Caylee Anthony 2 year old #68 General Thread

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LOL, my dad was a rattle snake wrangler when he wasn't workin'. :D

That is interesting about the sonar and radar. Thanks.

I really don't think they will find Caylee in water, I just can't imagine a mother (if guilty) dumping a precious little bundle into the depths. Just can't imagine. Ground burial would be more appropriate, somewhere that she could come back too visit someday.
someone said last night that the statistics on mothers (woman) that kill - their usual (most common) form of disposal is water. I guess because digging may be too strenous for a woman - who knows?
I just cannot keep up with ya'll!!! I've had to skip numerous pages so that I could get current, but I keep seeing something that I want to get someones opinion about. It's this....

IF this is the case, and Casey is actually a Sociopath and doesn't have the CAPABILITY to care about her daughter, then why is everyone so upset with her? What I mean is this...if she is INCAPABLE of the same actions and emotions of a normal person, then that can't be held against her really can it? If she COULD have the same emotions, then I'm pretty sure that she WOULD, so how can we hold her accountable, and be so upset with her if she is actually UNABLE to be different than what she is?

Because they still know right from wrong. They just don't care about right or wrong. And a personality disorder is not a mental disorder. It does not excuse their bad behavior. People like this are vampires and predators. The only way to hold them accontable is to incarcerate them so the don't continue to pounce on other victims.
Were both of Casey's phones supposed to be from AT&T or just the Blackjack? Was anything ever said about the other phone that she was supposedly using., you do not have to log in again. I never log out myself!


weird...I constantly get kicked off...well...FLbeachdawg gets kicked off...I can still read what you write, but after a while if I haven't wrote anything it kicks my screen name off and I have to sign back in to write something.
Because they still know right from wrong. They just don't care about right or wrong. And a personality disorder is not a mental disorder. It does not excuse their bad behavior. People like this are vampires and predators. The only way to hold them accontable is to incarcerate them so the don't continue to pounce on other victims.

I would think a mental institution would be a better solution as these people could be helpful in finding out how these disorders happen and perhaps down the road a treatment could be found..
someone said last night that the statistics on mothers (woman) that kill - their usual (most common) form of disposal is water. I guess because digging may be too strenous for a woman - who knows?

That's pretty sexist. I know plenty of women that can do just as much physical work, if not more so, than their male counterparts.
Because they still know right from wrong. They just don't care about right or wrong. And a personality disorder is not a mental disorder. It does not excuse their bad behavior. People like this are vampires and predators. The only way to hold them accontable is to incarcerate them so the don't continue to pounce on other victims.

So I must be misunderstanding what everyone is saying about being a sociopath then, because what I'm getting from all the talk is that SHE CAN'T HELP IT. If she truly CAN'T HELP THE WAY SHE BEHAVES then I just don't understand how anyone can be angry with her.
On FOX now for what is worth... LE is talking to being around the Sawgrass Apts.
??? Maybe just checking out where Casey could have gotten that name???
Because they still know right from wrong. They just don't care about right or wrong. And a personality disorder is not a mental disorder. It does not excuse their bad behavior. People like this are vampires and predators. The only way to hold them accontable is to incarcerate them so the don't continue to pounce on other victims.


She may be incapable of caring, but still has the mental capacity to know right from wrong, to try and cover what she's done wrong, she is capable of understanding the law.

In contrast - take the guy who beheaded and ate his seatmate on the bus in Canada. Horrible, grisly story, one that is still being investigated from what I've read. My take is that the guy has to be schizophrenic, I can see no other explanation. If that's the case, he isn't culpable and should be institutionalized, not imprisoned.
Were both of Casey's phones supposed to be from AT&T or just the Blackjack? Was anything ever said about the other phone that she was supposedly using.

Thinking out loud here, well not out loud, know: Where did she get all her $$$$$ for all these phones, partying, etc? She must have had numerous credit cards all maxed out!! Plus what she was stealing from friends and relatives!!
Because they still know right from wrong. They just don't care about right or wrong. And a personality disorder is not a mental disorder. It does not excuse their bad behavior. People like this are vampires and predators. The only way to hold them accontable is to incarcerate them so the don't continue to pounce on other victims.

Thank you, SuziQ, for your excellent description. When I encountered one I naively thought I could change, a professional told me, "No, RUN, RUN away from him as fast as you can!" Glad i did...
I would think a mental institution would be a better solution as these people could be helpful in finding out how these disorders happen and perhaps down the road a treatment could be found..

I agree! Jail doesn't help them or help the society in general.
I would think a mental institution would be a better solution as these people could be helpful in finding out how these disorders happen and perhaps down the road a treatment could be found..

I don't know the depth of the studies, but they are being done behind bars. I think think the psych community would love to find a treatment, as well as a few frustrated family members. lol.
So I must be misunderstanding what everyone is saying about being a sociopath then, because what I'm getting from all the talk is that SHE CAN'T HELP IT. If she truly CAN'T HELP THE WAY SHE BEHAVES then I just don't understand how anyone can be angry with her.

IMO, she can help it. She doesn't want to or care to.
This is most puzzling to me. Tony says the last time he saw Caylee was early June and that Casey moved in with him on June 9th. But, GPs saw her on 15th - 16th. So, where was Caylee at from the 9th to the 15th??

No clue. I seem to recall Tony's friend (who had been staying with him while waiting for his own apartment to be ready), saying the last time he saw Caylee was 6/13, that Casey took her somewhere before they all went out that night, and told him (them?) she was with the nanny when he (they?) asked.

IMO, if her absence prompted questions... it seems she would have had to be around a lot?:waitasec:

On some level, I can't imagine Caylee was there from 6/9 on, given the fact that that C&T only met at the end of May. I just can't see a guy letting his gf and her kid move in that quickly, especially when he's already got one guest. (But there are a ton of things in this case that I just can't wrap my mind around!). OTOH, Casey seems to be a practiced liar who has manipulation DOWN, so maybe she said something, he felt bad, and blah blah blah.

I wish somebody from her circle would pop up and spill some of the beans. Facts would be awesome.
Baez is privy to that info anyway. Knowing what the results of the tests are is necessary for him to form a defense for Casey. He is entitled to them, doesn't need to force LE to reveal anything.

The reason for the hearing is quite straightforward. When they appealed the bond, there was no ruling because the hearing was denied. They never made it to the point where the case would be reheard. Since they want to go to the Supreme Court to appeal it, they first have to get a ruling, meaning that they have to go back to court and get the court to say something besides "Denied.". It's all standard legal red tape.
Not sure about that...she's hasn't been charge with homicide. They just need to prove that she lied and that there was neglect.
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