Caylee Anthony 2 year old #67 General Thread

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I would sure like to know this Zaneida's work history. It seems she also is without a job so you never know.

I personally think Casey did have a job but maybe a little on the illegal side.

There is enough here to make me want to know more of the personal history of this Zaneida.

LE has cleared her of any involvement, haven't they?
May I ask a question?

Why is everyone turning on the media? This family invited them into there home, on MANY occasions. The grandmother was on every fricken talk show every night.

Now, the media is only doing there job, reporting....which right now is not in the familys now we all turn on the media?

I am not turning on the media at all, I think they are doing a great job at getting to the truth, I just think they need to know when to back off. Regardless of what has happened, at some point this family deserves some peace and quiet and the ability to absorb all of this in private. Tomorrow is going to be a very emotional day for the family and I hope they are allowed some privacy to deal with it.
No, Sociopath is just what shrinks like to call it these days. Unless I'm wrong about that and someone can hop in and correct me.

"Sociopath" and "psychopath" are used interchangeabley, but it seems the current term in mental health circles these days is "antisocial personality disorder."

There's an interesting article about psychopaths here:
I feel SO bad for the family ,,,,,,,,

Can Casey not understand that she has created all of this ,,,,how could you lose your little girl and put your family through all of this pain and suffering?? I dont get it AT ALL
She is an evil selfish person no doubt! I hope she pays for all that she had done!
Could you imagine what it would be like to be the spokesperson for this family? The first thing you need to have in that role -- is the truth from the party you're representing. I hear Scott McClellan is available.

And Valium. Oops did I post that out loud?:blushing:
I feel SO bad for the family ,,,,,,,,

Can Casey not understand that she has created all of this ,,,,how could you lose your little girl and put your family through all of this pain and suffering?? I dont get it AT ALL
She is an evil selfish person no doubt! I hope she pays for all that she had done!

Casey only cares about Casey.. Too bad we do not have the electric chair anymore!
May I ask a question?

Why is everyone turning on the media? This family invited them into there home, on MANY occasions. The grandmother was on every fricken talk show every night.

Now, the media is only doing there job, reporting....which right now is not in the familys now we all turn on the media?
I don't see it as "turning" on the media. I think everyone was just merely stating how the media "operates". Down here we deal with media EVERYDAY. Like, for example, today - they are having the "viewing" for that federal agent that was killed the other day. Plus, we are now dealing with that nutjob that had that arsenal in his hotel room and was threatening to kill very prominent politicians (don't want to say names for fear LE comes knocking on my door). Media is EVERYWHERE - when you live near it and have to function in daily life - it gets frustrating. Just running out to the store - or going to pick up your daughter from the library. I would like to see it somewhat more controlled - like they do in Washington - they have media "corrals" and strict guidelines. But in the general public - its a free for all. JMO
1. Sorry if its been brought up, but whose to say that Casey didn't pay someone to go in there and apply under ZG's name. Sorry if that was brought up.

2. A year and a half of no one seeing this woman is pretty iffy, 4 years, the length of time that Casey says she has known ZG, is just downright unbelievable. If she had known her 4 years, someone would have seen her. Unless, of course, she is the Inviisble Woman,

3. If Casey really does have a severe personality disorder, one of the only ways to break her would be to walk into her cell and begin speaking to Zanny. Refer to Casey by that name and flat out tell her that we know that she took Caylee and yada-yada. It might draw her out if there is a second personality. (Which I personally highly doubt.)

That's all. I'll go back to lurking now.
I feel SO bad for the family ,,,,,,,,

Can Casey not understand that she has created all of this ,,,,how could you lose your little girl and put your family through all of this pain and suffering?? I dont get it AT ALL
She is an evil selfish person no doubt! I hope she pays for all that she had done!

She doesn't care. She doesn't have the capability to care. They feel towards people the way you and I do towards a toaster. What do you do with a toaster and it breaks and is of no use anymore? You throw it away.
No, Casey pointed out a former residence of ZG, which later turned out to be a senior center apartment building that ZG never would have lived at anyways. Casey pointed out a total of 3 residences. Alot of us read the affidavit wrong. I don't feel bad now, because Bernie on Greta has it wrong too! lol.

Thanks, SuziQ....misery loves company, LOL! I think it was that Morales I guess this theory is a wash!
May I ask a question?

Why is everyone turning on the media? This family invited them into there home, on MANY occasions. The grandmother was on every fricken talk show every night.

Now, the media is only doing there job, reporting....which right now is not in the familys now we all turn on the media?

I'm not turning on the media at all- it is their job. And most of these people saying that they hope the media leaves the family alone tomorrow will probably tune in and watch the very reports they're hoping won't happen- myself not excluded. Because no matter what, we live in a voyeuristic culture. So whatever our reason for tuning in, logging on, etc- it will happen, even if we feel the press has gone too far.

So please don't mistake any of my comments for "turning on the media." As one person said, they're lucky to get the coverage, when many families of missing persons vie for it. I'm just saying that I hurt for the fact that the family has to deal with the media when they're feeling grief. I hurt for them that some people will feel satisfied/validated at seeing them break down. I hurt for the fact that some people will be overly prejudicial about their actions, when I think that they are doing the best they can. Even though I am being prejudicial about Casey's guilt. I still hate that they have to deal with it.

Do I agree with the way they've handled everything? No. Do I think Casey is innocent? Certainly not, given what little information I am privy to. But I still feel sad for the family, and try my hardest to understand what they're going through:(
LE has cleared her of any involvement, haven't they?

According to them but did they actually do any checking ? I personally think they have done a really bad job handling this case.

There are to many coincidences to ignore this Zaneida.,2933,389642,00.html

Melich also said a witness he interviewed remembered seeing bruises on Caylee's body and a mark under her eye without knowing that Melich had a photo showing similar marks on the toddler.

I have a timeline question. Do we know when this witness saw these bruises. She doesn't have marks on her on the 15th of June. Supposedly seen the next morning as well, and then drops out of sight. Everyone seems to be focused on the 16th and 17th as the window of time that she dissappeared. When did these bruises appear and when did that witness see her?
I can't get away from ZG's visit to Sawgrass Apartment on the 17th. I would like to know what the parking area looks like around the office where people that are interested renting would pull into. Like if I went in would I be able to see my parked, windows rolled down unlocked car, that had bills with my name on them tucked in the visor? I mean Casey is a theft. Mom, Dad, Amy and who knows who else could attest to that. Could Casey have been in that parking lot saw ZG go inside and to advantage of the opportunity of an open car?
Pointing out the facts is cyber-bullying?

no, I am specifically refering to the fact I have seen a lot of newer members being told they must take their subjects to other boards because it has already been discussed or people have found it irrelevent to what they think belongs here(for future trials ect.) I've just seen some of those get nasty and peoples feelings getting hurt and several threads filled with people saying move to this or that thread which actualy probably takes more space than if they had let that original poster put their thoughts out there.
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