Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #17

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NG gave no context or source for the 45 thousand figure, it also just happens to be the exact amount of debt someone ran up from another case she discussed that night, nobody else has reported that figure or anything near it.

so at this point i dont think it means a thing.
i have soem NG transcripts so I can check if it was $45,000 or $4,500. Do you recall what day NG stated this?

Man, I just deleted this NG lastnight -- I had saved it and listened to that part (about the $45K) several times... they did say $45,000, it was clear -- but they could've been wrong (maybe?). Does anyone else remembering hearing this amount being discussed anywhere else?

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 2:40pm on June 24th, 2008
she still has yet to move into the house. hell, in the past 9 days, i haven't even been living at the house. DRAMMMMMA. i'll fill ya in later on.

miss ya, yo.

I took this to mean that she hasn't been at the Anthony house in 9 days, which would put that date at June 15. I remember...we even speculated that Amy might be moving into her house as well (?).
Yeah he set off my hinky meter too lol. I know she didn't recognize him as a friend, but it's possible, as others suggested that in HIS mind he was an old friend, possibly had a crush on her previously. I should've worded it differently I guess. I meant he could have been there because he saw himself AS her friend. Although clearly from her reaction to him, they weren't good friends, at least not recently.

Yes, I can get that in HIS mind he feels he is her friend, while in her mind he is not even a remote acquaintance. I want to repeat though that his parting message was a very strange one. Unless Casey understood exactly what he meant, she must have thought "WTF???"
NG gave no context or source for the 45 thousand figure, it also just happens to be the exact amount of debt someone ran up from another case she discussed that night, nobody else has reported that figure or anything near it.

so at this point i dont think it means a thing.

agree...also it could have been $45,000 since 2005 when Caylee was born if Grandmean was keeping a tab on cost of living, health isurance for Caylee/Casey, etc.
Here is Lee's (casey's brother) reaction to her jail house call which was released to the media:

long interview but worth seeing it imo.

Here's a huge discrepancy: Lee says Casey told him "Caylee is alive, Caylee is ok".. but we're hearing that she won't talk to LE because of protecting Caylee and family from a threat. She's not seen her in 31 + days now and she tries to convince everyone that Caylee is alive and well.
Okay, this could be totally random... but I was just reading thru some of Casey's friend Mike's myspace messages -- and someone on June 24th asks him how everything is going with his new car. And a few days later another friend says that he wants to see his Impala (the new car?).

Hmmm... could this be where some of that $45K went? Maybe Casey paid him off for something. A new car would be a big purchase (helping to rack up $45K in a month) but how easy would it have been for her to charge a car on a credit card?
Yes, I can get that in HIS mind he feels he is her friend, while in her mind he is not even a remote acquaintance. I want to repeat though that his parting message was a very strange one. Unless Casey understood exactly what he meant, she must have thought "WTF???"

I guess #1) I don't find what he said all that odd, beyond just being an awkward guy doing something he's not used to doing #2) I guess I don't interpret "Let it go" as not saying anything but I see it as if you have anything you want to share/confess etc let it go, share it don't hold on to it. My husband uses the term let it go all the time, as in don't keep it in.
NG gave no context or source for the 45 thousand figure, it also just happens to be the exact amount of debt someone ran up from another case she discussed that night, nobody else has reported that figure or anything near it.

so at this point i dont think it means a thing.

That's an excellent point - where DID she get that figure from? I'm sure we'll find out eventually just how much she ran up. But for her mom to want to call police about the stolen car and running up her credit cards/stealing had to have been a substantial amount. But there again, what is a substantial amount? To me $5,000 is alot of money. To someone else, it isn't enough to worry with. Seeing how it appears IMO that Cindy and George were having some level of financial issues or at least just making ends meet, then I would say even an amount as low as $5,000 would possibly give her reason to try to get Casey arrested.

I notice alot of media are making a big deal of the fact that in the first 911 call, Cindy says to Casey "I've given you a month!". They are taking that to mean that Cindy already KNEW Caylee was missing for that whole month. That's not necessarily the case. She could have meant a number of things. Say for example, the whole reason Casey left her moms house in the first place was that her mom said to her something along the lines of "you and caylee move out - bond - see how things go - see how you handle it on your own as a single mother". She could have been referring to the fact that Casey has already tried it "on her own" for a month already and Cindy is fed up - if Casey is stealing a car, stealing money and leaving Caylee with a nanny all the time (in Cindy's mind this is what was going on), then Cindy could have been saying I'm fed up - you've had a month to make it on your own and enough's enough. JMO on what she actually meant by that statement. I do not believe at ALL that Cindy knew her granddaughter was "missing" for a month already.
Makes little difference now, she agreed with LE said she made a mistake. She produced a video of Caylee I saw no time stamp. She also said her mother writes a letter to her aunt every night and I guess she related her mom mentioned it but I never saw anything out there physically showing such. All under oath at bond hearing.

I did see though, that the caylee video was added to casey's myspace on june 15th. In the video the card on the table says 'happy fathers day dad'

I find it odd she labled it 'the child.' But I may be looking into it too much.
Also, just by the way caylee reads the story, its obvious someone in her life cares for her well and sits to read to her often enough for her to mimic a story.
Here is the link to the transcript where nancy says "$45,000.00"

HUGO RODRIGUEZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY, FMR. FBI AGENT: Listen, we`re focus -- we`re missing the focus. I know where you`re going but I`m going to said it before, let`s not race to judgment. She may be a poor mother. She may be a narcissistic.

GRACE: Not poor.

RODRIGUEZ: She may be involved with her boyfriend. But.

GRACE: She ran up $45,000 worth of debt on her mother`s credit card.

RODRIGUEZ: So that doesn`t mean that she has done anything improper with her child.

GRACE: So why did you say she`s poor?

RODRIGUEZ: I mean she`s poor because she made poor judgment.
Is it okay with everyone if I start a new thread? We're at fourteen pages already for today and it isn't even noon yet.
Good morning all

I've been hesitating to say this, but here I go.

I looked at the link with all the pictures of Casey and I thought. . . wow this is not as "bad" as I thought given everyone's posts.

Again, I would love to think Caylee is alive, it is human nature to want to see the truth in what we want to believe. . .but my instinct tells me the dogs and decomp smell are not easily explained away. . .and I think Casey has not acted normally - mostly the note reporting it.

However, I don't think her photographs paint that bad of a picture, bear with me. . . yes there are a lot of partying pics, but as I mentioned before I am a professional and a single mother and every second weekend when I don't have my kids I go out. Most of my friends are in the music scene and we go to bars. . .I party. Don't do drugs, don't sleep around - and if I do say so myself I am an incredibly responsbile mother and most times I am the designated driver. However these bands have tonnes of pages on myspace, websites etc. . .I have a huge number of photographic friends in this band - you would see a tonne of pictures of me partying. My "friends" don't post pictures of me and my children and our family time. I do. My family doesn't have myspace or facebook pages. So my tame photos are outnumbered by party pictures. Usually people are drinking in these photos (they are in bars) and tonnes of them involve people giving the finger (personal choice not mine, but hey) and the "horns", which is very common at rock shows etc. Both of which I saw in Caylee's pictures.

It just doesn't tell the whole story. Sure there's a toilet photo and two girls dancing which is a bit extreme. . . but NOT out of the norm for a 22 year old girl. She is a mother, but she is single. . .and she has obviously be enabled by people in her life. There are also a number of photos of her and Caylee. . . and they are smiling and seem genuinely happy with each other. . .and it makes me sad.

I'm not saying this means she's innocent. . . I am just commenting that I was surprised by the pictures after having read all the people's posts here about them and that the pictures are the major source of belief she must have a drug habit (aside from alcohol).

Someday when I get to know people I will allow someone a look at my facebook. Given my pictures - (if they were public) - I think I would be labelled an irresponsible partier and potential drug abuser if I was the one with a child missing, but for now you are going to have to TRUST me that I am not. So would several of my friends and some of them have children as young as 3.

It's interesting, I am Canadian and I keep reading these posts and trying to remember two things. . .culture and laws are very different in Florida from Canada and that this crowd is closer to my children's age than mine. . and it helps me put some of the things I don't understand in perspective.

Just another opinion.
In reference to the credit card, was it a credit card or a credit/debit card . Was Casey pulling cash from the family bank account and that's why Cindy did an affidavit with the bank,IIRC trying to recoup some of the funds.
Yes, I can get that in HIS mind he feels he is her friend, while in her mind he is not even a remote acquaintance. I want to repeat though that his parting message was a very strange one. Unless Casey understood exactly what he meant, she must have thought "WTF???"

I guess #1) I don't find what he said all that odd, beyond just being an awkward guy doing something he's not used to doing #2) I guess I don't interpret "Let it go" as not saying anything but I see it as if you have anything you want to share/confess etc let it go, share it don't hold on to it. My husband uses the term let it go all the time, as in don't keep it in.
Here's one of my main problems. Casey says that she is afraid for her family and Casey if she squeals, so to speak, yet she is saying that ZG has Caylee.

Her whole story falls apart right there.
That's an excellent point - where DID she get that figure from? I'm sure we'll find out eventually just how much she ran up. But for her mom to want to call police about the stolen car and running up her credit cards/stealing had to have been a substantial amount. But there again, what is a substantial amount? To me $5,000 is alot of money. To someone else, it isn't enough to worry with. Seeing how it appears IMO that Cindy and George were having some level of financial issues or at least just making ends meet, then I would say even an amount as low as $5,000 would possibly give her reason to try to get Casey arrested.

I notice alot of media are making a big deal of the fact that in the first 911 call, Cindy says to Casey "I've given you a month!". They are taking that to mean that Cindy already KNEW Caylee was missing for that whole month. That's not necessarily the case. She could have meant a number of things. Say for example, the whole reason Casey left her moms house in the first place was that her mom said to her something along the lines of "you and caylee move out - bond - see how things go - see how you handle it on your own as a single mother". She could have been referring to the fact that Casey has already tried it "on her own" for a month already and Cindy is fed up - if Casey is stealing a car, stealing money and leaving Caylee with a nanny all the time (in Cindy's mind this is what was going on), then Cindy could have been saying I'm fed up - you've had a month to make it on your own and enough's enough. JMO on what she actually meant by that statement. I do not believe at ALL that Cindy knew her granddaughter was "missing" for a month already.
I think even in the brother's interview "the just a month" comment was explained indirectly (Cindy would ask when she was going to see Caylee...Casey would repsond "I'll be by tonight or tomorrow" and this continued for a month) and IMO is its exactly as it seems...she was tired of waiting to talk/see her grandaughter.
If Casey thought the babysitter took Cayley, and she was "doing her own" search, she would have gotten pictues of the lady and circulated about a million "missing" flyers. Of courese, she would have done a number of other things if she was a responsible mother, which would have forced here to contact the police.

Credibility there - zero.
Good Morning, everyone.

Has there been any news today about Caylee?
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