Caylee Anthony 2 year old #20 General Discussion

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I guess you all can tell by my "out of the box" thinking how tired I am. I am just so upset that this beautiful young child can't be found. And what are the circumstances surrounding her disappearance.

I'm going to bed now - tomorrow should prove to be an enlightening day.

Good night all.
I think Casey tried and failed to dig a hole in the Anthony's backyard several times. I also think she laid the body close to where she was digging, and each time she changed location and dug in another area of the backyard, she moved the body. That's why the cadaver dogs got three hits in the backyard.

Not being able to dig in her parents backyard, Casey returned the shovel, put Caylee back in the trunk and had to consider what other options she had.

Thanks for the explanation. I've been trying to figure it all out. After googling Caylee + bamboo, l finally learned that Cindy claimed the shovel was probably used by Casey to dig up bamboo shoots which hurt the little girl's feet.
Ok what is really irritating me right now is the chant.. Orange County Sheriffs dept. bring Caylee home''... Orange County Sheriffs dept. didn't lose,misplace,murder (or whatever) little Caylee! Casey did..she is responsible for this. Why on earth would these people want to burn the bridges with LE? FBI is going to work with LE they are going to be on LE's side so I don't really know what they think THAT is going to change on their behalf. The FBI may be able to get Casey to crack & if grandma (God bless her I must say) don't like Caseys history or habits dug into then she really don't want the FBI involved because sweetie it's going to ALL come out.
I have been putting some serious thought into the timing of all of this. As we all know Orlando is one hot vacation spot that people from all over the world visit. During June, July and August is when most families travel for vacation because that is when the children are out of school. That being said Orlando is really crowded this time of the year so to me water does not seem to be a place to put the body. Orland o is horrific during those months. Ask any truck driver and they will tell you, Orlando during those months is more of a pain than any other city. Most waters be it a Lake, or whatever have boaters and swimmers in the warm months. Also most of the time bodies flat due to natural gasses the body produces after death, unless the body is anchored somehow, much in the way Lacy Peterson was. That being said I do not think she would have dumped her in a body of water of any kind.
There are a lot of camping area’s near water and with camping area’s you have kids and parents all over the place so just dumping her body out in the open I do not see that either. Even in area’s of woods where people are not camping, people do hike, homeless people camp out so to speak and so her just laying out in the open is not much of option in my mind either and I just do not see Casey going deep into any set of woods to dispose of the body.
With all that in consideration I think she was put into a dumpster somewhere and is now in a landfill, and we all know in those cases IF you find anything at all, which requires some serious man hours and more of a pain than any kind of search, you will not find much. We have seen that scenario play out more than once.
Casey, IMO is not smart enough to carry out anything too complex. If Caylee is in fact alive then Casey has just pulled off the biggest hoax of the century. I just can not see her being smart enough to pull off another Lindberg case. So it all to me points to Caylee being deceased and Casey being the perp.
If they paid for it with one of their credit cards, LE knows when they bought it.

Cindy can't come out and say "My daughter is a wonderful mother" on one hand, and on the other say "But we didn't trust her with the key to the shed".

Damn that neighbor.

IIRC, Casey posted about the shed in her myspace account a couple of years ago. I could be wrong since I only got about 3 hours sleep.
IMO the logical scenerio, taking the facts that we know, is that Caylee was killed accidentally while on Casey's watch. Casey panicked, tried to bury her in the backyard, couldn't - put her in the car and took off. She probably got rid of her somewhere and then went out on the town. She abandoned the car due to the smell and that's where it all fell apart. She was caught like a rat in a trap. GM and GF got a hold of the car and Casey found this out by her "check-in" phone call. So now she had to go back home and didn't have time to fabricate her story. If this is the case, you can bet with the FBI involved - they have information. They have the tests back from the car. They aren't just going to blurt out everything they know. They are checking and re-checking to make sure this sticks like glue. Hopefully the PC tomorrow will shed new light. I still don't understand why they aren't searching for the body though. Seems LE could really "seal the deal" on this all if they had that - but yet no search. Curiouser and Curiouser.

I don't want to gross anybody out, but you know the bag of pizza and garbage that was in the trunk? Cindy keeps saying she saw the maggots, but did she really look in there to see what it contained? Did they throw it out before the police got there? Maybe Caylee was still in the trunk.
I've been trying to figure out if Casey could have left in the car for a little while with that borrowed shovel. If the neighbor would have noticed. Could Casey have buried Caylee somewhere nearby. I'm not familiar with the area at all, but the water description of the area is helpful to get an idea.

Also: Could those maggots have been the type of fly that is specifically attracted to dead bodies?
I don't want to gross anybody out, but you know the bag of pizza and garbage that was in the trunk? Cindy keeps saying she saw the maggots, but did she really look in there to see what it contained? Did they throw it out before the police got there? Maybe Caylee was still in the trunk.

IIRC Grandpa looked in the bag and then led LE to where it had been disposed of. They (LE) said it matched (was where he said and contained what he said). This was discussed at Casey's hearing.
Our trash only comes twice a month and with the summer months sometimes it brings maggots to our can. We throw away everything in there including dog poo and let me tell stinks but nothing in comparison AT ALL to the smell of death. Aaaand as soon as the trash man comes and takes our trash NO smell lingers.
I think Casey tried and failed to dig a hole in the Anthony's backyard several times. I also think she laid the body close to where she was digging, and each time she changed location and dug in another area of the backyard, she moved the body. That's why the cadaver dogs got three hits in the backyard.

Not being able to dig in her parents backyard, Casey returned the shovel, put Caylee back in the trunk and had to consider what other options she had.

good theory, Leila......i was thinking that while Casey was trying to find a spot to bury Caylee, she layed her IN the playhouse.....could the 'smell' have been on Casey enough for the dogs to hit where she'd been trying to dig???..maybe?
I just can imagine that Casey finds Caylee dead (by accident or other) and thinks "wow I better bury her or people are going to be pissed! and say that I'm a worthless piece of " ...You know instead of CALLING for help. She is such the psychopath that she makes up all of these lies to cover her *advertiser censored*...not caring about Caylee only about herself.
I'm willing to bet that LE comes back with 100% accuracy that there WAS a dead body in the trunk, and Casey will explain away THAT little problem with more lies...
Psychopath=individuals with this disorder gain satisfaction through their antisocial behavior as well as lack a conscience.
I have written a couple of times about how strange I find it that the people in Orlando or in the community there have not volunteered to do organized searches. During the Van Dam case here there was much support and volunteers, led by the dad were out searching for a couple of weeks. A big professional search team came here too from out of state. And the Van Dams had alot of negative publicity about themselves to boot so it wasn't like they were squeaky clean. Many people accused the dad of doing something. Are the people of Orlando just weird and have no sympathy or what?? I find this community odd. The search volunteers actually found Danielle too. They went inch by inch in this huge vast expanse of a community and they found here. Big grocery stores and companies donated food and water. There was a huge effort and they didn't know if they were looking for a live child or a dead child but they searched. I feel sorry for the Anthony's that people are so disinterested there. I do think they are afraid of what they will find tho.
I hav been concerned about this very thing. Where are all their friends, Casey's friends, family members & neighbors? This has been the strangest case to say the least. But, then when you think about it...where would anyone start to search?
I just can imagine that Casey finds Caylee dead (by accident or other) and thinks "wow I better bury her or people are going to be pissed! and say that I'm a worthless piece of " ...You know instead of CALLING for help. She is such the psychopath that she makes up all of these lies to cover her *advertiser censored*...not caring about Caylee only about herself.
I'm willing to bet that LE comes back with 100% accuracy that there WAS a dead body in the trunk, and Casey will explain away THAT little problem with more lies...
Psychopath=individuals with this disorder gain satisfaction through their antisocial behavior as well as lack a conscience.

Yep, that pretty much runs down what I think. I think there is a possibility that it may also explain why Casey skiddadled away from her parents home all of a sudden on the pretense of job interviews, needing bonding time, or whatever lie she cooked up. What happened on the 16th? I mean think about it, all her bills were paid. She was able to live the life of a kid. Everyone was buying her lies unquestioned. Suddenly she decides to leave and start a new life which would require that she be an adult? I don't think so. Casey knew she couldn't live there and explain Caylee's absence for long.
Could it be possible that Casey just does not remember what she did with this baby? The tone in her voice when she spoke to her family seemed to be that she herself is convinced that babysitter has this child. There is no nervousness in her voice. No "nothing" in her tone. LE has to know by now the results from these test. Maybe something will break today.
I'm listening to the tape right now (where casey is demanding Tony's number), I wonder if she can't get a hold of anybody because she's trying cell phone numbers and (at least on mine) you can't get a collect call.

She totally blows off her family, it's making me ill to listen to it.
I'm listening to the tape right now (where casey is demanding Tony's number), I wonder if she can't get a hold of anybody because she's trying cell phone numbers and (at least on mine) you can't get a collect call.

She totally blows off her family, it's making me ill to listen to it.

I hope she tried calling people before she went to jail, IF someone really has Caylee. I took it to mean that she had been trying to call the 'nanny' (before being arrested) but her number was disconnected. I could be wrong though.
It made me ill too.. I esp. wanted to throw up when Christine ( I think she is brother Lee's gf or wife) started crying saying she would just die if anything bad happened to Caylee & Casey said 'oh well'..At no time did she sound concerned or worried about her supposed kidnapped little baby daughter. She sounded on that phone like she thinks she is better then everybody else and she really don't give a crap what anyone has to say..

I'm listening to the tape right now (where casey is demanding Tony's number), I wonder if she can't get a hold of anybody because she's trying cell phone numbers and (at least on mine) you can't get a collect call.

She totally blows off her family, it's making me ill to listen to it.
Casey kind of has that attitude that reminds me of a child that would for example, break their toy out of spite because they're mad and when scolded, would say, so, it's mine what do you care if its broken.
She kind of has that 'so, Caylee is my child, what do you care' attitude going on. Does that make sense?

The search continues for 2-year-old Caylee Anthony who was reported missing by her grandmother almost two weeks ago. Her mother, Casey remains in the Orange County Jail for child neglect charges and lying to authorities.

On Monday, Casey's mother Cindy as well as her brother are scheduled to pay her a visit at the jail.

In addition, an update on the case is expected sometime Monday by Orange County detectives, including their video release of Casey's visit with her family in the jail on Friday. (more at link)
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