Caylee Anthony 2 year old #19 General Discussion

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While I questioned it at first, I do believe it. I don't see he would have any reason to lie about hearing Caylee's voice on the call.

I'm open to it, but using limited latitude here for obvious reasons, did he say he heard Caylee voice or Casey tell Caylee to get off the table?
I am bothered by what we know- she told Jesse he was the father of Caylee, he paid for testing for a reson, they broke up, blah blah, drama, drama. She has a bf, clearly they were tight- and then she invites Jesse to beach, car ends up abandoned, forgets the call from 6/24 until he testifies, which happens to be the same day he resigns? Too much rainclouds over this for me.

How many bf's are ok with you spending the weekend with your x-fiancee?
If a person were going to use that vehicle to move a dead body (not Caylee)...they would be wearing gloves, imo. (Gosh...I am beginning to scare myself! I sound like a defense attorney all of the sudden! Ack!)
I'm open to it, but using limited latitude here for obvious reasons, did he say he heard Caylee voice or Casey tell Caylee to get off the table?
I am bothered by what we know- she told Jesse he was the father of Caylee, he paid for testing for a reson, they broke up, blah blah, drama, drama. She has a bf, clearly they were tight- and then she invites Jesse to beach, car ends up abandoned, forgets the call from 6/24 until he testifies, which happens to be the same day he resigns? Too much rainclouds over this for me.

How many bf's are ok with you spending the weekend with your x-fiancee?
I don't think Tony and Casey were at all "exclusive". I think he was getting what he wanted out of it and so was she (a place to stay, partying at his club for free, etc.). He wouldn't care if she was out with friends for a weekend at the beach when he had a slew of women at the club to choose from...if he so desired. <<<<My opinions only and may not be correct. Also remember that it was Amy after Tony's call that supposedly clued Cindy into where Casey was staying. (Altho I don't remember where I got this tid bit.)

I do believe he said he did hear Caylee's voice and recognized it as being her. He also said that Casey told her to get off the table, too.
Here is a link I found to a childrens book. The Starbuck twins in this book have a nanny named zanny. It could be a long shot, but it's worth considering. I don't believe there ever has been a nanny named "zanny"

CC- you may be closer than you think after I read your post-

SHazam! If you recall, she (Casey) never refers to ZG as a babysitter, she calls her the nanny- In all posts and to LE and per friend accounts.

ALso speaks to a bit of elitist- An unemployed 22 year old substance abuser, thief and con-artist- and she refers to a "nanny". This girl is beyond disconnected, she's distorted.
I'm open to it, but using limited latitude here for obvious reasons, did he say he heard Caylee voice or Casey tell Caylee to get off the table?
I am bothered by what we know- she told Jesse he was the father of Caylee, he paid for testing for a reson, they broke up, blah blah, drama, drama. She has a bf, clearly they were tight- and then she invites Jesse to beach, car ends up abandoned, forgets the call from 6/24 until he testifies, which happens to be the same day he resigns? Too much rainclouds over this for me.

How many bf's are ok with you spending the weekend with your x-fiancee?
We don't know if she actually did go, right? Perhaps, she was just saying it to make Jesse feel better. I can't imagine Jesse ever going with her. I didn't get the impression that he thought her to be a "friend" anymore.
This is what the link by Bludev has on it some of it anyway?
Talking about crime stopper

Pondering One wrote:
Name: Jesus E Ortiz Marque
Birth Date: 08 September 1986 (Historical Events)
Death Date: 08 May 2007 (Historical Events)
Residence at Death: Orlando,Orange,Florida 32822
SSN:***-**-**ss # is there) *,z*&qt=i&zassn=597 &zgssn=07&zsssn=8157 &highlight=jesus&#37;2cortiz
Your research is great. Is their any record of Zenadia Ortiz or Zedadia Gonzalez living in the same zip code?

If Zenadia can be connected to Jesus (she is Grandmother or Great grandmother to Caylee), this case is a layup. It explains almost everything.
I absolutely agree SS..something happened in that timeframe..but exactly what? I also agree that they need witnesses to who had that car..they maybe framing this girl because she is a boozer and a druggie and they knew that LE wouldn't look any further. She was borrowing Amy's car..did she lend er car to someone else, due to a debt, or had she ditched the car by the time Amy went on vacation. I need the dates of Amy's vacation to see if they coincide.

I am reserving all opinions of mine as to what happened until I see the results of DNA tests from fluids in the trunk. Hair can be explained away..but body fluids will make the case.

i agree with both of you. and with this too:

For the record, I don't think it is suspicious at all that the grandmother might have mixed the dates up. I can easily see that happening.

What I find suspicious is the "31 days" that Casey claimed, then when talking to police a few hours later on July 15th told police June 9th. That's more like 37 days...six days off. I find it odd that Casey wouldn't know that. She stated 31 days like she was sure of it, in the 911 call. It's not like she took a minute to think about it.

but why june 9th? i think "31 days" could be the sort of magical brilliance casey would just come up with. like, hmm, think casey, think, umm 1 month!! and she says it with such conviction and confidence. but then her math sucks, as per the comments above. this is similar to when she told kristina, "ohh look, okay, she (nanny) is not just from florida! i told them to check the ny and nc databases. i gave them their lead. (newsflash: this is your lead too. you are in jail and your daughter was "stolen.") or, how about another mensa moment: the original address of the nanny, which happened to be a senior living facility, also happened to be directly across from one of her friend's houses (ricardo maybe?).

her story is one big cluster****. but why june 9?? i feel like im missing something...
This is what the link by Bludev has on it some of it anyway?
Talking about crime stopper
Pondering One wrote:
Name: Jesus E Ortiz Marque
Birth Date: 08 September 1986 (Historical Events)
Death Date: 08 May 2007 (Historical Events)
Residence at Death: Orlando,Orange,Florida 32822
SSN:***-**-**ss # is there) *,z*&qt=i&zassn=597 &zgssn=07&zsssn=8157 &highlight=jesus%2cortiz
Your research is great. Is their any record of Zenadia Ortiz or Zedadia Gonzalez living in the same zip code?

If Zenadia can be connected to Jesus (she is Grandmother or Great grandmother to Caylee), this case is a layup. It explains almost everything.

With all due respect I thought we had already talked about the fact that Caylee doesn't look AT ALL like Jesus. I personally think he was just someone they were able to use as a diversion. :)
This is what the link by Bludev has on it some of it anyway?
Talking about crime stopper

Pondering One wrote:
Name: Jesus E Ortiz Marque
Birth Date: 08 September 1986 (Historical Events)
Death Date: 08 May 2007 (Historical Events)
Residence at Death: Orlando,Orange,Florida 32822
SSN:***-**-**ss # is there) *,z*&qt=i&zassn=597 &zgssn=07&zsssn=8157 &highlight=jesus&#37;2cortiz
Your research is great. Is their any record of Zenadia Ortiz or Zedadia Gonzalez living in the same zip code?

If Zenadia can be connected to Jesus (she is Grandmother or Great grandmother to Caylee), this case is a layup. It explains almost everything.
But would she be hanging out in bars?
I believe what happened when the 6/9 date was given to LE, they took that from Casey, there was nothing to disprove alot of her statements immediately and they needed to post the missing info. If you recall Cindy actually said she last saw her 6/2, so they did accept Casey's info as correct..

I have said all along that I believe she maintains this date (even in the face of a video of 6/15!) because of where I feel her child now is, and the date she got there is really important to finding her.

I think that between the 2nd and the 3rd 911 call, Cindy went from "you're keeping Caylee from your father and me on purpose" to "OMG, what to you mean....she's missing!" Casey told Cindy the last time she saw Caylee was on June 9th, and that's what Cindy repeated to the 911 operator.

When Casey got on the phone with the 911 operator, that's when she said............31days. LE checked the date on the video of Caylee reading to great-grandpa at the assisted living place on Father's Day, and coupled with Casey's 31 days was able to finally establish a confirmed date of when Caylee was last seen by members of the Anthony family.

BUT..............when was the last day Casey saw Caylee? Can any of her friends put Casey and Caylee being seen together after June 15th? The only thing is Jesse's statement that he heard Caylee in the background during a phone call on June 24th, and cell phone records should clarify that one way or another.
that being said, cindy adored caylee (perhaps even more than casey, who was a mess and stealing her money). can you imagine not only calling to have your daughter arrested, but contemporaneously finding out that your granddaughter is missing, the car that your daughter stole now smells like death warmed over (literally), and maybe, just maybe, your own daughter killed her??? i dont think any of us can. i don't think cindy can either. which is why she is pulling these crazy stunts. at least, when all is said and done, she can say she did everything imaginable to get caylee back. and to her, if that means buying into your crazy daughter's unbelievable lies as her last shred of hope, so be it. i can't blame her. think about how incredulous we are. now imagine it was your own dysfunctional family, the press is sitting on your front lawn, LE wants another interview, your daughter could go to jail for murder....but the bottom line is that caylee is still missing. cindy needs closure - one way or the other.

and just to note: LE has ruled her out. some people are saying obstruction of justice, but that would mean purposeful misrepresentation (as in, pointing them in the wrong direction). if there is anything cindy anthony wants to do, it is find her granddaughter.


in all honesty, i dont think casey ever expected her mother to call the police (which is why she begs for one more day). i think she had to come up with her story, the details of it that she was sure to be asked, on the spot. she clearly sucked. no one could back her up, no one knew (except maybe mike? who seems to be into some shady stuff himself?) to even possibly confirm. and then, the following morning, the 16th (the day she was arrested), she takes LE on a crazy goose chase. she didn't have time to sort this stuff out, she couldnt avoid universal (based on what she had said the day before), she was just screwed. and let's be serious, casey isn't the brightest crayon in the box. but it still seems off to me. why did she say a month? unless that is the only true statement she has made and caylee died a month ago.

that jail phone call, "all they care about is finding caylee." what is that?! what the hell do you expect them to care about? she is the one insisting that caylee is alive and well. my question is, but why doesn't she care?? why doesn't she even fake it? (i can only assume that she knew "finding" caylee was a foregone conclusion and they should get back to focusing on releasing her from jail).

i also think it was in this conversation - with everyone doubting her (ridiculous) story including her family, everyone at home doing whatever they wanted (unlike her), her friends going out that night, tony meeting other girls, the debacle with universal studios and the nanny - that the severity of the situation started to hit her. whatever she did, whether alone or with help, could actually land her in jail.

and it did.

As a mother and grandmother, I can't imagine what private hell Cindy is going through. My son stole things, and I felt shame, guilt, and failure as a parent. I can't even begin to imagine how a parent would feel if their child did something so horrible as killing their own child.

That jail phone call is sooooooo telling. You are so right - Casey is all about Casey. She is so used to telling lie after lie and getting away with it. She can't understand why it isn't about her. I think you're right that the 31 day comment may be the only truth.

This case is just so sad. I will be shocked if Caylee is found alive.
This is a Zanny Gonzalez in Orlando.
She has two emails listed near her picture. One is connected to this account( The other ( is connected to an account with a different name and age. But I can't read spanish, so I dont know what the profile says.
I found it interesting one seems to be a fake profile.
One's URL is sexygoldy, the others email is sexygoldy.
I bet you that Casey doesn't have a clue who the father is. However, she may have made up some really "damaging" lie. I hate to bring it up but I am very curious still about why her mom and dad's divorce was filed(which was later stopped) about the same time.
I don't think Tony and Casey were at all "exclusive". I think he was getting what he wanted out of it and so was she (a place to stay, partying at his club for free, etc.). He wouldn't care if she was out with friends for a weekend at the beach when he had a slew of women at the club to choose from...if he so desired. <<<<My opinions only and may not be correct. Also remember that it was Amy after Tony's call that supposedly clued Cindy into where Casey was staying. (Altho I don't remember where I got this tid bit.)

I do believe he said he did hear Caylee's voice and recognized it as being her. He also said that Casey told her to get off the table, too.

LOL. Rotfl.. I actually post other people's opinions, not even an original thought going on with the Blinky}

but seriously (pardon my possible trademark infringement SS) I gotta check on the heard Caylee's voice vs. Casey talking to her. Of one thing I am positive, this girl is the queen of Cunning..
i agree with both of you. and with this too:

For the record, I don't think it is suspicious at all that the grandmother might have mixed the dates up. I can easily see that happening.

What I find suspicious is the "31 days" that Casey claimed, then when talking to police a few hours later on July 15th told police June 9th. That's more like 37 days...six days off. I find it odd that Casey wouldn't know that. She stated 31 days like she was sure of it, in the 911 call. It's not like she took a minute to think about it.

but why june 9th? i think "31 days" could be the sort of magical brilliance casey would just come up with. like, hmm, think casey, think, umm 1 month!! and she says it with such conviction and confidence. but then her math sucks, as per the comments above. this is similar to when she told kristina, "ohh look, okay, she (nanny) is not just from florida! i told them to check the ny and nc databases. i gave them their lead. (newsflash: this is your lead too. you are in jail and your daughter was "stolen.") or, how about another mensa moment: the original address of the nanny, which happened to be a senior living facility, also happened to be directly across from one of her friend's houses (ricardo maybe?).

her story is one big cluster****. but why june 9?? i feel like im missing something...
I've asked myself that sooo many times. We know that Casey and GM were together before and after LE got together with them. Grandma who didn't remember the exact date TOLD Casey the 9th and that stuck in her head (?)
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