Caylee Anthony 2 year old #68 General Thread

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That's my thought. At this point why does Casey even want out??? Does she think she will be able to do ANYTHING at all without being hounded by media and (DESERVINGLY) harrassed, threatened, and likely even assaulted if she were out???

I think she might like that, she'll be a real superstar!
this could be why George "lost it" this morning
This is a slow process and made even slower when SC says "oh no, we need a ruling for this to proceed any further".

As a parent he is thinking why didn't they do this correctly in the first place.

BTW, my first post

George lost it this AM?! Gosh the things I miss!
Oh dear.. I don't know but I didn't think so. A diving exercise isn't a crime scene, right?
A "real" one is - yes most definitely - remember this is a training exercise - a dry run if you will. This is all just SOP - when they train - they do exactly what they would do if it was the "real thing". They just had a disaster training here at FtL Intern. Airport - they even had real people - all bloodied up and laying on the runways - just like the "real thing".
Random thought, sorry! --> How do the divers search waters that are gator infested??
The have "watch boats" and some even carry bang sticks with them in the water.
Not sure if you got your answer. It was Starr58 who posted this over on thread #66, post number 404. Here is a link and the content of the post itself:

From Starr58, thread #66; post no. 404
"wondering...If there is any connection with Anthony family employment connections and Skyview Exotic Car Rentals. Just trying to follow the $$$..trail.

I was lurking in the Peter Benevides: Bogus Dummy Corporation thread, owner of Skyview Exotic Car Rentals who posted the reward $$. As I was cruising the comments I had a thought. Maybe there are some connections with Benevides and the ANthony family.

It appears that Casey was involved with DBC either as a promoter or as a "girlfriend" of a promoter.

Lee is employed at Gameday Management:

George Anthony is employed in the security field..maybe for Gameday or DBC??

Maybe somebody more expereinced than I can research this....something sleezy about Peter Nenevides (plz see the Peter Benevides forum)

I feel there may be a connection and may lead to the discovery of who, if not Casey, has been involved in Caylee's disappearance."

Thanks .... truly appreciate this.
OMG, it says in the messages that he moved to Jacksonville on 6-16! Is that strange or what, started talking about moving there from Orlando on 6-8.
Didn't Cindy say something about Casey going or coming from Jacksonville for Work?????????????????????????????????
If they bring the bond back to court, does that mean LE will have to testify about their findings last time they revealed the stain and hair..if they have results would they have to present them? If so maybe Baez is trying to make LE show more of their hand.

Baez is privy to that info anyway. Knowing what the results of the tests are is necessary for him to form a defense for Casey. He is entitled to them, doesn't need to force LE to reveal anything.

The reason for the hearing is quite straightforward. When they appealed the bond, there was no ruling because the hearing was denied. They never made it to the point where the case would be reheard. Since they want to go to the Supreme Court to appeal it, they first have to get a ruling, meaning that they have to go back to court and get the court to say something besides "Denied.". It's all standard legal red tape.
The have "watch boats" and some even carry bang sticks with them in the water.

I wondered about that too! The first "wild" gator I ever saw was running from one "holding pond" to another at an exit off Rte. 4. Big bugger he was! :croc:
Maybe they all went up there the week before, remember she said something about Caylee was with ZG at the beach.

I see where you are going. But it doesn't explain ALL the other lies? The job, the nanny, etc. I just think she stole ideas from other people, honestly.
How far is Winter Park from Orlando? I am only asking because I am not very good with Maps and I can't get mapquest to work.
But if she is hiding her in Jacksonville why would she lie and sit in Jail or possibly Casey was going to go to Jacksonville with him and Caylee was in the way? Just 2 possible scenarios IMO.
I wondered about that too! The first "wild" gator I ever saw was running from one "holding pond" to another at an exit off Rte. 4. Big bugger he was! :croc:
I've grown up down here and have always been around gators. Had a friend when I was younger - his dad was a "gator wrangler" he would get the calls to go catch 'em when one was in someone's back yard - he had a pitbull that would help - dog's name was "gator" - lol anyway sometimes we (the kids) would go with him. Then we would get to sit on them once they were hog tied and taped shut - they would take our pics sitting on them - the bigggest one I ever sat on was about a 9 footer. Plus these watch boats nowadays have sonar and radar equipped on them - they can see quite a lot of what's under the water while the divers are in there.
I hope the only word she hears is ..... NO!
Not private now. Good find, theres a comment from some girl that says

When are you coming back to Orlando? I have a shot with your name on it. For real. it says Kyle Kirkland on the glass.

This is definately a Kyle.

I see this profile as private -- does anyone else see it as public? Is it this Kyle (KK) who says he's going to Jacksonville on June 16th? Or was that a different Kyle?
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