Caylee Anthony 2 year old #20 General Discussion

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sorry,no, but guarnteed check the thread, some of the WS'rs on here are amazing with recaps.
Night y'all. Prayers for Caylee.
Does anyone know if the police have mentioned finding hair samples in the spots where the dogs hit on in the yard?
I just cant wrap around if she had access, why the locked shed, why the BS about Mom hearing them through the walls but no-one saw them, and dont forget in the 911 call Cindy says "she finally found her after a month"
Am I too thick or is it just Cindy's word again?
You zeroing in on the 16th got me to counting and rethinking the "31" days. I'm not so sure that they were there.
Ok - skip George. This was another discussion going on - deals with Nanny Zanny. Someone found that Jesus Ortiz' mother was Zaniada Gonzalez. It was opinionated that Casey remained friends with her - grandmother.

Has this been confirmed, and if so, can you provide a link? I saw -I think it was on topix? earlier- somebody make that connection because there's a ZG who is also known as Z Ortiz. IIRC, it was said she's 72... meaning she would have had Jesus at 50, 51. While I'm not saying it's impossible, that seems questionable to me, as is 72 year old would taking on a 2 year old. Gonzalez and Ortiz are such popular Hispanic surnames that it could just be a weird coincidence.
Swag, George has been talking quite a bit. Maybe you haven't kept up on that part or something, but he finally started taking over the press end of things pretty much.

I do not suspect George in this. We haven't been given any reason to. So far, he hasn't lied that we have seen to the press or to anyone. His words have yet to come back to haunt him, unlike Cindy. He seems like a very level headed guy. I don't see George threatening any female in that they would rip his head off and stuff it down his throat.
I don't think poor George had a chance in that family.
You can discuss as many "theories" as you want -- but you have to look at the current evidence.

Cadaver dogs hitting on two locations. One being the car -- the other being locations in the yard.

Using that information and using common sense, you could assume that if Caylee is dead, she was buried, then moved to another location.

This was probably done by the person driving the white Pontiac car....
One option is that Caylee was killed at the house, temporarily buried in the yard and then moved one day when George and Cindy weren't home?

She only pulled up once, right? And Caylee's body wasn't found in the yard, so she had to have been taking it away.

Unless she arrived with Caylee's body, tried and failed to bury her in the yard, and drove away with her again.

Any other scenarios?
Has this been confirmed, and if so, can you provide a link? I saw -I think it was on topix? earlier- somebody make that connection because there's a ZG who is also known as Z Ortiz. IIRC, it was said she's 72... meaning she would have had Jesus at 50, 51. While I'm not saying it's impossible, that seems questionable to me, as is 72 year old would taking on a 2 year old. Gonzalez and Ortiz are such popular Hispanic surnames that it could just be a weird coincidence.
Again, I will say...and she would be out looking for this woman in bars?
One option is that Caylee was killed at the house, temporarily buried in the yard and then moved one day when George and Cindy weren't home?

She only pulled up once, right? And Caylee's body wasn't found in the yard, so she had to have been taking it away.

Unless she arrived with Caylee's body, tried and failed to bury her in the yard, and drove away with her again.

Any other scenarios?

This is the scenario that makes the most sense. Maybe Casey and Cindy will next tell us that Aliens stole the Pontiac and are responsible.
I hate to be blunt . . . but Cindy needs to realize that most people have "common sense" and realize what has happened to this child.

It's my opinion that Cindy has been manipulated by Casey FOR YEARS and expects us ALL to belive her lies.

Not going to happen.

I agree............just pointing out that the Anthony family doesn't seem to have the support of family and friends. In all other cases of missing people, especially missing children, it's a completely different scene than what we're seeing with this case.
I love my daughter with every fiber of my being...but if she was involved in something like this I think I would not act like this. I would tell my daughter "Tell me the truth, and quit the stupid do you think I am??":furious:

What if taking that stance with your daughter caused HER to become even more withdrawn & unwilling to talk?

What if that made her feel like you were her enemy & she now felt you deserved all the pain she caused & she didn't want to see an end to your suffering..... no matter what it cost her?

At this point.... unless Caylee IS alive.... the only person who has nothing left to lose now, is Casey. And everyone knows it.

If she knows Caylee is dead.... she's certainly in no rush to reveal that to anyone because she's got to know she might NEVER get out of jail again.
As for the Zaniada Gonzalez being Jesus' mother - they did post a link to the public records they were looking at - but to try to find that now amongst those thousands of posts. Either way, that theory just doesn't hold due to the dogs.

Another thing about Nanny Zanny is this woman could have been using a stolen identity - happens everyday all day - she could have worked at Universal - under a completely different name - easy enough - Casey would have had to see a paycheck or ID to see the other name and Zanny could have been a nickname. Either this woman doesn't exist or she does. And if she does - well she just fell off the earth, with Caylee.
Does anyone know what time LE is reporting tomorrow?

The Sheriff's Dept. might also want to change the "missing date" as well.
She's afraid (I'm sure) that I'm getting a bit too enlightened. I was just curious if she had ever heard of the word 'cause I never did. She said...and please no one take any offense because this is another word that is loosely thrown's kinda "ghetto".
Did you ever see Hustle & Flow?
Just an fyi there was no evidence of transplanted Bamboo and the dogs hit under the playhouse which is several yards away from the bamboo, fyi

Well, if it was verified by LE then that is another lie especially if Casey never did yard work. If she didn't know where the shed key was then she couldn't have done a lot.
I just cant wrap around if she had access, why the locked shed, why the BS about Mom hearing them through the walls but no-one saw them, and dont forget in the 911 call Cindy says "she finally found her after a month"
Am I too thick or is it just Cindy's word again?
It makes sense they'd want the shed locked if it was accessible from the street. It was also a new shed, correct? New enough that they got it after June 16th? Maybe Casey was locked out simply because she hadn't been home to find out where they kept the key.
Was it ever mentioned as to what time of day this shovel incident occurred? I remember the neighbor saying he had taken a shower, but that doesn't necessarily mean morning...I shower at night (FWIW).

I don't think LE has released much of anything about the neighbor - the date, time of day, or anything that would help us here with the time line. Maybe we'll know more after the press conference.
What if taking that stance with your daughter caused HER to become even more withdrawn & unwilling to talk?

What if that made her feel like you were her enemy & she now felt you deserved all the pain she caused & she didn't want to see an end to your suffering..... no matter what it cost her?

At this point.... unless Caylee IS alive.... the only person who has nothing left to lose now, is Casey. And everyone knows it.

If she knows Caylee is dead.... she's certainly in no rush to reveal that to anyone because she's got to know she might NEVER get out of jail again.
I'm sure Casey was mighty pissed at GM. I bet GM promised her she wouldn't be in any kind of trouble. But, GM was also expecting her to tell the truth. The impression I got when I read over the affidavit was that Casey accompanied LE alone on the 16th. Does anyone know for certain? I would find it odd that she would go to see them alone.
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