knowing JB he probably told her when you get off we'll do the TV circuit and make more money to pay any taxes due off.JMHO
Seriously though, shouldn't her legal team of alerted her to get that taken care of?

I don't believe it was their obligation to do so. They aren't tax lawyers or accountants. What do they care? Not being snarky, I just don't think it was their place to make sure she paid her taxes.
After todays performance...hope the IRS goes after the whole lot of them.....

In the Anthony parents depo they gave an accounting of the funds from 48 hours and CA told them how much went to taxes and BC's fee and what was left. Nobody told Casey that it was considered taxable income? How many lawyers has she had? Including for her civil suit?
These networks need to take that money out before issuing the check like the lottery and some financial institues do for large sums.

Wonder if it will be a bombshell tonight or tomarrow night for NG????
When ICA sold those pictures to ABC,they would have been legally obligated to issue with the check,(attached to check) the dispostion of the funds,regarding taxes etc. Evidently NO TAXES were 'set aside' for this check,ICA signed the check and handed it to JB. In that situation,because she was relying on legal representation to advise her she may well have some legal recourse. But knowing JB he probably told her when you get off we'll do the TV circuit and make more money to pay any taxes due off.JMHO

I could believe this!
No doubt CBS/ABC or who-ever bought the pictures filed a 1099 that year and the IRS is about 3 years behind or more, so when they go match the 1099 to her return there is no return. That is taxable income and she failed to report it.

It is good cause she could never own anything (movie rights, books)or get any other money cause of the lien, the IRS will take theirs first. Oh and the penalty and intrest will be out of this world.
When ICA sold those pictures to ABC,they would have been legally obligated to issue with the check,(attached to check) the dispostion of the funds,regarding taxes etc. Evidently NO TAXES were 'set aside' for this check,ICA signed the check and handed it to JB. In that situation,because she was relying on legal representation to advise her she may well have some legal recourse. But knowing JB he probably told her when you get off we'll do the TV circuit and make more money to pay any taxes due off.JMHO

But it is up to the tax payer to file that as income. JMO Not her attorneys, and what if they say they DID advise her? We all know that lying would be no problem for her.
It's not the TV network's job to be sure that someone pays their taxes. All they do is issue the check and then send that info to the IRS with the 1099 form.
JB should have advised her of the pending tax bill but that would have cut into the amount he received, so it seems he kept his mouth shut.
As exciting as this is....but what assets does she have or will ever have?
TMZ has posted this information on their website. Perhaps it will affect the case:

Accused child murderer Casey Anthony is in more hot water with the feds -- the I.R.S. believes she failed to pay $68k in taxes back in 2008 ... the same year she allegedly killed her 2-year-old daughter. TMZ obtained a tax lien filed against Anthony in Florida last week -- and according to the document, Casey never forked over $68,520 in federal taxes in 2008.

Casey was charged with first-degree murder the same year -- and is currently on trial in Orlando, FL ... facing the death penalty if convicted.

Calls to Casey's attorney were not immediately returned.

Well...It just gets better and better for ICA doesn't it?
Morgan and Morgan must be having a laugh over this one...maybe not..When they win their case they would be 2nd behind the IRS in collecting money...

So ICA owes the IRS $68,000?
Is this amount based on the $250,000 she earned selling pictures, videos and the money given to her by Macaluso?
If the tax bill doesn't get paid, doesn't it just keep increasing with the interest? I am wondering if the George and Cindy might be next as I think they got licensing fees.
But it is up to the tax payer to file that as income. JMO Not her attorneys, and what if they say they DID advise her? We all know that lying would be no problem for her.

And that excuse want fly with the IRS. My attorney didn't file my taxes.

I have an employee right now tried playing that card. The IRS guy told him it is your responsibility to see that your return gets filed.
If the tax bill doesn't get paid, doesn't it just keep increasing with the interest? I am wondering if the George and Cindy might be next as I think they got licensing fees.

Interest and penalties. They don't stop till someone contacts IRS and makes a deal. Most times you still get the interest. They may stop the penalties if you call and make a payment arrangement.
And that excuse want fly with the IRS. My attorney didn't file my taxes.

I have an employee right now tried playing that card. The IRS guy told him it is your responsibility to see that your return gets filed.

I wasn't disagreeing with you....forgive me if I sounded that way...I was actually agreeing with you!

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