Caylee Anthony 2 year old #67 General Thread

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Ever live a nightmare?

That's what this family is doing. Their grief is unimaginable to someone who's never been through it.
I agree. Everyone in this family is living a surreal existence.

Their lives have been placed under a microscope - albeit with their full participation - for the past three weeks. It seems like longer to me, and it must seem like an eternity to them.
Bringing my post over here:

Originally Posted by nachomama

Wow! He's had enough! He was even ordering Cindy into the house (of course she went out to the street to talk to reporters and tell them to search for Caylee. At the end, one reporters says, Cindy...Cindy...if you could tell us where to go...

Well yesterday she did call LE, after George left. She did go out said and chat with the reporters, like they where the next door neighbors.
I can understand why George has had it, he's thinking "who really wears the pants in this house".
One thing you have to say is that they "somewhat" brought this on themselves. Ever heard of the words NO COMMENT? They could have stopped that media scrum early on

Yeah, very true. I mean Cindy really fed the media exactly what they wanted with her erractic behavior. I don't think she even knew how bad she looked... but that's exactly why the media is camping out -- you just never know what footage you'll get over there! :camera:

I honestly thought George was going to run somebody over with his sporty HHR in that video. It's a good thing they all cleared out for him... :whip:
I just can't fathom whatsoever shopping for presents for my grandchild that is missing. Not as a coping mechanism or any such reason. I don't think I could physically walk down the toy aisle or be picking out a card. I think I'd be a puddle on the floor when I'd walk by that child's bedroom. JMHO
Devil's Advocate here ...

Casey could be depressed, being that tomorrow's her daughter's birthday. Even if she DID murder her in cold blood and is a sociopath, as many people believe, she could be depressed feeling sorry for herself that she's not going to be at a fun birthday party with her family tomorrow.

Refusing the visit may just mean she's depressed, not an indication that she's getting ready to crack or mad at her brother.

the definition of a sociopath is the lack of empathy or the sence of guilt. IF we accept Casey is a sociopath who killed her daughter she is is unable to feel guilt or remorse. It does not go together.
I feel bad for Cindy, George and Lee,...

everyone has been hurt by Casey lies.
I think Casey refused the visit to spite the family. Since Cindy cancelled the visit with her in previous days...

I had heard in the past that Casey only recieves three permitted visits a week. Her friends were removed from the list to ensure her family had an open spot to visit. Since Cindy and Lee didn't visit her as planned last week, she may be irritated about that and not want to allow visitation this week. Especially considering she is removing people from the list to allow family in. Or....she may feel the walls are closing in around her and she doesn't want to put herself in any further jeopardy by speaking with the family...Could also be that the lawyer advised Caysey not to speak with family anymore because of all the contraversy it has caused up to this point.
WOW - if you didn't see that video of George - go watch it. He is not only "ranting" at the media - he tells cindy to shut up and get back in the house several times. Cindy tells the media at one point to back up - she doesn't want to loose her husband over this. I hope he goes somewhere to "count to ten" and "cool off". I hope this doesn't get even more scarier.

I just sat back down , and watched the video. I did not realize that he got in his car and left.

He left in a big hurry......either went to the jail, the police or her attorney is my guess. He has had it with all these games of his daughter. Reminds me of my husband, you never see him mad, but the few times I have....well he usually gets things done because you just never see him like that.
Is it possible that George's blow-up is a ploy? Everyone hs been saying that Cindy is too all over the place and George is too calm. And then all of a sudden, the total role reversal. George is blaming, darn near hysterical and Cindy is deathly calm. Just seems odd.

While there is always a chance you are spot on. I don't think so. In most relationships only one person will fall apart at a time. The other will be the strong one when needed, and then they can fall apart at some other time. They back each other up. It's just his turn. I feel for them , so much.
To have such a daughter must be a horrific nightmare. They aren't perfect, but noone is.

Fox is going to do a spot on Caylee in about three minutes.....who knows if there is anything new.
No one knew Casey better then her own family,as I said before on George's first TV interview he did not even want to talk about Casey,this family knew what they were up against from day one.
the definition of a sociopath is the lack of empathy or the sence of guilt. IF we accept Casey is a sociopath who killed her daughter she is is unable to feel guilt or remorse. It does not go together.

devil's advocate position...maybe she is not a sociopath.
COULD LEE BE WORKING WITH LE (at the beginning at least)?

A. Remember when we were commenting how his phone-call with Casey...when he kept asking her about the phone-calls she had with the nanny and whether she called her from her phone and what time it was the call she received when she heard Caylee? Remember how we said Lee seemed to be reading questions from a list, as if the police were next o him showing him what questions to probe?

b. Also in that phonecall Lee makes a whole deal about the phone-call being recorded and that the police could use it...perhaps police asked him to say that to her so they could admit those conversations in a future trial since Casey was AWARE what was saying was being recorded and her awareness could not be debated by her defence attorney?

c. Reading the search warrant yesterday I found it VERY INTERESTING that two of the most condemning lies that police proved was regarding information Lee asked Cayse.

1. She said she called and received calls on her phone from this nanny - the police proved this is a lie
2. She also said that the nanny called a certain date and time and she heard Caylee - the police proved this is a lie.

Even if they never find a body, this two are enough of circumstantial evidence to make jurors say GUILTY.

IF this case actually remains in Orlando...BIG "IF"....but I wonder what the stipulations are in choosing a jury. Since I've followed this case so closely I wonder if that would discredit me as a juror. Just curious as to what they would look for. I know there are several of us from Orange County on here. Would they choose people who are not familiar with the case? No matter what tho I think it would be difficult to sit on that jury after all this media attention.
I just can't fathom whatsoever shopping for presents for my grandchild that is missing. Not as a coping mechanism or any such reason. I don't think I could physically walk down the toy aisle or be picking out a card. I think I'd be a puddle on the floor when I'd walk by that child's bedroom. JMHO

Definitely. That baby's bedroom is where I'd be spending the rest of my days. They would have to pry me out of there.
I'm not that big of a fan of Lee, he seems a bot out of touch too. He was still making excuses for Casey the other day, smiling and laughing. It was just weird. I know people get nervous and their body does strange things, (giggling at funerals etc..) but he's spoken to media before so it's nothing new for him.
I just sat back down , and watched the video. I did not realize that he got in his car and left.

He left in a big hurry......either went to the jail, the police or her attorney is my guess. He has had it with all these games of his daughter. Reminds me of my husband, you never see him mad, but the few times I have....well he usually gets things done because you just never see him like that.

I think he threatened anyone who followed his vehicle too.
the definition of a sociopath is the lack of empathy or the sence of guilt. IF we accept Casey is a sociopath who killed her daughter she is is unable to feel guilt or remorse. It does not go together.

no it does not go togeather.

Casey is mad right now, and her anger will be directed at anyone except her. She does not think she is at fault for anything so she has no feelings of doing wrong. Her mind justifys the actions that she has taken.
I just can't fathom whatsoever shopping for presents for my grandchild that is missing. Not as a coping mechanism or any such reason. I don't think I could physically walk down the toy aisle or be picking out a card. I think I'd be a puddle on the floor when I'd walk by that child's bedroom. JMHO

I agree. But let's remember that people in stressful situations do fall back in their stress coping mechanisms or their ''feel safe'' patterns, or those stress coping mechanisms are highlighted to the extreme. I agree with those posters who said Cindy seems to enjoy her shopping. If you see Caylee's room and generally Cindy's house, all those stuff animals...too much. Perhaps shopping is a ''hobby'' for the gm, and even if it seems ridiculous to be doing this right now, it could be a stress relieve for her.
Do you think George's outburst might also be that HE KNOWS why they are collecting all of these items in the search warrant since he was a former LE? He knows that although they are looking for Caylee that they are also working at the angle that Caylee is dead? Mix in everything else,.. the media, Caylee's bday, Lee being refused by Casey.

The fact that ALL OF US are emotional about Caylee being missing and how ticked off we all are from Casey's lies,.. Cindy and George know Caylee and have been with her almost everyday for 3 years,... I can't imagine how THEY feel if I feel the way I do and I don't know her,... :(
And don't forget Cindy was in Casey's bedroom when she said she felt comfort.
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